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Produce => Edible Plants => Topic started by: Zippy Seale on February 16, 2006, 22:41:45

Title: How Much Have You Spent On Seed For The Year
Post by: Zippy Seale on February 16, 2006, 22:41:45
I just added up all my seed for this year, and next I
I ve spent nearly 60 quid  :o :o
of course thas only a fiver a month, not bad for a great pursuit. (

surprising quick how it adds up... ::)
Title: Re: How Much Have You Spent On Seed For The Year
Post by: Jesse on February 16, 2006, 22:56:04
Last year I spent quite a bit, got a little carried away and it was my first year with all the extra space that an allotment offers. This year it was about £10 plus the cost of seed potatoes, shallots and onion sets which I can't remember the cost of.
Title: Re: How Much Have You Spent On Seed For The Year
Post by: Robert_Brenchley on February 16, 2006, 23:06:04
Too much, and I haven't finished yet.
Title: Re: How Much Have You Spent On Seed For The Year
Post by: Rose.mary on February 16, 2006, 23:37:43
Far too much :o.  I got completely carried away with Kings catalogue. and spent over £55, and I have bought from other seed places as well.
Looking on the bright side all the seeds are OK until 2008. ::)

Title: Re: How Much Have You Spent On Seed For The Year
Post by: chrispea27 on February 17, 2006, 06:51:50
wow serious money everybody I think mines around 15 with the pots and onions
Title: Re: How Much Have You Spent On Seed For The Year
Post by: Zippy Seale on February 17, 2006, 07:40:02
But I don't think i will be sowing 300 pea seeds or 240 Broad beans. so most of that cost will be spread over a couple of seasons. 
I do sow alot of cabbage as I can sell the spare plants on when the association has a plant sell in May.
Title: Re: How Much Have You Spent On Seed For The Year
Post by: Dan 2 on February 17, 2006, 08:21:43
I've probably spent about £50 ish! Eeek!
Title: Re: How Much Have You Spent On Seed For The Year
Post by: Doris_Pinks on February 17, 2006, 08:33:01
I am not owning up  :-[ never know my OH may read this! ;D
Title: Re: How Much Have You Spent On Seed For The Year
Post by: plot51A on February 17, 2006, 08:44:44
Don't think I even want to go there! I've got about 150 or so packets accumulated over 3 seasons, and thats without the ones used up and say £1 per packet average, thats in line with other peeps here. I order from a variety of suppliers, so usually spend £10 - 20 in one go, and pretend its not much really. Denial. I look on it as investment! Also like to grow lots of different varieties not stick to the usual suspects.
It's all the other things that mount up too. On the growing side this year have bought asparagus and raspberries. Then there's posts and canes and fleece and netting and nutrients and tools and on and on.
But I just love it. Worth every penny.
Title: Re: How Much Have You Spent On Seed For The Year
Post by: Roy Bham UK on February 17, 2006, 09:07:59
 :o Wow what an eye opener :o I never realised that I'd spent so much :-X


And that's just the stuff I can remember :o
Title: Re: How Much Have You Spent On Seed For The Year
Post by: glow777 on February 17, 2006, 09:37:05
I've spent about £45 on seeds, onions and some spuds but get a 40% reduction via the association, hopefully these will last a few season, EG parsley says enough seed for a 20 meter row!!

Then theirs the rent, growbags, compost, layers pellets and corn, replacement chickens, DIY stuff etc etc etc

Luckily the sale of eggs covers all these costs and a little bit more
Title: Re: How Much Have You Spent On Seed For The Year
Post by: agapanthus on February 17, 2006, 09:38:07
Don't ask!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[
Title: Re: How Much Have You Spent On Seed For The Year
Post by: Jesse on February 17, 2006, 11:47:49
If you compare it to gym membership or other hobbies or sports then what we spend isn't all that bad. Think of all the benefit we get from fresh air, exercise and fresh food...well worth it I'd say :D
Title: Re: How Much Have You Spent On Seed For The Year
Post by: windygale on February 17, 2006, 11:51:37
spot on jesse,  ;) ;)
Title: Re: How Much Have You Spent On Seed For The Year
Post by: joji on February 17, 2006, 11:55:49
I have spent over £50.00 and I am not finished yet.  This is my first growing season and I want to see what will grow and what won't. Not got potatoes in yet but got my onions. Too wet here to put anything into the ground as yet though.  :'(
Title: Re: How Much Have You Spent On Seed For The Year
Post by: Curryandchips on February 17, 2006, 12:46:29
Seeds, potatoes and onions etc, about £40. Add rent and sundries, and the total comes to far less than £100, even when various tools are added in etc. Pretty amazing when the rewards are weighed against the outlay.
Title: Re: How Much Have You Spent On Seed For The Year
Post by: Greenfingers Jo on February 17, 2006, 12:47:33
About £60.
3x fruit trees at Wilkos @£6.99 =21
Too many packets of seeds£10
Seeds of£7.50
Half price seeds at Wikco £10
Spuds, garlic and onions £35 (for the whol year)
Ooops not £60 . ;D

But the upside is how much will I save in the summer on veg, or winter or not going to the gym?
Don't know but am still eating green tomato chutney from last year!!!
Title: Re: How Much Have You Spent On Seed For The Year
Post by: Zippy Seale on February 17, 2006, 13:24:26
if you add in rent, seed compost, manure delivery, Bean poles  and other long term expenses, I have spent nearer £400.00
Bean poles last 5-8 years and cost 25p for 8ft ones so 3p a year.
equipment is a investment, be it plastic pots, tools etc.  So that expense will not arise yearly.
In July I was offered a near new mountfield mower, which I got for 200 quid. a good deal!
But I whip round and do a few lawns on days off.  and I get to keep the clippings, more compost!  
I think that seed is our biggest annual expense, as the rest is long term.  It is will be interesting to see an avg just on the seed.
Title: Re: How Much Have You Spent On Seed For The Year
Post by: Larkspur on February 17, 2006, 13:32:20
About £40 (i hope) but that includes summer flowering bulbs and flower seeds.
Title: Re: How Much Have You Spent On Seed For The Year
Post by: bupster on February 17, 2006, 15:31:16
I'll see your £60 and double it  :o

First year, can't get up to plot as much as I want to, so make up for it by ordering seeds that I'll end up giving away  :-\
Title: Re: How Much Have You Spent On Seed For The Year
Post by: Mrs Ava on February 17, 2006, 16:18:25
hehehe, only a couple of quid!  I have a couple of wonderful benefactors who have sent me more than I could have dreamt of, my sis buys me seeds as gifts, and there is a rather fab shop down in Devon close to my grandparents and they sell their seeds at ridiculously low low 5p a packet!  Plus, like CG, lots of my seeds do a couple of years - I mean, who on earth wants 500 leeks in one go!!

Spuds, onions and garlic are my biggest spend, but I don't bother with maincrop onions thanks to the rot.
Title: Re: How Much Have You Spent On Seed For The Year
Post by: Hyacinth on February 17, 2006, 16:25:52
I've never wanted to keep an account of what I spend in total, cos I know that buying even organic stuff's going to be cheaper if I costed everything out. Not so much fun, tho ;D But seeds wouldn't be the most significant spend.
Title: Re: How Much Have You Spent On Seed For The Year
Post by: Columbus on February 17, 2006, 16:56:26
Hi all,  :)

I spent a fiver at Home Garden Seeds in Cambridgeshire so I could have a go at growing Arnica, In that order I also bought Cape Gooseberry, Catnip and a type of Broad bean. I also bought a packet of Fennel at sainsburys for about 1.50

That`s it for seeds this year. I organised my existing collection by beans and peas, leaves, roots, self-harvested, herbs, flowers, and the rest. I think I have everything covered. Unless plantings fail or if I want something specific I`m going to try to avoid adding to my collection. Of course I`m a sucker for an end of season sale.  :D

I may buy flower bulbs etc. to be planted this year.

Title: Re: How Much Have You Spent On Seed For The Year
Post by: katynewbie on February 17, 2006, 16:58:02

Probably about £60ish, then there's fleece and netting, there's me spuds, canes, and other bits that will last for years. Rent is £60ish also.

I figure compared to Gym membership it's worth every penny and i dont have to watch people sweating in unsightly leotards!! Everyone wins!!

 ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: How Much Have You Spent On Seed For The Year
Post by: kitty on February 17, 2006, 18:07:47
some of us garden sweatily in an unsightly leotard!!!!!!!!! ;D

not really! ;)

i spent £25 this year,
£15 's worth of that is seeds i will also use for next year too.....
Title: Re: How Much Have You Spent On Seed For The Year
Post by: derbex on February 17, 2006, 18:47:20
Not a lot, £15-£20 including spuds. I'm using saved shallotts and seeds from previous years mainly. I also took advantage of Wilkos 2fer and then split the seeds with a mate :)

Not Yorkshire -for nowt.
Title: Re: How Much Have You Spent On Seed For The Year
Post by: fozzylozzy on February 17, 2006, 19:03:24
Not too much *yet*. Bought spuds, onion sets, garlic and some multi-coloured 'rainbow' carrot seeds. All in all I think that was about £10.

Still got to buy some mesh to protect the crops which I reckon will be about £25.

Oh, and rent is due - £19.86 or something.... ::)

Louisa x
Title: Re: How Much Have You Spent On Seed For The Year
Post by: ellkebe on February 17, 2006, 19:40:32
Spent on potatoes and onions this year, which I didn't last - and then about a tenner on seeds I guess. 
Have to say a big thank you to people I've swapped seeds with though as I reckon it's saved me a small fortune.  Much of the lottie is still under black plastic for couch control so I've only needed small amounts of some things and the Swap Shop has been great for that.  You're all nice people  ;D ;D
Title: Re: How Much Have You Spent On Seed For The Year
Post by: Roy Bham UK on February 17, 2006, 22:24:13
 ;D I forgot to mention the tiller, the generator and the strimmer ??? stick another £400 on top oh plus £20 F Y Manure :o where does it end? ;D
Title: Re: How Much Have You Spent On Seed For The Year
Post by: Zippy Seale on February 18, 2006, 00:14:14
As  this is first season back as such, I think 60 quid is reasonable.  I got 4x Nantes and Little gems from suttons.  thata around 1000 seeds a pack, thats 20 yrs worth there 
I get some from cheap little shop,  Bentleys is the company,  their runner beans have never failed me.  25p a pack for 30 seeds.  all I need.
I can't understand why seed companys pack 300 broad bean seeds or 400 pea seeds in a pack and charge £2.00. I would rather pay 50p for 75, or even 50 seeds.
However like others here, a good tin, or even the plastic air tight takeaway dishes that I get my curry delivered in are real savers.
Only seed I dont keep is  Cabbages, Sprouts and Parsnips. I  sale the spare Brassicas at plant sale, and get bonemeal, netting...etc from association shop.

Seems first few years £50 quid is avg and then a drop to £20-£25 because seed potatoes, Onion sets and Garlic seem the common annual outlay.
Title: Re: How Much Have You Spent On Seed For The Year
Post by: Looby Loo on February 18, 2006, 07:06:42
I don't really want to think about it.  My postman must wonder what's in all these rattley packets! 

I comfort myself with the thought that selling my jams and pickles to my work colleagues paid for my seed potatoes and a few other bits though.
Title: Re: How Much Have You Spent On Seed For The Year
Post by: carloso on February 18, 2006, 10:56:50
oww ahhh

about 200 quid all in all SO FAR !

T&M          32 pounds
Sutton      50 pounds   (Biggest cost 30 quid for potato seed)
HDR          15 pounds
Netto          4 pounds
Rent           8 quid        (Due in April again)
Compost   36 quid
feed            9 quid
fuel            12 quid
Pots           25 quid

ok ok i hear you say too much but thats the first part of the story


No gym club    30 quid a month   based on the next 6 mths  180 quid saved
Part no salad  15 quid a week     based on the growing part 240 quid saved
winter veg       9 quid a week      based on 4 winter months   148 quid

need i go on ?  MONEY WELL SPENT !!! and that doent include the posi's from the social side of things etc etc

Its a sunny day today i wish i where out and down the lottie but it my weekend to work ;(
Title: Re: How Much Have You Spent On Seed For The Year
Post by: Obelixx on February 18, 2006, 13:30:18
Nothing.  It's far too cold and wet to be thinking of sowing seeds yoet and I'm determined I will only sow what I have room to care for and grow on properly.  last year I had far too much of everything and nowhere to put them 'cos I got excited and did it all too early and ran out of windowsills and cloches.

Early days though.  A whole month of teptation to resist!
Title: Re: How Much Have You Spent On Seed For The Year
Post by: Zippy Seale on February 18, 2006, 16:19:35
Can add 25p to my total....  ::)
Just brought a packet of Marigolds as I have read, here extensively they are wonderful companions to have on the lottie. 
The packet says Crackerjack, whatever that is, not a real flower grower myself.
A tall african type.
Title: Re: How Much Have You Spent On Seed For The Year
Post by: glow777 on February 18, 2006, 19:13:49
Can add 25p to my total....  ::)
The packet says Crackerjack, whatever that is, not a real flower grower myself.
A tall african type.
Did you get a free pencil with these?
Title: Re: How Much Have You Spent On Seed For The Year
Post by: Zippy Seale on February 18, 2006, 19:46:24
Now you are showing your age there.... :P :P :P :P
CRACKERJACK!!!!!... ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: How Much Have You Spent On Seed For The Year
Post by: Hyacinth on February 18, 2006, 19:51:10
Can add 25p to my total....  ::)
Just brought a packet of Marigolds as I have read, here extensively they are wonderful companions to have on the lottie. 
The packet says Crackerjack, whatever that is, not a real flower grower myself.
A tall african type.

CG, are these highly scented? cos it's the scent wot does it & that's why french marigolds are so popular Here's an extract from my file:

Tagetes The lovely little tagetes, or French marigold, however, is invaluable in companion planting. Cabbage white butterfly are attracted to their host plant by smell and planting rows of tagetes is effective in masking the smell and reducing cabbage moth damage. A secretion from the roots of the Mexican tagetes deters eelworms and your potatoes and tomatoes are left alone.
Tagetes are also said to kill couch grass, and certainly this is a far prettier solution than the ubiquitous sprays!
Tagetes and calendula marigolds planted near tomatoes and roses will reduce aphid attack as the marigolds will attract the hoverflies that are voracious eaters of these pests.

PS dunno about the couch grass, tho - anyone want to start a trial? ;D
Title: Re: How Much Have You Spent On Seed For The Year
Post by: Zippy Seale on February 18, 2006, 19:58:20
just says  tall african marigold.
just grab a packet as they were in the bargain box when I took Mrs CG shopping today.
like I said, I am not a flower lover.  Apart from Lillies, never been interested in them.
Title: Re: How Much Have You Spent On Seed For The Year
Post by: jennym on February 18, 2006, 20:01:38
How much spent on seed for this year - well, not a lot, maybe £8-10 and have bought from shops rather than online or catalogues this year - and the reason is that I am absolutely determined to use up what's already have left over from previous years. Of course, bound to spot something I've just got to buy...
Title: Re: How Much Have You Spent On Seed For The Year
Post by: powerspade on February 18, 2006, 21:01:40
Here`s what I spent up to now

J W Boyce                   Veg seed  £30.68
Local bought       seed potatoes £12.00
    "        "                  Onion Sets   £1.40
    "        "                       Shallots   £7.50
Sundries                                        £3.00
Title: Re: How Much Have You Spent On Seed For The Year
Post by: ruudbarb on February 18, 2006, 21:46:49
Just done a quick tot up and my seeds, including potatoes, shallots and garlic just crept over the £60 mark but like most others, I keep what I don't use for following years.  I roll the foil packets up tight and then put them into a plastic airtight container - actually an old Christmas peanut screwtop jar - and they stay viable for a few years.

............and not to mention the barerooted apple and pear trees and blackcurrant bush which is only a start on my mini-orchard  :o

Oh! And I didn't order leek seeds 'cos I thought I had some.  I haven't........  >:(
Title: Re: How Much Have You Spent On Seed For The Year
Post by: Zippy Seale on February 18, 2006, 21:57:13
sent you pm clodhopper
Title: Re: How Much Have You Spent On Seed For The Year
Post by: Paulines7 on February 19, 2006, 11:43:35
Probably in the region of £60 for seeds, potatoes and onion sets.  It would have been more had it not been for the kind folks on here that I did some swaps with or just sent me seeds but didn't want anything in return.  Thank you to all those people.  :D  :D

I hope to get a good return this year.  Last year I didn't grow enough potatoes and they ran out just before Christmas.  I have about a dozen onions left and a few sprouts.  I have been buying parsnips at extortionate Supermarket prices as I didn't grow any last year.  This year I hope to be self sufficient in vegetables from about July and will hopefully have enough to see me through to the following summer.
Title: Re: How Much Have You Spent On Seed For The Year
Post by: Hyacinth on February 19, 2006, 11:57:17
just says  tall african marigold.
just grab a packet as they were in the bargain box when I took Mrs CG shopping today.
like I said, I am not a flower lover.  Apart from Lillies, never been interested in them.

C-G, in case they're not too scented & you'd like some of my saved tagetes as well, PM me.
Title: Re: How Much Have You Spent On Seed For The Year
Post by: cb on February 19, 2006, 18:02:52
It's surprising how it soon mounts up. You seem to have got an excellent price on your onion sets. Where did you get them from?
Title: Re: How Much Have You Spent On Seed For The Year
Post by: Meg on February 19, 2006, 19:10:20
Just think how much other people pay for their avid hobbies and get not a thing back. We also get that huge enjopyment factor. Even today a horrible one no way would I have been outside if it hadn't been for the love of lottie. Plus the friends I have made. I am lucky to be on the end of a chain of people who have a green house and plant far too much and just love to give their leftovers to me or even their produce!!! I am welling up here it is just priceless don't tell the council they will be billing us more!
Title: Re: How Much Have You Spent On Seed For The Year
Post by: Robert_Brenchley on February 19, 2006, 19:19:53
We should work out the value of what we produce as well. I've never weighed up the veg, but last year I had all sorts of problems with my hives, only one produced anything, and that gave me 60lb of honey. There's no comparison with supermarket syrup at all, but if I reckon £3.50/lb, that's £210. Hopefully this year will be better; I've only got two through the winter, but I do have locally bred queens.
Title: Re: How Much Have You Spent On Seed For The Year
Post by: CityChick on February 19, 2006, 20:13:42
I can't possibly comment on the grounds I might incriminate myself  ::)

The seeds didn't cost much considering how long some of them will last. And it doesn't come to that much more adding on the potatoes and onions thinking about how much I'll get back in return.

But then there's the asparagus, raspberries, strawberries, tayberries, blackberries, redcurrants, white currants, black currants, tools, roses, lilies, gladioli, enviromesh, fleece, heated propogator, mini plastic greenhouse etc, etc, etc  :-[ :-[ :-[

Still undecided about the greenhouse....  ::)

But, over the year it still works out a lot less than the organic veg box I've been getting each week.  And I hope to be self sufficient in veggies this year from about June...

And a lot of it will go on for years :D

It was just a bit of a shock to add it all up at once :-[

Shhh.... no-one tell my OH ;)
Title: Re: How Much Have You Spent On Seed For The Year
Post by: dicky on February 19, 2006, 20:19:39
I reckon about £40 all in, including seed spuds and onion sets.

Went down the gardenstall in the local market yesterday and they have loads of seed spuds in, quite cheap, all looked good.

Ended up buying my canes for runners there.
Title: Re: How Much Have You Spent On Seed For The Year
Post by: Zippy Seale on February 19, 2006, 23:55:14
We should work out the value of what we produce as well. I've never weighed up the veg

I have a set of hanging scales from a old grocers shop that closed.  I ll have to dig them out  but I always weigh what I picked, more out of interest, because I like keep a record of what a season produced.  Also helpful in seeing which sowing produce a better crop and adjust sowing times.  Idea as I have a new plot and not worked this heavy type of soil before. Gardeners are very good record keepers generally, I have found.
Title: Re: How Much Have You Spent On Seed For The Year
Post by: misterphil on February 20, 2006, 11:18:37
Until I saw this thread, I thought that I'd been quite sensible with my orders, then I started to tot things up!
seed potatoes48I'm aiming for 8 months of self sufficiency here (275 seed pots!)
tomatoes   11
allotment society18Less than 1/2 price seeds - whey hey!
fruit (aldi)   12I asked my father in law to get me a selection of what was available - he did mention some angry glares from people behind him in the queue
fruit trees (aldi)   24I'll need something to plant at the new house!
other tomatoes    9I like tomatoes! (37 varieties so far this year!)
garlic   20(We get a lot of vampires round here)
onion sets    9
other seeds (1)    6otherwise known as "I can't walk past a seed display" ...
other seeds (2)   6.5... especially when they are half price!
plus packets from last year20
total   183.5

but I do have 2 allotments and a large garden (that's my excuse, anyway!). I think that I have around 160 + seed packets so far (There's still time yet!)
Title: Re: How Much Have You Spent On Seed For The Year
Post by: aquilegia on February 20, 2006, 11:51:23
So far this year - about £20-£30, including potatoes and garlic. Which is much better than last year, when I spent about twice that.

But then I do have a lot of seeds left from last year and beyond. I banned myself from buying any ornamental seeds this year, so it's purely veg and herbs.

Last year's £60 really was not value for money as I had pretty appalling harvests of everything apart from spuds, garlic, sweetcorn and broadies.

Oh well - there's always this year (and next, and the one after!)
Title: Re: How Much Have You Spent On Seed For The Year
Post by: MutantHobbit on February 20, 2006, 12:48:08
Well, I had a shock when I worked out what I've spent, but I've recovered from the shock now! :o  I've spent £40 on seed alone and thats not the whole story...

Bearing in mind I've the start-up costs associated with taking on an allotment, it works out about £25 odd a month.  I reckon I'll probably break even next year.  I'm going to weigh the harvest and price it at Tesco for a rough comparison, but I reckon I should break even at the end of year 2 (Late2007)! :-[

Shed                     £100
Seed                     £  40
Brassica Plants      £ 15
Tools                     £  25
Poly Cloches          £  20
Fruit Bushes          £  15
Soil Conditioners    £   5
Garden Organic      £ 14
Potatoes                £ 12
Alliums                    £ 13
Rent                        £24
Patio Greenhouse   £20

I think I'll go and lie down for a bit now... ;D
Title: Re: How Much Have You Spent On Seed For The Year
Post by: moonbells on February 20, 2006, 13:13:14
£21 on seed so far
£9.50 on potatoes
£10 on water butt
£30 on wood (raised beds and new support posts)
£5 on sundry nails etc for above beds
£5 compost
£20 on allotment rent
£4 on plastic sheeting

oops over £100 already... but then how much is a gym? Round us they won't even quote prices unless you visit them!

There will be more seeds, more compost,  and a box of sulphate of potash in the next week or so.

Oh and perhaps a new bird box :)

Title: Re: How Much Have You Spent On Seed For The Year
Post by: robkb on February 20, 2006, 14:19:21
So far this year...

£30 seeds
£12 spuds & onion sets
£25 water butt
£30 approx odds and sods (netting, fleece, pots, seed trays, mini-cloches etc)
£45 reconditioned petrol strimmer (major bargain!)

and still got the £51 rent to pay in April!

I reckon whatever I grow this year, if you cost it fully (including my time) will be the most expensive veg I've ever eaten! Still, it's cheaper than a season ticket to the footy...

Rob ;)
Title: Re: How Much Have You Spent On Seed For The Year
Post by: snoppers on February 22, 2006, 13:53:18
about £80 but some of that will do for next year
Title: Re: How Much Have You Spent On Seed For The Year
Post by: Common_Clay on February 22, 2006, 14:23:41
Oh. My. God.

Wish I hadn't read this board. I've probably spent £50 or so on seed, and around £60 late last year on raspberries, strawberries and rhubarb, but that isn't my main concern. I've just done a very generalised 'totting up' of what I've spent in the last year and I'm feeling rather faint... think I'm off for a lie down...

Mind you, a shed and the complete extravagance (but oh, worth it) Mantis will add it up a bit... and then there's those scaffold boards from eBay for raised beds, and ground cover and... yes, yes, these things will last and it's all worth it. ;D
Title: Re: How Much Have You Spent On Seed For The Year
Post by: Trixiebelle on February 22, 2006, 15:00:08
Oh Good Grief! I can't BEGIN to add it up  ::)

But I HAVE found myself in possession of 3000 beetroot seeds etc. so if I divide the cost between this year, next year, the year after next, the year after that then the bill might come to about ... erm .... £50  ::)

Cheaper than a coke habit though :D
Title: Re: How Much Have You Spent On Seed For The Year
Post by: Common_Clay on February 22, 2006, 15:43:43

Is it cheaper? I think I could go on a binge, put myself through rehab and still have change left... hmm, now there's a thought. ;)
Title: Re: How Much Have You Spent On Seed For The Year
Post by: Lady of the Land on February 23, 2006, 14:30:39
Seeds including flowers £33.50
Potatoes, onions and shallots £8.75

£290.91 Since this time last year, not including above- includes various wood for stakes, fleece(roll), large cloche, mini green house (polythene), petrol strimmer(shared), copper tubing and blue plastic alkaline pipe, canes, manure, thermometers, 4 bags compost, blackcurrent, redcurrent and blackberry bushes, mouse traps, sand, lots of general bits, includes £34.00 for my half of timber, nails, roof sheets, roof felt and brackets for shelves for shed we have aquired- reduced size to 7x5' and made some repairs. We are also putting new roofs on our 3 other sheds.
Title: Re: How Much Have You Spent On Seed For The Year
Post by: Meg on February 23, 2006, 15:16:16
But how much have you saved by not paying shop prices for second/third/ hand produce. I had some chard/spinach last night freshly picked. Pickled beetroot n onions. Still hav frozen raspberries and some great soup in freezer!!!! Plus not paying to go to a gym. I think Lottie world is maybe cheaper than we think.
Title: Re: How Much Have You Spent On Seed For The Year
Post by: fat larry on February 24, 2006, 10:52:49
i was horrified. i added it all up and including £15 on fruit bushes and vines, it comes to more than £40. I'm sweating about where I'm gonna put it all :-[
Title: Re: How Much Have You Spent On Seed For The Year
Post by: RSJK on February 25, 2006, 09:41:10
Do not care how much I spend on seed etc.  Just love to garden and if you get pleasure out of it that is ok by me, plus where else can you get a good sun tan with out going on holiday.

Title: Re: How Much Have You Spent On Seed For The Year
Post by: Zippy Seale on February 25, 2006, 19:33:25
When I started this thread, I was just trying to get a rough avgerage on the spend that we collectively spend.
As Richard says so well
Do not care how much I spend on seed etc.  Just love to garden and if you get pleasure out of it that is ok by me, plus where else can you get a good sun tan with out going on holiday.

Also pointed out was that a packet of seed may have 200-300 seeds and thats enough for 2-3 seasons generally. 
I increased my buget by buying 20 aparagus plants today, but over 15-20 years, it is nothing. 
Adding in other costs, like rent, tools, sheds, big one off items, like a Mantis etc.  we as a group spend a very large amount of dosh.
We also help with the enviroment, with recycling and encouraging wildlife.
I can say without doubt, that our pleasure always outwieghs any monetary value.
Title: Re: How Much Have You Spent On Seed For The Year
Post by: mat on February 25, 2006, 20:49:21
I have wondered whether to actually reply, as I have to admit to what I have spent - compared to many of you... (over £300) this includes seeds, potatoes, onions, garlic, quite a few unusual veggie plants from Edulis, fleece, canes, fertiliser, poly "cloche", cherry tree, etc, etc...)  I have more to get during this year - mesh, strawberries, asparagus, make some tunnel cloches ...

However, seeing as quite a few packs will last more than one year (Hessayon book gives standard shelf life) and that I gave up my gym membership (£390/year) and I hope to be self sufficient in vegetables for most of the year (prob c.£800/year) and I hope to sell at work for a small cost a few extra plants/seed potatoes  (I already have some people asking for some at planting time) so all in all, I will be far better off. at the end of the year...  Anyway that's the aim.  I have already lost weight, I love being outdoors (esp when  it's cold) and am already happier.  Fruit and veg costs a fortune in the shops and I should be a lot healthier this year ;D

(luckily I inherited a lot of raspberry canes and 2 gooseberry bushes on my plot, which bumps up the raspberries at home and I have just been given a couple of rhubarb corwns)

Title: Re: How Much Have You Spent On Seed For The Year
Post by: legless on March 02, 2006, 08:39:21
about £10 in half price seeds from wilko, but i am 'between plots', i expect this amount to increase exponentially in the next few weeks! (just don't tell my husband)
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