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General => Top Tips => Topic started by: agapanthus on January 11, 2006, 11:45:58

Title: seed organising
Post by: agapanthus on January 11, 2006, 11:45:58
Thought I would get more organised this year. Bought a plastic concertina file case (with carrying handle)  from Tesco ( about £4) put the lettered tabs in place and filed all my seed packets in it....not before checking sowing times and writing these in a homemade diary and putting this in the front of the file. It took a while to write the diary, but now instead of having seed packets all over the place and wondering when they all had to be planted I can just look at the appropriate months and have the seeds there all ready:)
Title: Re: seed organising
Post by: bupster on January 11, 2006, 11:50:52
Unfortunately wouldn't work for me as I went a bit mad with the seed order and would need an entire drawer just for April  :-[
Title: Re: seed organising
Post by: robkb on January 11, 2006, 11:52:37
Good idea Agapanthus. I've put all my seed sowing/transplanting details on a spreadsheet but haven't actually organised my seeds, so I may well borrow your idea (if you haven't copyrighted it!).

And for people with more money than sense, there's this:

Rob ;)
Title: Re: seed organising
Post by: agapanthus on January 11, 2006, 11:55:38
Bupster: I've got about 200 + packets in it at the moment and there's still room!! ;D
Title: Re: seed organising
Post by: agapanthus on January 11, 2006, 11:56:58
Rob:   Mine's's got a carrying handle!!! No I hav'nt patented
Title: Re: seed organising
Post by: robkb on January 11, 2006, 12:28:29
Rob:   Mine's's got a carrying handle!!! No I hav'nt patented

... and it doesn't cost 20 quid! :o

Rob ;)
Title: Re: seed organising
Post by: Derekthefox on January 11, 2006, 12:54:01
I print off my spreadsheet, sorted by sowing dates, and keep a copy in my shed, together with all my seeds in a biscuit tin left over from Christmas ... This method works for me, but I am always looking for improvements ...
Title: Re: seed organising
Post by: Jesse on January 11, 2006, 14:01:56
I keep a diary on excel, just need to look down the month column and I know what I should be doing, still updating it but can be found here:

As I did last year, I'll start a new page in the workbook to record sowing dates, germination dates and planting out dates etc. that way when something does well or fails, I have a record for the following year. :)
Title: Re: seed organising
Post by: agapanthus on January 11, 2006, 17:04:55
Jesse....just had a browse through your website..I'm very impressed and jealous! Well done :D
Title: Re: seed organising
Post by: John_H on January 11, 2006, 18:01:46
I use the the tasks function in Outlookat the moment (I have added a special catagory to keep allotment tasks separate, which avoids me  turning up to meetings with a bag of parsnip seeds and a trowl)

I was impressed by the spreadsheet on your website Jesse, it has the advantage of being able to take a longer view than you get with Outlook Tasks.
Title: Re: seed organising
Post by: Jesse on January 11, 2006, 19:08:19
thanks! :) I find it useful, I'd forget what to do each month otherwise :) It needs some more updating as I've received more seeds through swaps, I did plan on growing less this year but that doesn't look like it's going to happen.
Title: Re: seed organising
Post by: Multiveg on January 15, 2006, 14:57:26
Yay to Jesse's website. And hopefully Yay to getting organised. Got seeds sorted in bags labelled with months, but have often forgotten to see what there is to be sown.
Title: Re: seed organising
Post by: Dan 2 on January 18, 2006, 20:46:04
My seeds are just thrown in a box with an elastic band around them sitting on my greenhouse staging! I need to get more organised! Dan :-)
Title: Re: seed organising
Post by: Jesse on January 18, 2006, 21:14:01
oooh Dan, greenhouse + seeds = damp & extreme temps, I'd get them indoors where they'll be drier, you want to store them somewhere dry and cool. :)
Title: Re: seed organising
Post by: Dan 2 on January 18, 2006, 21:59:48
Thanks Jesse, will take your advice and move them, Thanks a lot!  ;)
Title: Re: seed organising
Post by: spacehopper on January 25, 2006, 11:10:51
Excellent planner Jesse, have added it to my 'favourites' list!
Title: Re: seed organising
Post by: Bodolph on January 25, 2006, 11:36:10
I've just organised my seeds into an A4 folder. Excel was fine for planning the planting order but my seeds were still muddled up in a box. I've bought some A4 plastic wallets designed to hold photographs. Most seed packs with fit in comfortably (not beans, they need to be folded). I've got them arranged by planting month (although this makes March/April/May) rather heavy. But what I will be doing is moving some crops later into the year so they succeed earlier crops. I'll probably put little notes in as well regarding pruning etc.
Title: Re: seed organising
Post by: Ceratonia on January 25, 2006, 12:01:24
Just wanted to say thanks for the excel spreadsheet, too, Jesse.

For some reason, I've always kept track of what was planted in what bed when, on paper, which inevitably has been 'tidied up' by the following year. Don't know why I never thought of using the pc before.
Title: Re: seed organising
Post by: flowerlady on January 25, 2006, 15:52:29
Agapanthus, well done you.  Mine are all still in a tuppaware box!

Jesse hope your ears are glowing girl, looks like you're a success ;)

Great website by the way  ;)
Title: Re: seed organising
Post by: Jesse on January 25, 2006, 17:23:00
ooooh ;D glad it's useful to some of you then :)

I'm eyeing up OH's christmas present, a huge tin of Roses chocolates....can't wait 'till he finishes them so I can have the tin to store my seeds in. :D
Title: Re: seed organising
Post by: Paulines7 on January 25, 2006, 20:20:37
I have made a spread sheet showing the vegetables in alphabetical order, the varieties held, sow date, where to sow and transplant details.  There are spare columns for notes.  I have put my seeds into groups within plastic wallets with a label on front.  The groups are brassicas, root veg, greenhouse (aubergines, tomatoes, chillies, peppers), peas, courgettes and squash, onions and leeks, beans, lettuce and chicory, and herbs.
Title: Re: seed organising
Post by: petuariapete on February 03, 2006, 08:17:16
One way would be to use a concertina file which has month tabs (rather than the usual alphabetical ones). Place the seed packets in the first recommended planting month and then sow accordingly. If the planting season is spread over more than one month, check the packets at the end of each month and move  to the next month if necessary.

Within each monthly section the seed packets could be stored by alphabetical or date sowing order.
Title: Re: seed organising
Post by: agapanthus on February 03, 2006, 19:36:33
Petuariapete ....But then you are still referring to packets,,,(and I have hundreds:(   ) ....still the diary for me.
Title: Re: seed organising
Post by: petuariapete on February 04, 2006, 13:19:48

Reading this forum, I have come to the conclusion that restraint and seed buying are mutually exclusive!!

I bought 3 packets for a pound from my local pound shop yesterday. Rumour has it that it is going to close down soon, so hopefully more bargains to be had.
Title: Re: seed organising
Post by: agapanthus on February 09, 2006, 22:48:32
I'm just a gal that can't say no....... :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[
Title: Re: seed organising
Post by: supersprout on February 17, 2006, 07:50:17
At the end of the year I am going to sort through my seeds, put spares into neat little brown envelopes, and staple them inside Xmas cards. This will get rid of seeds close to sell by date to make room for more.  ::) ;)
Title: Re: seed organising
Post by: jennym on February 26, 2006, 14:24:32
I use this wooden box unit, bought from Ikea some years ago.
Title: Re: seed organising
Post by: Garden Manager on February 26, 2006, 16:53:05
Simpler method:

Get an old shoe box or ice cream container, make some cardboard dividers, and label these with months of the year or anything else you need to organise your seeds by. You can now organise your seeds by sowing date/month.

If you choose a container with a  airtight lid than you can seal the seeds away to keep them a bit fresher for longer too.
Title: Re: seed organising
Post by: daisymay on March 02, 2006, 20:29:00
Thanks everyone for this thread. Shall be printing it out as evidence to manuel (aka the OH) that I do indeed need a filing system for my seeds.
Just set up a home office for him/ his new job and bought a filing cabinet making our old metal filing box (with suspension files hanging in it) reduntant but he won't let me have it................... yet!!

I too have an excel spreadsheet detailing planting times etc.. but all my seeds are in two boxes in the shed (one for flowers, one for veg) and they are a right muddle!
Title: Re: seed organising
Post by: grawrc on March 02, 2006, 21:33:04
I just keep mine in order of time of sowing and check through once a month to sow.
Title: Re: seed organising
Post by: amphibian on March 08, 2006, 09:25:06
I remove mine from their original packaging, cut out the lable and insert seeds and labels into a small resealable bags, they are then grouped by type into large resealable bags, placed in a shoe box and then kept in the fridge.

After doing this you are left with a far smaller volume of stuff, seed packaging is large for what is actually contained.
Title: Re: seed organising
Post by: Garden Manager on March 08, 2006, 10:42:52
After doing this you are left with a far smaller volume of stuff, seed packaging is large for what is actually contained.

Thats very true. Done to sell the product and not as an actual container for the seed.
Title: Re: seed organising
Post by: Helenclare on March 10, 2006, 10:24:30
I love all these ideas for storing seeds...I too decant any seeds from the original packet after sowing into small brown envelopes I buy from Staples. I write on it what they are, sowing dates and best before date. I then store all these much smaller packets in plastic wallets in the fridge. Each month has its own wallet and I move seed packets forward to the next month if they can be sown then too. I save any silca gel packets I get hold of and slip these into the wallets to help keep the seeds dry.

I then cut up the original seed packet to keep the info from the front and back of the packet, mount it onto a "recipe card" and keep them all in alphabetical order in a large card index then I can refer to the much needed care info after I have germinated the seeds. I even have stiff plastic wallets that I slip these cards into if I am taking them outside...everything I take outside gets either wet or muddy!!

This sounds very complicated, but it isn't and it whiles away the time waiting for the weather to improve ::)
Title: Re: seed organising
Post by: grawrc on March 10, 2006, 16:11:05
Mmmm I think my OH would end up up sprinkling them on his muesli! ::) ;D ;D
Title: Re: seed organising
Post by: supersprout on March 10, 2006, 19:32:30
Really good idea to mount the seed packs Helenclare and I love the sound of your seed organising system. Might have to give the fridge a miss though, it's not big enough ;D. Will give this a go - still plenty of time to play whilst the season grinds to a start (snow forecast this weekend >:()
Title: Re: seed organising
Post by: flowerofshona on March 11, 2006, 21:15:49
:P 6-7 big containers of seeds and great fun rumaging throught them each week  ;D no system but everything i want to sow gets pulled out into one box at the start of the year and added to when i find something i fancy  ;D  dissorganised chaos works for me  :)
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