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General => The Shed => Topic started by: tim on January 09, 2006, 20:45:40

Title: Sad, really - this used to be a forum
Post by: tim on January 09, 2006, 20:45:40
mainly about growing related things.

Very soon it will be blue lined like the beeb's was.

Surely there are PMs & chat rooms for those who want to let their hair - and us - down?
Title: Re: Sad, really - this used to be a forum
Post by: Robert_Brenchley on January 09, 2006, 21:11:04
I think a bit more discipline is called for. Nothing wrong with a bit of chat, and I think pretty much anything goes in the Shed as long as it's not abusive, but I don't like to see Dan having to delete posts. I don't know what it was, but things are going too far, and it's not just the people who had their posts removed, it's the general atmosphere.
Title: Re: Sad, really - this used to be a forum
Post by: redimp on January 09, 2006, 21:35:08
I agree that the rest of the forum should be kept about growing things but I do regard A4A as an extension of my lottie and come on here when I cannot get on here.  Yes, there are forums and chat rooms out there for general chat but then you aren't necessarily chatting to people that you have a common interest with.  Conversations up at the allotment may begin on a growing etc subject but it would be a sad world if that was all I was to talk about with my fellow lottiers, and I do not think they would talk to me about anything if I did not respond to the light hearted chat.  That's how I see the Shed, a place where I can chat in a relaxed way with people who share  common interest with.

PS Do not worry if what I do is annoying you.  I am starting to think that I might not be back.
Title: Re: Sad, really - this used to be a forum
Post by: undercarriage plan on January 09, 2006, 21:42:24
I have to agree with Ady, I have no wish to offend anyone, I post in the other threads when it is relevant and as I have said, kept chat here. As for the chat room, not all of us wish to use that facility for various reasons....I have never abused anyone, I can barely spell it, and PMs, not quite the same.
Title: Re: Sad, really - this used to be a forum
Post by: terrace max on January 09, 2006, 21:46:47
Maybe someone has been sending dodgy PMs and harassing fellow forum members?

Maybe some folks don't like the fact that this place has changed and they're not the centre of attention any more?

Maybe the outrageous political views/ bizarre chit chat/general noise of some members are driving more normal members to distraction?

Whatever it is, can we just try and be honest, but gentle, with each other? There's enough space for everyone. Except the first-mentioned someone...

Title: Re: Sad, really - this used to be a forum
Post by: redimp on January 09, 2006, 22:01:28
Sorry - did go but back for a little while.

Since when was Whisky to do with gardening or is that alright?
Title: Re: Sad, really - this used to be a forum
Post by: Nathan on January 09, 2006, 22:06:54
Absolutely agree with you 3 :    RC  TM and UP

There is plenty of room for serious talk in other threads.
Title: Re: Sad, really - this used to be a forum
Post by: jaggythistle on January 09, 2006, 22:07:22

  Whisky is ok ady......but only as long as its copiuos amounts.....prefer an 18
  year old malt meself  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Sad, really - this used to be a forum
Post by: jaggythistle on January 09, 2006, 22:10:22

   I agree wholeheartedly with 4 of the above particularly with TM on points
   1 and 4
Title: Re: Sad, really - this used to be a forum
Post by: Derekthefox on January 09, 2006, 22:12:15
This is Tim's thread, and I apologise to Tim personally if my opinion is unwelcome, I will happily delete it.

I try and see the big picture. We have an excellent forum covering the growing environment, and it has extended to encompass a variety of other subjects, which should appeal to the range of people that use this forum.

I have noticed two things happening recently.

One is that there appears to be some rather heated opinions thrown around, and a lot of animosity arising from that.

The second is that there seems to be a persistence of posting 'off topic' in threads which have a serious content. I am not referring to threads here which are recognised 'banter' threads, but threads which have a genuine topic and should not be diluted with trivial posts ... Dan has explained this situation quite clearly, and the actions of what I believe is probably a small minority are driving away some of our very valued members. I don't include myself in that category by the way, either as a valued member, or in being driven away.
Title: Re: Sad, really - this used to be a forum
Post by: redimp on January 09, 2006, 22:19:42
I love a good whisky Jags so do a few other members of this board and I have shared threads with them about it.  At no point was soil mentioned although peat may have been  ;D.  What I am saying is there is plenty of non-gardening chat in the shed and in the Watershed that does not interest me.  I find out and then do not bother again.  What interests me does not always interest others and vice versa.  I do not go out of my way to bore myself by reading things that are not of interest to me so I can moan about them later.  I happen to share a lot of interest with other lottiers (I wonder why that is) and like to have a relaxed online chat - it adds an extra dimension to my life as I still have real time chats as well.

I am going away for a little while again as this thread has left me a little steamed and feeling a little let down.
Title: Re: Sad, really - this used to be a forum
Post by: Nathan on January 09, 2006, 22:23:22
Come back soon Redclanger
Title: Re: Sad, really - this used to be a forum
Post by: jaggythistle on January 09, 2006, 22:27:49

  Well put the feet up mate......turn the lights down low....and mellow with a
  nice malt............take in the wonderous aroma......then gently ever so gently
  recline that glass....and let the amber its stuff.... ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Sad, really - this used to be a forum
Post by: Nathan on January 09, 2006, 22:28:04
Dominique  please please don't behave...
Title: Re: Sad, really - this used to be a forum
Post by: undercarriage plan on January 09, 2006, 22:30:31
Well, Dominique, I've just crash landed from the moon, and could do with some help, cos Dibs needed an early night... ::) Scuse me for interupting, but if Dominique feels the need for a giggle, I'm quite happy to be giggled at...and have moon rock...tastes lovely...sorry, will go back there now....sorry...just didn't want Dominque all sad.... :-\

Erm I may be wrong, this does happen very occasionally, but I'm a wondering if Dan moved the FIles here, for the fun bit, cos it is, keeps me sane....any and most subjects covered...we're doing the supernatural next or whatever grabs you feel free to join, in fact, be kinda nice, cos I can't be Scully, she's a blonde you see, and Mulder's a man so I'll have to be erm....scary blob or something...ok..that's it...going back to check wreckage..
Title: Re: Sad, really - this used to be a forum
Post by: adam04 on January 09, 2006, 22:38:50
well said Dominique.  ;D

yes the chat is a very nice place, but bits of chat on the boards will happen. i know a lot of members dont use the chat.  Terrace Max (Dingledong) for instance.  So using the shed is a way to communicatte with them people.

To see it as daft and make it a strict gardening board, seems a little unfriendly, and loses the meaning behidn the boards. This will mean that people do only post once, like in Eric's Statistics!

i can understand not chatting in threads but complaining about general chit chat in the genral chit chat area seems a little silly. Some threads, have remained very chatty and i think these threads will keep the chat elsewhere on the board down, such as the please delete thread. However, thats now been locked (which Dan may have reasons for).  if you dont want to be involved its one topic, it takes up a small section of the site, just stay out!!!!

its the same with all message boards, you dont think you will like what you will read you stay out. you should all try some of the teenage boards, now this is a dodle comapred to them.  They have about 15 moderators to stop things getitng out of hand.
Title: Re: Sad, really - this used to be a forum
Post by: Admin aka Dan on January 09, 2006, 22:44:17

We can only hope that some of the people who seem to use every thread as a way of saying the same thing over and over again either grow out of it, or leave.

Title: Re: Sad, really - this used to be a forum
Post by: jennym on January 09, 2006, 22:45:30
Well, feel I wanted to reply to Tim's original comment here. Yes, the forum is supposed to be mainly about growing things, and on the whole I consider that it is. I enjoy reading sensible posts from sensible people about a range of subjects to do with growing things. I don't often look at or post in sections other than those, as I don't find a lot to interest me there. There's a place for live chat here, which is good, and a place for personal messages, which is good. I could live without the Shed and Watershed sections myself, but understand that they fulfill a need for some people - and there are a very wide range of people that use this site. I do wish though, that some comments in otherwise serious posts weren't put in (I think most of us are guilty of going off topic at some time or other though) - it's just that sometimes it gets too silly for me to see the funny side.
Title: Re: Sad, really - this used to be a forum
Post by: busy_lizzie on January 09, 2006, 22:46:14
I think it is very sad too Tim.  In my  opinion this Forum is less that it was.  The threads in the Shed have turned into Chat rooms for a few and have demoted what was once an excellent space that was responsibily used.  I regret this very much.  It is becoming a Message Board that I don't want to belong to anymore.  :( :( busy_lizzie      
Title: Re: Sad, really - this used to be a forum
Post by: adam04 on January 09, 2006, 22:50:42
why look in the shed then??

Well some Thread may be of interest, so why look at the others, if people stay in them thReads then there is nO problems as far as i can see, other people just need to stay out of that topic and then there isnt and shouLdnt be any problems Like this.
Title: Re: Sad, really - this used to be a forum
Post by: Derekthefox on January 09, 2006, 22:57:25
I have to agree with you here Adam although sadly, as I exclude so many threads, it is difficult to see those that are interesting ...

However, I would make an appeal to those members who feel they don't enjoy this forum so much anymore. I felt this way more than once, but don't throw the baby out with the bathwater, there are a lot of excellent posters, and real and sincere friends here too.
Title: Re: Sad, really - this used to be a forum
Post by: MutantHobbit on January 09, 2006, 23:05:41
Only a suggestion, but would it help if all the banter, chit-chat and joking around was limited to the confines of The Shed and The Watershed, and then after a while, anything older than say a week, were deleted?  This would limit any Comedic Threads.  Then perhaps everybody would be happy, and we can get along together as we did before?  I can appreciate the ephemeral nature of using the Chat Room would mean that nothing is stored, whereas the Boards are semi permanant, what is said remains there unless it is removed by Dan, which probably takes up a lot of room.  I don't presume to speak for Dan, but I don't suppose he's finding it much fun being Moderator at the moment.

Personally, I think this is just the Silly Season of the Gardening Year, everyone is cooped up with not a lot going on in the Allotments.  I just think it would be a great shame if everyone were to fall out and feel as though they have to belong to a particular clique.

Now I've said my piece, I'm just going take cover behind that wall over there...

Title: Re: Sad, really - this used to be a forum
Post by: carloso on January 09, 2006, 23:08:11
Its called chioce !!!

we sometimes have to much !!

Title: Re: Sad, really - this used to be a forum
Post by: Nathan on January 09, 2006, 23:09:07
Long live General Chit Chat.

General chat is the social glue that holds societies together, not a frivolous pastime to be shunned by the serious!

I respect the great depth of knowledge and gardening expertise on a4a, and I know how to get access to this valuable resource, as we all do.

I also, fortunately. know where to go to have a laugh .....

Long may a4a continue to provide both.

Vive la difference
Title: Re: Sad, really - this used to be a forum
Post by: Wicker on January 09, 2006, 23:12:23
It is really sad to see what is happening on these boards and I am sure it's getting out of hand in a way that no one intended.   TM please don't take this as a personal attack but you did say
Maybe some folks don't like the fact that this place has changed and they're not the centre of attention any more?
 I didn't think the site needed changing it was doing fine, evolving naturally with time and was very popular (else why would you and others have joined it?) And also I think if you read way back you would find that no one was "the centre of attention" - some people will always contribute more than others - and there were laughs (for example Ozzy's rambles were hilarious)

I think it's just that almost every thread in The Shed seems to be taken over by the chit chat - for me a little less chit would be better, the chat is o.k.  Excellent points/arguments have been put forward elsewhere by the same people who are being criticised so I hope this doesn't degenerate into huffs and slamming doors - there's no need there's room for us all
Title: Re: Sad, really - this used to be a forum
Post by: Heldi on January 09, 2006, 23:13:26

<-----------  "Calm down,calm down!"

Title: Re: Sad, really - this used to be a forum
Post by: Derekthefox on January 09, 2006, 23:16:15
Perhaps Dan has already explored that option Mutant. I consider it to have the same problems though, as there has been so much cross posting, even in this thread you have evidence of off topic posting ... although it appears harmless as I expect Tim wants people to contribute all opinions ...

I am not going to repeat my views though.

I think green suits you actually !

Wardy, I think the shed is the correct place to have the chitchat, but by definition of the shed, it can also include some serious threads, which are some of the ones being marred. I gather this is the problem, or one of them.
Title: Re: Sad, really - this used to be a forum
Post by: Admin aka Dan on January 09, 2006, 23:18:09
Wardy, I think the shed is the correct place to have the chitchat, but by definition of the shed, it can also include some serious threads, which are some of the ones being marred. I gather this is the problem, or one of them.

Spot on Derek - some people just don't seem to see that.

Title: Re: Sad, really - this used to be a forum
Post by: jaggythistle on January 09, 2006, 23:31:05

  Well first of the beans......secondly were on the final stretch
  last furlong....before we are all out of the blocks for a new growing season
  I can only suggest in the meantime before were all out is this and I don't know
  if its feasible............that like on another board that I am on is to have people
  help you out dan....instead of the unthankful task of having to do this by said yourself you cannot be here to police it at all times
  which of course you shouldn't have to....but going by the amount of people
  posting on this topic...may gave you food for thought. The other is a penalty
 or cooling down box...where an offender if reported by numerous members to
 yourself...could find them selfs in....dependent on the misdemeanour... and
 lastly....privaleges of chat or PM's  excluded...until  matters of any misdemeanours reported to my opinion saves yourself 1 whole
 lot of grief.........

       lastly................if I am  culprit I apologise......

Title: Re: Sad, really - this used to be a forum
Post by: Lord Steve on January 09, 2006, 23:36:29
Would it help to preface a topic in The Shed or The Watershed (which is intended by the thread owner to be serious) with SOTP - Stay On Topic Please? That way there can be no doubt about which threads are chat and banter and which are to be kept on track. Perhaps it might work for a few weeks until thread discipline has been restored. The need for SOTP could then be reviewed. Just a thought.
Title: Re: Sad, really - this used to be a forum
Post by: Derekthefox on January 09, 2006, 23:39:07
Interesting suggestion Jaggy, but who out of us lot would Dan trust to take on the role of assistant Moderator, I certainly wouldn't want to be tasked with making that choice ...
Title: Re: Sad, really - this used to be a forum
Post by: djbrenton on January 09, 2006, 23:51:40
General forum etiquette ( I'm referring to the whole internet not just here ) makes it obvious when a topic is being hijacked. There's a place for chit chat and generally I would have thought it obvious which threads they were. It's only polite not to hijack someone elses thread.

A forum I run has several multi thousand post running threads for complete inanity and others which are obviously lighthearted. Threads which are obviously 'on topic' aren't allowed to be diverted.

We have a 'Good Morning' thread which gets dredged back up every day for example and filled with whatever banter we want. The only major restrictions we operate are - no hijacking of 'on topic' threads and a zero tolerance for argumentative or insulting behaviour. In three years I've had to ban two people for refusing to comply when warned by email.

I'm sure Dan's perfectly capable of ensuring behaviour here doesn't deteriorate to the point where action against individuals is necessary, and as Jaggythistle says, we've only got a short time till we'll all be too busy for anything except plaintiff cries for gardening advice.
Title: Re: Sad, really - this used to be a forum
Post by: MutantHobbit on January 09, 2006, 23:56:44
Good suggestion Lord Steve, but I don't know if the SOTP would work.  DTF tried something similar on his Non-Christmas Thread which didn't pan out too well.  I appreciate where Dan is coming from, as although I enjoy the banter etc, it has made some threads difficult to read.

Maybe everyone will take time out and read Dan's message "Behaviour on the Board", take it on board and as Jaggy says things will calm down when we're all back on our allotments.

Title: Re: Sad, really - this used to be a forum
Post by: Yellow Petals on January 10, 2006, 00:03:42
As I've said before, I am more than capable of my fair share of chit chat, which I have tried to halt somewhat of late, but yes, it did get ridiculous and for all of the arguments and toy throwing going on here, two things must be remembered:

Firstly, this site was doing fabulously before the 'takeover' ensued (as someone has already pointed out, why would you have come here if it wasn't already thriving?)

Secondly, first and foremost this is a allotment/gardening site and that is the main reason 90% of members are here!  As has been stated before, if general chit chat and 'stuff' (that's my intellectual word for it) is what people want - then why pick a gardening forum to do it when there are thousands of other forums on the web which are more suitable?

The fact that most members don't join in the idle chit chat and don't join in debates such as this must surely tell you all you need to know?

I know of three or four established members who have left because of this and joined another gardening board and lately I have PMd with a few others thinking of doing the same thing - that's not right or fair. 
Title: Re: Sad, really - this used to be a forum
Post by: Derekthefox on January 10, 2006, 00:14:03
Well observed on my 'Non-Christmas Thread' Mutant, but of course, my request was as a mere member, requiring that simple issue called courtesy. It did fall foul, alas perhaps due to a simple and excusable error, but remember that SOTP has the power of Dan's backing ...
Title: Re: Sad, really - this used to be a forum
Post by: jaggythistle on January 10, 2006, 00:34:41

  I am soooooooo laughin Foxy......SOTP...kinda  got me fickled on that 1
  to make the christmas thread you did...after reference to christmas or
  bah 88 if thats not going of on a tangent...thats
  an observation by the way...not an attack.

                     JAGS ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Sad, really - this used to be a forum
Post by: grawrc on January 10, 2006, 00:42:31
I find this quite distressing. I discovered Allotments4all on 16th December 2005. I thought ( as I lurked) that it was fabulous. I really don't understand what the present problem is. I would be horrified to think I was contributing to it. All my contacts with the group I have found helpful and positive. I also try to respond positively to the question asked.

Am I doing something wrong?
Who is doing something wrong?
Does everyone agree?
Why not tell them and remind others how they are expected to behave?
2nd offence and they're out of the group?
Let members know who the offenders are.
Argh! I hate this...
Title: Re: Sad, really - this used to be a forum
Post by: Yellow Petals on January 10, 2006, 00:47:03

Why not tell them and remind others how they are expected to behave?

Graw, that's exactly what Dan has now done on the sticky topic at the top of The Shed.  Can't remember it's title off the top of my head but it's about behaviour whilst signed into the board.
Title: Re: Sad, really - this used to be a forum
Post by: Derekthefox on January 10, 2006, 00:55:38
Observe away Jaggy, but I find it fascinating how a simple observation of something I did to provide amusement (people did find my bah humbug comments amusing) can be presented in a manner so as to appear derogatory to my standing. And you are one to talk, since you brought whisky in earlier, much to Redclangers annoyance ...

I am not going to debate any of this, Dan is capable of forming his own opinions. I can simply type Jaggythistle into my profile so as to hide your posts, and instantly you will disappear ...

PS I feel sad for you if you had to count up 88 of my posts ...
Title: Re: Sad, really - this used to be a forum
Post by: MutantHobbit on January 10, 2006, 01:02:26
Yellow Petals, the Sticky Thread that Dan has posted is "Behaviour on the Board".  I don't know if everybody has noticed it though...

Title: Re: Sad, really - this used to be a forum
Post by: Yellow Petals on January 10, 2006, 01:08:14
Yellow Petals, the Sticky Thread that Dan has posted is "Behaviour on the Board".  I don't know if everybody has noticed it though...


Thanks, Dave.  I couldn't remember the title of it.  I would imagine that a fair few people have yet to read it as topics which are locked with only one post tend not to get noticed as quickly as the others, lol.

Sam :)
Title: Re: Sad, really - this used to be a forum
Post by: MutantHobbit on January 10, 2006, 01:26:43
Yeah I agree Sam, it was posted at 18:00hr approx, so it's early days yet.  Unpleasant as things are at the moment, I'm sure sanity will prevail, as I'm sure there's no malice intended on the part of most people. Well, time I was tucked up in bed with my Kitchen Garden Magazine... ;D

Title: Re: Sad, really - this used to be a forum
Post by: tim on January 10, 2006, 09:08:13
tm - not exactly true - your snidery - but enough for me to take the hint.

I've much enjoyed everyone's company . Tim
Title: Re: Sad, really - this used to be a forum
Post by: undercarriage plan on January 10, 2006, 09:23:51
Well I'm sad to see this at the top again....I thought Max's good morning started a new day of brilliantly, I'm off to reek havoc in someone's garden, and I really hope this is well at the bottom of the board and "How to not clean ya hoe is at the top.."
Title: Re: Sad, really - this used to be a forum
Post by: terrace max on January 10, 2006, 09:24:30
Tim - I'm not sure how you can construe what I said in that way. Everyone knows you are the keystone of this forum.

I was simply trying to frame people's potential criticisms of others in an honest way to try and move this situation on constuctively. You will have noticed that the third statement could easily apply to myself. 

If I have offended you, I apologise unreservedly. My only wish is that people say what is really on their minds.

Title: Re: Sad, really - this used to be a forum
Post by: reedos on January 10, 2006, 10:40:46
I just been down the plot pondering this rather sad state of affairs and have a few thoughts of my own.

Firstly I think this is a great site - through it I've sent and received seeds all over the place including the continent, which would have otherwise been left in my fridge to rot, got help and advice on knotweed, ranted about thieves and vandals and taken part in a pantomime.

My view is that we should all show a bit of common sense - there are apparently 3000 of us, we are never all going to have the same opinion on anything, whether that be about using weedkiller as opposed to black plastic or our political views. It would be impossible for it to be otherwise. We should, however, express the views we have (if we feel the need to) in a manner that is acceptable to the majority, there is no place for offensive or abusive comments (not that I've really seen any).
Thread discipline is obviously important, if you post asking about white rot on onions, you don't need to know what so and so's atavar is (I've made this up it isn't a real example !!). However if the thread is in the shed, by definition non related allotment chit chat and is titled for example "what do you think about...." then it will inevitably ramble around a bit.
There are frivolous threads in the shed, but if you don't want to take part in them then don't, it's surely as simple as that.
Lastly we should be careful with what we write - we know what we mean but it doesn't always come over, there are at least two post in this thread which have upset people and I don't think they were meant to, but I can see how they would.

Title: Re: Sad, really - this used to be a forum
Post by: djbrenton on January 10, 2006, 10:45:51
Tim, get back here NOW!

"My only wish is that people say what is really on their minds. "

That's part of the problem I suspect. It's maybe better if people showed a bit more restraint at times and didn't say what's on their minds. There are only two things necessary for a forum to run without arguments.

1 Everyone shows courtesy and consideration and sometimes bites their tongue.

2 Controversial subjects are avoided. The only point in raising controversil subjects is to stimulate debate. Unfortunately debate between people of deep beliefs often degenerates into argument and causes ill feeling. Recently we've had threads about ( paraphrasing ) whether religion is bunk, whether paedophiles should be castrated and whether women should stay at home. All we need now is to declare our politics and we can form gangs.
Debating issues like this between friends rarely changes anyones views, all it does with people who aren't close friends is set up barriers. How can you propose any of these views without offending people who have deeply held opposing views? It becomes hard to maintain courtesy when your beliefs are being attacked, and it can be hard to like someone who has views you abhor. Hence my belief that we are better off not knowing what each others views are on abortion, politics, religion, asylum seekers etc.

I'm sure I'm not the only veteran of forums who's seen all this before. It always ends in tears and valued members feel uncomfortable and leave.

All that's needed is for eveyone to think before posting 'Could this offend anyone?'. If it could, don't post it. Dan shouldn't have to moderate our posts, we should moderate our own.
Title: Re: Sad, really - this used to be a forum
Post by: jennym on January 10, 2006, 10:51:17
....Tim, get back here NOW!....

Here, here ! (PLEASE)  :)
Title: Re: Sad, really - this used to be a forum
Post by: Ozzy on January 10, 2006, 10:54:50
WOW what brought all this on? THIS is still a great forum with great peeps from all walks of life on here who not only share similar views but also differing ones too..

I am very much into equality yet it appears posters are being singled out for doing what exactly? posting on an internet forum?

this is cyber space and room for everyone here, YP has already posted telling peeps about the tools at their disposal ie ignore function etc so why not use them?

I think everyone needs to chill some and step outside of the "box" and look in dispassionately, are we really saying that the shed is only for a particular kind of chit chat and that certain chit chat is to be excluded? if so then that is simply discrimination and that's so unhealthy.. if anyone feels "pushed" out then push yerselves back in, I could never tell anybody here what they can and can't post, if they posted something I disagree with then I would say so, tis about taking control of your own life for sure, in real life we all know someone who simply rubs us up the wrong way and what do we do?.. we tend to ignore them and thats a function peeps can use here, so much better than making people feel excluded, or trying to banish them or change their behaviour to one which is more agreeable to ourselves, thats just plain selfish..

one thing we all do here is GROW, so lets grow from this and move foreward instead of becomming entrenched and bogged down in anger/rage/prejudice..

I dont want to see anyone leave here and I for one enjoyed the "two-ing and throwing" the "quick wit" but thats me.. my choice if I didnt I just wouldn't read it..

on a personal note I prefer the watershed as I can be more like I am in real life, can say what i like and how I like, I know my crimbo thread got out of hand, but hardly the end of the world is it?

thats my take for what its worth


Title: Re: Sad, really - this used to be a forum
Post by: Hyacinth on January 10, 2006, 11:12:35

My only wish is that people say what is really on their minds.


My first and only take on this is:-

a) This is Dan's board - he owns it, he runs it, therefore he calls the shots.
b) His 'Discipline' thread clearly told us how he wanted us to behave on his board.
c) 18.44 yesterday he reinforced this with his 'Behaviour on the Board' sticky.
d) 19.19, as a response, the 'No Topic' thread was started...      
e) Dan has contributed twice to this thread and is clearly unhappy. He also has highlighted an extract from a post which he writes describes the behaviour he doesn't want on his board.

I found the 'No Topic' thread to be a slap in the face for Dan. He'd already had his Christmas trashed by having to be here to moderate.

Again, he's given us all clear guidelines....


nb I therefore find the 'Bad Manners' thread to be particularly ironic. I see no good old-fashioned 'manners' having been displayed here towards Dan.


Title: Re: Sad, really - this used to be a forum
Post by: TULIP-23 on January 10, 2006, 11:19:19
Nothing wrong with Harmless Banter....Nothing wrong with
Chit-Chat.Light-hearted Fun....great

We have a Great thing going Here for everyone.....something
very SPECIAL....lets Tend it...Care for it...and Watch it grow to WHAT it WAS.....its up to us.

Have we lost something alone the Way.I wonder!!

I think we are all here as Equals....Adults every one of us...we are entitled to an long as its Considerate of the Members here....Done in a Friendly Way.....and with Respect...and hurts one most of all.

Nobody whats to be the Centre of Attention ...Why...Do we have Prima-Donna's here!! Where!!......Everyone is Equal.
And accorded the same courtesy.
Lets all Start a New....Now in 2006....go forward together
as a Club......WELCOME.
Title: Re: Sad, really - this used to be a forum
Post by: Bagpuss74 on January 10, 2006, 11:41:53
I agree with what many members have said - particularly tim, DTF, Lishka et al.

Are we saying that we would like a "nothing to do with allotments" board to put all the other stuff on which some people seem to want to say?  If something people want to say may be considered off topic but is also relevant, might it be better to start a new thread?

I enjoy some of the banter but the off topic stuff can be a pain - keep it separate.

If we can't self regulate then maybe the only way forward would be for Dan to send a warning followed by removing membership for repeat offenders.

Plea  to Dan and all members - I really enjoy being part of this site and am learning loads about a new hobby I love.  Lets not let the minority spoil it.
Title: Re: Sad, really - this used to be a forum
Post by: bupster on January 10, 2006, 11:54:14
What on earth did I miss?
Title: Re: Sad, really - this used to be a forum
Post by: rosebud on January 10, 2006, 11:58:26
May i just say this .  It is a very sad day for me to switch on my puter to read allsorts, only to find this mesage, that   THE GENTLEMAN of the board TIM has decided to leave us, :o :o Tim would you seriously consider that, we all need you for your expertise and no nonsense replies.

Alishka i agree with every last word you said.

PLEASE let us put all this away lets bury it, and all, hope things get back to the terrific board we used to have.
Title: Re: Sad, really - this used to be a forum
Post by: Admin aka Dan on January 10, 2006, 12:15:13
I am not going to lock this thread, but I think we should let it die now.

Let us try to move on, if I need to be a more pro-active moderator in the future I will be, and if I feel I need help in the task, I will ask people.

Hopefully however everyone can self moderate.


Title: Re: Sad, really - this used to be a forum
Post by: terrace max on January 10, 2006, 15:19:20
Dan, I hope you will forgive one final post to this thread.

I’ve had some time to reflect on all this and I’ve decided to leave the A4A forums in order to facilitate Tim’s return. I can’t stand melodrama, and I’ve explained myself previously, so I’ll spare you more words.

Thank you to those who ignored my odd ways and whom I now count as friends. I’ll still be around sending friendly PMs (if that’s ok Dan) but will not return to the forum proper.

And anyway, I’m leaving with much, much more than I came in with.  :)

Now shut up, and get gardening!  ;D
Title: Re: Sad, really - this used to be a forum
Post by: undercarriage plan on January 10, 2006, 15:24:53
Well, I'm just sounds like a plan.... :)
Title: Re: Sad, really - this used to be a forum
Post by: Derekthefox on January 10, 2006, 15:56:15
I still see this as an unnecessary loss Terrace max, who was it who had that Gandi quote ...

Honest disagreement is often a good sign of progress.

There is room for everyone ...

I feel guilty as this is prolonging this thread even further ...

UPDATE - my comments apply to Tim too ...
Title: Re: Sad, really - this used to be a forum
Post by: tim on January 10, 2006, 16:13:55
I have many people to thank for their kind letters, but the time has come to shrug off what became a very central & helpful part of my retirement.

With an age-wrinkled but necessarily, in my first profession, very broad mind, I have no problem with well-meaning banter – especially in the Shed - & elsewhere where it revolves around a thread with some gardening interest.  It is the increasingly widespread clutterance of so many threads with unseemly & suggestive talk – more suited (I believe – I don’t go there) to the Watershed - that bugs me. The Beeb site was wiped out on just such grounds. There are other, type-designed channels for such chit-chat.

“Don’t enter these sites”?? We try not to, but it has become quite difficult & time- consuming to sift through messages to avoid the dross. Some of it from those that I most respected.

So - all good wishes, & thanks for the party! = Tim

tm - sorry if I misconstrued - certainly no need for you to go!
Title: Re: Sad, really - this used to be a forum
Post by: ina on January 10, 2006, 18:46:44
After reading this thread I have come to the conclusion that there is hope.
Some (in my view) very sensible things have been said here.

I think the most important part that we seem to agree on is not to hijack other people's thread for your own fun. In my opinion we don't have to be rigid, threads can evolve in a natural way and even deviate a bit. To me this does not mean that humor is banned.

I had quietly left a while back but with this new hope I'll be visiting more often, mostly in the section which I feel is doing great ........ the edibles.
Tim, I do hope to see you back there. I practically dragged you to this site by your hair because I knew your wealth of knowledge and humor would be an asset, can I succeed in doing it again ........ to the lottie related sections that is?
Title: Re: Sad, really - this used to be a forum
Post by: Robert_Brenchley on January 10, 2006, 19:08:59
I'm convinced there's hope since the vast majority of people here are polite and well meaning. Banter maybe goes a bit far at times, but it's almost all meant in good faith. One problem with this type of forum is that it's too easy to post in the heat of the moment without thinking, and we should all be aware of that. I don't know what goes on in the Watershed since I never go there, but anything at all unwholesome should be kept there. This'll all be forgotten in a few weeks.
Title: Re: Sad, really - this used to be a forum
Post by: BAGGY on January 10, 2006, 19:13:41
I sincerley hope that no one leaves this site as, even though I am in my 2nd year on the plot, I need all the advice I can get.  This is the only forum I am a member of and long may it continue.
Title: Re: Sad, really - this used to be a forum
Post by: redimp on January 10, 2006, 20:08:41
I found the 'No Topic' thread to be a slap in the face for Dan. He'd already had his Christmas trashed by having to be here to moderate.
Did you read the opening post in that thread or have you just formed a prejudices knee jerk reaction.  If you had you will know that it is not an insult - it was very tentative and an attempt to set up a repository for the chat so it was all in one place and did not annoy anally retentive members of this board. You will also notice that it anticipated that Dan may have had a problem with the thread included provisos should that be the case.
Title: Re: Sad, really - this used to be a forum
Post by: Heldi on January 10, 2006, 20:42:12
 How many toys can be thrown out of how many cots...?!!

Title: Re: Sad, really - this used to be a forum
Post by: jennym on January 11, 2006, 18:05:59
Just wish Tim would return !
Title: Re: Sad, really - this used to be a forum
Post by: GREENWIZARD on January 11, 2006, 20:19:39
tim's still around :)
Title: Re: Sad, really - this used to be a forum
Post by: Merry Tiller on January 11, 2006, 23:32:19
Can someone explain in words of one syllable , what the heck's everyone on about ???
Title: Re: Sad, really - this used to be a forum
Post by: Derekthefox on January 11, 2006, 23:42:28
Perhaps it is better not to know Merry, sorry, that is a few syllables ...
Title: Re: Sad, really - this used to be a forum
Post by: Merry Tiller on January 11, 2006, 23:46:48
I take it that means you don't know either
Title: Re: Sad, really - this used to be a forum
Post by: Yellow Petals on January 12, 2006, 00:08:26
Just let this thread die a death, eh? 
Title: Re: Sad, really - this used to be a forum
Post by: Derekthefox on January 12, 2006, 00:19:41
I endorse that comment, there appears to be nothing to be gained by perpetuating this thread, so count me out. If you want to ask me in person, then I am in the chat most nights ...
Title: Re: Sad, really - this used to be a forum
Post by: Admin aka Dan on January 12, 2006, 09:17:25
Thread now locked.
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