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Allotment Stuff => The Basics => Topic started by: amanda21 on January 06, 2006, 13:37:24

Title: OMG! I have a plot!
Post by: amanda21 on January 06, 2006, 13:37:24
Man from lottie just rang to say I can have a plot or half plot!!!!!!!!!!  ;D 

Will meet him prob next weekend to have a look around and be introduced to other newbies. 

What have I done?!  Actually scared now!   :-\  But excited  :D

.....and funnily enough have just got back from garden centre where I bought some seeds for smaller varieties ready for containers in the garden..... ::)

Title: Re: OMG! I have a plot!
Post by: Conzla on January 06, 2006, 13:58:10
Congrats Amanda
Hope everything goes great for you,  get that fork and spade sharpened!!!!
Title: Re: OMG! I have a plot!
Post by: Meg on January 06, 2006, 14:00:51
Brilliant!!!! Enjoy!!!!!
Title: Re: OMG! I have a plot!
Post by: Derekthefox on January 06, 2006, 14:03:00
Yes, a bit of stage fright is not surprising, but soon you will be relishing every back-aching minute of it !

Congratulations ...
Title: Re: OMG! I have a plot!
Post by: amanda21 on January 06, 2006, 14:06:53
Thanks. :)

Conzla - I think that should be just "get a fork and spade"!!
Title: Re: OMG! I have a plot!
Post by: flowerlady on January 06, 2006, 14:17:50
What a lovely new year pressie!   ;D

Take a good look around at all the other plots, from them you can get a good steer on what grows well etc!  Also the senior chaps can give you an idea as to when to get things into the ground!!

Have lots of fun, take it easy, and we will talk soon I'm sure!
Title: Re: OMG! I have a plot!
Post by: dibberxxx on January 06, 2006, 14:21:27
congratulations Amanda, you must be so excited i wish you well , cant Wait till i get my call telling me i have a plot been waiting over a year now  :'( :'( :'(
Title: Re: OMG! I have a plot!
Post by: flowerlady on January 06, 2006, 14:30:04
I find it so sad you all have to wait so long for a plot, there is well over half our site completely unused, and half of that is just grassed over!
Title: Re: OMG! I have a plot!
Post by: amanda21 on January 06, 2006, 14:54:08
I was surprised to get it as when I looked around the other week most of them seemed to be used.  I guess in the winter they all look a bit straggly so maybe I just couldn't tell.  Anyway it's not an massive site but he said that I was the tenth person on the list and he had at least 10 half plots so I was certainly missing something!!  It will be nice to have so many new people starting at once I think - I won't feel so much 'on show'!

Hubbie thinks I am mad and is worried it will be too much work.  I'd hoped he would join me as we really need something to do together... hopefully when he sees me enjoying it he will come round!

Dibber - I hope you get your good news call soon.  :)

Title: Re: OMG! I have a plot!
Post by: dibberxxx on January 06, 2006, 14:58:55
thanks Amanda , i am sure i will ,  :) :) :)
Title: Re: OMG! I have a plot!
Post by: Delilah on January 06, 2006, 15:09:32
Wowzy Amanda that feeling is just sooooooooooooo fab isn't it, and actually much more appreciated when you wern't expecting it :)

My OH wasn't too keen to start with, worried it would be too much work...............................think he's probably been on site more than me so far, been making a path and putting shed up and now building coldframe ::) 

Enjoy ;D

Dibbs just wait til you get the phonecall ........................................... you'll be partying on the moon not Buck House!!!!!!! ;D
Title: Re: OMG! I have a plot!
Post by: undercarriage plan on January 06, 2006, 15:17:44
Great news, Amanada, I'm really chuffed for you!!
Awww Dibs!! Move here and you can share.....I'm sure it won't be long, are you keeping up your hassling?
Title: Re: OMG! I have a plot!
Post by: John_H on January 06, 2006, 16:20:06
congratulations - when you get taken round, think about the nearest water tank, avoiding being on the north side of any large trees and a slight southward facing slope helps the ground warm up a little quicker in the spring.
Title: Re: OMG! I have a plot!
Post by: Jesse on January 06, 2006, 16:53:24
Fantastic news Amanda! :D
Title: Re: OMG! I have a plot!
Post by: dandelion on January 06, 2006, 16:56:07
Congratulations Amanda, that's fantastic news!!!
I'm new too, got my half plot in November. I've only dug 3 square meters so far. The soil is just too sticky!
But I have started a GI-NORMOUS compost heap containing amongst other things plenty of guinea pig poo. I've also made a rather fancy plot marker (number 87) but haven't planted it yet. Must organise a little ceremony in the spring.
Title: Re: OMG! I have a plot!
Post by: dandelion on January 06, 2006, 17:06:16
By the way, been wanting to ask you: Why the worm phobia?
Title: Re: OMG! I have a plot!
Post by: amanda21 on January 06, 2006, 18:49:37
Thanks all for your best wishes :)

The worm thing comes from a horrid little boy in my childhood, who also happened to be my best friend(!) who once emptied his bucket of wiggly worms all over me!  I think we were about 6 but after that he loved chasing me with them dangling from his fingers -Ewwww.  I don't actually like anything without legs - not too bad with snakes but also years of finding my dad's fishing bait in the fridge scarred me for life!  Anyway I am going to try very hard not to squeal each and every time I find something in the soil or crawling through carrots  :-\
Title: Re: OMG! I have a plot!
Post by: lorna on January 06, 2006, 19:07:23
Congratulations!! Glad to hear the good news. I haven't got a plot only a garden BUT it seems that one of the best bits of advice given by other allotment holders is   TO ENJOY!!!!
Title: Re: OMG! I have a plot!
Post by: redimp on January 06, 2006, 19:49:01
Congrats - fully paid up member of the lottie club.
Title: Re: OMG! I have a plot!
Post by: veggie perin on January 06, 2006, 20:02:20
Congrats and good luck with your new plot, amanda, I'm in the same boat, I've just aquired half plot, so we'll be able to compare notes etc...happy diggin'...Veggie
Title: Re: OMG! I have a plot!
Post by: supagranz on January 06, 2006, 20:11:01
Dont bank on your Hubby helping you on the plot i'm 8 months down the line and mine is still not interested (but he eats what i bring home) but every Sunday you will find me digging or chatting And having fun......So congrats to you and i hope you have many years happy digging
Title: Re: OMG! I have a plot!
Post by: boris on January 06, 2006, 21:23:56
Congratulations!! Glad to hear the good news. I haven't got a plot only a garden BUT it seems that one of the best bits of advice given by other allotment holders is TO ENJOY!!!!

Will second this: when you stop enjoying it, might as well go t' pub.  Hope you have a fantastic time.
Title: Re: OMG! I have a plot!
Post by: iain on January 07, 2006, 10:25:24
Good luck on your new allotment enjoy.
 I have not long got mine, not done much to mine as the soil is to wet.
Title: Re: OMG! I have a plot!
Post by: Lizzie on January 07, 2006, 12:48:41
Hey Amanda, you and me both!

I got mine just before Christmas and have since dug about half of it over, leaving some for "lawn" and the rest to see what appears - a confused daffodil has already apeared, so I think there may be a bulb bed there. The soil is beautiful and crumbly and simply falls away when I shake the roots of unwanted weeds. Magic. There's even a little robin that comes and helps me dig!

I got a bit of a shock when I was digging through the plot thinking it was completely empty and uncovered three ENORMOUS parsnips. And I mean huge. They were like thighs, for goodness sake! They appeared on the end of my fork like  whales on a harpoon. However, they were sweet and tender, peeled like a dream (none of the tough skins you get from the supermarket) and I had free enormous parsnip soup for three days running. Hurrah!

I'm now revelling in the planning and dreaming I'm doing. I'm starting to buy seeds, and am loving the whole concept.

Title: Re: OMG! I have a plot!
Post by: amanda21 on January 07, 2006, 13:23:07

My head is running away with me.  I couldn't sleep last night for thinking!!  :-\
One minute I'm planning chutney and then I'm stumbling due to too much running before I can walk and I panic over the fact that I don't even have a hoe!  Never mind I'm off to see my Dad tomorrow who has lottied since I was a baby so I'm hoping he might have a few old forks etc to bung my way! ;D
Title: Re: OMG! I have a plot!
Post by: Lizzie on January 07, 2006, 15:38:13
Your over-thinking sounds familiar, Amanda!  My lottie came complete with strawbs, raspberries, vines, gooseberries and currants of various hues. I'm very excited about the strawberry jam, gooseberry crumbles, raspberry vodka and creme de cassis I'll be making. Then when I've grown tomatoes, beans, peas, squash and purple sprouts as well, there'll be chutneys, soups and all sorts. Scrummy.

I got a fork and spade for Christmas, and an upcoming birthday will, I hope, garner some good books.

No fear, Wardy - I'm cultivating a small lawn so I can sit and dream in the peace of the great outdoors (a real boon when you live in a flat). And I can guarantee that there'll be a wee tipple taken there before long!

Title: Re: OMG! I have a plot!
Post by: amanda21 on January 07, 2006, 17:00:04
God I want to get on there now!   

;D  ;D ;D  ;D ;D  ;D
Title: Re: OMG! I have a plot!
Post by: grawrc on January 07, 2006, 21:44:36
Hey it won't be long! HAve fun! 
;D ;D;D ;D
Title: Re: OMG! I have a plot!
Post by: tilly on January 08, 2006, 13:25:54
Amanda, as well as all the seeds and tools. Dont forget to buy a big bottle of Radox for when you get back from your first days digging.

Good luck..
Title: Re: OMG! I have a plot!
Post by: John_H on January 08, 2006, 15:37:36
I found that a grass hook/sickle and long cylindrical sharpening stone were really handy on a new allotment for; clearing top growth on the neglected plot, making an easy job of cutting back the creeping wilderness and maintaining the edges between my plot and the path.

If you get a sickle you also need to get a strong leather glove (for the hand which holds the sharpening stone) since sickles give very nasty cuts.
Title: Re: OMG! I have a plot!
Post by: Derekthefox on January 08, 2006, 16:23:03
To follow on from John's post, it is worth considering having some emergency first aid supplies in your shed for those upsetting injuries, ie the sickle cut, or a gash from buried glass ... An up to date tetanus jab is probably worthwhile too. Sorry to broach on such gloomy material ...
Title: Re: OMG! I have a plot!
Post by: amanda21 on January 08, 2006, 16:55:50
Actually the first thing my mum said when I told her about the plot was to make sure I got a tetanus jab!   :)

I am making a list of things I might need to beg, borrow or steal as people mention things on here - I think I might have to prioritise though!!  Shame I missed out on the Christmas presents!  ;)
Title: Re: OMG! I have a plot!
Post by: ellkebe on January 08, 2006, 17:33:16
Amanda - I'd second the point about getting your jab up to date - plus anyone's who might be going to help you.   Have a great time, and post us some pics of the before so we can appreciate the after in a little while  :)
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