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General => The Shed => Topic started by: moonbells on December 14, 2005, 16:17:02

Title: Changing tastes
Post by: moonbells on December 14, 2005, 16:17:02
The one thing I find odd is how tastes change as you get older.

I wouldn't touch mushrooms till I hit puberty then they became a bit of an addiction (not not *that* kind of mushroom, you  'orrible lot!)

3 or 4 years ago I found blue cheese wasn't vile and pongy any more.

Recently I realised I didn't mind roasted parsnips any more and now rather like parsnip mash.

Anyone else find that they now like stuff they once hated?


Title: Re: Changing tastes
Post by: katynewbie on December 14, 2005, 17:09:35

Ditto with the parsnips and blue cheeses!!

Also discovered that olives are delicious when I was in my 20's

However  :-[ Still cannot get my head round turnips of any kind......stupid, but there you go!!

Also, cos Mum used to put Xmas sprouts on in November I cannot abide cabbage in all its forms so I do know its not logical!!
Title: Re: Changing tastes
Post by: Plocket on December 14, 2005, 17:22:47
Apparently your taste buds change every seven years!

I loathed onions as a kid, and adore them now but only cooked, I still don't like them raw. Olives are now divine!

I used to love mushrooms, bananas and tomatoes but have gone off them a bit - I will eat them though. I've only started to appreciate coffee in the last few years and have gone right off tea. I'm sure there's loads more but that's all I can think of at the moment!
Title: Re: Changing tastes
Post by: Icyberjunkie on December 14, 2005, 17:27:37
Now enjoy chick peas and the like,  ditto on the cheese.  But ave never ever come around on butter beans...
Title: Re: Changing tastes
Post by: wardy on December 14, 2005, 17:42:47
Tis true.  I used to hate mushrooms til I got to 16 - same with marmalade.  Hated parnsips but now love em  :)

Never liked turnips but am going to give them a go and have some coming along nicely on the lotty.  Red in KG mag that a turnip hater could be converted by cooking them by sauting them in butter with red onion.  We'll see  :)
Title: Re: Changing tastes
Post by: Mrs Ava on December 14, 2005, 17:45:08
Loved everything, but as I have aged, now dislike pawpaw and mangoe.  Fine the taste, smell and texture of both quite offensive!  Have never like aniseed.....maybe  should give that a whirl to see if my tastes have changed.
Title: Re: Changing tastes
Post by: undercarriage plan on December 14, 2005, 17:49:29
I was a very fussy eater as a kiddie, so my tastes have completely changed!! Love all veg now, still don't like blue cheese, cannot be in the same room as tinned tomato soup and my real eeeuuuuu food is a pineapple....have to leave the kitchen when OH cutting it up for kids! So my tastes have completely changed!
Title: Re: Changing tastes
Post by: Svea on December 14, 2005, 17:53:27
i disliked cauliflower - now love it
there are a few dislikes though which are entirely down to my mother cooking things to mush - still gingerly getting to  know leeks again, and still dont like the way my mother cooks aubergines, courgettes, leeks and quite a few other veg - she does make a nice sprout dish though - not boiled but slightly sweated in bacon fat, then little bit of water to steam them. super yummy.

who said you cant teach an old dog new tricks? ;D

edit: UC - i am with you on the blue cheese.  :-X
i offer to send you my moorish delightful pineapple chutney to convert you ;)
Title: Re: Changing tastes
Post by: AikenDrum on December 14, 2005, 18:02:04
I find that I'm starting to like women these days ..... well, just a little bit  .... but it's a start   :P
Title: Re: Changing tastes
Post by: Plocket on December 14, 2005, 18:07:07
OMG how did I forget to mention PINEAPPLE and CELERY? They were created by the Devil in my opinion, and if I just smell them it puts me off any food. Useful if I ever wanted to diet hey?
Title: Re: Changing tastes
Post by: TULIP-23 on December 14, 2005, 18:45:12
Earlier Liver  and Olives......hated them

Now Liver and Onion Gravy Hmmmmmmmm

Olives and FEta Cheese   Hmmmmmmmmmm
Title: Re: Changing tastes
Post by: Derekthefox on December 14, 2005, 18:49:45
I don;t think I can actually say I have altered tastes, but I have learned to appreciate certain things, like long slow cooked stews ...

Derekthefox :D
Title: Re: Changing tastes
Post by: Icyberjunkie on December 14, 2005, 18:50:36
Roll mop herrings!! Hated and now love but OH always does a runner soon as they appear haveing OD'd and then regurgitated them once while very drunk <snigger>.  That'll teach her....
Title: Re: Changing tastes
Post by: undercarriage plan on December 14, 2005, 19:54:24
LOL@Aiken!! And with your OH on this one Icy....eeeeuuuuuu!!  Mine adores the darn things too ....And forgot my mum's homemade's the colour is just... :P
Title: Re: Changing tastes
Post by: BAGGY on December 14, 2005, 20:05:57
I was the fussiest kid ever.  For years I lived on shredded wheat with hot milk, ready brek, cheesy mash and fish fingers despite my mum being a brilliant cook.  I have in the past few years 'discovered' blue cheese, green olives (dont like black), proper fish (not square and in breadcrumbs) and alcohol.  Still can't stomach ginger, marmalade, raddish and lamb - used to love mum's lamb stew.
Title: Re: Changing tastes
Post by: Robert_Brenchley on December 14, 2005, 21:05:12
I gew up loathing English cooking, and liking anything spicy. I haven't changed.
Title: Re: Changing tastes
Post by: Doris_Pinks on December 14, 2005, 21:51:48
Roll mop herrings!! Hated and now love but OH always does a runner soon as they appear haveing OD'd and then regurgitated them once while very drunk <snigger>.  That'll teach her....
When I was preggers that was my craving! ;D Now can't eat fish :'(  :'(  :'(  :'(
but yes tastes have changed, though I and OH will try most things, had venison fillet the other night and had to fight the kids  for it!!!!
Am hoping that oneday they will actually eat Mushrooms! I think alot of it has to do with texture.
Title: Re: Changing tastes
Post by: Derekthefox on December 14, 2005, 22:09:29
rollmop herrings! I adore them, have been tempted to do my own, but never got round to it ...

Derekthefox :D
Title: Re: Changing tastes
Post by: daveandtara on December 14, 2005, 22:39:32
i used to drink gallons of tea but went right off it when 1st pregnant (nearly 18 years ago)
never been able to drink it since!
Title: Re: Changing tastes
Post by: Robert_Brenchley on December 15, 2005, 01:10:04
I went off milk years ago. I never could stand it raw, and had major problems every day with the horrible stuff they forced us to drink at school. I kept being told that I was ungrateful because 'the Queen paid for it'. What on earth did it have to do with that woman? Eventually they gave up. I still had it in tea though. Then one Christmas I forgot to buy any, went without, and discovered that I liked tea better without. The last time I had milk in anything was when I tried to drink some coffeee that had had a little put in by mistake. I could taste the repulsive stuff for the rest of the day.
Title: Re: Changing tastes
Post by: Mimi on December 15, 2005, 09:25:10
My tastes have changes quite a bit over the years but more in what I prefer to eat than what I like or dislike.  Im one of the 'babyboomers'' so post war parents had had years of waste not, want not.  We were almost forcefed with stew when I was little (being the eldest of 5 kids folks just couldnt afford waste of anything)  Mum made stews with shine beef and to this day its the only thing that I loathe.I will try most things  and love to cook when there is a houseful. 
OH has had a major change with foods.  He loathed yoghurt and anything that looked or tasted like it.  Now after a couple of years on probiotic drinks ...........he adores the stuff.  Weird.  He is also reverting to a childhood dislike of veggies  :o  (who could loathe veggies) its beyond me.   He will now only eat peas.
Title: Re: Changing tastes
Post by: Annadl on December 15, 2005, 09:38:50
My dad was from the north of Italy, mum from the south.  I ate EVERY combination they came up with.  But got really sick of tomatoes in the pasta sauces & beef and after the age of 30 couldn't stomach anything with tomato in!!

The only thing I can't stand is the smell of banana peel (very rarely eat it) and anything with grated coconut in it.  Yet I love fresh coconut but not the juice.

Nope, I think I am a rarity.  My tastes haven't changed at all.  Except since I have watched what I eat and tried to elliminate sugar & refined carbohydrates in my diet I can really taste the sugar in things I haven't eaten for a while, such as biscuits, cool drinks (taste like poison to me now), shop bought cereals & muesli bars, tomato sauce etc...  Everything tastes so sweet.

Gosh I shouldn't have answered this question ???  You've got me started!!!

Title: Re: Changing tastes
Post by: dandelion on December 15, 2005, 09:52:17
My tastes haven't really changed either. I like almost everything and always have. But then my parents would take feed me snails and frogs legs on holiday in France when I was 6! The only thing I'm not too keen on is raspberries. It's like eating perfume...

My youngest daughter's favourite food has been olives and pickles since she was a toddler. I can't leave a bowl of olives on the kitchen table ...she'll secretly eat them all ;D.
Title: Re: Changing tastes
Post by: Mrs Ava on December 15, 2005, 09:54:34
oooooooo, forgot about things like rollmops and pickles!  CAN"T STAND THEM!  Hate vinegar, UNLESS it is in my own homemade pickles or chutneys, or a little splash of GOOD balsamic in dressings or sauces.

Wouldn't eat whelks when I was a child, but loved winkles, but now don't mind whelks, altho would rather have a pint of winkles!  Used to like turbot, now cannot stand the taste, and yet, I love all other fish!!
Title: Re: Changing tastes
Post by: robkb on December 15, 2005, 09:54:46
Just recently I've had major conversions to custard and bread and butter pudding - hated them when I was a kid but now I love them both! Although being diabetic I probably shouldn't... :o

Rob ;)
Title: Re: Changing tastes
Post by: terrace max on December 15, 2005, 09:59:29
Imagine if allotments were banned - I don't think I could change back to supermarket 'fruit' and 'veg' all year  :P
Title: Re: Changing tastes
Post by: wardy on December 15, 2005, 10:50:33
Too true TM.  I have managed without buying any carrots which I ran out of about August due to poor planning on my part  :(  Rather than buy them I've managed without, using celeriac, leeks, spuds and onions.  It grieves me now to have to buy supermarket tomatoes - although I do look for the tastiest  :)

Rob   Have you made bread and butter pudding with jam - you just spread the bread with butter and your favourite jam.  Lovely  :)
Title: Re: Changing tastes
Post by: katynewbie on December 15, 2005, 11:01:13
....Or bread and butter pudding with thick cut good marmalade spread on the bread. Gives it a bitter/sweet tang........slurp!!

Title: Re: Changing tastes
Post by: Derekthefox on December 15, 2005, 11:03:23
Just realised, I don't drink tea now either, yet I used to live on the stuff...

Derekthefox :D
Title: Re: Changing tastes
Post by: robkb on December 15, 2005, 11:22:02
Rob   Have you made bread and butter pudding with jam - you just spread the bread with butter and your favourite jam.  Lovely  :)

That's the special low-sugar diabetic version is it Wardy? :o ;D Sounds delish though, must give it a try... and I saw a recipe somewhere the other day that had plums in it, just the picture made me drool... is it lunchtime yet?

Rob ;)
Title: Re: Changing tastes
Post by: Carol on December 15, 2005, 14:06:59
I am an extremely boring eater and it should be 'what do i eat' because I haave a restricted diet due to absolutely rotten innards and fussy taste buds.  My diet has been gone over by a dietician and was told I do eat healthily.  I do not drink alcohol, tea or coffee.  So my drink is water as lots of you know!!!  I dont eat fish (cant stand it).  I eat chicken, beef, lamb, turkey.  I eat most vegetables except onions although I do flavour my stews with Onion and my soups.  I cant stand Pasta in any form.  Chinese, Indian or any foreign cooking.  I do not like cooked tomato or cheese.  My innards do not like Cauliflower, although I used to like it with a sauce.  I have started to like cooked Rice but not got round to eating it with aa meal.  So really I  eat to live and not the other way round like most folk.  Live to eat!!!!
Title: Re: Changing tastes
Post by: wardy on December 15, 2005, 15:31:54
Gawd I envy you Carol  ;D  I live to eat ,and as I over indulge in all departments, the middle aged spread is well - spreading  ;D  I live on tea, coffee, alchohol, eat everything except turkey.  Don't get me wrong I adore turkey but I'm allergic to it and if I eat it I get carted off in an ambulance  ;D

So I wish I was a tee total fussy eater  ;D
Title: Re: Changing tastes
Post by: Delilah on December 15, 2005, 17:03:35
Mince pies, chrissy cake and pud - only tried them again last year and love them now ;D

EJ - I loathe aniseed, got rip roaring drunk  :-[ on pernod and black when 17 and can,t even cope with the smell now!!

Have never eaten meat, got in loads of trouble when a child for not eating it (was always told to eat up my meat but not the veggies if I wasn't hungry, hows that for strange logic).  fIf I walk past a butchers shop and get a wiff of raw meat it turns my stomach...yuck!

Aiken -  ;D :D :)
Title: Re: Changing tastes
Post by: Derekthefox on December 15, 2005, 17:56:52
I agree on the mince pies and fruit cake Delilah, but you forgot to mention the rhubarb wine ...

Derekthefox :D
Title: Re: Changing tastes
Post by: wardy on December 15, 2005, 18:04:10
I was once in a Pernod drinking competition - guess who won  ;D  Ridiculous carry on and I've never repeated the exercise  :-[
Title: Re: Changing tastes
Post by: Derekthefox on December 15, 2005, 19:55:56
Pernod arrrggghhhh!!!!!!

Derekthefox :D
Title: Re: Changing tastes
Post by: Delilah on December 15, 2005, 20:17:35
, but you forgot to mention the rhubarb wine ...

Derekthefox :D

and Brandy, just suddenly found a taste for a little tipple now and again ;D

and pepper, hated it as a child, now can't eat a meal without black pepper :)

I take it you won the pernod comp then Wardy - hope you weren't as ill as I was after my pernod session :(
Title: Re: Changing tastes
Post by: undercarriage plan on December 15, 2005, 20:36:30
Very curious, also had bad experience with pernod.....well think the experience was darn good, was the mornng after..... ::) and at 17, so same here, can't go near it....used to love it smiling though,  cos what a blast!!!! ;D ;D ;D ;)
Title: Re: Changing tastes
Post by: Delilah on December 15, 2005, 20:41:39
We ve been through soooooooooooooo much together Lottie ;D
Title: Re: Changing tastes
Post by: moonbells on December 15, 2005, 20:45:02
Pernod arrrggghhhh!!!!!!

Derekthefox :D

Definitely me too!
I can't stand aniseed or liquorice - never could - and it sadly led to an embarrassing incident just after I was 18 and allowed to drink legally.  Chap in pub asked if he could buy me a drink and me having no idea what I liked, I said surprise me.

You can guess the rest.

Dunno who was more embarrassed.

Have to admit that when it comes to drinks I once had too much of and now can't touch, mine's Tequila.  Student friend had a bottle at a party one Sat night and asked me if I would like a tequila slammer (salt, lime etc). Two of those and a couple of glasses of wine were enough to give me the hangover from hell.  Still being ill at 6pm the following day...  but then again 2 glasses of wine still give me a hangover so I don't exactly have the world's greatest alcohol tolerance!

Title: Re: Changing tastes
Post by: undercarriage plan on December 15, 2005, 20:47:17
I know, Pet, brings tears to me eyes when I think back over all we've shared....sigh....all those memories....the good times, the bad, Aiken, Jaggy's flying attempts, Russ on the rampage, Tulip being a man!! Ady not being a clanger  :o, TM not belonging to the green party, being hurled off the sofa, those lovely curried parsnip you go, have the last one................funny how it seems like yesterday.. ::) ::) ::) :-*
I'm learning to tolerate alcohol,  Moonbells, is a hard task, but someone's got to do it... ;)
Title: Re: Changing tastes
Post by: reedos on December 15, 2005, 20:47:33
Hated mushrooms, liver, olives, tomatoes, kidney, onions, butter beans, any kind of dried fruit and marzipan as a kid.

Now eat mushrooms, tomatoes & onions. Can just about get away with liver, kidney & dried fruit.

But if I was captured by the enemy just the threat of olives, marzipan and butter beans (either individually or together) would make me tell them all I knew. I don't care what anybody else says they are the food of the Devil
Title: Re: Changing tastes
Post by: moonbells on December 15, 2005, 20:53:06
Olives are a classic taste changer. I used to pick them religiously off the all-topping pizzas.

One day someone introduced me to mozzarella, tomato and basil salad with extra virgin olive oil. I went out and bought the ingredients as I liked it so much, and eventually I bought a jar of olives as an experiment. Now if folk leave a dish of them near me they really shouldn't wonder where they've all gone...


Title: Re: Changing tastes
Post by: Derekthefox on December 15, 2005, 20:57:35
I can drink tequila with lime, or as marguerita, or my favourite is in tequila sunrise. Come Christmas day morning, I will be drinking copious quantities of this cocktail, and being very happy in the kitchen ... whilst my wife is sound asleep having just endured another night shift, and my daughter is doing whatever she decides to be doing ...

I also enjoy olives, but find that after about 8, I have had enough. Now if you are talking pickled garlic, well that is another story ...

Derekthefox :D
Title: Re: Changing tastes
Post by: Delilah on December 15, 2005, 21:16:27
Oooooooooooeeeeeeeeerr  Pickled garlic never tried that............note to self MUST TRY PICKLED GARLIC ;D

Tequila Slammers, well thats another drunken story ;D
Title: Re: Changing tastes
Post by: undercarriage plan on December 15, 2005, 21:19:23
Could never get on with slammers...always managed to hurl contents of glass about the room whilst oh well....but still no way going within 10 ft of an it black, green or conservative.. :P
Title: Re: Changing tastes
Post by: Derekthefox on December 15, 2005, 21:24:47
You must try pickled garlic Delilah, I buy litre jars in our poundshop, yes £1, well actually its the 99p shop ... anyway I love half a dozen or more with my sausage rolls at lunchtime ...

Derekthefox :D
Title: Re: Changing tastes
Post by: wardy on December 15, 2005, 22:54:59
I don't like olives but the martini is fine without them  ;D
Title: Re: Changing tastes
Post by: jaggythistle on December 15, 2005, 23:12:31

   Only thing I detest and have always hated "BLOODY MARMITE"......
   I had a nice apprenticeship learning my drinking tastes...took quite a few
  years to serve my time.... you name it I have had a go at it...but always
  came back to 2 old favourites...was a toss up between dark rum n coke
  or southern comfort and coke...Icy if your reading this (saw that bout roll
  mops) and you like a vodka...try getting yourself a jar of mussels eat
  mussels...the juice left pour it in to a glass with a measure of vodka I tell
  you  the taste will blow you away....that was learnt from taffy rugger
  fans...but there lies another story !!!!  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Changing tastes
Post by: Derekthefox on December 16, 2005, 09:14:52
I agree on the bloody marmite , was this stuff invented as a joke ?

The other thing I can not abide now is peanut butter ...

But I do enjoy coffee icecream ...

Derekthefox :D
Title: Re: Changing tastes
Post by: undercarriage plan on December 16, 2005, 09:22:02
Mmmmm, just tucking into marmite on the stuff!! And as for that drink Jags.....OMG.....are you sure chap wasn't joking when he suggested it.  :-X ??? :P
Title: Re: Changing tastes
Post by: wardy on December 16, 2005, 10:03:08
I love toasted Marmite soldiers with boiled egg.  Good for you too  :)
Title: Re: Changing tastes
Post by: undercarriage plan on December 16, 2005, 11:42:50
Oh yes, Wards!! But always have strange phenomenon when doing dippy eggs ( no insult meant to eggs, by the way... ::)), all put in at same time, and without fail 2 will be darn near perfect, other 2 would make handy missiles... ???
Title: Re: Changing tastes
Post by: Delilah on December 16, 2005, 14:02:59
Guess What  ......................I luuuuuuuurrrrrrve Marmite butties..............with a diet coke ....the total hangover cure ;D

can't do a soft boiled egg to save my life and the sprogs only like the yoke anyway so are dead stressed with me if not a dipping I cheat and just fry them ;D result is a runny yoke every time :)
Title: Re: Changing tastes
Post by: undercarriage plan on December 16, 2005, 14:36:55
LOL!! Try toast and cheese with marmite under cheese and sliced toms on top....mmmmm!
 I'll dippy your eggs if you fry mine, cos always end up with mustard coloured mess.. :P
Title: Re: Changing tastes
Post by: Bionic Wellies on December 16, 2005, 15:13:40
Mmmmmmmmmm Marmite - mix it with butter and spread it on toast, or just spread it on bread or crackers - it doesn't matter because it tases aweful whatever you do with it - pop it straight in the bin (don't even open the jar) - cos the birds won't touch it either!!!!

AHHHHHhhhhhhhhhh !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(sorry - better now (well maybe not))
Title: Re: Changing tastes
Post by: Derekthefox on December 16, 2005, 15:58:28
Yes Bionic, straight in the bin, best way to handle Marmite  ;D ;D ;D

Derekthefox ;D
Title: Re: Changing tastes
Post by: aquilegia on December 16, 2005, 16:29:08
When I was a kid I hated olives, but loved blue cheese, cauliflower, brussels, cabbage and liver.

Now I love olives (it was a pizza that converted me!) but hate blue cheese, cauli and caabage. Although I still like brussels. Oh and I wouldn't eat liver as I'm a veggie.

Oh and I liked broccoli then I hated it. But since I discovered cooking the florets separate from the stalk and only steaming them for about 3-5mins I like it again. Maybe the case would be the same for cauli if I tried it!

But I still dislike figs.

Even my sister (who thought Marmite was the vomit of the devil) likes it now! Me - I've always loved it!
Title: Re: Changing tastes
Post by: terrace max on December 16, 2005, 16:33:00
For all you Marmite afficianados, I couldn't recommend this too highly:

Looks terrible tastes fantastic. Even DTF might like it.
Title: Re: Changing tastes
Post by: wardy on December 16, 2005, 16:50:16
Lotty that cheese on toast with marmite sounds fab
Title: Re: Changing tastes
Post by: undercarriage plan on December 16, 2005, 16:55:13
Oooh is heaven in a grill, Wards...Mmm no tasty smiley....a lost now.. ???
 ???Max, does it taste very different to marmite, cos marmite's like ketchup, has to be Heinz....well, apart from marmite being brown and ketchup not....  ::)
Title: Re: Changing tastes
Post by: terrace max on December 16, 2005, 16:57:57
Trust me  :)
Title: Re: Changing tastes
Post by: undercarriage plan on December 16, 2005, 17:14:31
Did you happen to say that in slow, hypnotic voice....cos have been trigger happy again... ::) ::) ::) OK no more purchasing suggestions regarding food, seeds, phones or small furry animals.....
Title: Re: Changing tastes
Post by: Mrs Ava on December 16, 2005, 18:06:58
mmmmmmmmmmmm, love marmite, and daughter number one can eat it straight from the jar with a spoon!  Try marmite and iceberg lettuce sangers......YUMSKY!!  Love peanut butter and I can eat that one straight from the jar!!  Olives, could, and do eat them by the sack full, stuffed, unstuffed, black or green, just lurve them.  Capers are a new acquired taste, and now love them in a pizza or mixed with pasta for that zingy zing.  As a kidney I hated beef, but as a 20 something I discovered you could eat it rare and found that I love it as bloody as hell!  Didn't think I would like sushi, until I tried it and now I can't get enough of it!!
Title: Re: Changing tastes
Post by: Derekthefox on December 16, 2005, 18:09:40
Thanks for thinking of me Terracemax, but no, think I will still give that stuff a miss...

Derekthefox :D
Title: Re: Changing tastes
Post by: moonbells on December 16, 2005, 21:52:32
eeep - I couldn't touch beef, rare or otherwise <shiver>

I too hate marmite, yet for some odd reason I rather like vegemite. Just different enough to cross over from yeuch to mmmmm.

Sushi - yum. I make my own veggie sushi (and it's a major reason for growing cukes!) The first time I dared to eat raw fish was in a proper Japanese restaurant where most of the people weren't speaking English! I was suitably worried about not liking it, and was totally amazed at how totally different it tastes to cooked!

Now can't get enough...

Title: Re: Changing tastes
Post by: reedos on December 16, 2005, 22:34:20
Marmite no no no no no

Can't add anything to that
Title: Re: Changing tastes
Post by: Carol on December 16, 2005, 22:39:24
Does anyone like 'Tripe and Onions'????  I do not.   but I have to cook it for me old mother who just loves it.   The smell turns my stomach but I cook it anyways and shut all the doors with the fan on.

I like Marmite but cannot face Bovril. 

 ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Changing tastes
Post by: moonbells on December 19, 2005, 10:24:54
tripe - bleh!

My mother used to love it - it would turn my dad and me green at the hint of the smell.  Don't think she cooks it any more!

One taste I don't think I'll ever acquire!


Title: Re: Changing tastes
Post by: Derekthefox on December 19, 2005, 10:41:57
Tripe - No !

Sushi? Never tried it but I would be very willing to. The problem in our house is that my family are not particularly adventurous with food ... I will have to see if I can get some from a supermarket ...

Derekthefox :D
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