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Produce => Edible Plants => Topic started by: terrace max on November 25, 2005, 13:09:52

Title: Getting organised for spring...
Post by: terrace max on November 25, 2005, 13:09:52
How do you organise your sowing and harvesting?

Do you have spreadsheets, notebooks or the back of a f*g packet?

I'm trying to have my best organised season yet in 2006 (probably means it'll be a complete shambles!) with proper labels for the plants and everything. Now seems like a good time to work it out. So all ideas very welcome!
Title: Re: Getting organised for spring...
Post by: aquilegia on November 25, 2005, 13:32:14
I use good old fashioned pen and paper.

I write a list of what I'm planting in each of my five beds, what's going in containers and what's going among the flowers.

Then spring comes and I throw the list out of the window due to the fact that half the plants haven't germinated, then others got eaten by slugs when I planted them out.

My plans are always very flexible.

Time's for sowing depends on what it says on the packet and the weather. I now keep a diary of sowing dates (first year this year) so will refer to that next year.

harvesting - well that depends on what the slugs and my cack-handedness leaves me!

Mostly this is done as an exercise to keep me from being bored in the winter months.
Title: Re: Getting organised for spring...
Post by: daisymay on November 25, 2005, 13:35:40
A couple of weekends ago when it rained solid, I did a spreadsheet in excel for next year - listed all the seeds I have on the left (split btwn flowers and veg) and the months along the top. Is based on a spread sheet thany Jennym sent me. Is areally useful as it shows you month by month what you need to do.
Title: Re: Getting organised for spring...
Post by: Mrs Ava on November 25, 2005, 14:47:17
Always start with good intentions, but end up just working my way through my seed box, and everytime I spy a gap, I put a pinch of seeds in!  Gets very crowded in my garden, greenhouse, conservatory and allotment, but I seem to do okay.
Title: Re: Getting organised for spring...
Post by: aquilegia on November 25, 2005, 14:56:24
And the other bit of organisation I've done is to sort out my seed box. Rather than just having a big box with everything in a muddle and spending ages searching through it, I've sorted the seeds into different big envelopes each labeled with what's in it.

Categories include: tomatoes; beans and peas; courgettes and squashes; peppers, chillis and aubergines; herbs; hardy annuals; hardy periennials; aquilegias; etc...

Makes it so much easier not only to find what I'm looking for, but also I know exactly how many different varieties of each veg I have (rather scary!)
Title: Re: Getting organised for spring...
Post by: undercarriage plan on November 25, 2005, 15:04:29
Bit similar to Ej here! Turn up at plot, plant seeds in gaps, go home!! And so far have had good crops, suede rubbish this year though....sorry not much help!! Just make sure I don't plant the same thing in th same place.
Lottie  ;D
Title: Re: Getting organised for spring...
Post by: Derekthefox on November 25, 2005, 15:07:22
I have to be honest, I use a spreadsheet.

Having decided on my planting earlier, I will sort the list by planting dates. This at least organises my sowing regime. Then my ground preparation is at least in anticipation ...

Derekthefox :D
Title: Re: Getting organised for spring...
Post by: Icyberjunkie on November 25, 2005, 18:10:16
Organise sowing, planting and harvesting.  WHats this organise thingy then........ ;D

Definiite back of seed packet or I'm-bored-what-space-do-I-have-to-cram-something-in moment here!
Title: Re: Getting organised for spring...
Post by: BAGGY on November 25, 2005, 21:19:13
My seeds live in a computer disc holder, roughly divided into roots, beans, salad etc.  I systematically go through them and work out which should be planted when. Then I take the seeds down to the Lotty, leave them in the shed and get on with whatever I didn't have time to do the week before.  Hmm.
Title: Re: Getting organised for spring...
Post by: plot51A on November 26, 2005, 08:30:42
And the other bit of organisation I've done is to sort out my seed box. Rather than just having a big box with everything in a muddle and spending ages searching through it, I've sorted the seeds into different big envelopes each labeled with what's in it.

Good idea Acqui. Kept sorting mine out this year - sort of into categories, or into groups of planting time, but only put them into plastic bags not labelled and they all got mixed up again. To while away the winter hours have listed all my seeds on a database and intend to put in sow times, harvest times, comments etc. We can but dream. Have catalogued 97 so far, still some to go, but have stopped so that I can pretend I haven't really got many after all!
My original seed box was a shoe box....then a biscuit tin....currently a small Ikea storage box. Am hoping I won't have to graduate to a large one!
Title: Re: Getting organised for spring...
Post by: Robert_Brenchley on November 26, 2005, 10:08:33
I've previously tended to get in a mess and just stick stuff in as I had space for it. But for once I'm ahead of myself this year, so I should be able to start developing some sort of system. Dunno what it's going to be yet as the garden keeps evolving.
Title: Re: Getting organised for spring...
Post by: vee on November 26, 2005, 11:29:13
This last season because it was my first on the allotment and growing veg I kept a diary and filled in a short note of what I'd done each time I came back from the plot. It's nice to read now the weather is bad, and will help in planning next year. I've also done a spreadsheet with the months at the top and 1-31 down the side. I filled in sowing, germinated, planted and harvest dates for each crop that succeeded eg  bbeanS, bbeansG , fbeansP, onionH and typed them in different colours. Blue for sown,green for germinated,brown for planted and red for harvested. I will probably not need to do this every year when I have more experience but it will definitely help me to plan next year and know when things worked. If seeds failed I didn't put them in, only the successes.
Now you all know what a sad person I am!
Title: Re: Getting organised for spring...
Post by: AikenDrum on November 26, 2005, 12:22:01
Since this is my first year, my only plan is to try and learn from all the mistakes I will undoubtedly make.    {:¬ (
Title: Re: Getting organised for spring...
Post by: AikenDrum on November 26, 2005, 12:42:41
Having said that, I've got a couple of Guardian Fogies watching over my shoulder to make sure I don't make a complete compost heap of it !  They were the first people I made an effort to find and talk to. The just LUV chattin'    ;D
Title: Re: Getting organised for spring...
Post by: windygale on November 26, 2005, 12:46:20
Hi TM, i use the MSN OFFICE CALENDAR  and AOL REMIND ME units as i reminder of when to sow, things to do , harvest plants ect, dig plots, get manure, thin out seedlings, order newseeds, wifes birthday cant for get that, :o ;D, lol  find it very helpful, just read the back of seed packet, and any info needed, and then install it to the day in the calendar, and then set a reminder, who needs spreadsheets, most computer or internet software has a calendar now a days,
hope this helps,
Title: Re: Getting organised for spring...
Post by: terrace max on November 26, 2005, 13:02:59
d**n fine idea Windy.

The best I've managed so far is a diary - divided into weeks - where I note down everything I've sown or harvested in the allotment, garden and greenhouse. Managed it religiously last year. A pain in the thingy to do, but really interesting and helpful to look back on as I put this year's entries under last year's...
Title: Re: Getting organised for spring...
Post by: Lily on November 26, 2005, 13:07:25
I have also used a spread sheet.  Listing all the seeds I have left and with one column advising whether I need anymore.  

My lottie friend is coming over Tuesday evening to look through the catalogues so that we can get our order in for next year.  We try and go for Organic Seeds.

It's worth while keeping a diary, just for the date of when things were planted and harvested and any general comments that will help you in future years.  This helped me, as my labelling of plants was a bit hit and miss.

Spring can't come soon enough for me. I hate Winter, very depressing.


Title: Re: Getting organised for spring...
Post by: Derekthefox on November 26, 2005, 15:54:28
That is where I like the spreadsheet, all the various notes can be tacked on as required.

I have just used jennym's spreadsheet calculator for yields etc, it is useful to determine how many crops to grow, without running into silly quantities ...

Derekthefox :D
Title: Re: Getting organised for spring...
Post by: Lily on November 26, 2005, 16:07:20
I have just used jennym's spreadsheet calculator for yields etc, it is useful to determine how many crops to grow, without running into silly quantities ...

Derekthefox :D

Derek. Is there any chance of having a copy of the above spreadsheet calculator. 

Please, pretty please. ;)  :)  :)


Title: Re: Getting organised for spring...
Post by: marjrie on November 26, 2005, 17:05:06
I have just used jennym's spreadsheet calculator for yields etc, it is useful to determine how many crops to grow, without running into silly quantities ...

Derekthefox :D

Derek. Is there any chance of having a copy of the above spreadsheet calculator. 

Please, pretty please. ;)  :)  :)


I was wondering that too Lily, or any charts at all about when to do what, this is our first time trying to grow anything, so I know there will be lots of learning to do.
Title: Re: Getting organised for spring...
Post by: Looby Loo on November 26, 2005, 18:11:29
I'd like to have a look as well. If you E-mail it to me, I can host it on my web space for others to download, if that would be OK of course.
Title: Re: Getting organised for spring...
Post by: Derekthefox on November 26, 2005, 20:40:08
It is jenyym's calculator Looby Loo, so if you pm her with your email addy, I am sure she will oblige ...

It would be improper of me to pass it on without her permission, I hope you understand.

Derekthefox :D
Title: Re: Getting organised for spring...
Post by: jennym on November 27, 2005, 02:12:29
Marjrie and Lily, if you pm me with your e-mail address I will send the spreadsheet on to you.
Looby Loo - I have sent it to you now.

Title: Re: Getting organised for spring...
Post by: the_snail on November 27, 2005, 04:38:30
Ok mines a bit of a blue peter job.

It consists of a cornflake packet, and some glue. (or double sided tape to keep with the blue peter fashion.)

I may take 2 cornflake packets to do this. You can use any brand  ;D

Make a deep sided tray with cormflake packet 1
Then make deviders with cornflake packet 2 and slot them into the tray that you made out of cornflack packet 1

You will need 12 dividers, Mark the at the top January ... ... ... ... March........ .. . .. June etc I think you have the idea about the labeling.

Once you have done that put your seed packets, notes, reminders and plans in each section. Job Done. A good thing to do on a cold winters day. Also ask the kids to help out they would love it. Why not make a childs planner for a smal section of the garden or plot? It will get them really interested in growing the own veg also it would get them in the fresh air and encourage there creative skills.

Keep all of this in your fridge to keep the seeds happy. You may need to remake this each year. When it is time to make a new one rip up the old one and put it into your composter.

Recycling at its best  ;D

Title: Re: Getting organised for spring...
Post by: Derekthefox on November 27, 2005, 08:33:02
Ha ha, it may look simple, but it still sounds effective and organised. Sometimes these clever little touches elude me ...

Derekthefox :D
Title: Re: Getting organised for spring...
Post by: Lily on November 27, 2005, 08:53:31
I understand, Derek.  Jennym, my email address is on it's way to you.

Many thanks.   :)

Title: Re: Getting organised for spring...
Post by: David R on November 27, 2005, 09:08:10
I have tried sketching a version of the lottie in excel by filling in boxes with different colours to represent different crops. seems to work, however, the reality is that I just use my memory of what went where and hardly consult my spreadsheet (naughty david!).

But, I have to learn a new program for work, microsoft project, and i am wondering that I might use my new found skill to good use  for my real passion.  I will try it out and let you know how it pans out.
Title: Re: Getting organised for spring...
Post by: Lily on November 27, 2005, 10:24:09
Jennym you're a star.  Email received, many thanks.  Have sent you a PM.

Lily  :)
Title: Re: Getting organised for spring...
Post by: Looby Loo on November 27, 2005, 10:42:23
Thank Jennym... :)
Title: Re: Getting organised for spring...
Post by: marjrie on November 27, 2005, 15:28:50
Marjrie and Lily, if you pm me with your e-mail address I will send the spreadsheet on to you.


Have sent pm, thanks
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