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General => The Shed => Topic started by: RSJK on November 21, 2005, 17:56:13

Title: When did you know you was getting old
Post by: RSJK on November 21, 2005, 17:56:13
I new I was getting old when radio 2 became easier on my ears than radio 1, and the news was no longer a boring subject on the TV, what about you?

                                ;) :-\
Title: Re: When did you know you was getting old
Post by: redimp on November 21, 2005, 18:04:49
Well unfortunatley I have been an avid news watcher since I was about 14 and I bypassed Radio 2 for Radio 4 when I was about 25-30.  My music taste always restricited me to late night Radio 1 anyway and now my favourite 'pop' music station is Radio 6.  I think it was about 2 days ago that I looked in the mirror and thought 'I am starrting to look my age'  so there you have it - a couple of days ago.
Title: Re: When did you know you was getting old
Post by: Mrs Ava on November 21, 2005, 18:49:18
When I lost the blonde locks for brunette.....

When the supply teacher at kids school is a LOT younger than me!....

When Terry Wogan made me giggle....

When a quiet night in with chums, home cooked supper and a bottle of plonk was more appealing than a loud night out in a smoke filled pub with blaring crap music and rubbish reheated food!....
Title: Re: When did you know you was getting old
Post by: Delilah on November 21, 2005, 19:02:39
I didn't know I had  :o  but maybe I'm deluding myself ;D

Perhaps it was last Christmas when we got the records and turntable out of the loft and declared that "music isn't what it used to be"  - but my daughter did tell me to turn the noise down :o she didn't like Sisters of Mercy and the Buzzcocks very much!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: When did you know you was getting old
Post by: terrace max on November 21, 2005, 19:14:44
When every single professional football and rugby league player is younger than I am...

When I can identify where every riff in 'new' pop tunes has been nicked from...

When I realised pubs & clubs are a load of rubbish...
Title: Re: When did you know you was getting old
Post by: terrace max on November 21, 2005, 19:15:37
Oh, and when I realised my kids were more important to me than I am :)
Title: Re: When did you know you was getting old
Post by: Mimi on November 21, 2005, 19:29:14
When I had a student nurse on my ward who's birth I had been at.   :'(  :'(
Title: Re: When did you know you was getting old
Post by: tim on November 21, 2005, 19:40:57
When 8 people call you grandpa!
Title: Re: When did you know you was getting old
Post by: lorna on November 21, 2005, 20:27:12
Same here Tim.. when 8 lovely kids between the ages of 3yrs and 20yrs come to see Nan. I keep trying to convince my self  I am not getting old until I try to lift a BIG bag of compost and the sciatica sets in. Then all the neighbours can hear me shouting over the fence  "Come and help me please Lorna.(.jnr!!).
Title: Re: When did you know you was getting old
Post by: Icyberjunkie on November 21, 2005, 20:40:08
...when I couldn't remember whow old I was and had to work it out
...when I coldnlt remember when I graduated
...when I recounted how much I could buy for 10p from the ice cream van
......................when I got a lottie as first love and took up golf!!!
Title: Re: When did you know you was getting old
Post by: sammyd on November 21, 2005, 20:43:16
not sure if thit fits in


went asda today to do weekly food shop and thought id buy a couple of bottles of red wine to make mulled wine

refused to serve me cos checkout lady thought i didnt look 21... she say they getting strict

BUt im 31

wasnt happy ??? ???
Title: Re: When did you know you was getting old
Post by: CotswoldLass on November 21, 2005, 20:47:15
Old? I'm celebrating another anniversary of my 35th birthday next month!

Seriously, when I was 25 and seriously competing in horse sports, even though very fit still had days when my hip seized up and I couldn't dismount, or when my fingers siezed up while plaiting a mane.

All there still, but without the adrenalin or the strain on the bank balance!

Title: Re: When did you know you was getting old
Post by: Icyberjunkie on November 21, 2005, 20:47:39
oh I don't know - could have lots of fun if I looked like 21 again!
Title: Re: When did you know you was getting old
Post by: Georgie on November 21, 2005, 21:05:32
...when I started buying shoes for comfort rather than fashion sense.

G xx
Title: Re: When did you know you was getting old
Post by: sammyd on November 21, 2005, 21:06:07
i jus wanted the wine :P
Title: Re: When did you know you was getting old
Post by: Carol on November 21, 2005, 21:33:26
When I looked in the mirror and saw my mother looking out at me and then hearing my mates say ' oh heck, you even talk like your mother'.   

Other than that I am really just 29....... and feel that inside..... now where's my hearing aid???

 ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: When did you know you was getting old
Post by: Lily on November 21, 2005, 21:34:29
When a sales assistant called me 'Madam', I was 14 at the time. :'(  :'(

Title: When did you know you was getting old
Post by: DolphinGarden on November 21, 2005, 22:48:37
Did you see it tonight?

When I was looking at University Challenge this evening and they all looked like boys out way past their bedtime!!!

When I had a student nurse on my ward who's birth I had been at. :'( :'(
That's a good one Mimi, I remember I was visiting my aunt in a nursing home a few years ago, and one of the relief nurses{not a regular at any rate} was a VERY young girl I used babysit, many years ago!!!

When every single professional football and rugby league player is younger than I am...

When I can identify where every riff in 'new' pop tunes has been nicked from...

When I realised pubs & clubs are a load of rubbish...
ditto tm
Title: Re: When did you know you was getting old
Post by: Mrs Ava on November 21, 2005, 22:51:37
hahahah Lily!

Oh my Mimi!

Hey, I wouldn't be complaining sammyd, oh to be 21 again!

Cor, what a load of old buggers we are!  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: When did you know you was getting old
Post by: CotswoldLass on November 21, 2005, 23:24:30
My mother was, for many years, the same  age as the Queen.....
Title: Re: When did you know you was getting old
Post by: Heldi on November 21, 2005, 23:46:40
Eeeee Wardy !

Well I've just turned 38 but get this...the bloke who my OH is working with right now saw my pic on his phone and said "Oh she must like older blokes then!" OH is 39. So I guess its true but his work mate thought I was 24. Last year two BT engineers asked me if I could get my mum or dad to move our car off the  BT manhole cover thingy that is outside our house. LOL!   The other week a bloke knocked on the door asking to speak to the owner. I said "you are speaking to her". He looked in disbelief,looked up at the house and said "All this at such a young age!" Haha! Yeah right I'll give you that one cos he was selling something. Smarmy get. But the funniest thing was this, a couple of years ago. I was in a motorbike shop looking for some new leathers. OH asked the shop assistant if they had a certain type that I had my eye on,he said "Oh yes , for your daughter?" ROTFL! Boy have I had some fun with that. 

I think if people looked a bit harder they'd see a furrowed brow and my hands give it away too. Years of working outside in a cemetery. Now I bet that has shocked you! No I didn't dig holes, I cut the grass!
Title: Re: When did you know you was getting old
Post by: aquilegia on November 22, 2005, 09:16:53
I like being older than I used to be. But then I'm not 30 for another three months, so I'm still young really!

But even so...

* I find myself commenting "she must be cold" when I see what girls are wearing these days.
* I have to ask my younger colleagues to translate slang for me.
* I enjoy baking, making jam, gardening etc (well - some seem to think that's the domain of oldies!)
* Police men, doctors and the contestants on University Challenge look like children.
* The radio is constantly tuned to Radio 4.
* I moan because modern music sounds like noisy dirge and most of the bands/singers I listen to have long since split up or are dead.
* People are really shocked when I tell them my age as most of them seem to think I'm 10 years younger. (A few weeks ago someone asked me why I wasn't at school so I replied that I left school over 13 years ago! I was shocked! I'm used to people thinking I'm 18, but school?!)
* Two weeks in a row I've spent Sunday morning cleaning and tidying and really enjoyed it!
* I'm often asleep by 9.30.
Title: Re: When did you know you was getting old
Post by: robkb on November 22, 2005, 09:20:51
Oh, and when I realised my kids were more important to me than I am :)

What he said! And when I went to see Julian Cope in January - he was fab, but I had to go outside during the support as they were too loud :o :-[! Oh, and I'm usually up by 7am at the latest, even if the kids are still asleep!

Rob ;)
Title: Re: When did you know you was getting old
Post by: aquilegia on November 22, 2005, 09:40:22
Oh and when I was talking to the "kids" at work and they didn't believe that there were ever pound notes and half pennies. I remember... (Although I'm not old enough to remember Pounds, Shillings and pence!)

I keep remembering more, I'll try to stop now before I feel ancient!

The fact that if I sit still for too long I have to very gentle get my knee back afterwards as it won't move for a while...
Title: Re: When did you know you was getting old
Post by: RSJK on November 22, 2005, 14:11:00
Code: [Select]
And when I went to see Julian Cope in January - he was fab
  Went to same school as Julian... such a quite boy
Title: Re: When did you know you was getting old
Post by: Delilah on November 22, 2005, 14:42:53
Who's Julian Cope?
Title: Re: When did you know you was getting old
Post by: Heldi on November 22, 2005, 14:44:17
I know what makes me feel old...not knowing what to wear. What do 38 year olds wear in order to look trendy,glam and a bit sexy?  It's the great mini skirt debate!

"Bless my cotton socks I'm in the news"    I know who Julian Cope is.  Does this mean I'm old?
Title: Re: When did you know you was getting old
Post by: Heldi on November 22, 2005, 15:11:24
Why thankee kindly ma'am !
Title: Re: When did you know you was getting old
Post by: tim on November 22, 2005, 15:42:44
I'm enjoying this.

I shall really feel it when I can't do a mile on the treadmill each morning.

Why not get out & walk? 'Cos to the left it's a 1/8 down & to the right it's a 1/4 up. That's not walking - it's hill-climbing!! And no pavement.
Title: Re: When did you know you was getting old
Post by: aquilegia on November 22, 2005, 15:48:40
For a minute there Tim I thought you meant running!  :o
Title: Re: When did you know you was getting old
Post by: Doris_Pinks on November 22, 2005, 16:03:50
When my daughter when younger asked me if my cave was near to Daddy's when we were growing up! ;D  ;D

When I look in the mirror in the morning and a 43 year old is staring back weather worn and bleary eyed! ;)

When I yell at the kids to turn that awful row down cos I can't hear myself think! (I swear at times my mother is in my body!)

When doing anything became far more exciting than clothes shopping :o

When the girls buy penny sweets, and the mallow shrimp things are tiny, and the black jacks and fruit salads have to be at least a quarter of the size they were, and we used to get 4 of them for 1d!! 8)

But the biggy for me, and I never thought it would bother me in the slightest was waking up on my 30th birthday, heavily pregnant so feeling the responsability of motherhood, and I found my first grey hair on my head!
Title: Re: When did you know you was getting old
Post by: robkb on November 22, 2005, 16:04:48
Code: [Select]
And when I went to see Julian Cope in January - he was fab
  Went to same school as Julian... such a quite boy

Not any more...

What do 38 year olds wear in order to look trendy,glam and a bit sexy?  It's the great mini skirt debate!

...only if matched with mud-spattered wellies!

My kids watched the Smash Hits Poll Winners party the other day - that made me feel very old :'(

Rob ;)
Title: Re: When did you know you was getting old
Post by: tim on November 22, 2005, 16:15:06
At least you still have your teeth, rob?
Title: Re: When did you know you was getting old
Post by: aquilegia on November 22, 2005, 16:17:12
DP - I found my first grey hair at 16. My sister found another one earlier this year. Mr Aqui (two weeks younger than me) has quite a peppering of greys now.

I was wondering recently if they still did penny sweets - didn't think about them making them smaller!
Title: Re: When did you know you was getting old
Post by: myrtle on November 22, 2005, 16:23:33
(Although I'm not old enough to remember Pounds, Shillings and pence!)

I am!!!!! and NOW I feel old!  ;D
Title: Re: When did you know you was getting old
Post by: RSJK on November 22, 2005, 17:58:56
I remember the pounds, shillings and pence as-well . Turned decimal when I went up to high school. Oh how I wish we could turn the clock back to when money was worth something, and there was good pop music to listen to from such great seventies groups like Slade, T rex, Sweet, Mud and Wizard.

Title: Re: When did you know you was getting old
Post by: undercarriage plan on November 22, 2005, 18:06:18
Nope! Am quite happy in denial....long may it last... ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: When did you know you was getting old
Post by: BAGGY on November 22, 2005, 18:24:49
I was at work and a police officer came up to me and said, "Do you still run cubs ?".  Yes I said do you want to know for your son?  No - I was one of your kids. 
Also when I am at the pub I am often asked if I would like a drink from a beefy 6 foot plus bloke with a gruff voice.  Again one of my ex-cubs.
Title: Re: When did you know you was getting old
Post by: dibberxxx on November 22, 2005, 18:27:31
same here lottie totally in denial  ::) ::) ::) having 3 teenager girls keeps me young i hope
Title: Re: When did you know you was getting old
Post by: Wicker on November 22, 2005, 19:13:43
Enjoyed reading this - so many truisms - the comfy shoes, the boring shopping etc - fashion to me now is what I feel suits me!. Certainly don't feel old inside and to keep that feeling alive I avoid all unnecessary mirrors!!  But the thing about (real) age I have found is that it is sooo liberating - I will happily start up a conversation without caring  that I may be thought pushy or forward, I savour every opportunity to "have a laugh", have banished the "stiff upper lip" and don't care who sees me being sentimental or weepy.  I will never be the type to grow old either gracefully or disgracefully - just somewhere on the happy middle road I hope

BUT the point at which I pulled up sharp was when I heard a particular song and thought "Oh, that would be nice at MY funeral" - so now it's all positive thoughts and no wishing my (shortish) life away......

Title: Re: When did you know you was getting old
Post by: Icyberjunkie on November 22, 2005, 19:29:59
Could be even worse - you could be so darn old that you were thinking "gosh that WAS the song I HAD at my funeral..."   :o

Title: Re: When did you know you was getting old
Post by: Wicker on November 22, 2005, 20:14:46
Icy  ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: When did you know you was getting old
Post by: lorna on November 22, 2005, 21:23:23
I have told my kids I want "When I leave the world behind" sung at my funeral (such true words if you know them.) The big but is that my kids say ...OMG RoseMarie singing it :o ;D Pity I won't be around to hear it!!LOL
Title: Re: When did you know you was getting old
Post by: undercarriage plan on November 22, 2005, 23:02:00
Well, am finding those little green tablets help me.......  ;D ;D ;D
and stop with the funerals !! please, though have to say quite fancy erm kinda Vicar of Dibley one.. but please no teletubies...eeeuuu!
Lots (Ok am getting used to it Wardy...)
Title: Re: When did you know you was getting old
Post by: Heldi on November 23, 2005, 14:38:09
My son asks me what it was like in "the olden days", when I was a kid. Thing is I can remember asking my mum the same thing. What goes around comes around.  :)

Title: Re: When did you know you was getting old
Post by: undercarriage plan on November 23, 2005, 14:58:50
And what did I do before there was electricity or phones is a real fav of mine.... >:( ::) ;D ;) and they say it with such wide eyed innocence......
Title: Re: When did you know you was getting old
Post by: Heldi on November 23, 2005, 15:18:48
I was in a museum and was showing my son the telephones we used to have. He was amazed that you have to stick your finger in and dial ! I felt all nostalgic and wanted one lol!
Title: Re: When did you know you was getting old
Post by: lorna on November 23, 2005, 15:30:27
UC AND WHAT DID YOU DO BEFORE ELECTRICITY??? Watch out I can see that squashy lettuce coming my way. ;D

HELDI We should have all hung on to them, quite expensive now!!!!
Title: Re: When did you know you was getting old
Post by: Delilah on November 23, 2005, 16:10:33
When my sprogs complain of being cold - I tell them 'bout when I was a lass we didn't have central heating and in the morning there used to be ice on the inside of my bedroom window!!

What do I sound mother...............frightening isn't it...................when exactly did I turn into my mother!!!!!!!!!! ???
Title: Re: When did you know you was getting old
Post by: tim on November 23, 2005, 17:39:50
Electricity? I used to clean my grandmother's 3 Valor-lamp tin oven for her.

And take a candle to bed. Had to blow out the candle by the door & throw myself into bed because there was always something nasty hiding under it!!
Title: Re: When did you know you was getting old
Post by: RSJK on November 23, 2005, 17:54:54
Crikey Tim was there someone under your bed aswell.

Also at my funeral l want them to play........  Wake me up before you go go
Title: Re: When did you know you was getting old
Post by: Mrs Ava on November 23, 2005, 18:01:27
I always fancied Eric Claptons 'Wonderful tonight' at my funeral, one of my faves, but I don't suppose I will be looking all that wonderful!!  ;D

One of the great things about being old, and having kids, is playing with them and not having to make excuses!  I go on the swings, whiz down the slide, build sandcastles on the beach, eat big ice creams with sprinkles......and boy are the kids embarressed!  It is great being old!  ;D
Title: Re: When did you know you was getting old
Post by: undercarriage plan on November 23, 2005, 18:11:46
Well, Lorna, I used to rub two sticks together, to try and get a spark going and light a fire so that I could see whilst doing my cave paintings and skinning my bunnies to make a  tasteful attire......  ;D ;D ;D ;)
Title: Re: When did you know you was getting old
Post by: Lily on November 23, 2005, 18:16:46
I want my ashes scattered over my allotment.  ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D

Title: Re: When did you know you was getting old
Post by: adam04 on November 23, 2005, 21:48:54
that'll do the soil some good. 
Title: Re: When did you know you was getting old
Post by: Mrs Ava on November 24, 2005, 09:53:43
ooo, I want my ashes scattered to the wind on Westward Ho! beach in North Devon, whilst the scatterer eats a Hockings ice cream with extra clotted cream!  ;D
Title: Re: When did you know you was getting old
Post by: Lily on November 24, 2005, 10:51:22
I want my ashes scattered over my allotment. ;D ;D ;D ;D


I would then be able to wander the allotment and help the next lottie owner to have a great harvest.  Protect it from harm and scare off any would be vandals, OOOOOOO  :o  :o

Title: Re: When did you know you was getting old
Post by: undercarriage plan on November 24, 2005, 10:56:46
I'm still undecided!! What I'd really a big, scary stone mausoleum thingy........with bats and cobwebs......creepy yet romantic music and lots white roses growing over it......sigh......but will probably end up with ashes being hoovered up... ::)
Title: Re: When did you know you was getting old
Post by: RSJK on November 24, 2005, 11:35:15
Joking apart I think that I would like to be buried under a newly planted tree so my spirit could grow with it and watch over the world.
Title: Re: When did you know you was getting old
Post by: myrtle on November 24, 2005, 12:38:52
I want 'Always look on the bright side of life' played at my funeral. I have every intention of my spirit sitting on my coffin to make sure everyone cries profusely at my passing.  ;D
Title: Re: When did you know you was getting old
Post by: BAGGY on November 24, 2005, 17:12:20
Myrtle - I want that too. And c'mon baby light my fire when I am cremated.  I am also going to request that it is fancy dress then my ashes can go anywhere.  I don't care coz I'll be dead.
Title: Re: When did you know you was getting old
Post by: undercarriage plan on November 24, 2005, 20:13:00
And c'mon baby light my fire when I am cremated.
Briliiant Baggy!!  ;D ;D ;D And look!! My very first attempt at quoting!! But don't quote me...... ;D
Title: Re: When did you know you was getting old
Post by: AikenDrum on November 25, 2005, 07:38:30
I only "started" getting old this Autumn when:

(1) I stopped going down to the pub every weekend with the lads and started cycling into the countryside with a basket on my bike to just  look, listen, and learn. And gather all that food for free.

(2) Started having to use a pencil and paper to add up what used to be reasonably simple calculations.

(3) Started getting up early at the weekends voluntarily !

And have allready bought a small plot of land to have myself buried in a cardboard coffin and a Yew tree planted on it. Just love the idea of birds and squirrels nesting in it, and young lovers carving their initials on my bark.

The tune I want is "Samba Pa Ti" from the "Abraxas" album by Santana, allways thought the tune meant the "Dance Of Life" and don't want to be disabused of that belief !  lol   {:¬)#
Title: Re: When did you know you was getting old
Post by: aquilegia on November 25, 2005, 09:29:27
AD - that's what I want to happen to my body when I'm gone. Where/how did you get it?

That's another part of getting old, I think, not being scared of your own mortality! I used to have nightmares about it as a kid. Now I just hope it's not too soon!
Title: Re: When did you know you was getting old
Post by: AikenDrum on November 25, 2005, 09:33:08
Don't mind when it is, as long as it's not before my next crop comes up  .... allways late for things, so wouldn't be at all surprised if I was late for mine as well  *grinz*
Title: Re: When did you know you was getting old
Post by: RSJK on November 25, 2005, 10:14:50
Aquqilegia, I am still scared stiff of dying just do not see the point in it. If they bring a pill out to prolong life I will be the first in the queue to take it.  I know that there are a lot of bad things that go on in the world today but the good things are still worth hanging around for.  I do wish that I could live forever.

Title: Re: When did you know you was getting old
Post by: AikenDrum on November 25, 2005, 12:23:56
Got every album he/they ever brought out    {:¬)#
Title: Re: When did you know you was getting old
Post by: undercarriage plan on November 25, 2005, 12:46:52
I've been through several phases in my view of death. Used to have nightmares like Aqui when young, absolutely terrified, then went through my nursing and several deaths phase ( And, no, wasn't anywhere near at the time..) then curious phase, have now entered my "well that's nothing I can do about it, and kinda intrigued" phase, am hoping I'll shut my eyes and whehay!! Flit about a bit, say hi to a few peeps and float on my merry way.....or am I back in denial again... ::) ::) ::)
Title: Re: When did you know you was getting old
Post by: Delilah on November 25, 2005, 13:31:52
I have every inteniton of hanging about and taking care of my sprogs long after I've departed this world - I believe very strongly in an afterlife, my grandpa has never left me and he died when I was 13 and I know this sounds freaky but I have been contacted by the spirits of other family members!

and no Aiken I haven't been on the "green" stuff - this is me being serious!
Title: Re: When did you know you was getting old
Post by: AikenDrum on November 25, 2005, 13:56:42
Delilah, that was a different post, would be entirely inappropriate here.    {:¬)#
Title: Re: When did you know you was getting old
Post by: Heldi on November 25, 2005, 14:03:37
Going to see Derek Acorah on Sunday Delilah.  Have a spare ticket!
Title: Re: When did you know you was getting old
Post by: Delilah on November 25, 2005, 14:07:53
Aiken - I'll consider myself told off and sent to stand in the corner

Wow Heldi I wished I lived just that little bit nearer and I'd be there like a shot :)
Title: Re: When did you know you was getting old
Post by: Lily on November 25, 2005, 14:28:31
Going to see Derek Acorah on Sunday Delilah. Have a spare ticket!

I went to see Derek Acorah in Leeds earlier this year.  Really enjoyed it.

Title: Re: When did you know you was getting old
Post by: adrianhumph on November 25, 2005, 14:49:55
 Hi all,  :D
              I can`t really remember when I knew I was old, does that mean I am old ???. The best way of telling (so i am told)  is when you walk past Dunne & Co, look in & think "that looks nice"
Title: Re: When did you know you was getting old
Post by: moonbells on November 25, 2005, 14:53:11
Aiken D: Where did you find the plots? I want an oak or a chestnut over my cardboard coffin, and my hubby just wants a tree,  but we don't know where to start looking!

Title: Re: When did you know you was getting old
Post by: AikenDrum on November 25, 2005, 15:21:02
moonbells, my kids bought mine for me as a prezzie, but there are quite a few local councils moving over to the idea now.      {:¬)#
Title: Re: When did you know you was getting old
Post by: AikenDrum on November 25, 2005, 15:59:13
lol @ wardy  They bought the plot, and are buying the coffin and tree when I'm ready to push up daisies underneath it     ;D
Title: Re: When did you know you was getting old
Post by: AikenDrum on November 25, 2005, 16:14:21
rotfpmsl  ..... some deadly nightshade perhaps ?     ;D
Title: When did you know you were getting old
Post by: DolphinGarden on November 26, 2005, 21:40:12
Btw, if I think the boys on University Challenge are Ssoooo young looking, would that me they'd think I'm an oulfella???Oh dear, it probably does...
I was in a museum and was showing my son the telephones we used to have. He was amazed that you have to stick your finger in and dial ! I felt all nostalgic and wanted one lol!
I HAVE one!!!

we didn't have central heating and in the morning there used to be ice on the inside of my bedroom window!!

Ditto Delilah

And from EJ-Emma Jane
One of the great things about being old, and having kids, is playing with them and not having to make excuses!  I go on the swings, whiz down the slide, build sandcastles on the beach, eat big ice creams with sprinkles......and boy are the kids embarressed!  It is great being old!   Don't have children, but do this anyway, being old, the embarrassment/self consciousness thresholds are quite high!!!

Going back to funerals, I was at one recently, well when the weather was good-early September, and they played a cd of Sarah Brightman "Time to say goodbye". It was very good. So I decided I want that but with Andrea Boccelli, then, Take That with "Want you back, want you back for Good", then I was thinking too much again, and wanted Will Young "Guess I better Leave right Now". But, maybe not!!!

Re:private burials, maybe it's not done in this country but I thought it was very hard to get permission to be buried on private land....tho' maybe if it's the local council you're getting permission from on council land......
Title: Re: When did you know you was getting old
Post by: redimp on November 27, 2005, 00:02:35

... to have myself buried in a cardboard coffin and a Yew tree planted on it. Just love the idea of birds and squirrels nesting in it, and young lovers carving their initials on my bark.
I want an Oak Tree and I would prefer a blanket to cardboard I think.  Can you be buried in a blanket or is there some objection to you being floppyy when you are being carried to your grave?

I am considering my music - never thought about the music side of things.  Maybe that's a sign of getting old.
Title: Re: When did you know you was getting old
Post by: Robert_Brenchley on November 27, 2005, 00:17:31
Muslims are buried in a shroud, with no coffin. They use a box to take the corpse to the grave, then take it out for the actual burial. There's nothing nasty about it at all.
Title: Re: When did you know you was getting old
Post by: AikenDrum on November 27, 2005, 00:58:24
The cardboard will keep the weeds down, lol     {:¬)#
Title: Re: When did you know you was getting old
Post by: Derekthefox on November 27, 2005, 09:48:09
We used to have a telephone with the rotary dialler on, until BT finally took it away a few years ago, telling us it could not be maintained any longer !!! I reckon we might have been the last house in the country with one ...

Derekthefox :D
Title: Re: When did you know you was getting old
Post by: redimp on November 27, 2005, 09:49:11
Muslims are buried in a shroud, with no coffin. They use a box to take the corpse to the grave, then take it out for the actual burial. There's nothing nasty about it at all.
Suits me fine RB - should have remembered that actually.  The old brain not so hot at the moment.  ???
Title: Re: When did you know you was getting old
Post by: Mimi on November 27, 2005, 10:01:05
Heldi and Lily, when I was a sproglet I used to live over the road from Derek Accora...........or Derek Johnson as he was then.  I was freinds with his sister Donna.  Dont remember him being a psychic or seeing any spirits when he was a lad  ::) .  I think that it is all a big con.
Title: Re: When did you know you was getting old
Post by: Delilah on November 27, 2005, 10:51:14
Children are far more open to spiritual phenomenon and often don't realise that it is anything unusual and assume that it happens to everyone - its only as we grow older that we put up the barriers, or not in the case of Derek Acorah!!

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