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Allotment Stuff => The Basics => Topic started by: Mothy on November 20, 2005, 23:32:31

Title: Addictive Allotmenteering
Post by: Mothy on November 20, 2005, 23:32:31
You know, just 12 months ago, if anyone had suggested that I would spend a Sunday night with pen & paper planning next years vegetable rotation and listing what seeds I have and what I need, I would have said they were.....MAD!

I'm not sure what's happened to me, seem to be losing what grip I had. I read seed catalogues instead of books; the only thing that will drag me away from the family is the allotment. I don't care very much for the garden at home any more...can I get help?????

Title: Re: Addictive Allotmenteering
Post by: Lily on November 21, 2005, 06:16:26
On the rare days that I travel on a train I don't look at the view over the fields and hills, I look out for allotments!

I saw a lovely site just a few days ago.  I was travelling North on a coach and saw 'steaming' in the distance a large heap of manure, cow manure.  In the cold frosty morning you could see that the heap was hot and steamy, :D I day dreamed the rest of the journey just what I could do with that large heap of manure.

Join the club, whether you grow in an allotment or a garden it can be addictive.  ;D

Title: Re: Addictive Allotmenteering
Post by: myrtle on November 21, 2005, 11:07:57
I feel sorry for those who don't have families who share their enthusiasm

I know what you mean, Wardy.  My lot just sort of humour me, they'll do a little bit and clear off, whereas I want to stay all day (and night too if it were poss).  They just don't get it!  ;D
Title: Re: Addictive Allotmenteering
Post by: spacehopper on November 21, 2005, 15:42:25
We went out with an old friend from uni at the weekend, and he nearly peed himself laughing when we started talking about the allotment! Was threatening flat caps for christmas! I didn't realise how much we had changed.
Title: Re: Addictive Allotmenteering
Post by: RSJK on November 21, 2005, 15:47:20
Very much addicted to my allotments every minute I have of my spare time I am up there, get the same here about people teasing me about being up the lottie, but I do not give a monkeys, and its funny the people that do the calling are always the ones that hold their hands out for your produce when you have some to spare.
Title: Re: Addictive Allotmenteering
Post by: Delilah on November 21, 2005, 15:49:44
I think everybody needs an escape/obsession Mr Delilahs is golf, daughter no1's is horse-riding, daughter no 2's is dancing and golf mine will be my allotment, they all scoot off to their hobbies while I am at home trying not to do housework well not no more guys cos I'm going to the lottie!!! :) :D ;D
Title: Re: Addictive Allotmenteering
Post by: Lily on November 21, 2005, 15:56:18
When I tell people that I have an allotment.  They say Oh!.  But there body language says 'Whats one of them' and/or 'What You'. 

I go on about how good everything tastes and that there's no comparison with what you buy in the shops.

We'll have the last laugh yet.  ;D  ;D

Title: Re: Addictive Allotmenteering
Post by: lorna on November 21, 2005, 16:31:25
I haven't got a lottie but love my garden. My son will often buzz me in the evening to say.."Haven't seen you on line, I suppose you have been gardening AGAIN" He hates gardening. When we kept pigs and sheep and we had one slaughtered for the freezer I would give a joint to any visiting family.They would query why I thought it was superior to shop meat. That is until they tasted it!!!! One family member thought it disgusting that we drank milk from our Jersey cow. Quote. Mine comes in a nice clean bottle. So I think if any of us do something different to what people think is the "norm" we will be amused by their reactions.
Title: Re: Addictive Allotmenteering
Post by: aquilegia on November 21, 2005, 16:39:35
I spent Saturday night flicking through seed catalogues - I've already placed my main order, but there are bound to be other bits I want and I'm after some more soft fruit to.

I spend nights unable to sleep because I'm thinking about crop rotations, what plant will grow with what, what to cook with the occassional glut, etc.

I rush home from work to read my ornamental kitchen garden book. (It used to be rushing home to look at the garden, but it's in blackness now!)

Mr Aqui's mum wants to know what we want for Xmas. I jokingly said to him a ton of well-rotted manure. He said ok - I'll tell her. I'm actually thinking now that it might be a good idea.

I've been moaning because none of the roads near us have trees on them. But ones miles away do. No car - so no chance of transporting them.

Oh and I always point out allotments to Mr Aqui on bus/train rides and when we walk round the park, I always make sure we walk past the allotment fence.

Oh yes - I don't even have an allotment. One day...
Title: Re: Addictive Allotmenteering
Post by: Mothy on November 21, 2005, 18:17:11

Thank goodness i'm not alone  ;D

I too, get the mickey taken, but i don't care!!
Title: Re: Addictive Allotmenteering
Post by: Mrs Ava on November 21, 2005, 18:56:56 there life beyond the allotment?  Am I missing something??

I no longer get laughed at at school when I arrive in my mud covered trousers and my hefty boots, because one of the other mums also has an allotment on my site, so we compare notes, and compare harvests, and mums complain about the price of rubbish veg in asda, and we talk about the different squashes and pumpkins, and they all declare they have never heard of them, and when they are moaning about having to buy limp naff veg to make a stew, we smile as we fill our stews (and freezers) with tasty fresh lush produce!!

My darling might not be a 'grower' but he is my grafter and never begrudges my gardening and growing passion.  You know, I can't imagine my life without a growing space somewhere, even if it were just a few pots!
Title: Re: Addictive Allotmenteering
Post by: terrace max on November 21, 2005, 19:22:21
Since humans started being we've worked hard with nature to provide food for ourselves and our families.

For the last two hundred years a few of us, mainly in the West, decided we had more important things to do (like shopping) and turned our backs on food production and nature.

I reckon it's not suprising that allotmenting feels like we've come home.

Title: Re: Addictive Allotmenteering
Post by: Kevins299 on November 22, 2005, 09:10:54
I am forming a support group called allotments anonymous (AA for gardeners)....of which the first step of the program is ...i am powerless over my gardening and i cant control my need to dig, garden, plant, pick fresh veggies, destroy weeds, and get lots of fresh air and exercise......

At work i am frequently asked for food parcels of fresh veggies from those who dont have an allotment, particularly those unusual veggies..the best one I planted this year in the poly tunnel was an italian squash called angels trumpets.....grew up to 2m long and 10cm thick , very much like a butternut in texture and taste...seems my addiction is much appreciated by all at the office....which is a outpatient centre for treatment of addictions!..really... ;D
Title: Re: Addictive Allotmenteering
Post by: terrace max on November 22, 2005, 09:48:56
urrm... (shuffles)... I'm Max and I'm hooked on growing vegetables. I used to like fast cars, designer clothes and, you know...but now I'm only happy pushing a wheelbarrow full of smelly stuff or reading the Organic Gardening catalogue....
Title: Re: Addictive Allotmenteering
Post by: Delilah on November 22, 2005, 12:10:25
Hello my name is Delilah and I'm teetering on the edge of addiction.  Only just got my lottie but am already hoping for wellies for Chrissy and the Allotment video. 

Please help I think I may soon be out of control and past redemption!
Title: Re: Addictive Allotmenteering
Post by: AndyC on November 22, 2005, 13:30:59
I'm Andy and I'm in the early stages of addiction.  I dream of mulching, manure and compost.  I read seed catalogues in bed at night and get irritable if I can't get to the lottie at weekends.  Am I beyond salvation! ;D
Title: Re: Addictive Allotmenteering
Post by: lorna on November 22, 2005, 14:15:45
I am Lorna . Haven't got an allotment but am addicted to following.. Gardening. A4A. and now and again Brandy
Title: Re: Addictive Allotmenteering
Post by: daisymay on November 22, 2005, 16:01:48
I am with you all on this one. I do not know what I did with my life before i got a garden and allotment (both this year).

I have never been happier. I am so content, pottering around, doing my best. The achievements out weigh the failures most of the time and I am always learning new stuff. More than can be said at work!

Most of the people I am work with think I am sad but most of my close friends are jealous and very intrigued.

I am getting withdrawal symptoms as I only get to spend 1/2 hr in the garden/ lottie in my lunch hour because work is getting in the way of my social life.
Title: Re: Addictive Allotmenteering
Post by: redimp on November 22, 2005, 17:38:30
I am red - I am addicted to lottying.  Since becoming addicted I have become less enthusiatic about work and in fact would quite like to give it up and take up veg growing full time.  I find that at weekends I am neglecting my family but despite pining, they are looking a lot healthier.  I know I am a hopless case but I have no intention of getting better.
Title: Re: Addictive Allotmenteering
Post by: Mrs Ava on November 22, 2005, 17:44:34
I'm Emma, and I am passed helping.  I am addicted to the outside world, especially my garden and allotment.  I used to toddle around 'the bright lights' sipping champers and nibbling I guzzle mugs of tea and munch down on hunks of home made bread smeared with home made jam!  My make up bag used to be full of designer lotions and there are tubs of heavy duty hand cream and nail brushes to get the mud out from under my finger nails.  Stilletos have been replaced by walking boots, stockings my thick thermal wooly socks, fishtail skirts make way for mud marked denim and silk blouses now make fetching dusters!

My names Emma, and I have an addiction!
Title: Re: Addictive Allotmenteering
Post by: Mothy on November 22, 2005, 18:05:38
You're all beyond help!!!   ;D

My names Tim(othy) and I too only read seed catalogues or gardening books, neglect my family and run aroun Sainsburys shouting to my wife "HAVE YOU SEEN THE PRICE OF THE FRENCH BEANS.....?" or baby leeks, swede, spuds, onions etc

I don't need help....just more time!!  ;)
Title: Re: Addictive Allotmenteering
Post by: RSJK on November 22, 2005, 18:24:05
Bloody hell Emma you don't half make your self sound sexy any chance of any pictures
Title: Re: Addictive Allotmenteering
Post by: ellkebe on November 22, 2005, 19:43:01
Mothy - such a relief to hear of fellow addicts with similar symptoms! 
 My OH is actually too embarrassed to be seen with me in the veg. department at Sainsbury's anymore  :(  I'm sent off to get other stuff while he picks up fruit and veg without the rousing accompaniment of "Call those beans .....  I could get tons of seeds for the price of one of those .... I've thrown away better (fill in blank!!) than that ....." etc. etc.  He swears that it's for my own good as it's only a matter of time before I start preaching to other customers,  volunteering to email them my lottie address, trying to donate veg. to their poor deprived families .... You get the picture!
Personally, I think he's over reacting  ;D
Title: Re: Addictive Allotmenteering
Post by: reedos on November 22, 2005, 20:19:02
My name's Andy, I've been addicted to allotmenting for 3 years now, I currently have 2 plots, three greenhouses, a shed and ninety eight packets of assorted seeds with more coming. All my jeans are stained or ripped, my shoes all caked in mud/manure and I struggle to find any going out clothes. When not allotmenteering I talk about it to the bloke I sit next to at work, at lunchtimes we walk up to his site just to have a look. My wife, kids and friends just shake their collective heads in despair. But I've not got the problem - they have  ;D

All our site needs is a bit totty and life would be complete - UC, Wardy, Heldi, EJ to name but a few fancy moving to Gateshead ? ;)
Title: Re: Addictive Allotmenteering
Post by: redimp on November 22, 2005, 21:00:43
I've turned into a pusher - all my mates have had a try and now they want one too.

He he he he he he he he (rubs hands together a le Fagin)
Title: Re: Addictive Allotmenteering
Post by: Lily on November 22, 2005, 22:39:56
I managed to get my fix today,  ;) I went down to the lottie to take some shredded paper to put on the compost bin. I was only there for a few minutes, honest. ;D  ;D  ;D

Oh, what the heck, I'm addicted to my allotment.  There I've said it............  such a weight off my shoulders, I feel so much better.  Thanks guys for helping me to admit to myself that I have a problem.  I just hope no-one develops a cure.  ;D  ;D

Title: Re: Addictive Allotmenteering
Post by: Jimbo on November 23, 2005, 07:42:55
I'm Jimmy, and have an allotment.  My Other Half thinks that I am crazy, and cannot understand the attraction.  She may possibly be suing for divorce on the grounds of desertion soon, and I have to get my fix on A4A, on the days I cannot get to my Lottie.

I tell her that I am selling arms on e-bay, buying viagra or even more dodgy activities, to hide the shame of my sudden addition to A4A.

Title: Re: Addictive Allotmenteering
Post by: Doris_Pinks on November 23, 2005, 10:30:05
My name is Doris and I have an addiction...................

I too used to wonder what to wear to work, how high my heels were etc. Now I am mostly seen covered in dirt or worse, and look rather like that character Pigpen from the  peanuts cartoon strip.....

My car looks like a shed and my daughters moan and groan and make excuses for me when Ihave to deliver their friends home, they often exclaim the car smells like chicken poo, now what's wrong with that I ask you???

My OH just raises his eyes to the skies when I chatter on about the lottie and the folks on site, and has been onsite twice this year!

My house now has become a slum cos I spend too much time on the plot or here and not enough time doing housework, luckily the rest of the family don't seem to have noticed yet!

I don't need help but my family probably do! ;D
Title: Re: Addictive Allotmenteering
Post by: myrtle on November 24, 2005, 17:23:01
Oh Yes! (where's me nodding head emoticon?) I identify with all that has gone before.

My name's Myrtle and I'm an allotment addict but I don't WANT to be cured!!  ;D
Title: Re: Addictive Allotmenteering
Post by: Mrs Ava on November 24, 2005, 17:55:18
Richard, is that with our without the mud??  ;)

Well Wardy, I had no room in my wardrobe for all those chunky sweaters, wooly socks and tough trousers...something had to give, and occassionally I do a spot of dusting you know.  ;D ;D ;D

And Myrtle, I'm with you 100%!  Not even if they paid me!!
Title: Re: Addictive Allotmenteering
Post by: reedos on November 24, 2005, 23:37:39
Wardy all you need do now is start whispering sweet nothings about the benefits of the no dig method and I'm yours :-*
Title: Re: Addictive Allotmenteering
Post by: reedos on November 24, 2005, 23:49:57
Did I claim to be anything else  ;D It woz the wellies that did it
Title: Re: Addictive Allotmenteering
Post by: busy_lizzie on November 25, 2005, 00:02:02
Just seen this, and I have to disagree with everyone,  ;D ;D.  I think people are really strange and abnormal if they don't garden.  How could people not want to be out in the fresh air getting loads of exercise and planting seeds and producing great flowers and veggie, - you would have to be really weird not to, I think.   :-[ Alright, I am in denial, My name is busy_lizzie and I am an addict.  ;D 
Title: Re: Addictive Allotmenteering
Post by: Derekthefox on November 25, 2005, 10:17:31
Honesty is good Busy Lizzie, and I feel the same !

Derekthefox :D
Title: Re: Addictive Allotmenteering
Post by: RSJK on November 25, 2005, 10:23:34
I am with you Busy Lizzie cannot think of anything more rewarding then gardening.
Title: Re: Addictive Allotmenteering
Post by: redimp on November 25, 2005, 13:00:19
Join the lcub Lizzie - I'll see you outside the school gates - see if we can get any of those children hooked.  ;D
Title: Re: Addictive Allotmenteering
Post by: Meg on November 25, 2005, 13:22:48
Well we are just a lucky lot of people aren't we. I can't wait to get going again. My daughter's just love the tramp look when I walk down to lottie. I think some of the fella's there do to I have nearly pulled some of those old un's. Don't know why.Bless.
Title: Re: Addictive Allotmenteering
Post by: redimp on November 25, 2005, 13:46:12
Nothing I like better than a woman in scruffs - never been one for the pampered look.  Always been a bit of a hippy.
Title: Re: Addictive Allotmenteering
Post by: Mothy on November 25, 2005, 17:35:02're doomed  ;D

We're all doomed.....doomed to spend our time in the fresh air, getting exercise and eating lovely, healthy food!!

As for style on the lottie? Nah, quite at home in me scruffs Ta!
Title: Re: Addictive Allotmenteering
Post by: Derekthefox on November 25, 2005, 20:15:06
Well if that is my sentence, then I will just say thank you. As for fashion, I definitely favour the tramp look ...

Derekthefox :D
Title: Re: Addictive Allotmenteering
Post by: Derekthefox on November 25, 2005, 21:29:56
Ha ha , when I said tramp look, I was referring to myself  ;D ;D ;D

Derekthefox :D
Title: Re: Addictive Allotmenteering
Post by: Derekthefox on November 26, 2005, 19:16:05
Whew, thank goodness that is cleared up, it seems so easy to offend people on here without even intending to.  :D

Derekthefox :D
Title: Re: Addictive Allotmenteering
Post by: boris on November 26, 2005, 19:20:15
Sarah Raven or Rachel de Thame?
I'd go for the scruffy one every time.
Title: Re: Addictive Allotmenteering
Post by: lorna on November 26, 2005, 20:08:48
Wardy I used to take the Bank Manager a tray of eggs and a side of pork to butter him up.. In fairness I only would give them to him after he agreed to my request (in case he thought I was trying to bribe him ;D)
Title: Re: Addictive Allotmenteering
Post by: Derekthefox on November 26, 2005, 21:02:19
Of course you would Boris  ;)
Title: Re: Addictive Allotmenteering
Post by: jennym on November 27, 2005, 02:22:58
Addicted? Yes. Want to be cured? No.
Marvellous to hear phrases like these which I recognise:
..felt like scraping em off on the rail under his desk..How could people not want to be out in the fresh air...I struggle to find any going out clothes...Since becoming addicted I have become less enthusiatic about work... in supermarkets tutting at vegetables...

For me, the best bit is the quiet. I don't have to THINK when I'm on the allotment, the hard work just clears all the busy stuff, the hassle, everything, out of your head.  Peace on the allotment has a very civilising influence on me.
Title: Re: Addictive Allotmenteering
Post by: Lily on November 27, 2005, 11:34:46
Wardy, it just goes to show that with lots of TLC and home grown veg, the world can be a better place.  Good on ya.  ;)

I'm sure your niece will be well on the road to recovery with those lovely soups.  Which of them has been her favourite.

Title: Re: Addictive Allotmenteering
Post by: Lily on November 27, 2005, 11:50:37
I didn't grow any pumpkins this year, don't ask me why, I just forgot  ::).  Anyway, I grew them last year and made pumpkin soup for the first time.  It was so yummy. I found a packet of seeds in my trusty seed tin from last year. I'll remember to sow them next year, they are ( Squash - Uchiki Kuri)  They're suppost to be quite small and have lots of taste.

Title: Re: Addictive Allotmenteering
Post by: Derekthefox on November 27, 2005, 14:53:26
What an excellent observation Jen! I get the same calming effect, all those yabbering voices in my head just cease when I get to my allotment. And all the physical exercise gives me a healthy appetite, and the chance for a good night's rest...

Just watch out for the 'scruffy' look, Jen !!!

Derekthefox :D
Title: Re: Addictive Allotmenteering
Post by: Crash on November 30, 2005, 14:14:38
I'm the same as the earlier posts. If you'd of said to me a couple of years ago that I'd enjoy digging a plot of land with my flat cap on (I have got one!) I'd of said you were mad. Now my back is better I really enjoy going and doing a bit. It may well never win best kept allotment but I don't care and I do enjoy it.
The only thing I miss is a bit of support from the family.
Title: Re: Addictive Allotmenteering
Post by: wardy on November 30, 2005, 15:26:10
Hi Crash.  Don't work that back too hard will you  :)  Sorry not much support from the family as it would be so much more fun if you could involve them.  Even my old man is involved despite his initial scorn.  He sort of became interested as he likes big, noisy machines so he can play at Rambo  ;D  Now all the graft is nearly done he chills out up there and potters.  he has nowt whatever to do with growing - that's my bit - but he loves it up there as much as me.  My brother has a plot and his family don't support him, other than me that is  :)
My nieces are my best supporters - 4 of them - and help me on the plot or by buying me stuff for the lotty, in return for food as they are all mad keen cooks  :) It makes me more enthusiastic to keep it going, even in this weather, when I have such appreciative supporters  :)
Title: Re: Addictive Allotmenteering
Post by: lorna on November 30, 2005, 15:49:08
Wardy When my kids ask what I would like for a present I suggest.. Compost, vermiculte, seeds.need a couple of trellis frames. I can't see anything wrong with that but they poo hoo the idea.

Crash. Agree with Wardy, I suffer with back trouble which I got many years ago doing a stupid thing.... like trying to get a big old sow on her feet!! I take it very easy now
Title: Re: Addictive Allotmenteering
Post by: AndyC on November 30, 2005, 20:48:40
This thread is hysterical ;D ;D ;D.  So many poor addicts and so many neglected OH's; what a rotten lot we are!  now where's that seed catalogue........
Title: Re: Addictive Allotmenteering
Post by: Moggle on December 01, 2005, 09:32:11
My sister despairs at me.  I keep expecting her to get Susannah and Trinny round. Is there room for style on the lotty do you think. 

Of course there's room for style on the lottie  ;D I rekon T&S would say jeans and a t-shirt in the right shape for you would be the solution (ie for me bootlegs and a v-neck). I'm sure I'm a bit of a state sometimes bent over digging in my v-neck  :o

My lottie is 5 minutes drive from work, so I was always popping in after work to pick stuff. I'd just chuck on my wellies under my nice skirts/trousers and tops  :D Haven't been there in heels yet, but there's still time  ;D

PS: I've asked Santa for seeds this year  8)
Title: Re: Addictive Allotmenteering
Post by: Derekthefox on December 01, 2005, 09:46:09
You have it in a nutshell Andy !!! But all of these mad posts definitely help to keep me sane ...

Derekthefox :D
Title: Re: Addictive Allotmenteering
Post by: Crash on December 01, 2005, 11:32:34
Wardy T & S would have something to say about a Kaftan!
Title: Re: Addictive Allotmenteering
Post by: Mothy on December 01, 2005, 21:47:15
I never realised how thin my thatch was getting until working on the plot this summer  ;D

Now I am the proud owner of a beanie!!
Title: Re: Addictive Allotmenteering
Post by: Derekthefox on December 02, 2005, 09:24:07
Same here Mothy, as if you can't tell !!! I tend to wear a hat almost all the time when on the plot now, warm hat in the witner, beanie in the summer, just those in between times when I can get away with nothing ...  :)

Derekthefox :D
Title: Re: Addictive Allotmenteering
Post by: daveandtara on December 02, 2005, 11:35:01
i do most of the choosing, planting and sowing on our lottie.
vikkie does most of the eating! ::) (she's seventeen)
sophie makes most of the mess and chucks slugs on the pond to see how far they get along on the duckweed before plopping beneath the surface (she's three)
david makes path and fences and raised beds etc.
this year i want him to invent some kind of windpowered clever gadget like a birdscarer or automatic watering system.  ;D
i fancy being married to an inventor!
yep! my family are definately supporting my addiction  ;D ;D ;D
Tara xxx
Title: Re: Addictive Allotmenteering
Post by: AikenDrum on December 02, 2005, 15:04:57
MikeB, have sent a P.M.    {:¬)#
Title: Re: Addictive Allotmenteering
Post by: AikenDrum on December 02, 2005, 18:01:34
wardy, I am an open minded sort of chappie  ... so stop trying to force your methods down my throat !   :P  :P  :P
Title: Re: Addictive Allotmenteering
Post by: Wicker on December 02, 2005, 19:33:22
Mine is a sad story of misplaced trust and cruel deceit.  Many long years ago as a young country girl I met and married a young city chap - soo smart in his italian suits, suede shoes, crombie coats  ::) and eagerly followed him to the big city happily thinking I was leaving my country ways behind.  But NO - he had other plans for us.  :( This person preyed on my love and trust and ever so gradually introduced me as an unwilling partner into his secret allotment addiction.  He coaxed and enticed me with fresh veg and a few flowers and then when I still did not fully succumb he began staying away longer and longer at this secret place until frustrated and desperate I agreed to go along with him - hallelujah I was reborn and my new life began! 

And here we are some 40+ years later still meandering up and down to the lottie, still arguing over where and what to sow, still laughing our socks off at our mistakes and failures and still  completely but happily addicted.m   Glad there are so many others out there in cyber space too ...........
Title: Re: Addictive Allotmenteering
Post by: Derekthefox on December 02, 2005, 19:39:30
We are all human, and susceptible to weakness, Wicker. I am glad it worked out well in the end, and your transformation into this sordid world has been complete and so successful ...  ;D

Derekthefox :D
Title: Re: Addictive Allotmenteering
Post by: lorna on December 02, 2005, 19:46:43
Wicker Have you ever thought of writing a book? (maybe you already have). Your post kept me glued to the screen ;D ;D
Title: Re: Addictive Allotmenteering
Post by: Wicker on December 02, 2005, 20:02:45
That could only be a "Grow To Cook" book, Lorna!  I still try sometimes to be a "lady who lunches" with my friends who shop and holiday but find myself going tsk tsk at the tasteless veg prompting my ever patient friends to kindly ask "Are you still busy at the allotment, dear" tho not all interested!  do I care - not a jot and they know it!! The addiction long ago stopped being secret and now is part of me :D
Title: Re: Addictive Allotmenteering
Post by: Mothy on December 02, 2005, 23:58:39
Wicker, just read, re-read and only just stopped laughing at your 1st post!

 ;D ;D
Title: Re: Addictive Allotmenteering
Post by: AikenDrum on December 03, 2005, 03:23:44
Wicker , I have tried to explain my reasons for what I did, and, when I did it  ..... I was a young, carefree,   ( admittedly, handsome, chappie at the time ) ... what can I say after all these years ?    < ... could you possiby forgive me ?  .. and   .. ermmm  ... could I ask you to hand back the lease I gave you to that lovely appartment I bought for you in Fréjus ?   (:¬)#
Title: Re: Addictive Allotmenteering
Post by: Derekthefox on December 04, 2005, 23:44:18
Would you care to explain in more detail, Dominique ... ?

Derekthefox :D
Title: Re: Addictive Allotmenteering
Post by: lorna on December 05, 2005, 08:48:44
Offended? Don't think so Dominique. Too many people on here with a great sense of humour .  You only have to look at past posts where members have admitted that some friends, family  have given up on them  because of their weird allotment activities and conversations.
Title: Re: Addictive Allotmenteering
Post by: Derekthefox on December 05, 2005, 10:37:07
Yes Lorna, Not a problem Dominique, I was not offended, in fact I though it funny ... I definitely know that I am weird, but never imagined others to be ...

Derekthefox ;D
Title: Re: Addictive Allotmenteering
Post by: Delilah on December 05, 2005, 14:38:22
Dominique - this is The Madhouse ;D
Title: Re: Addictive Allotmenteering
Post by: redimp on December 05, 2005, 18:28:49
You're weird, you know that?   ;D
 All of you. And that includes me   8)
Entirely correct if you ask me
Title: Re: Addictive Allotmenteering
Post by: Derekthefox on December 06, 2005, 08:49:39
Yet again, Redclanger, we are in agreement ...

Derekthefox :D
Title: Re: Addictive Allotmenteering
Post by: joniandmoss on December 07, 2005, 17:35:57
hey folks , since we got our allotment in My this year we have worked like stink to get it up and runnin and have become totally addicted.! We spent most of the summer there and had barbies galore......its that kind of place where people just turn up and relax!We got our second plot in August and have now got both almost prepared for next season. Still learnin but just lovin every minute. Its such a shame me old fella can't  get there after work now its so dark, he has withdrawals and has taken to putting up Christmas llghts daily ( you should see our house its like the Griswolds) in an effort to give him something to do. Poor old bugger eh!
...And when me mate bought me a pair of fancy bright coloured wellies from me birthday instead of the usual girly candles and bath stuff, i was totally ecstatic! I've also stopped caring that the car smells like a dung heap cus I forget to change me shoes.............and yeah...bed times are just not the same are they.....all those gardenin books keepin me awake......
Title: Re: Addictive Allotmenteering
Post by: Palustris on December 07, 2005, 17:43:53
Don't worry all you addicts, there is a light at the end of the polytunnel. After nearly 40 years of it I am BORED with gardening.
I'll sell you this place and you can indulge your passions until you too get fed up with it all.
Title: Re: Addictive Allotmenteering
Post by: busy_lizzie on December 07, 2005, 17:59:16
Why don't I believe that Eric?  ;)  Can't imagine you would want to part with your beautiful piece of earth.  The glimpses I have seen of your garden were something to envy, especially your  lovely grassy hideaway.  Just you wait until Spring comes around again, and then we will see how you feel! busy_lizzie
Title: Re: Addictive Allotmenteering
Post by: redimp on December 07, 2005, 18:03:47
Why don't I believe that Eric?  ;) 
Because it better not be true.
Title: Re: Addictive Allotmenteering
Post by: Derekthefox on December 08, 2005, 10:01:45
I think Eric is teasing you all ...

Derekthefox :D
Title: Re: Addictive Allotmenteering
Post by: vee on December 08, 2005, 12:44:42
I've just looked at my profile and it says I've spent over 3 days here. That can't be true can it? I'm sure it was only 10 minutes or so... I really do need help!
Title: Re: Addictive Allotmenteering
Post by: Derekthefox on December 08, 2005, 13:11:50
39 days, 11 hours and 50 minutes, is that sad or what ...  :-\

Derekthefox :D
Title: Re: Addictive Allotmenteering
Post by: Delilah on December 08, 2005, 13:38:33
Thats not sad - just good conversation ;D
Title: Re: Addictive Allotmenteering
Post by: vee on December 08, 2005, 13:39:22
Now that really is scary Derek :o :o Could we get paid for it? I think it must be like the twilight zone.
Title: Re: Addictive Allotmenteering
Post by: lorna on December 08, 2005, 14:20:45
Derek T.F.    I know you said you were going to post more. Looks like you may have improved on 16th/17th place??
Title: Re: Addictive Allotmenteering
Post by: Derekthefox on December 08, 2005, 15:06:52
Yes Lorna, but I cannot move any further now, Lottie is massively ahead of me, so here in 8th place I will remain  ;D However I am not complaining ...

Derekthefox :D
Title: Re: Addictive Allotmenteering
Post by: Hex on December 09, 2005, 14:08:36
Don't worry all you addicts, there is a light at the end of the polytunnel. After nearly 40 years of it I am BORED with gardening.
I'll sell you this place and you can indulge your passions until you too get fed up with it all.

but you have never liked gardening, just messing about with plants......!
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