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General => The Shed => Topic started by: undercarriage plan on October 30, 2005, 09:35:48

Title: Not 40!!!
Post by: undercarriage plan on October 30, 2005, 09:35:48
Would the person who posted my fortieth as an "Up and Coming event" please take one step forward, and prepare for sound lettuce thrashing.......!! Is not for ages!!! LOL! Have several months yet to keep in my happy state of denial... ;D ;D ;D ;) Thanks for thought though!!
Lottie   ;D
Title: Re: Not 40!!!
Post by: Derekthefox on October 30, 2005, 14:41:47
Not guilty but I did notice it first thing this morning, and nearly wet myself laughing. Who ever is the culprit, I like their sense of humour ... (sorry lottie, no offence intended, but it really was funny ! ).

Derekthefox :D
Title: Re: Not 40!!!
Post by: Derek on October 30, 2005, 14:57:33
and there was me getting ready to wish you a happy 40th birthday Lottie (ducks quickly)

Byeeee  ;)

Title: Re: Not 40!!!
Post by: undercarriage plan on October 30, 2005, 15:58:21
Those lettuces I had few weeks back? Still got 'em!! And been practising aim!! I'M 39!!!!!! Sigh..... ::) ;D ;)
Title: Re: Not 40!!!
Post by: amanda21 on October 30, 2005, 16:23:09
Oh you have my sympathy!  I turned 40 over the summer and try as I might to ignore it, the friends and family had other ideas!  I have to say though that once I actually got there it wasn't as bad as the thought of getting there!!  :-\
Title: Re: Not 40!!!
Post by: Wicker on October 30, 2005, 16:36:18
Lottie, Lottie are you getting forgetful?? T'was your own dear self who started the whole thing, see this thread,9446.0.html
Now I know for sure you are still only a wee lassie but watch that memory - sign of impending age you know ........... ;) ;D ;D

All meant in kindness and good humour, Lottie  :-*
Title: Re: Not 40!!!
Post by: undercarriage plan on October 30, 2005, 17:07:30
OMG!! LOL!! Yes was me!! LOL!! Oh dear, I really shouldn't be allowed near a computer unsupervised, have now given me 2 fake fortieths, which means 80!!! Ahhhhhhhh!!....Always taken in good humour, never fear!! ;D ;D ;)
Thanks Amanda!! Though hand on heart, not fussed!! I seem to be having more fun the older I get!! Definitely growing older disgracefully, but thank you. May feel differently as it draws ever closer...Keep and eye out for more memory loss issues, and quiet sobbing around Feb.... ::) ;)
Title: Re: Not 40!!!
Post by: doc steve on October 30, 2005, 17:16:42
hmmmm looks like u need a apointment we may have some pills for that  not  the   40 bit  but the memory loss ;) ;) ;D ;D
Title: Re: Not 40!!!
Post by: lorna on October 30, 2005, 18:41:29
Kate. 40. 50 60. You are as old as you feel. Yeah yeah I know the usual answers. Some say you are  as old as you look and listen up gal to an oldie you certainly don't look your age :) It must be all that laughter you create for all of us. Lorna.
Title: Re: Not 40!!!
Post by: undercarriage plan on October 30, 2005, 18:55:45
Doc, pass the bottle.... ::) ;) and Lorna, am er quite shy?  :-\
But thank you......could be the odd bit of river mud too ???..... or perhaps denial reallly does have its uses.....; ;)
Title: Re: Not 40!!!
Post by: Lily on October 31, 2005, 11:49:39
Those memory losses are what (those of a certain age) call 'senior moments'.  I don't think that at 39 you've quite reached that age yet.  40 maybe !!!!!!!!!!
 ;D  ;D   ;D   ;D  ;D  ;D   ;D  ;D  ;D

Sense of humour increases with ago too.

Title: Re: Not 40!!!
Post by: undercarriage plan on October 31, 2005, 13:54:04
Thanks Lilly!! Will put head back in sand til next year.... ;D ;)
Title: Re: Not 40!!!
Post by: Lily on November 01, 2005, 07:06:18
Sense of humour increases with ago too.

As you can see, spelling mistakes also increases, even after using spell check.

Anyway, life begins at 40, didn't you know. ;D  ;D  ;)
Title: Re: Not 40!!!
Post by: Derek on November 01, 2005, 07:34:50
One of the things I have found as you get older is that the body can't keep up with the mind... Senior moments aside that is.
My brain tells me that I am still twenty-six years old, my body tells me otherwise
I can still outwork my two sons-in-law stamina these young whippersnappers  ;) ...where's my tablets?  ;D

Title: Re: Not 40!!!
Post by: Lily on November 01, 2005, 07:43:48
I find I need less sleep.  For years I've had 'sleepless nights' and yesterday I had a revelation.  I'm getting older, (still in 50's) need less sleep, therefore, I have time to do more things. How cool  8) is that.  I'm often up in the wee small hours looking at gardening books and planning  the allotment.

Title: Re: Not 40!!!
Post by: undercarriage plan on November 01, 2005, 12:37:25
Think I may be getting senior moments bit early then....Had meeting in town this am, left in plenty of time, put on MP3 music and pootled off.....twenty mins later found myself on the wrong side of town....... had forgotten what I was doing and where I was going!!  ::) Had just been driving about, bellowing out songs! Worst bit, was phoning Company and getting new directions and trying to explain lateness ...have surgically removed MP3....going for lay down in dark cupboard... :-\ ;D ;) Who's got the tablets?  ???
Title: Re: Not 40!!!
Post by: Lily on November 01, 2005, 13:04:53
Don't worry U C I'm sure we've all been there.  Sometimes I get to work and can't remember driving there.  I take exactly the same route at the same time.  It must be implanted in my brain, what there is left of it, at my age. :'(

Title: Re: Not 40!!!
Post by: lorna on November 01, 2005, 13:19:46
Lily & UC. Don't have the thing about going to work (retired) but I hate to say how many times I go in the kitchen (or any other room) and can't remember why I am there ;D Of course I do have a valid excuse....... IT'S MY AGE OF COURSE !!!! Lorna.
Title: Re: Not 40!!!
Post by: undercarriage plan on November 01, 2005, 17:31:45
Sorry.....what were we talking about.....?? ;D ;)
Title: Re: Not 40!!!
Post by: Derekthefox on November 01, 2005, 17:39:09
With you on the stamina thing Derek, my kids cant keep up with me !!!

But on the memory issue, I bought a small notebook to keep with me so as to jot things down ... it took me three weeks to remember to put it in my pocket ... !

Derekthefox :D
Title: Re: Not 40!!!
Post by: wardy on November 01, 2005, 18:07:52
Lottie   I've only just read this and I fell about.  WHAT ARE YOU LIKE???  ;D
Title: Re: Not 40!!!
Post by: Derek on November 01, 2005, 18:12:56
What would I do without those little yellow post-it notelets? I use 'em all the time leaving reminders everywhere for myself.

How's about this for a senior moment, mind you it was a few years ago now I was about Lottie's age  ;) at the time.
My Governor decided that we should go to Sheffield shopping one Saturday morning so we set off, the Governor, me and our two girls... travelling up the M6 towards Stoke I realised that I was on the wrong Motorway ...I should have gone straight up the M1 from Leicester instead took the M69 onto the M6....We went to Manchester for the day instead.  :-[

They never let me forget it...

Title: Re: Not 40!!!
Post by: undercarriage plan on November 01, 2005, 19:17:19
LOL!!! Er not sure Wardy, but I'm sure having fun!! And Derek.....LMAO!!!!  ;D ;D ;D Funniest thing for me is getting me and sis in a car, both always get our left and rights muddled.....she was giving me directions..... ::) Said "Turn left" I did...turn right...but was OK cos she meant right....but said left!! Guess what. We got there!!  ;D ;D ;D ;)
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