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General => The Shed => Topic started by: Doris_Pinks on October 22, 2003, 11:49:54

Title: It's RAINING!
Post by: Doris_Pinks on October 22, 2003, 11:49:54
Hurrah!! We finally woke up to rain , just hope it remembers to stop! Bet my plants are all smiling, I am  ;D  Dotty P.
Title: Re: It's RAINING!
Post by: Mrs Ava on October 22, 2003, 13:43:44
Rained all night in Essex!  Hoorah!  Down at the lottie tomorrow - hoping for easier digging!
Title: Re: It's RAINING!
Post by: Doris_Pinks on October 22, 2003, 13:49:35
Well my initial Hurrah has turned into a "is this it?" :(  They are saying on the radio to expect a dropught this winter  :'( Hopefully you got more than me EJ  ::) Mind you the day is still young........................DP
Title: Re: It's RAINING!
Post by: Doris_Pinks on October 22, 2003, 13:50:17
Opps I meant to say....drought.or did I mean to say drop out.who knows!
Title: Re: It's RAINING!
Post by: minerva on October 22, 2003, 15:36:41
:'( it tried to rain here in Bath yesterday 4 about 5mins and has now just turned straight to freezing, great, it has not rained (properly) here since about june sometime so I suspect that there will be a drought, not  that the council will do anything about it untill its too late, they have let us all us are hosepipes (and there are alot of plots here) all summer with no restrictions, what fun
Title: Re: It's RAINING!
Post by: Ceri on October 22, 2003, 15:42:53
I heard on the news yesterday that the Environ(mental) Agency has called a meeting with the Southern Water companies to discuss the potential problem of running out of water! - so they've noticed (mind you, it rained yesterday and today in Whitley Bay so I  think we'll be OK up north)
Title: Re: It's RAINING!
Post by: mellie on October 22, 2003, 15:53:30
Down here in Portsmouth it is raining bliddy hard and has been for a few hours now.  I hope it keeps going for a while as I am still trying to clear my lottie.  It is really hard going at the moment so this should make it loads better for me at the weekend.. ;D ;D
Title: Re: It's RAINING!
Post by: minerva on October 22, 2003, 18:33:18
:D having posted my last message at lunchtime, it started raining and hasn't stopped, how cool just like an Indian (american) rain dance, I am very happy now i may be able to get the spade in the soil, thought the boyfriends just come back in the office with a very smelly wet dog forgot about that! :P
Title: Re: It's RAINING!
Post by: Mrs Ava on October 22, 2003, 20:25:57
Well it has piddled down in my part of Essex for most of the day - real good heavy drizzle, so hopefully it will have penetrated more than a couple of inches and tomorrows digging will be easier.
Title: Re: It's RAINING!
Post by: Doris_Pinks on October 22, 2003, 20:30:07
Our's has been showers on and off all day, I do not think it will have made a dent, will let you know tomorrow when I get out and dig........................they are predicting sunny and dry here!  DP
Title: Re: It's RAINING!
Post by: cleo on October 22, 2003, 20:40:08
Yes -rain here but not nearly enough-still it`s better than nothing I suppose.

Title: Re: It's RAINING!
Post by: tim on October 22, 2003, 21:11:37
yes - just enough to make garden work unpleasant!

Not 1/2" into the soil. Apart from leeks, beet, carrots and sprouting, everything is under cloches, so needs a real soak.

Freezing in the big 'house, so everything is out of that. - Tim
Title: Re: It's RAINING!
Post by: Palustris on October 22, 2003, 21:13:49
Here too, some of the night, enough to fill the water butts have not looked at the soil.
Title: Re: It's RAINING!
Post by: Hugh_Jones on October 22, 2003, 21:29:08
You lot are doing it all wrong.  I simply wash the car and offer to take my grandchildren out for the day, and within minutes it POURS down.
Title: Re: It's RAINING!
Post by: Palustris on October 22, 2003, 21:38:48
I only wash the car when it is time to change it. That is why we have had so little rain since July, when the grandchildren came. Cracked it!
Title: It's RAINING!
Post by: Colin_Bellamy-Wood on October 22, 2003, 23:11:41
Many years ago, before the days of global warming, a remote island was discovered, and dwelling on that island were some people who, although quite friendly, were new to the ways of the Western world.   One of their problems was the lack of rain, despite their praying to the Rain God, and giving many gifts.

It was decided that one of their number would be invited to England/Britain on a fact finding mission.   That person eventually returned to his people to report his findings, which were many and several.

One of these really impressed him, and he described it to his people thus :

I sat on planks surrounding a large field.   On the field were many white lines, and 6 sticks.   3 sticks were stuck in the ground in the middle, and another 3 sticks were stuck in the ground a short distance away from the others.   On each of the two sets of sticks were placed two more little sticks.   Eleven men,  dressed all in white came out and surrounded these sticks.   Then two men dressed all in white and with clubs came out and stood close to each set of sticks.   Then out came two more men in long white coats and took up ceremonial positions.   When all was quiet and all had taken up their positions, one of the men in long white coats called out    PLAY

and lo, the heavens opened and it did rain.    
Title: Re: It's RAINING!
Post by: Mrs Ava on October 24, 2003, 02:14:26
I was going to leave mine chunky for the frost, however, the little rain we have had, and mummy's little helpers trampling it, have started to break it down nicely.  I have been chopping away at it and creating a nice tilth - still thinking of rotovating in the spring tho.....
Title: Re: It's RAINING!
Post by: gavin on October 26, 2003, 01:17:08
Hi - I've been a digging this week.

Great to find the few clusters of slug eggs which made it through the dry summer.  Now they're frozen in the frost!

All best - Gavin
Title: Re: It's RAINING!
Post by: Doris_Pinks on October 26, 2003, 22:32:48
Where is it you all live???  NO RAIN to speak about, the bit we had was a dribble and only put about 2 inches in my water butt, and we really have not had a major frost to talk about!!  ( mind you I am actually not complaining as I love this type of weather!!!)
Dotty P.
Title: Re: It's RAINING!
Post by: Doris_Pinks on November 03, 2003, 00:33:44
it finally happened today, My waterbutt overfloweth....marvelous!! ;D  DP
Title: Re: It's RAINING!
Post by: Mrs Ava on November 03, 2003, 02:06:10
....but when oh when will it stop!
Title: Re: It's RAINING!
Post by: jethro on November 03, 2003, 15:47:44
When oh when indeed EJ, my lottie looks like a paddy field AGAIN  >:(  Saturday i got 4 ton of manure delivered  :o rained all day  :-/  looked like a drowned rat when finished, the water was runing down my back filling up the wellies and running over the top  :o . Some sarcastis s*d said 'nice water feature there bonny lad' . Couln't catch him thiugh, due to me doing the back stroke and him the butterfly  :-/.
Title: Re: It's RAINING!
Post by: Mrs Ava on November 03, 2003, 19:50:01
Wet through to me pants!  Oh what a vision!   ;D
Title: Re: It's RAINING!
Post by: Doris_Pinks on November 04, 2003, 14:09:31
Hate to say it but we had that one day again, watered me lottie and garden nicely, and that was it.the soil is lovely to work in.if only I could get out many other things to do first  >:( DP
Title: Re: It's RAINING!
Post by: jethro on November 04, 2003, 14:34:39
Well thats it  >:(i'm trading in the rotovator for a water buffalo, the rain has got the lottie looking like a lake, the ducks are happy though lying on their backs spraying water out of their bills :-/ . I've tried draining it with land drains but with it being on a bank i get all the water from the top sites running into mine ??? :-/ and it is now washing the soil away, i've only got 12" left then i hit clay. I put plenty of organic stuff in it, also top soil, raised the beds etc but it makes no difference. Ah well just have to keep plugging on i suppose ;) as i really enjoy gardening (mad or what).
Title: Re: It's RAINING!
Post by: budgiebreeder on November 04, 2003, 18:41:55
Hey Jethro i know where you can get a Water Buffalo .I pass a field full of them on the way up to Middlesborough.A ny chance of you getting a Lottie higher up?
Title: Re: It's RAINING!
Post by: MagpieDi on November 04, 2003, 19:02:23
Hi bb
Very cool running script!!! Where do I find that on the toolbar?  Great fun , these tags!! Even Tim is joining in now!  ;)  ;D
Don't you just feel for poor old Jethro!!    :(   :'(
Never mind bonny lad ...things can only get better!!  ;D
Title: Re: It's RAINING!
Post by: Mrs Ava on November 04, 2003, 20:25:34
Okay - how happy am I  ;D !  Got up to the lottie this avo with the sprogs and all that rain has beated all of my lumps and bumps down into a wonderful crumbly tilth!  It looks fab, better than my garden for goodness sakes!  Happy days!
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