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General => The Shed => Topic started by: MagpieDi on October 07, 2003, 17:00:24

Title: for all Geordies out there!
Post by: MagpieDi on October 07, 2003, 17:00:24
HI Cerig,Legless and busy lizzie

As my user name might suggest.....I am a Geordie with another passion other than gardening!! but promise not to mention that on this site! :-X   ;D
I'm living high up in the Yorkshire Pennines, so the wind chill factor is similar to Nothumberland coastline!
My mum is in a nursing home near Whitley Bay , and I travel up once a month to visit, so I prob pass your allotments on my way. As you say ..small world.
btw ..isn't this a brill entertaining as well as educational.
Best wishes
Title: Re: for all Geordies out there!
Post by: Ceri on October 07, 2003, 20:49:55
It's a strange world - don't know about busy lizzie, but legless and I are not home grown Geordies I'm afraid, I'm a Welsh Brummie! but been here 10 years, so another 30 odd and I might be counted nearly a native. Just for Diane:  apparently Wallsend metro station has been done up as part of the Segendunum roman site project and has inscriptions on the walls, specially translated into latin by a professor from Newcastle Uni.  Can't give you the Latin I'm afraid, but they translate as 'The fog on the Tyne is all mine', 'Auf Weidershen Pet', and 'There's only one Bobby Robson' which tickled me no end. If you need post/pre-mum visit coffee just shout.
Title: Re: for all Geordies out there!
Post by: legless on October 07, 2003, 21:34:48
hiya Di!

as Cerig says i'm not a real geordie - don't know how you could tell Ceri! and another offer of pre/ post mum coffee here!

Title: Re: for all Geordies out there!
Post by: MagpieDi on October 08, 2003, 00:36:12
Hi Ceri and Jo
Thanks for your kind offer ......both.........would love a tour of the lottie and cuppa sometime.
I stayed down here after college, approx 30 years ago!!! Wonderful countryside but harsh winters. Lots of snow..... but has its advantages...lots of birds visit for goodies, but do get the occasional stray sheep...not so welcome!!
I'm not a lottie person, but grow lots of different plants and veggies.....( or try to! ) all jumbled up cottage garden style. Do you mix flowers and veg on your site?
Love experimenting, but not too successful!! Just blame the weather and try again next season!!
Title: Re: for all Geordies out there!
Post by: Ceri on October 08, 2003, 20:15:00
at the moment I'm mainly growing thick black plastic!  Only had the lottie a couple of months so have been hoeing merrily - planted some autumn onion sets and garlic cloves the other day (thanks to a kind donation from legless) so those along with (hopefully) my compost heap will be the main products until springtime.  If you come off the A19 1 junction north of the coast road and go into whitley that way, wave as you go past the Grey Horse pub at Shiremoor - I'll be in the alloments behind it - or possibly (likely) in it!  If you go past the icerink, wave at legless!
Title: Re: for all Geordies out there!
Post by: busy_lizzie on October 08, 2003, 23:24:18
Hello another Geordie here. I was born in Corbridge but spent most of my life near the Tyne.  We spent some time in Berkshire and Lancashire, but couldn't wait to get home when we came for a visit when the Tall Ships were last here.  

We have been in Whitley Bay 15 years now - Poor shabby thing that it is -  still love it though.   My Mum/Mam is in a Nursing Home in Monkseaton.

We have had our allotment for about eight months, and it is one of the best things we have ever done.  It just makes you feel good.  Only half of it is cultivated as the last plot owner had laid the other half to lawn so his children could play on it while he worked.  So  we are hoping to extend our growing capabilities over the autumn, by digging it up -  A big task.  I would love to grow some companion flowers next year, and flowers to dry.  Bob Flowerdews Companion Flower Book is on my Christmas list.  

Was interested to see Legless's Allotment which looked good, and we are hoping to put our plot on the Gallery before too long.  You can wave to me on my "lottie" if you pass Sainsburys and head for the sea.  "Howay the Lasses"!  Busy_lizzie
Title: Re: for all Geordies out there!
Post by: Ceri on October 09, 2003, 11:12:46
are you on the Leg of Mutton site then next to the car boot sale field, or the little one by the new houses by Sainsbury's - that's just at the end of my road - I live on Thorntree Drive, just opposite and down a bit from W Monkseaton metro.  I know just what you mean about whitley - a sort of affection for its shabby, unloved air, especially the seafront bits where the old paddling pool is/was.
Title: Re: for all Geordies out there!
Post by: busy_lizzie on October 09, 2003, 15:14:35
Hi Cerig,  Our site is on Alder Grove and our plot is right down at the bottom behind Whitley Bay High School playing fields, with Churchill Playing  Fields to one side.  I live just round the corner so it is very convenient for carrying bits of pallet or wood as we don't have a car.  I am sure  the neighbours think we are very eccentric as you can see us carrying all sorts of odd things up there, they must wonder what we are up to.  
Title: Re: for all Geordies out there!
Post by: jethro on October 09, 2003, 16:23:17
Hi all, Cerig you should be a half geordie by now  ;D
saying 'whey i man' a lot should help, also don't mention the macams as they tend to get a bit upset.

I live in a little town called Stanley ??? that's near Durham-Consett. As you know we get lovely weather up here :-/  mainly wind ,rain and if we are lucky no snow in July :o. so all i can grow is rice as the lottie is like a paddy field 9 months a year.

lol jethro
Title: Re: for all Geordies out there!
Post by: Ceri on October 10, 2003, 20:00:27
Who would believe the rivalry between towns only 10 miles apart - and the completely different accents and expressions - bizarre.  My husband knows an old Geordie who will not go to the metro centre because it is 'across the water', and technically in Sunderland - would you believe it!  When I first moved here I worked in Middlesborough, and, on my very first day just happened to wear a black and white striped top (I knew nothing about football as you can tell!)  It happened to be a derby day between the 'boro and Newcastle - went down like a lead balloon as you can guess - and I didn't even know why until somebody kindly enlightened me at the end of the day!
Title: Re: for all Geordies out there!
Post by: legless on October 10, 2003, 20:28:36
you're so kind busy_lizzie!

i lived nearish stanley for a bit jethro, its proper allotment country out there!!

Title: Re: for all Geordies out there!
Post by: MagpieDi on October 10, 2003, 23:01:28
Hi All
It's great hearing about familiar places around the toon and coast!
Welcome Jethro to the geordie forum, think you qualify, as you live near the magpies training ground! :) ;)
I know exactly where your lotties are girls!!
My mum's nursing home is in Wallsend. Went down to the Swan & Hunter yard a while ago to take some photos, as mum has Alzheimers and thought it might trigger something, but no joy. Soul destroying  visiting her these days, but she's happy enough in her own little world, just doesn't recognise her nearest and dearest anymore.
Back to gardening, has anyone visited the specialist herb nursery near Hexham? I'm particularly keen on growing herbs. So many different uses.
Title: Re: for all Geordies out there!
Post by: Ceri on October 11, 2003, 11:15:04
I'm so sorry about your mum - I suppose you have to hold on to the 'she's happy in herself' mantra.

I've never been to Hexham - isn't that sad - although I've lived here for 10 yrs, I worked in Stockon for the first years, then had baby and work from home, so have been very bad at getting out and about to see my surroundings!  However, I do have a car (and fuel paid for) so if anyone in the NE wants to arrange a tour of fab nurseries I'll be happy to be the driver (not the navigator or we'll end up in Milton Keynes!)
Title: Re: for all Geordies out there!
Post by: legless on October 11, 2003, 13:24:59
sorry to hear about your mum Di, my mother in law is in a similar state.

i am very excited about the prospect of a specialist herb nursery, my little back yard is over flowing with herbs, i love them!
Title: Re: for all Geordies out there!
Post by: busy_lizzie on October 11, 2003, 17:06:03
Hi Di,  We are in the same boat,  as my mother has had Alzheimers for over ten years now, though it was so gradual we didn't notice for a long while.  She is ninety three now, which is incredible when I think about it.  It is an awful illness for relatives and friends to witness.  Many years ago I took my Mam over to Jarrow, - as she spent a lot of her life over there, - thinking it might stir up some memories for her,but most of old Jarrow had been pulled down, so it was a bit of a wasted effort.  Mam is not distressed in any way, but just seems to live in her own little world - it is worse for us as she can't communicate with us or understand anything we say.  She now doesn't know who we are, but there is some recognition, I think, on some level when I visit, as her face always lights up.    Phew!! that was a bit heavy.

Anyway, about the Hexham Herb Garden, I visited it a lot of years ago, as I used to volunteer at the Byker City Farm, looking after their Herb Garden then.  Hexham Herb Garden was lovely, a really old fashioned walled garden and I think they held the countrys' largest collection of Thyme. I seem to remember it was well worth a visit.  busy_lizzie
Title: Re: for all Geordies out there!
Post by: Beebusby on October 12, 2003, 15:16:18
Hi all Geordies.
I'm an adopted Geordie - lived here for 20 years and now married to one.
Hexham Herbs is a great place - but not open during the winter and it's changed it's name to Chester's Herbs (I think) because they are next to Chesters Roman fort and not in Hexham at all.
My allotment is in North Shields - on a private site - which I share ................................................................
with my mother-in-law  :o
Title: Re: for all Geordies out there!
Post by: MagpieDi on October 12, 2003, 17:42:51
Welcome to the Geordie clan Bee :)
Just read your posting re ' why do members join? ' I sometimes felt that way when viewing the BBC boards, but find this one very friendly, and lovely to make new ' mad gardener ' contacts from my home town! ;D
Thanks for the info on Chesters Herbs. We'll all have to go in Ceri's taxi sometime!! have my sympathy..all those years of coping mum is only 85! But just try not to dwell on it too much, I always feel down for a few days after a visit.
Anyway ...on  a lighter note  who's frightened away Jethro???? Are 6 female geordies just too much to cope with!! ;D ;D
Title: Re: for all Geordies out there!
Post by: jethro on October 13, 2003, 18:22:57
Ha, 6 geordie lasses all good looking ;D not too much for me( bring on the oxygen) sorry about the replies see 'wind turbine' thread ??? ??? and you'll know why. My mum is 66 and is still fighting fit (got the bruises to prove it) but my dad died when he was 54 due to a stroke, that was 16 year ago, it still hurts a bit to think of him, but what the hell life goes on ( does that sound hard to hear? it's not meant to be, sorry) Did any of you get the wind up on Saturday :o like it was in Stanley ??? boy did it blow :o.
So keep in touch as you are making an old man very happy or a happy man very old ;D :P ;D
Title: Re: for all Geordies out there!
Post by: MagpieDi on October 13, 2003, 18:42:14
Hi Jethro  :)
Just been reading the wind turbine thread  ::) ::) Typical blokes stuff  ;D  ::)  ;D
Much rather read about scary rats and mice !!! speaking of which.......looked out of my son's bedroom window yesterday and there as bold as brass and in broad daylight...a huge RAT  :o  :o scoffing the leftover peanuts and seed off the birdtable!
Cheeky beggar!!
Figured if I gave him a pet name I'd feel less panicky  ;D so dear Roland is in for a lovely tasty chemical laced supper tonight   :'(  ;D
Title: Re: for all Geordies out there!
Post by: MagpieDi on October 13, 2003, 20:22:02
Oops! better explain that the bait is safe inside bit of drainpipe, so cats, birds etc not able to enter!
Hey......Jethro...a great idea for your next brill invention...a foolproof rat trap!  ;D  ;D
Off to have a word with the farmer up the lane, ask him why he's chasing his rats down the fields to me!! He'll prob just lend me his shotgun!!!  :o   :o
Title: Re: for all Geordies out there!
Post by: Dusty on October 15, 2003, 21:38:53
Hello to you all.  I am a Geordie born and bred.  I live West Denton.   My allotment is in Newburn but as it has become dangerous (I put a post on earlier about my dangerous allotment)  I am looking to move to another site.   It is lovely to hear from people from this region.   Perhaps we can keep the thread going so we know what each other is up to.
Title: Re: for all Geordies out there!
Post by: busy_lizzie on October 16, 2003, 02:06:49
:) Hello Dusty,  I remember your posting and the terrible time that you had had on your allotment.  Hope you get a better site soon and one where you feel safer.  I think you have done the right thing to start again and I am sure when you get your new allotment it will be great.  It is good to know  that so  many "Geordies" are out there.  Would love to keep in touch with them all too. :D Best Wishes, busy_lizzie
Title: Re: for all Geordies out there!
Post by: MagpieDi on October 16, 2003, 19:31:38
Welcome aboard Dusty!
Which heading is your posting under? I'd really like to read it.
I'm an exiled Geordie, living in Yorkshire, but born in Wallsend and spent my school days in Stockton-on Tees.
( far too long ago to remember !  :(  ;D)
Makes me feel "at home"  corresponding on this please keep it going everyone!!  :)
Title: Re: for all Geordies out there!
Post by: MagpieDi on October 21, 2003, 17:04:31
Hi Everyone
Have found your posting Dusty..what an awful experience. Wish you luck in finding a new lottie.
This dry autumn has been brilliant for collecting seeds.  :)  Have just been gathering fennel seeds, bronze and green, and was wondering whether to sow immediately or save till spring. I'm sure I've read somewhere that they like a cold spell to aid germination.
Has the frost/sleet arrived yet up on that freezing North East coast!!??  8)
Title: Re: for all Geordies out there!
Post by: jethro on October 21, 2003, 18:36:24
Hi Magpie Di, has it reached us yet? has it left here yet?
This morning i had to scrape ice off the windscreen with a credit card, got sick so used dynamite ;D done the trick though got rid of the ice, the windscreen and the car :o me standing there black as a crow ( but warm) clothes in tatters thinking should i have really done that? :o.

Legless how near to Stanley did you live? as you say there is only lotties up here, but it keeps me from going mad (too late i hear you cry), and keeps me from the wife who likes nothing better than finding me jobs to do in the house :-/. She hates to see me comfortable, >:( but i love her to bits.
Title: Re: for all Geordies out there!
Post by: Beebusby on October 21, 2003, 19:55:39
Hi all,
I hate all this cold wet horrible weather - one of my gloves blew away on the allotment on sunday -  :P
got really anoyed about that.
lovelly hail stones yesterday :-/
Title: Re: for all Geordies out there!
Post by: busy_lizzie on October 21, 2003, 21:30:11
Hi, Haven't  been to the allotment for a few days, but my husband hurried up there today as he is building a wall for a new greenhouse, and wondered whether it would still be up.  Can't get used to this weather, and feeling cold  again, after the brilliant summer.  Seems to  have  suddenly changed.  We do need the rain, though but hailstones ??? ???  At least we haven't got snow yet like our Scottish friends.  Have transplanted all of my lottie strawberries to my home garden, so hope they survive this weather.  Keep warm all you Geordies  :D :D busy_lizzie
Title: Re: for all Geordies out there!
Post by: tim on October 22, 2003, 21:35:53
We were trying today to establish the true origin of the term.

"Derived from 'George' - the name of George Stephenson's lamp - a miner - a collier vessel - a guinea, after the figure of St George on the coin" - any other offers? - Tim
Title: Re: for all Geordies out there!
Post by: busy_lizzie on October 23, 2003, 00:42:13
Hi Tim,  I have always been led to believe that "Geordies" were so named because of their allegiance to King George during the Jacobite rising in the 1700, and also that to be a true "Geordie" you had to reside near the banks of the River Tyne.  

I don't know if my fellow "Geordies", would concur with that?  My Mother would have said to you "Thanks for askin Hinny, your'e a Canny Lad"!   busy_lizzie
Title: Re: for all Geordies out there!
Post by: MagpieDi on October 23, 2003, 01:02:03
Hi Tim
Busy Lizzie has just beaten me to it!!!  :) Just gone to all the bother of copying and pasting the same info from website!!! Altho am now stuck !! not sure how to paste the relevant paragraph from Word to here!!! Maybe you could advise Tim please! ;)
Title: Re: for all Geordies out there!
Post by: Ceri on October 23, 2003, 11:19:49
Beebusy, whereabouts in North Shields are you - I was working in Park Terrace on Friday and Sunday (opposite Tom Swan) and there was a little patch of lotties there that looked well tended (I could see over the fence as I was up on a scaffold - note to self - get a Sunday hobby instead!  it was cold and horrid)
Title: Re: for all Geordies out there!
Post by: tim on October 23, 2003, 12:11:54
for bl  -
not me! - but many suggestions on the 'other' board.
Eg -  'highlight the text - right click it - click copy - go to destination - put cursor where you want it - right click - click paste' - Just as you do when transferring the URL of a photo. Good luck!

MD - that's a new one! - Tim
Title: Re: for all Geordies out there!
Post by: MagpieDi on October 23, 2003, 17:05:17
Hi Tim..Here goes   :)

The word "Geordie" is said to date from the early 18th century, when Newcastle people declared support for the English kings George I and II, in opposition to the rest of the population of Northumberland, who supported the Scottish Jacobite rebellions. Although the name is localised to the Newcastle area, the dialect here merges gradually into the Northumbrian and Scottish dialects to the north and to a lesser extent into Durham and Yorkshire varieties to the south.

Wow!! That was easy peasy!!
Tim.......apologies for  "picking your brains"  re computer tips!!! Isn't it great when something works smoothly for once??!! Many thanks!
Title: Re: for all Geordies out there!
Post by: tim on October 23, 2003, 19:44:42
thanks for that - yes, easy - even tried it myself and it worked!! - Tim
Title: Re: for all Geordies out there!
Post by: tim on October 23, 2003, 20:01:52
- sudden thought - can I be an honorary Geordie? - we covered Newcastle during the night raids of the winter of 1942, flying from Acklington.

And oh! for those wonderful Northumberland beaches - where the only other folk were a man and his dog!! Even only a few years ago. - Tim
Title: Re: for all Geordies out there!
Post by: Ceri on October 23, 2003, 21:33:46
Absolutely Tim, if legless and I count as Geordies - you only have to have drunk a bottle of dog to quality (Newcastle Brown Ale to the southerners - never call it Newkey Brown - you'll be laughed out of the pub).  Apparently Carlin Peas are known as Geordie Peas because once when Newcastle was under seige (history is not my strong point so don't know when), the French sailed a barge of Carlins silently into newcastle in the dead of night and saved the starving geordies - apparently there is a tradition called Carlin Sunday to celebrate this - never found a real Geordie who knew this fascinating(!) bit of local history though...
Title: Re: for all Geordies out there!
Post by: tim on October 23, 2003, 22:05:47
- thanks - we used to put a gin in the brown - can't remember what that was called (except crass stupidity) - no wonder. But couldn't chuck a good dart without it!! - Tim
Title: Re: for all Geordies out there!
Post by: Dusty on October 23, 2003, 22:31:51
Hi all just saying a quick hello - have been too busy with a sickly fish and having our loft converted/decorating to be on the boards much lately.

I still do not have a new allotment - I know there is no work really to be done during the winter and that when it comes around to paying fees will be when the secretaries find out what is available but I was really hoping to have a new lottie so I could start to make my plans about what to do next year.   I still have to get my garden tools etc from my lottie to spruce up over the winter in readiness for the spring but find I do not really want to go up - silly really but I loved the place so much at one time and now am a little nervous of even going in the gate.  Never mind I will definitely make an effort to go up next week with the car and get all my stuff out.

Hope you are all keeping healthy with your gardening and did you all enjoy the thunder storm last night and the hailstones this afternoon?
Title: Re: for all Geordies out there!
Post by: MagpieDi on October 23, 2003, 23:36:21
Well've found one now!!!   ;D  re Carlin peas, 'fraid I'm old enough to remember that special Sunday!!! yucky peas tho'!!
Welcome aboard Tim!! My dear old dad was an officer in the Royal Navy and met my mum ( now 85! ) when his ship docked in Newcastle!!! He was a Cornishman from a long line of sailors!
How could we Geordies turn you away extraordinaire!!!   ;D   ;)
Title: Re: for all Geordies out there!
Post by: busy_lizzie on October 24, 2003, 01:46:29
Yes Tim, you can definitely be an honorary "Geordie", but you would have to start growing huge, whopping leeks,  ;) and join a Leek Club at the local Pub, and you would have a secret recipe for feeding them.  The old favourite being "Newcastle Brown Ale", but you have to drink it first.  :o

I remember "Carlin Sunday", and those horrible peas, when I was a little girl. :P

The weather was very dramatic yesterday, couldn't believe the thunder and lightening, the gales, and the hailstones.  However all was calm and sunny today  :D busy_lizzie
Title: Re: for all Geordies out there!
Post by: Ceri on October 24, 2003, 10:16:13
b_l - wasn't it a fantastic thunderstorm - sheet lightening and everything - I'm a real sucker for a thunderstorm, but my neighbour is terrified of them - she sat in my house the other night whimpering slightly - mind you, forget expensive phobia therapy - a couple of bottles of wine later, she seemed to have forgotten all about it!
Title: Re: for all Geordies out there!
Post by: tim on October 24, 2003, 13:32:05
thanks again -
but I don't think my gin mix would have helped?

But are these good enough for a 'brownie' point? Camera shake, I'm afraid, after trying to break through the frozen ground! - Tim

Title: Re: for all Geordies out there!
Post by: busy_lizzie on October 24, 2003, 13:43:42
Wow :o  :o!! Tim,  What impressive leeks!! Certainly would have been worth a prize at the Leek Show at the Monkseaton Arms a few months ago.  How did you get the leaves to look so fabulously glossy and green ??? busy_lizzie.
Title: Re: for all Geordies out there!
Post by: tim on October 24, 2003, 14:27:55
because the flash went off by mistake!

Had the soil not been so brick hard, they would have stayed down at their 10" planting depth, and then we would have had a bit more blanchy bit - Tim
Title: Re: for all Geordies out there!
Post by: jethro on October 24, 2003, 16:47:59
Nice leeks bonny lad, hope they taste as good as they look ;D . Word of warning don't eat any leeks grown up on our site as i know what goes into them :-X . Radioactive dust would be healthier ??? some of the mixtures would strip paint off the doors.
Also did you know that the reason the 'toon' play in black and white is because that was the uniform the soldiers wore when fighting for the king, or so somebody told me, so don't shoot the messanger if it's wrong, he also said a 'true' geordie was born within spitting distance of the Tyne, take some doing here in Stanley it's 11 miles from it ???
Title: Re: for all Geordies out there!
Post by: busy_lizzie on October 24, 2003, 16:58:46
Cerig,  I didn't enjoy the thunder storm, always get one of those hair tingling, headachey feelings, but not quite fearful enough to lock myself in a cupboard scenario or turn to drink.  My husband loves them and always wants to go outside in the midst of them.  When the children were little he always wanted to take them outside and sit on the lean too shed that was off a small bedroom, to have a birdseye view, which used to terrify me, :o :o though they were only too willing. busy_lizzie
Title: Re: for all Geordies out there!
Post by: Dusty on October 24, 2003, 19:03:14
I love thunder and lightening - when I was young my nana would tell my brother and I stories so that we would not be frightened - tommy thunder and lenny lightening - when the thunder roared that was tommy talking and when we had lightening that was lenny replying - and the game was to make up stories about what was being said.    As you don't know who I am I can confess that I tell my dogs these stories now so that they will not be frightened of the t & l, of course they don't understand  - but they also know that because I am being silly there is nothing to be scared of.  Or perhaps it is just that old habit/memories die hard :D
Title: Re: for all Geordies out there!
Post by: MagpieDi on October 24, 2003, 20:31:31
Hi Jethro
Have just sent an E mail to the boardroom at St James's Park re the 'toon' colours!  ;)   ;D
My brother works with the 'men in high places' there!! Will be interesting to see if any of the Shepherd clan have any idea!! Very much doubt it tho'!!!  ;D
Title: Re: for all Geordies out there!
Post by: Ceri on October 24, 2003, 20:39:19
My husband (brought up in Spitaltongues, calls himself a Geordie, but was born in Hexham, so I call him a pit yacker!) says that the Geordie name is also attributed to George Stephenson, who invented a miner's lamp (like the Davy Lamp Sir Humphrey Davy invented for the Welsh miners) - the lamp was called the Geordie Lamp after Stephenson.  Mind you, he'd never heard of Carlin Sunday, so what does he know?!
Title: Re: for all Geordies out there!
Post by: tim on October 24, 2003, 21:53:23
the lamp? - you've finally caught up with my 22/10?  - Tim
Title: Re: for all Geordies out there!
Post by: legless on October 25, 2003, 12:20:21
i missed most of teh thunder and lightning - i was in blyth and it wasn't so good there!

i lived in grange villa on the way to chester le street jethro - interesting place......

its not so cold by the coast, haven't had icy windscreens in cullercoats yet!
Title: Re: for all Geordies out there!
Post by: Ceri on October 25, 2003, 12:56:08
Hi Tim - OK, you'd been there, done that! - I've never been the brightest button in the button box obviously!
Title: Re: for all Geordies out there!
Post by: tim on October 25, 2003, 13:19:50
- buttons are lovely things!

But, as they say, you have to keep moving, or you get a poppy pinned on you! - Tim
Title: Re: for all Geordies out there!
Post by: MagpieDi on October 25, 2003, 15:33:00
For Jethro...straight from the horses mouth...or should it be 'Magpies'!!    ;D
Hi Di,

NUFC was founded in 1892 – that’s why there is a section of the ground with bars & food halls for the fans and it is called the 1892 club.

There were two teams Newcastle East & Newcastle West. Both teams prior to 1892 played in strips of black & white of various designs ie black body white sleeves. Both teams merged in 1892 to form Newcastle United and they decided on the black & white stripes. Okay hope this will do. Ttfn Bxx  

Brian Hines

Director Offshore Operations

Title: Re: for all Geordies out there!
Post by: Ceri on October 25, 2003, 22:20:10
Offshore operations - is that when the team travels, or does NUFC have a call centre in Dhubai??
Title: Re: for all Geordies out there!
Post by: MagpieDi on October 26, 2003, 01:55:29
Oops..'spose i should have done some carried away with the copy and pasting  ;D
It wouldn't surprise me Cerig!!!!...the Shepherds have a finger in a lot of pies!!!!  ;D  ::)
It's just one of their many companies!
I see the bonny lads won today!! Let's hope the crisis is over!!
How are you getting on with your lottie? and your onions? If you can scrounge some Welsh onions from someone, they're brilliant and look good too!! Or I could always bring some up next time I whiz up the A1 !!

Title: Re: for all Geordies out there!
Post by: Ceri on October 26, 2003, 11:19:35
Onions and garlic (hopefully) bedded in nicely, bean trenches dug, compost heap slowly growing, couple of bags of lovely clean leaves swept up from my son's nursery school playground, so all set for the winter I hope.  I haven't made it to the lottie all week - my mother arrives tomorrow so the last few days have been tidying up - really I need a month.  Somebody tell me why a grown up married woman with children still has this desparate urge to tidy madly when parents arrive - what is that all about?!!
Title: Re: for all Geordies out there!
Post by: legless on October 26, 2003, 14:54:17
wow good work! i thought about bean trenches today then decided against it for the day!! i had a lovely morning, apart from the showers its been beautiful weather down my plot and i did lots if nice tidying and pruning and laying out beds and mulching jobs.

also during the showers tidied the shed, you can really tell its a girls shed now  :D

i know what you mean about the tidying Ceri, my mum and dad are coming at the end of november (to see meatloaf rather than me i think!) and i'm already worrying about tidying in time  :D
Title: Re: for all Geordies out there!
Post by: MagpieDi on October 27, 2003, 00:51:25
Gosh've both been busy bees!!  ;D
I've got about 10ft to prune off my cherry tree and cart round to the village bonfire!! Really looking forward to that job!!  ::)
Amazingly enough legless.....I really, really wanted to go to the Meatloaf concert at Sheffield Arena...but couldn't find anyone else keen ! Sad  :'(  My 15 year old twins think live music is solely for teens!! I've got to the stage where I need to relive my youth before it's too late!!!!  ;D

Title: Re: for all Geordies out there!
Post by: Ceri on October 27, 2003, 09:07:57
If you read my response to Ozzy in The Basics, Rotavators, its not all that impressive with my 'oatmeal-like' soil.

Now the hard work has been that my house is nice and shiny and ideal home like for my mother's arrival this afternoon (if mum doesn't open the cupboards so all the junk falls out I'll be fine!)  Can I keep it up for a whole week?  Luckily mum and dad don't stay with me, they bring their caravan up to a small site (behind the delaval pub), otherwise matricide would be the order of the day!  Funny, we get on so well over the phone with 200 miles between us!  
Title: Re: for all Geordies out there!
Post by: legless on October 27, 2003, 09:26:08
my mum and dad are coming all the way from turkey for the concert! (they emigrated). should be good, i've got them 5th row tickets (i am such a creep).

and i'm still impressed ceri! i hope the house passes the inspection..
Title: Re: for all Geordies out there!
Post by: busy_lizzie on October 27, 2003, 21:06:31
Hi, Hope you both have good visits with you're rellies.  :) We went to a fantastic wedding in South Souths and then to Seaburn at the weekend. Absolute luxury staying at a lovely hotel. :D  My daughter was a bridesmaid, and the family were Italian, so it was a big Bubbly Do. ::) They had a brilliant Italian Wedding Singer who was great and "Looky Likey" "George Michael"  8) ;)sang in the evening.  Fabulous Food and even stayed for the Wedding Breakfast the next day, starting off with Bucks Fizz or French Champagne, wish I could have taken some of the food home with me. :P

Came down to reality with a bump this morning when my husband and I popped over to the allotment.  My favourite stainless steel fork, two hammers and a spirit level (husband building a greenhouse wall) all gone.  :( >:( :'Have searched everywhere but it looks like the vandals strike again.  We will have to review our security again.  It is so disappointing when this happens and leaves a sour taste doesn't it?  :'( busy_lizzie
Title: Re: for all Geordies out there!
Post by: Beebusby on October 28, 2003, 14:02:50
Hi all
I loved the thunder storm but spent most of it cuddling the dog - she  thought it was fireworks.

Cerig - I used to live on Park terrace  :D
My lottie is on Cleveland road, a private site and so unfortunately, alot are not worked and the owner's won't sell up either, so some of it is a bit of a mess.
Title: Re: for all Geordies out there!
Post by: Ceri on October 29, 2003, 12:16:47
scarily small world!

I'm taking my boy to Bede's World in Jarrow today they have a medieval farm and herb garden - I've just seen on their website that they grow heritage and medieval crops - and you can get surplus seeds there for a 50p donation at their reception - veg, wildflower and dye plant seeds - I'll let you know if I get anything interesting.

Title: Re: for all Geordies out there!
Post by: Ceri on October 29, 2003, 18:53:57
And now I'm back! (I've come back to a massive flood in the house though - shower connector thingy went - I think the kitchen ceiling might just go too before the night's out!)

Anyway, I got Carlin peas, just because we were talking about them, and Celtic beans - don't know what they are so if anyone does, let me know - I'll try them out to see what happens in Spring.
Title: Re: for all Geordies out there!
Post by: legless on October 29, 2003, 18:58:05
ooh how exciting i really like bedes world - will have to go for a nose next week...
Title: Re: for all Geordies out there!
Post by: MagpieDi on November 04, 2003, 18:44:07
Have found some info on your celtic beans...Ceri  ;D Latin name is vicia faba minor and they are black and similar to a broad bean!! Yummy!
Must try to visit Bede's World next time I'm up in Geordieland!! Drive past the signpost every time, but never had the time to call in. The seeds on offer sound really interesting.
btw ..legless.....who's that in your profile pic??!!
Title: Re: for all Geordies out there!
Post by: legless on November 06, 2003, 13:40:01
its a turkish van cat, known for their swimming - its not mine though, i have 3 that enjoy a long leisurely bath but thats about it!!
Title: Re: for all Geordies out there!
Post by: tim on November 06, 2003, 15:24:03
- why isn't Jethro on this forum?? - Tim
Title: Re: for all Geordies out there!
Post by: busy_lizzie on November 06, 2003, 15:39:27
Hope he is not intimidated by all of us woman, Tim  ??? As he is a bit outnumbered.  Probably just running free for the moment and will be back to his home thread soon . :D busy_lizzie
Title: Re: for all Geordies out there!
Post by: busy_lizzie on November 06, 2003, 15:47:56
Jethro, Hope you didn't mind me "taking your name in vain" on the last posting.  :) Like your new picture, by the way.  :D busy_lizzie  
Title: Re: for all Geordies out there!
Post by: jethro on November 06, 2003, 15:56:33
Hi it's me  ;D listen you lot, women don't intimidate me ( well not a lot ) and as i've said before i enjoy the company of women i only need oxygen ( nurse the screens quick ) ;) . Been busy with other things  :D so sorry for not replying :-/ forgot to hit the notification button ??? . Plus i'm busy trying other inventions, looking good in my burnt face, no hair and steaming wellies :-/ .
Title: Re: for all Geordies out there!
Post by: MagpieDi on November 06, 2003, 17:45:44
Hi my are in demand!! ;D   ;)  and I for one have missed your hilarious tales of misadventures!!  ::)  ;D
Alas! !.........I too am old enough to remember madcap Jethro Tull!!!  ;D
Title: Re: for all Geordies out there!
Post by: jethro on November 06, 2003, 17:53:51
HI Magpie Di, i can go back to blodwyn pig, velvet underground and the like :-/ ;) . Don't despair no doubt my adventures will start again, can't keep still bonny lass, always on the move ;D .

Going to see Jethro in Feb in the 'toon' ;D ;D ;D , no doubt you will see me jumping around with me zimmer frame, glass eye swivelling, false leg bouncing all over, and singing totally out of tune and happy as a pig in s**te. Can't wait already singing as i type this :) :D :D ;D .
Title: Re: for all Geordies out there!
Post by: MagpieDi on November 06, 2003, 18:05:12
Blimey !......  is he still doing live gigs? ( a cool word I've borrowed from my teenagers!  8) )
Daren't ask how old he is !!??  
Hey !!! my only claim to fame was way back in the 60's , got sooooooo close to a bloke from Lindisfarne........can't even remember his name now!!  ::)
Happy days!!  ;D   ;)   ;)
Title: Re: for all Geordies out there!
Post by: jethro on November 06, 2003, 18:12:23
Hi Mapie Di, I have actually met Jethro ( Ian Anderson ) the last time he was at the City Hall ;D :o seemed like a nice bloke :D. Hopefully the same will happen this time :D ;D. Fingers crossed  ::) .
Title: Re: for all Geordies out there!
Post by: MagpieDi on November 07, 2003, 15:29:16
Well...........what can I say Jethro!!!!  ::)  ;D Each to their own!!  ;D    My pin up was the one and only tall, dark, and handsome Bryan Ferry!!  8)  :-* Gosh memory,(and eyes and ears etc!!) is seriously deteriorating!!!   ::) Please remind me of the group he used to be lead singer of all those years ago!!! Fantastic saxophone on those early tracks!!
Title: Re: for all Geordies out there!
Post by: Mrs Ava on November 07, 2003, 20:05:12
aaahhh Bryan Ferry, the original lounge lizard.  He was the lead in Roxy Music as I recall, altho a touch before my time ::). My pin up I'm afraid to say was Simon Le Bon!  uurrgghhh  :-X
Title: Re: for all Geordies out there!
Post by: budgiebreeder on November 07, 2003, 20:54:16
SIMON LE BONN!!!!!!!!!  say no more.
Title: Re: for all Geordies out there!
Post by: MagpieDi on November 07, 2003, 23:24:02
Thanks for that reminder!  Still hadn't thought of it !! ( My kids tell me there's no hope!! )  ::)  ;D  Wasn't he a Geordie dish ?!   ;D   ;)   Oh quote some obscure Chinese philosopher .......when you cease to dream cease to live!!
Title: Re: for all Geordies out there!
Post by: Mrs Ava on November 08, 2003, 00:21:49
I know, I know, but I was young and foolish!  :'(  I am more worldy wise now  :o .
Title: Re: for all Geordies out there!
Post by: MagpieDi on November 08, 2003, 13:27:26
Ha!!  ;D  .......   EJ's great having a past life your teenagers know absolutely nothing about!! My 15 year old twins would....... never........ever.......believe what their ancient mum got up to in the late sixties and seventies !!!!   ::)  ;D  ;)
Happy days!!
Title: Re: for all Geordies out there!
Post by: jethro on November 10, 2003, 13:35:21
OK Magpie Di, you have got me thinking of what you done in the past  :o  ??? , and believe me i have a VERY active imagination ::) :P .

EJ Simon le Bonn, oh dear :P .

Who was the sax player? i know phil manzanera was the guitarist but i can't remember the saxaphonist ( 'it's the bells you know said quasi' ) speaking of which i'm thinking of putting my picture on the site instead of jethro tull, that'll scare a lot of you off this site. What do you lot think of the idea?
Title: Re: for all Geordies out there!
Post by: MagpieDi on November 10, 2003, 17:14:16
Hi Jethro
I thought you already had your pic on profile!!!!  ;D  ;)  
No seriously, don't .........part of the fun is using one's imagination!!  ::)  ;)  ;D
I imagine you with " knock 'em dead looks " !!  :-* ..................please ............don't spoil it!!!!  ;)   ;)   ;D

btw  going up into the loft in search of Roxy Music vinyls sax player!! I may be away for a while !!.........I'm a fanatical hoarder!!  ::)
Title: Re: for all Geordies out there!
Post by: jethro on November 10, 2003, 17:32:40
Hi Magpie Di, drop dead yes good looks no, people see my piccy and drop to the ground clutching their throats and gurgling  ;) , been tried in courts for manslaughter once or twice or thrice or ad infinitim  :o .
Title: Re: for all Geordies out there!
Post by: MagpieDi on November 10, 2003, 17:47:50
Oh Jethro.....don't be so harsh on yourself!!!..... and have a look at beer belly's pic !!  ;)  ;D
I'm definitely sticking to my delayed action hedgie !!! ;D
Title: Re: for all Geordies out there!
Post by: jethro on November 10, 2003, 17:57:45
Beer Belly! that good looking Adonis :-/ put's me to shame, i'm telling you i look like quasimodo  :-X on a good day on a bad day  :o :o :o . Sorry to disappont you but i,m pig ugly.
Title: Re: for all Geordies out there!
Post by: Beer_Belly on November 11, 2003, 08:56:22
I'm glad I joined this board  ;D  I've been called both a hunk AND an Adonis in one week !!!  What a nice (but mad or short-sighted) bunch you are !
Title: Re: for all Geordies out there!
Post by: jethro on November 11, 2003, 10:32:51
I refuse to have mirrors in the house as they only smash when i try to look in them, how's that for ugly  ;D .
BB not short sighted but blind is the word your looking for i wear binoculars instead of glasses  8) .
Title: Re: for all Geordies out there!
Post by: MagpieDi on November 11, 2003, 14:41:29
BB...........have you noticed your admirers' gender !!??  ;)  ;D  ( pardon the phrase!!  :o )
Title: Re: for all Geordies out there!
Post by: jethro on November 11, 2003, 14:57:30
WHOA Magpie Di,  :o i'm not that way inclined thank you very much :-/ .
Title: Re: for all Geordies out there!
Post by: MagpieDi on November 11, 2003, 15:07:37
Just jesting Jethro  ;D ....and winding BB up!!!!  ;D Sorry bonny lad!!! Are you having a bad day at the office, petal!!??   ;)  ;D   ::)
P.S.  how's the turbine today? !
Title: Re: for all Geordies out there!
Post by: jethro on November 11, 2003, 15:19:44
BAD DAY, BAD DAY, yes i am trying to do 3 things at once and us men can only do one  ;D and that doesn't satisfy you women  ;).
Turbine's running well, well it was last night. I don't get down to the lottie till 6 pm so it's pretty dark then.oooooooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhh.
Title: Re: for all Geordies out there!
Post by: jethro on November 11, 2003, 16:16:56
Magpie where are you surely the attic isn't that big, i need the name as the lack of sleep is starting to make me grumpy
Title: Re: for all Geordies out there!
Post by: MagpieDi on November 11, 2003, 16:59:45's a long dear little fieldmice come in from the cold each year.......and guess where they snuggle up!!!!   ;D   ::)   However..............just for you Jethro .....I crawled amongst them.........and ............ they'd eaten the LP cover!!    :'(     ::)
But one little blighter whispered ..........................
"Andy Mackay "!!!  ;D  ;D

P.S.  We'll have to stop meeting like this!!!!!  
Title: Re: for all Geordies out there!
Post by: jethro on November 11, 2003, 17:04:26
Ah i'll be able to sleep tonight, thanks MD, thebrain is getting toooooooo old for this lark  ;D .
Title: Re: for all Geordies out there!
Post by: MagpieDi on November 11, 2003, 17:14:16
Ditto........!!   ;)  ;D  ::)
Title: Re: for all Geordies out there!
Post by: MagpieDi on November 11, 2003, 17:25:02
Wonder if Beer Belly would like to be an honorary Geordie!!  Great nickname,  cool pic , and..........a Robotwar man!!!  8)    ;D   8)
Title: Re: for all Geordies out there!
Post by: Beer_Belly on November 12, 2003, 09:38:15
Seeing how my Gran, Grandad and my Dad were from Gateshead and my gran used to sing the lampton worm and cushie butterfield to me when I was a nipper I think I've all the credentials for being an honary Geordie  :D Don't you think ?
Title: Re: for all Geordies out there!
Post by: jethro on November 12, 2003, 12:21:12
Welcome to the 'geordie clan' BB, now you have to start drinking brown sorry broon ale, keep greyhounds or whippets, wear a flat cap, have a white silk scarf around your neck, and finally keep the coals in the bath, if you need a bath use the tin one on the wall outside, next to the nettie  ;D .
Title: Re: for all Geordies out there!
Post by: jethro on November 12, 2003, 12:22:27
oops forgot the capstan full strength you must smoke 20 of these a day
Title: Re: for all Geordies out there!
Post by: Beer_Belly on November 12, 2003, 13:41:16
Now then - drinking bottles 'o Dog won't be a problem, I've plenty of practise of that when I was at Teesside Poly  ;)
Title: Re: for all Geordies out there!
Post by: MagpieDi on November 12, 2003, 14:01:37
Don't forget our " religion " ......Jethro .... 3pm on Saturdays at St James's !!  ;D    ;D
Title: Re: for all Geordies out there!
Post by: Dusty on November 13, 2003, 00:02:29
Just to let you know that after my tale of woe regarding my dangerous allotment - I now have a new one.  It is on the same site, which I am pleased about, it still has a natural well - so I will be ok next year if we have good weather and a shortage of rain.  The best thing is there are no old buildings and I will put a new shed and greenhouse in the new year.

I am so excited now and can hardly wait to get in there.   Keeping fingers crossed for good weather over the next few days but I believe it is supposed to change quite drastically.    never mind - I can always make my bedding plans and look through the catalogues for seeds.
Title: Re: for all Geordies out there!
Post by: MagpieDi on November 13, 2003, 00:13:30
Hello Dusty
Glad you've eventually got a site that you feel happy with! Sounds as tho' you've lots of hard work ahead, but something to look forward to in the spring!
Enjoy catalogue browsing......a great way to pass a dismal winter evening!!
Title: Re: for all Geordies out there!
Post by: gavin on November 13, 2003, 01:12:14
Hey - good news, Dusty; glad it's worked out!

All best - Gavin
Title: Re: for all Geordies out there!
Post by: Beer_Belly on November 13, 2003, 08:24:41
Great news Dusty - and good for you for perservering ! at one point you sounded so dejected that I thought you'd give up. I'm looking forward to hearing how things go this year with your new safe plot.
Title: Re: for all Geordies out there!
Post by: jethro on November 13, 2003, 11:25:15
Happy gardening  ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: for all Geordies out there!
Post by: busy_lizzie on November 13, 2003, 11:32:21
Hi Dusty,  Great to hear the news about your new allotment.  It is a good time to get it as you can start to make plans and clear the ground a little for next year.  I bet you are thrilled to have a plot again, as BB said you did sound very dejected a while back.  All the best with it, and we all look forward to hearing how you progress. LOL :D :D busy_lizzie
Title: Re: for all Geordies out there!
Post by: legless on November 13, 2003, 23:10:14
that's great Dusty! my old buildings are coming down over the winter, i thought they were such a blessing when i got the plot but now they seem like a lot of work cos they just aren't safe.

on the music front my mum and dad are coming over from turkey to see meat loaf on the 24th and apparently he's gone a bit drunk and mad again and might cancel the tour. i really hope not, my mother will blame me  :D
Title: Re: for all Geordies out there!
Post by: Dusty on November 14, 2003, 16:16:42
thanks all -   got my paper and pen out and started making plans  :)

Hope meatloaf doesn't cancel your parents will be so disappointed.  I would love to see him but never got around to getting tickets.     It is a few months since we have been to see anyone, OH has been really busy this year, but I think we will have to make the effort - live music and a meal/drink - can't think of a better evening.
On of the last shows we saw were (showing my age here) Manfred Man, Chris Farlow and LJ Baldry - great evening.    Paul Jones Blue Band as well which was brilliant.
Title: Re: for all Geordies out there!
Post by: jethro on November 14, 2003, 16:27:33
Hi Dusty, if you like blues you should come to the festival at Stanley it's great  ;D , drink, good bands, drink, good atmosphere, did i mention drink  ;D .
Title: Re: for all Geordies out there!
Post by: Dusty on November 15, 2003, 18:19:37
Jethro - sound good when is it on and where. OH also loves blues music.  

Have you heard of Catfish Keith?    we saw him at the live theatre in Newcastle last year - we had a really great night.

My dear old dad was named after the town Stanley - where a lot of his family came from.

Be interested to know about the blues in Stanley and before the snow sets in, if it hasn't already started, we could come down.  (A friend of mine originating in Stanley was late for work one morning, many years ago, she blamed it on the really bad snow fall - this was early June ;D)
Title: Re: for all Geordies out there!
Post by: jethro on November 17, 2003, 11:37:07
Hi Dusty, the festival is on in August so you have missed it  :-/, this year we had Paul Jones, and Peter Green ( late Fleetwood Mac ) or so i'm told too busy with other things  ;D i.e drink. If your mates know Stanley it;s on at the Kings Head field, this year the crowd was about 8,000 strong (eat your heart out Glastonbury ).
So where abouts did your friends live in Stanley? i've lived here for 46 years ( well apart from Canada, 3 years there and London for 2 ) still trying to break out but the guards keep finding the escape tunnels  ;D .

Ah snow in June what a summer that was  ;D , you should have seen the winter  :o , there was i wrestling polar bears and renting out part of the lottie to eskimos, had to get a JCB in to dig out the leeks  :o .
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