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General => The Shed => Topic started by: rosebud on November 13, 2003, 00:32:26

Post by: rosebud on November 13, 2003, 00:32:26
hi peeps just to let you know that GW is repeating the
allotment programme ON 12TH DEC  8-30 i know quite a few people wanted to see it or tape it so lots of warning to make a date  it was really good to watch .OZZY if you are out there i know you missed it i posted you last time try not to miss it this time now you have your new lottie. :D have you got it organised yet ?.
cheers all Rosebud.......... ::)
Title: Re: GOOD NEWS
Post by: MagpieDi on November 13, 2003, 00:59:10
Thanks for the reminder Rosebud.

We haven't heard from Ozzy for a while.
Reckon he's still hiding in his wardrobe after last weekend's rugby!!!   :'(
Or..... too much of Leonard Cohen has sent him into a deep depression!!........and he can't climb out!  :(   ;)
Title: Re: GOOD NEWS
Post by: Hugh_Jones on November 13, 2003, 01:50:51
If it`s THAT good, does it mean that Curlylocks and Mophead won`t be on it?
Title: Re: GOOD NEWS
Post by: MagpieDi on November 13, 2003, 17:15:17
Ozzy .........where are you?.........missing your rugby babble!!  ;D   We need you to cheer on the All Blacks!!!
Can't let the b***** Aussies win this one!!   :o

P.S.  commiserations Hugh were unlucky!!  ;)
Title: Re: GOOD NEWS
Post by: Hugh_Jones on November 13, 2003, 20:34:26
You must have your wires crossed somewhere my dear pica pica (although I don`t really believe that you have a black tail and white tum).  I am born and bred English - although my remoter ancestry is a bit polyglot.

And we definitely DON`T  want Ozzy babbling on this one - every side he says is going to win promptly loses, including his own.
Title: Re: GOOD NEWS
Post by: ina on November 13, 2003, 22:55:42
Thank you Rosebud! I put it on my calender. It will be on one of the BBC channels right? We can get beeb one and two here on the cable in Holland.
Title: Re: GOOD NEWS
Post by: legless on November 13, 2003, 23:11:23
i'll set the video for that one so that when i'm feeling snowed under i can watch it and think wonderful allotment thoughts! thanks for letting us know
Title: Re: GOOD NEWS
Post by: Colin_Bellamy-Wood on November 13, 2003, 23:40:37
Ina, it will be shown on BBC 2.   I shall be taping it.   If you have any problems, let me know via "instant messages" and I will send you a copy.    Contact me before the event, if you can, as I have two tape recorders.   (We've got two wheelbarrows too !!!)
Title: Re: GOOD NEWS
Post by: MagpieDi on November 14, 2003, 00:20:50
Oops...apologies Hugh!!  ::) I thought it was you cheering on the Taffies!!
Pica pica..........I like it!!  Much more attractive than a Corvus!!  Sadly, I don't have their striking plumage, nor do I chatter and jump about in branches, but I am inclined to hoard!!  ;)   ;D
Very common fact can observe a gathering of 52,000 on Saturdays in St James's Park!!!!    ;)   ;D
Title: Re: GOOD NEWS
Post by: rosebud on November 14, 2003, 01:32:38
Hi Ozzy long time no speak.How are you and how is the lottie doing? ::) ;D.All the beebies seem to have gone in different directions some have disappeared altogether :(
enjoy the rugby !!!!!!!! on saturday.OZ would you give me the web site of that MOON thing you gave me a while ago for SCORPIO please .thank you  :D  cheers Rosebud :) ;).
Title: Re: GOOD NEWS
Post by: Hugh_Jones on November 14, 2003, 01:42:18
Really pica pica, I`m surprised that you should suggest a visit to St. James Park to find a gathering of 52,000 of the species - there seem to be more than that on the `Geordies` thread already - and as for chattering...?

And OZZY, I`m afraid that your identification of species is as awry as your forecasting of rugby matches, and I have 3 generations of English born and bred to prove it.  Mind you, before that was a very polyglot mixture of (North) Welsh miners and Hellfire Welsh preachers, not to mention a generous helping of Highland Scottish and a smattering of Norfolk. And no, I don`t `tappity tap` to Land of My Fathers - it isn`t sung in 3/4 time, so it would be most inappropriate.Besides, the only people I ever hear singing it are the South Welsh, who can`t speak their own language.  Whatever would Llywellyn the Great have thought of that?
Title: Re: GOOD NEWS
Post by: Hugh_Jones on November 14, 2003, 02:37:50
oZzY, I don`t want to worry you, but 1,000 years ago the Irish were Danes (that was before they all moved on to Western Scotland and became Scottish Highlanders) and Pothead just ain`t a Danish name. May I suggest Potheenhead as being a more likely original - just think, the first oZzY built the first still and brewed that memorable  first drop of the potion - and he drank so much of it that he could no longer remember his name properly - there`s an idea for you.

Please, PLEASE don`t back England. We want to WIN.
Title: Re: GOOD NEWS
Post by: campanula on November 14, 2003, 12:35:22
Ozzy, I fear you are too much the optimist - France are on top of their game and England are shite at the mo.
Sorry about the lottie.
Title: Re: GOOD NEWS
Post by: Beer_Belly on November 14, 2003, 13:19:20
I think England will pull it out of the bag though - but I think it'll be a close match :-/
Title: Re: GOOD NEWS
Post by: ina on November 14, 2003, 18:42:59
Ina, it will be shown on BBC 2.   I shall be taping it.   If you have any problems, let me know via "instant messages" and I will send you a copy.    Contact me before the event, if you can, as I have two tape recorders.   (We've got two wheelbarrows too !!!)

Hi Colin,
You are too nice, thanks for the offer. I don't expect any problems, we have two televisions haha.
Title: Re: GOOD NEWS
Post by: Beer_Belly on November 14, 2003, 20:01:23
Ina - I don't think Colin realises that we get BBC1 and BBC2 standard over here on the cable ;) (I've got 3 & 4 & ITV ch4 & 5 as well but that's down to me having a dish)  ;D
Title: Re: GOOD NEWS
Post by: ina on November 14, 2003, 20:18:32
Oh, but BB, I did mention that we have BBC on the cable. I don't know what all those stations you mentioned are, guess all British. I am just glad to have channels from many different countries. Really happy to have a Spanish channel too, got to keep up with my languages, it was too much trouble learning them.

Isn't this neat. We are on at the same time and keep chasing each other around the different threads hahaha.
Title: Re: GOOD NEWS
Post by: ina on November 14, 2003, 20:20:41
Hey BB, your scary picture is gone!
Title: Re: GOOD NEWS
Post by: Beer_Belly on November 14, 2003, 21:40:55
I can still see it ?
Title: Re: GOOD NEWS
Post by: ina on November 14, 2003, 21:55:01
It's back. For a while it was a square with a red x in it. Sorry for the panic hahaha.
Title: Re: GOOD NEWS
Post by: Hugh_Jones on November 15, 2003, 19:32:47
I think that what oZzY is trying to say is that the cat was walking about on his keyboard while he was dozing.  If he lets that cat continue, sooner or later it will rewrite the works of Shakespeare (although not necessarily in the right order).
Title: Re: GOOD NEWS
Post by: MagpieDi on November 15, 2003, 20:40:35
Nice one Hugh!!!  ;D

I worry about Ozzy know!! ...... 6am ..posting must have been some all night session!!!
Title: Re: GOOD NEWS
Post by: Hugh_Jones on November 15, 2003, 22:32:24
Actually, pica pica I think that what he is thinking is all perfectly logical and sensible in  his native language, but his drop-down erse-to-english dictionary isn`t functioning properly.
Title: Re: GOOD NEWS
Post by: Colin_Bellamy-Wood on November 16, 2003, 00:11:49
BB, Ina, I think it's great that you can get all the British channels, and of course, I hadn't realised that you could.   I can't afford cable on my penshun, and even if I could I don't think I would have time to watch the few programmes that would attract me.    BUT do we get Dutch, French, German, Belgian programmes on our cable TV?   I know we can get CNN news programmes, from when I've stayed in Hotels, but I can't remember being able to get European programmes.   Curious.
Title: Re: GOOD NEWS
Post by: Hugh_Jones on November 16, 2003, 00:27:17
Eric, of course we can`t get all those continental stations on cable TV here (not that I either have or want cable TV). You see, some of those continental stations have Naughty programmes which we shouldn`t see.  It`s all right for the continentals to see the Beeb programmes, because the Beeb only has full frontal on Sunday evenings, and that`s o.k. because they`ve had Songs Of Praise first.
Title: Re: GOOD NEWS
Post by: MagpieDi on November 16, 2003, 00:46:10
Sorry ...Hugh....logical or not .......still worried!!  ;)  ;D  ::)
Title: Re: GOOD NEWS
Post by: rosebud on November 16, 2003, 01:47:35
YO Ozzy that is the best babble in a long time  :D made me smile when i was reading/deciphering it ;D.
thanks for the good wishes for rugby glad the aussies won today.OZ i coulden`t find the moon site i was looking for any other sites  ???i did spend time looking but to no avail. have a nice weekend  Rosebud :D
Title: Re: GOOD NEWS
Post by: ina on November 16, 2003, 11:01:54
Eric, of course we can`t get all those continental stations on cable TV here (not that I either have or want cable TV). You see, some of those continental stations have Naughty programmes which we shouldn`t see.  It`s all right for the continentals to see the Beeb programmes, because the Beeb only has full frontal on Sunday evenings, and that`s o.k. because they`ve had Songs Of Praise first.

Hi Hugh. I would hate to only have Dutch stations on tv, it would be like living on an island (oh boy, I'm gonna get it for that haha).

Title: Re: GOOD NEWS
Post by: Hugh_Jones on November 16, 2003, 15:30:25
Ah, but you see Ina, living on an island has distinct advantages.  It saves us having to be overrun in turn by the Spanish, the French, the Germans, or any other country which wants to extend its empire, even though we usually have to go help turf them out in the end. It`s even managed to keep out the worst idiocies of the Franco-German Gauleiters who rule your country from Brussels.

Oddly enough, all those illegal immigrants who wend their way through Europe never seem to want to stay there, but all do their damndest to get here - must have SOME attractions.
Title: Re: GOOD NEWS
Post by: ina on November 16, 2003, 18:28:39
Point made, loud and clear but............. explain to me why so many Britishers are living in France, Spain and Holland? If they want to watch the nasties on continental t.v. wouldn't it be simpler to get cable?
Title: Re: GOOD NEWS
Post by: Hugh_Jones on November 16, 2003, 19:03:37
For the same reason as British Missionaries went to Africa, China and the South Pacific - to try and improve the lot of the natives - and with half the countries in the Eu (including Holland) officially in economic recession (EU figures - not mine) that`ll take a bit of doing.
Title: Re: GOOD NEWS
Post by: Hugh_Jones on November 17, 2003, 13:50:17
oZzY, you`re 4 postings behind the times.  All this 2.23 a.m. babbling is delaying your motor reflexes and overtaxing your babble function.

Have an early night and then try and keep up with the rest of the class, there`s a good celt.
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