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Allotment Stuff => The Basics => Topic started by: Mubgrub on September 12, 2005, 20:24:23

Title: Dobies
Post by: Mubgrub on September 12, 2005, 20:24:23
Anyone else still not recieved thier Dobies Brassicas yet?
Title: Re: Dobies
Post by: supersprout on September 12, 2005, 20:39:28
Yep, I'm still waiting :-[ - ages since the order went in ... :'( bed all ready and empty, slugs waiting with bibs on ... ::)
Title: Re: Dobies
Post by: suzylou on September 12, 2005, 21:31:16
Me too....I got an email last week saying they would be posted "in the next two weeks"

I think they've been heavily over-ordered  ;D
Title: Re: Dobies
Post by: katynewbie on September 12, 2005, 22:29:34
 ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Slugs with bibs!!!!!!!! Great image!!

The ones on my plot are big enough to hold knives and forks!!

Title: Re: Dobies
Post by: daveandtara on September 12, 2005, 22:37:56
still waiting here as well, but not stressed yet as wardy and co have faith and they should know. ;D
Title: Re: Dobies
Post by: suzylou on September 13, 2005, 10:25:41
You're ahead of me.  I still don't have a brassica bed!
Title: Re: Dobies
Post by: suzylou on September 13, 2005, 10:39:09
On order:

Onion Sets
Brassia Collection

Space available:
About two square feet

Title: Re: Dobies
Post by: Mubgrub on September 13, 2005, 11:05:36
Cool, was just starting to fret. 

How do you keep slugs off Supersprout? I've lost all of the Brassicas I tried to sow this year, tried bran and beer traps so far and put some nemaslug down about a fortnight ago, hopefully that will make a dent in the poulation although I did find a very fat and contented looking sloworm the other day which is promising! ;D ;D
Title: Re: Dobies
Post by: westsussexlottie on September 13, 2005, 11:23:47
Still waiting for my orientals....
Title: Re: Dobies
Post by: Mubgrub on September 13, 2005, 17:54:08
And they have bibs on too....... Eeeeeeeek  run sprout run! ;D
Title: Re: Dobies
Post by: TEL on September 13, 2005, 18:00:15
Me to still waiting for my onion sets but got my spinach ordered at the same time.
Title: Re: Dobies
Post by: supersprout on September 13, 2005, 19:16:58
I only took the plot on in May, and ... er, there don't seem to be slugs on it. ??? ??? My neighbours all have them, and I imported a few from the back garden in seed trays, but they all expired of loneliness :'(
I do have flea beetle, they are probably moistening their choppers as we speak ;D
Title: Re: Dobies
Post by: Amazin on September 13, 2005, 22:59:26
No brassicas, no e-mail from Dobies either.
I did get a card through the door today from the postman about a parcel, so who knows - although I suspect that'll be the hop plant I ordered from ebay.
Title: Re: Dobies
Post by: supersprout on September 14, 2005, 08:35:03
Hey wardy, how do you propagate tumbleweed? ;) ;D ;D
I'd like something to do in my spare time until the cabbages and onions arrive ...
Title: Re: Dobies
Post by: Mrs Ava on September 14, 2005, 22:57:44
Still waiting in this part of Essex................... :'(
Title: Re: Dobies
Post by: daveandtara on September 15, 2005, 14:23:35
GOT 'EM!  ;D
arrived today, have to say they look a bit sad and rather leggy (not that i know what they're s'posed to look like) and was surprised that they were just left on the step in plain view, esp on this estate!

one more thing, the instructions say the ground should be 'well worked'. isn't that the opposite of what everyone here has advised (ie, well trodden, unworked soil)

confused now  ???
Tara xx
Title: Re: Dobies
Post by: Mubgrub on September 15, 2005, 14:50:26
Got mine too! Yay ;D ;D  Perhaps they just mean well worked in terms of no big scary weeds?  I'm going down to plant with Joy Larcombe in hand as always and not worry about it.
Lets hope the Nemaslug worked :P
Title: Re: Dobies
Post by: moonbells on September 15, 2005, 16:02:08
Got mine too! Hubby phoned this morning and said I'd a box of green things... and he thoughtfully checked they were all ok - blimey.

They *would* arrive on the day it absolutely *POURS*

Title: Re: Dobies
Post by: Mrs Ava on September 15, 2005, 16:18:18
Dobies must have had a mass posting day cos I received mine to!!

Mine look okay, but can't plant them today thanks to this glorious rain.....but if it holds off through the night, plan to go after the school run in the morning and get them in.  NOw, I need more pigeon proof netting!
Title: Re: Dobies
Post by: suzylou on September 15, 2005, 16:56:17
Oh no, that must be what the card from the post office is about :(  And every parcel I've had in the last SIX YEARS has either been left on the doorstep or with next door.

I won't get them till monday night when I get back from Manchester...will they survive that long in their box? :(
Title: Re: Dobies
Post by: katynewbie on September 15, 2005, 17:50:23
Suzy, when mine arrived they were in little bags with very damp compost......hopefully they should be ok...fingers crossed for you!!
Title: Re: Dobies
Post by: Robert_Brenchley on September 15, 2005, 18:17:44
They should be OK over the weekend, I've left plants in my shed for a few days in far hotter weather than this and they've been OK. When they post plants, they must allow for the possibility of delay.
Title: Re: Dobies
Post by: Mubgrub on September 15, 2005, 19:14:53
Yep, the compost is really sodden and in their plastic bags there shouldn't be enough evaporation to dry them right out. Fingers crossed.
Title: Re: Dobies
Post by: suzylou on September 15, 2005, 19:19:27
Thanks :)  I am full of good intentions to be at the PO at 7am and plant them tomorrow before work, but I suspect I will lose the battle with my duvet  ;D
Title: Re: Dobies
Post by: suzylou on September 16, 2005, 10:16:30
Well, I spent most of last night digging and stomping and preparing, went to the PO this morning and....SEEDS!  Just seeds!

No sign of me brassicas...don't know if I should be pleased because I don't have time till monday, or disappointed! :P
Title: Re: Dobies
Post by: moonbells on September 16, 2005, 11:42:07
I managed to get the broccoli into the spare bed between showers last night (though at a bit more compact spacing than they advised!) then planted the rest close together in a spare bit of ground where onions had come out.  They should be fine there (fleeced) until the new beds are ready then I can plant properly.

I noticed a lot of the cauli stems are snapped, which is irritating. I think I've got half of them usable.

And I've no idea if it was me getting them out of the bags or their packing!

Title: Re: Dobies
Post by: timmyc on September 16, 2005, 14:01:48
ours came yesterday - and we're putting them in this afternoon - though we're off to Sunny Spain early tomorrow morning so they're going to have to fight for themselves from the word go - not sure they'll survive but what can you do???
We'll make sure they're well fedand watered and hope they aren't dead when we get back -
Title: Re: Dobies
Post by: suzylou on September 16, 2005, 14:19:57
Mine have apparently arrived too, have agreed with hubby that we can stop off at the allotment to hastily install and net them before driving up to Manchester  ::)
Title: Re: Dobies
Post by: supersprout on September 17, 2005, 18:06:25
 ;D So glad they are arriving with some folks, alas I am still waiting ... >:( but the bed is hoed so they will have plenty of mulch when they arrive ... 8)
Title: Re: Dobies
Post by: wardy on September 18, 2005, 10:45:07
Went over my empty brassica bed again with the hoe yesterday.  It's like waiting for flamin Christmas.  Knowing my luck it'll be snowing when they eventually turn up  ;D

Dashed off an email to Dobies yesterday to remind them I'm still waiting patiently  :)
Title: Re: Dobies
Post by: Mrs Ava on September 18, 2005, 23:35:15
A few of mine were snapped Moonbells.  I planted them deeper than the 'bend' and will see how they get on.  Wondering whether to contact Dobies about it.......might send them an email as I didn't really think they were packaged terribly well.
Title: Re: Dobies
Post by: Amazin on September 19, 2005, 01:54:10
Mine arrived on 15th as well - agree with you EJ that packaging was a bit less than I'd expected, particularly for such delicately-stemmed babies, though the box was sturdy enough.

Spent all day today clearing a space for some of them, which meant sickling my 8ft mini-sweetcorn trees. I managed to get the cabbages planted but I've had to 'heel in' the broc & cauli in a couple of long planters till next weekend, as the light beat me  - boy, the days are definitely getting shorter!
Title: Re: Dobies
Post by: wardy on September 19, 2005, 09:26:11
Are Dobies and Marshalls one of the same or is it Dobies Suttons.  Marshalls are right long winded anorl.  Ordered spud sacks yonks ago and still no sign.  If I'd ordered em from Fothergills they would have been here the following day.  Grrr
I wonder if my garlic from Marshalls will take forever too  :(
Title: Re: Dobies
Post by: Mubgrub on September 19, 2005, 10:45:10
A few of mine were also snapped, probably the packing I should think although it seems odd that only the caulis were affected?
Title: Re: Dobies
Post by: bupster on September 19, 2005, 16:01:24
Only caulis snapped in mine, too. Got them in on Saturday, half devoured by Sunday. Gah! Only had about one bed prepared, so didn't have time to net them/build slug traps/whatever it was I should have done to head the slugs off (haven't a clue). D'oh.
Title: Re: Dobies
Post by: raisedbedted on September 19, 2005, 16:12:10
I'm still waiting for my snappy headed brassicas and the garlic I ordered along with them.

Are the Dobies ones the ones they were doing in KG because I think thats where I oredered mine from.

Not knowing who I've ordered from can making complaining a bit embarrassing sometimes.....
Title: Re: Dobies
Post by: Mrs Ava on September 19, 2005, 16:16:34
hehehe plotofweeds, I have done that with Thompson and Morgan...could have sworn I ordered something from them, then found the order form never sent!

I emailed Dobies (and yes Wardy, they are Suttons), but am yet to hear back.  As I explained, I am allotmenteering on a budget and plug plants were quite an extravigance.  It would be a shame if none survived due to the poor packaging.
Title: Re: Dobies
Post by: bupster on September 19, 2005, 16:47:45
Hee! The only reason I ordered the plug plants was guilt - I'd phoned Dobies to complain about non-arrival of Xmas spuds which I had in fact ordered from someone else. Oop.
Title: Re: Dobies
Post by: wardy on September 19, 2005, 17:23:04
hee hee  ;D
Title: Re: Dobies
Post by: supersprout on September 23, 2005, 14:19:14
Well, I got a reply from Dobies today to say the nursery had run out so they are sending out refunds. :'( Went to Downham Market today and got white sprouting broccoli at 75p/10 from the plant stall, so will have something for the hungry gap after all ;D, but not from Dobies! >:(
Title: Re: Dobies
Post by: bupster on September 23, 2005, 14:44:53
That's our fault, I bet half the people who use this board ordered plugs from Dobies.

But they should know how many they've grown(?)

If it makes you feel better, Supersprout, mine will be eaten by the middle of next week and I'll be on a train to Downham Market :)
Title: Re: Dobies
Post by: supersprout on September 23, 2005, 16:19:51
 ;D ;D ;D
but it won't be you wot did the eating ... ;)
Title: Re: Dobies
Post by: wardy on September 23, 2005, 16:37:42
Ta for that info SS.  I was beginning to wonder about no show veg  >:(  I was one of the first peeps on here to flipping order em and it looks like everyone else has got theirs first.  Not fair, stamping my feet now and going red in face.  Drat and double drat

I shall dash off a snotty letter forthwith  ;D
Title: Re: Dobies
Post by: supersprout on September 23, 2005, 17:46:59
you could probably claim extra damages for injury to your feelings wardy :-X ;D££££££ ;D
Title: Re: Dobies
Post by: wardy on September 23, 2005, 17:58:07
Injured feelings - what about my imminent hungry gap  :'( :'(  I shall sue for that too  ;D

This really will put a crimp on my best laid Christmas dinner plans.  I was going to present my very own home grown sprarts at the table with a flourish, ta da!There they'd be glistening and shiny with butter  :'( :'( :'(
Title: Re: Dobies
Post by: supersprout on September 23, 2005, 18:15:50
I'm nearly in tears here meself :'(
The americans seem to find candied yams acceptable (ducks) ::)
If it's any comfort, I never grew sprarts before and was looking forward to it. Hows about a class action? ;D
Title: Re: Dobies
Post by: wardy on September 23, 2005, 18:34:49
Christmas day arrives.  I floats in with a huge silver domed salver.  Ta da!  Candied yams  :'( :'( :'(  Yum  ;D
Title: Re: Dobies
Post by: daveandtara on September 23, 2005, 22:15:41
don't panic just yet wardy,
did you order the brassica set or did you order sprarts?
i got the brassica set, caulis, brocs and cabbages. definately no sprarts.
 (can't stand em meself, always cook a few, serve em up with chestnuts for the sake of traddition, but no-one eats them til they arrive as bubble & squeak on boxing day)
anyway, sprarts may not be sold out. in fact, you may have ordered them from someone else entirely!!!
and a snotty letter to dobies (i'd add a tearful e-mail as well) may get you a lovely voucher for next years seeds.
good luck, Tara xx
Title: Re: Dobies
Post by: wardy on September 23, 2005, 22:56:53
Ey up D and T  :)   I ordered brassica collection which I might not now get  :'(  Love spraarts and bubble and squeak  :)  Have sent two snotty emails so might get something out of Dobies if not brassicas  ;D
Title: Re: Dobies
Post by: moonbells on September 26, 2005, 15:10:46
That's awful Wardy -  I still have a few cabbages without a home though a bit chewed (as are all the rest) which you're welcome to. 


Title: Re: Dobies
Post by: wardy on September 26, 2005, 16:08:35
Ta Moonbells  :)  Not heard a peep from Dobies so maybe they are going to deliver.  If they weren't I thought I would have heard by now.
Title: Re: Dobies
Post by: wardy on September 30, 2005, 13:52:36
It's official!  They're not coming and I got my money back  >:(  Oh well I've looked through seed catalogue and there is a cabbage which can be sown through Sep to Octo (Advantage I think)  Also I have All Year Round cauli seed so I think I'll get some of those going. Not bothered about sprouts anyway

I faxed Dobies and told em I'm not very happy as I ordered mine loads before lots of other peeps who got theirs. I think it must be where you live which determines whether you get em

Title: Re: Dobies
Post by: bupster on September 30, 2005, 13:58:19
You might have better luck with them than I've had with my plug plants. Slugged to death.

Bloody annoying though, I'm sure. I know I was quite late to order and only did so because I felt guilty about phoning up and demanding my seed potatoes. (Orderd through another supplier. Oops.) Is it area do you think? Or something as daft as where your name is in the alphabet?

Out of order, whatever it is. My sympathies.
Title: Re: Dobies
Post by: wardy on September 30, 2005, 14:04:38
I ordered my garlic from them as well - wonder if I'll ever get that.  I shan't be bothering with them again  :(

Title: Re: Dobies
Post by: supersprout on September 30, 2005, 14:38:15
sorry to hear you are at the wrong end of Dobies' brassica postcode lottery wardy  >:( it's Downham Market at 7p/plant for me from now on ;D. I am awaiting onions from them in October and then will withdraw my custom, tadaa! They'll not mess with me again, hrrrumph 8) ???
Title: Re: Dobies
Post by: wardy on September 30, 2005, 15:04:31
Hee hee  ;D  I looked on ebay for brassicas but they were really expensive - about 47p a plant!

I got a £5 voucher from Dobies today  ;D
Title: Re: Dobies
Post by: hemajo on October 01, 2005, 12:55:53
Well, that is something, I suppose!
Title: Re: Dobies
Post by: Carrie on October 01, 2005, 14:58:54
I ordered the brassica selection "Spring sprinters" from KG magazine and phoned them last week to find out when they were arriving - apparently they had a crop failure and have had to replant and so we cannot expect them now until the 3rd week in October  ::)
Title: Re: Dobies
Post by: wardy on October 01, 2005, 17:18:36
It's dead annoying but still if you get them it's something.  I have had my brassica patch cleared for yonks and had to keep weeding it and now I'm not getting any at all .  Grrr.

I think I might just grow some from seed after all.  By ordering plants I was just saving time so I thought.  Huh!

Moan, moan, moan  ;D
Title: Re: Dobies
Post by: joji on October 01, 2005, 17:33:21
We just got  Dobies 2006 catalogue. Are you all saying that it is pointless ordering anything from them ?
Title: Re: Dobies
Post by: wardy on October 01, 2005, 17:37:21
No, go right ahead as I think your seed order should arrive.  They've sent me a £5 voucher so I've got to order something now, and have sent for their 2006 catalogue.  I asked for a catalogue yonks ago to but not received that either. 
Title: Re: Dobies
Post by: joji on October 01, 2005, 17:42:36
Am I missing some thing here Wardy ? There are no seeds in the 2006 catalogue. ???
Title: Re: Dobies
Post by: wardy on October 01, 2005, 17:49:30
Dobies do different catalogues.  I just ordered their seed catalogue today via their website.
Title: Re: Dobies
Post by: joji on October 01, 2005, 17:52:55
OOPS :-[ Will go and order one now  ;D
Thanks wardy ;)
Title: Re: Dobies
Post by: moonbells on October 02, 2005, 17:27:52
Humph! I am not impressed either - it should be first come first served or they should be grovelling a lot more than a fiver's worth... should have been the price of the order! This makes me feel guilty that I ordered!

Must go up there and see if mine are still in existence or if they've been eaten... ie see if there are any spares left...


Title: Re: Dobies
Post by: wardy on October 02, 2005, 17:32:20
I got me money back and the fiver voucher.  I only got the fiver back though cos I complained.

It's not surprising that folks said their plants were a bit wilted.  I had to phone the sheet mulch people up to complain about non delivery and he said he'd given my mulch to DHL the following morning after my ordering.  He chased up DHL and found my order still sitting in the depot nearly a week later.   I reckon that's what probably happened with the brassica orders - not mine obviously  ;D

I've been looking through Fothergills and there are some cabbages which can be sown in October so I think I might order those (Advantage F1)
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