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Produce => Recipes => Topic started by: Diana on September 10, 2005, 16:45:43

Title: Comfort food
Post by: Diana on September 10, 2005, 16:45:43
It's really chilli here today + I fancy some comfort food.

So...what's your favourite?

All I can come up with at the mo is garlic mash with onion gravy...
Title: Re: Comfort food
Post by: Doris_Pinks on September 10, 2005, 16:53:56
Wahahaha  Diana, thats the name of my business! ;D

Comfort Food to me is sausages, mash, onion gravy and beans/peas, or a good stew, or liver n bacon with the trimmins, or a lovely roast!
Title: Re: Comfort food
Post by: Diana on September 10, 2005, 16:56:04
I think I'm headed towards the sausages with me mash, although having followed your Kale link, I think the one with bacon + garlic would go well too
Title: Re: Comfort food
Post by: Tulipa on September 10, 2005, 17:05:40
Oooh sausages and mash for me too with onion gravy and sometimes leeks mashed with the potatoes too. 

My boys are all watching football, think I might do that for them when they get back.  That's that problem solved!
Title: Re: Comfort food
Post by: bananagirl on September 10, 2005, 17:54:13
I love a big plateful of proper mash (with lumps) sometimes with a bit of chopped and fried bacon onion and mushroom on top. Tomorrow I'm doing an all day soup...also comfort for a slow-cooking contemplative type of day. And it's raining, so I doubt tomorrow will be an outdoor day.
Title: Re: Comfort food
Post by: Doris_Pinks on September 10, 2005, 18:11:16
We too are having sausages n mash tonight, with caramalised onions, gravy (for some reason it always HAS to be bisto!) and baked beans!
Then off to the local carnival! ;D
Title: Re: Comfort food
Post by: Mrs Ava on September 10, 2005, 18:23:44
Lava, not lava bread, but the Devon version, a big deep green dollop of delicious seaweed, floured and fried in duck fat until crispy on the outside, served with crispy bacon and a couple of slices of dry bread.


bangers and mash!  ;D
Title: Re: Comfort food
Post by: Diana on September 10, 2005, 18:38:56
Call me unadventurous EJ, but I think I'll stick with the latter! ;)
Title: Re: Comfort food
Post by: BAGGY on September 10, 2005, 19:32:39
Bangers, mash, fried onions on the mash and baked beans.
Or shepherds pie as it still has mash and mine is always made with baked beans in the meat sauce (my mum often had to 'stretch dinner' at the last minute, cheap and nutritious)  which has to be beef mince with chuncky carrots.
Or basmati rice with dall and spinach - extra hot.
Or if you need a quick comfort hit, Hienze tom soup and white bread and butter.
I think comfort food definitely has to have that carb element to truely count.
Title: Re: Comfort food
Post by: Diana on September 10, 2005, 19:54:01
I think that's where the comfort comes from Baggy
Title: Re: Comfort food
Post by: MissBaritone on September 10, 2005, 22:21:26
Comfort food is anything hot, sloppy and easy to eat. Just remember what your mum made you to eat when you were ill, cold or miserable. Whatever it was thats your comfort food
Title: Re: Comfort food
Post by: busy_lizzie on September 11, 2005, 01:17:24
I love winter stew with lots of root veg and dumplings, and creamy home made rice pudding with a dollop of jam in the middle.  Yummy! :) busy_lizzie
Title: Re: Comfort food
Post by: Hot_Potato on September 11, 2005, 13:30:09
I too love Bangers & mash with fried onions, & lovely thick gravy

but for the sweet tooth in me....I love sliced banana smothered with chocolate sauce (from a bottle for quickness)....seem to need some sort of choccie 'fix' almost every day but no longer buy the choccie bars!!....trying to be good  ;)

I do the same with rice pudd tho....a big dollop of the choccie sauce in the middle!
Title: Re: Comfort food
Post by: Derekthefox on September 11, 2005, 15:58:27
Leek and potato soup, (homemade of course) with chunks (not slices) of crusty bread, also Liver and Bacon casserole, with lashings of onions, and oven baked dumplings.

We are rapidly heading into the time of year where I appreciate comfort food, and one of the benefits of my training programme, is that I can eat my head off if I want to ...

(sounds of dribbling)  ;D

Derekthefox  :D
Title: Re: Comfort food
Post by: wardy on September 11, 2005, 17:19:45
My main reason for getting the lotty was for the comfort food production, eg leeks, parsnips (which I've omitted to grow  :(), cabbage, carrots, spuds, celeriac, swede etc

Sausage and mash with onion gravy, buttery and mustardy savoy cabbage with pepper on

All this talk of food, I have a spag bol simmering away.  I just HAD to put a bit of courgette in it as I had a lovely little one (my OH will groan when he sees it).  I think I'll have a mountain of pasta as I'm dead hungry  :)  Just come back from the lotty to pick on onion, courgette and some toms.  Ate most of the toms before I got home  :)
Title: Re: Comfort food
Post by: katynewbie on September 11, 2005, 19:22:13
 ;D ;D
 Just re-read this thread and must agree with absolutely HAS to be bisto with bangers and
Title: Re: Comfort food
Post by: Diana on September 11, 2005, 19:53:43
We are rapidly heading into the time of year where I appreciate comfort food, and one of the benefits of my training programme, is that I can eat my head off if I want to ...

(sounds of dribbling)  ;D

Derekthefox  :D

Can't we all with all the digging we do? Except Wardy maybe, who doesn't dig ;) :D ;D
Title: Re: Comfort food
Post by: wardy on September 11, 2005, 21:11:42
Title: Re: Comfort food
Post by: BAGGY on September 12, 2005, 10:56:05
Lets face it - any carbohydrate will hit the spot if comfort food is required.  I shall be giving the slow cooker a second chance this year as last year's efforts were quite dismal and not what I was expecting.  Whenever I make stew my OH says 'only make enough for one day' it always seems to grow as you find more bits to chuck in.
Can some of you experienced lot start a slow cooker recipe link ?
Title: Re: Comfort food
Post by: tim on September 12, 2005, 11:05:42
Yes, Derek - any sort of dumpling. So easy, too!
Title: Re: Comfort food
Post by: Gadfium on September 12, 2005, 11:23:04
Leek and potato soup, home-made, with a half-pint mug of scalding tea.

Doorstop of white bread, butter, liver pate, and a slathering of coleslaw (that has never heard of mayonnaise) over the top.

Alternatively (and disgustingly): half a tin of baked beans emptied into a bowl, make a depression in the centre, crack in an egg... and microwave. Yum.

Title: Re: Comfort food
Post by: Derekthefox on September 12, 2005, 13:13:02
Oooh yes Baggy, I adore all those slow cooked stews, where the meat can be carved with a spoon, and the sauce is just .... well unctious I suppose. Culinary heaven !

And another dumpling lover Tim! I find it sad that dumplings are not treated the same here as they are for instance in the Germanic countries, where there are so many different types, one I delighted in - liver dumplings in a mustard sauce, gosh I have tears in my eyes just remembering them!

Definitely salivating now,

Title: Re: Comfort food
Post by: aquilegia on September 12, 2005, 14:14:45
Depending on mood.

If I'm feeling lazy, pasta and pesto. If not, my homemade spicy veg and tofu sausage casserolle. Or some kind of veg pie. Or veg lasagne. Most likely it'd be something spicy!

Sometimes when I feel the need for comfort food, I find just cooking it is enough. We have lots of pies in the freezer by the end of winter!
Title: Re: Comfort food
Post by: beejay on September 12, 2005, 16:50:08
Certainly all the hot 'n' sloppy food: casseroles & stews, shepherds pie, spaggy bol, rice pudding, custard. The other thing I eat for comfort is marmite on a chunk of crusty white bread - perks me up no end.
Title: Re: Comfort food
Post by: Obelixx on September 12, 2005, 17:06:02
All those but don't forget the crumble and custard - rhubarb, blueberry, apple and blackberry.  Yum!  I'm off.  This thread is so fattening!
Title: Re: Comfort food
Post by: Yorkshire Lass on September 12, 2005, 21:12:09
Fish Pie with lots of lovely mash on top, crisped up under the grill  ;D
Title: Re: Comfort food
Post by: Hot_Potato on September 12, 2005, 22:20:58
Another real comfort 'food' for me is something I used to have often for my supper as a  child (in the 50's - a long time ago now) when I stayed with my grandparents who lived right out in the country, sitting around an old oil lamp & by an old range fire that glowed....was a bowl of Oxo & bread....oxo cube crumbled over thick slice of bread in a small pudding basin & boiling water poured on top...the bread swells & the taste is gorgeous!!....after not having had it for decades, I've suddenly started to have it again before bed but now I put in my favourite big mug!!
Title: Re: Comfort food
Post by: Mrs Ava on September 12, 2005, 23:08:49
OMG Hot Potato!  You have just rushed me headlong back in time to Sunday nights when I was about 5!  That was my fave, oxo and bread, or marmite mixed with boiling water with bread!  Mum loves, and still loves, buttered bread, cut into cubes and ploped into hot milk with pepper grated over the top.  Not for me that one.
Had another top comfort food over the weekend, another Devon delicacy, hogs pudding!  ;D
Title: Re: Comfort food
Post by: moonbells on September 14, 2005, 15:17:43
Hmmm anything with a large amount of carbohydrate -

Real emergency rapid comfort food: bowl of Smash made with milk and butter.

Pasta with cheese sauce (pref macaroni cheese)

Cauliflower/broccoli cheese


combination of the last two!

Egg fried rice

5 min microwave treacle pudding and custard (yes it really does take 5 mins)

Any wonder I'm a bit overweight...


Title: Re: Comfort food
Post by: moonbells on September 14, 2005, 15:45:26
I think my fave food is cauliflower cheese over a jacket spud.

EJ   We used to have "bread pobs" when we were little an poor  :)  cubes of white bread with hot milk over it in a bowl with nutmeg on.  This was for brekky before school

Sounds like bread and butter pud without the raisins and egg!

Title: Re: Comfort food
Post by: beejay on September 14, 2005, 16:03:34
 We used to have "bread pobs" when we were little

We used to call it pobbis!?!
Title: Re: Comfort food
Post by: Debs on September 15, 2005, 12:28:44
I have a 'thing' about gravy - I cannot stand gravy mixes and water Yeugh!

For me the gravy has to be the real thing...

Meat juices from a roast mixed with water from the steamed veg

If it needs thickening only then will I use gravy granules

(Goldenfry are tastiest IMHO  ;D )
Title: Re: Comfort food
Post by: bananagirl on September 15, 2005, 12:44:56
Milk gravy w/ onions and garlic and chicken stock, nice and thick with chunky chips for dipping...OMG making me hungry.

Title: Re: Comfort food
Post by: Derekthefox on September 15, 2005, 12:50:08
Debs is right, gravy has to be meat juices ... vegetable water, stock or cube

I think I am just plain lucky, I do not have a problem making decent gravy, just the rest of the dinner ! ! !

Derekthefox :D
Title: Re: Comfort food
Post by: beejay on September 15, 2005, 13:19:45
Well I've just been comforted. Got soaking wet this morning so for lunch had toast 7 marmite with fried tomatoes on the top - a favourite summer comforter.

As for gravy, ever since I learnt to tuck onion under whatever I'm roasting the results have been spot on, no additional flavourings needed.
Title: Re: Comfort food
Post by: aquilegia on September 15, 2005, 14:15:43
As a veggie my attempts at gravy have always been veg stock cube in the water used to cook the veggies, bit of corn flower (I think I'll leave that typo!) and reduced down.

At Christmas last year, however, I made onion gravy from scratch and it was just lovely! (I think that was probably the last time I did a roast. I'm dying for one now. Must harvest my maincrop spuds soon!)

mmmm - roastie potatoes with garlic, rosemary and lemon juice. Now that's comfort food.
Title: Re: Comfort food
Post by: flowerlady on September 15, 2005, 18:56:36
How wonderfully British we are - not one of us has suggested Ice cream of any variety!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;D

Mixed red berry and apple cobbler, with sugared scone topping, and lashings of home made custard for me  ;D
Title: Re: Comfort food
Post by: beejay on September 15, 2005, 19:27:14
How wonderfully British we are - not one of us has suggested Ice cream of any variety!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Too cold for comfort!
Title: Re: Comfort food
Post by: Mrs Ava on September 16, 2005, 12:35:30
ooo oooo, I don't know........anyone ever been to Bideford, Banstaple or Appledore??  Mr Hockings clotted cream ice cream!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Died and gone to heaven!  I tell my kids it's the law to have one every day we are down with the family, and kids being kids tell each other, 'mum says it's the Lord!'
Title: Re: Comfort food
Post by: flowerlady on September 16, 2005, 12:56:58
Spent my early years in  Exmore area. 

Dulverton was the family home.  It had an amazing 'Milk Bar' that used to serve clotted cream ice cream that had tiny ice chips ...

AND THEN they add clotted cream on top ... that would go cold and chewy ...  Heaven  ;)

you have heard of the expession 'Devonshire Dumpling' haven't you  ?  ;D
Title: Re: Comfort food
Post by: Derekthefox on September 16, 2005, 14:56:30
Ahh clotted cream, my nemesis! Used to sit and eat a whole tub, with a couple of scones and a spoonful of strawberry jam, so peeps thought I was having a cream tea . . . well I was actually !  ;D ;D ;D

Derekthefox  :D
Title: Re: Comfort food
Post by: BAGGY on September 16, 2005, 18:02:35
I am definitely in the savoury camp where comfort food is concerned.  However, I did have to eat 2 coffee flavoured walnut whips today at work.  Well, it is friday.
Title: Re: Comfort food
Post by: Glyn on September 16, 2005, 18:08:03
any sort of dumpling. So easy, too!
It all sounds delicious to me....Has anyone got a good recipe for "Dumplings" ;D
Title: Re: Comfort food
Post by: Doris_Pinks on September 16, 2005, 21:36:35
Ohhhhhhhhhh herb dumplings on stew....delish!
Title: Re: Comfort food
Post by: Glyn on September 16, 2005, 22:59:01
 Has anyone got recipe's for "Dumplings?"
Title: Re: Comfort food
Post by: BAGGY on September 16, 2005, 23:23:42
Half self raising flour to suet. (6oz to 3oz). Pinch of salt and herbs if desired.  Water enough to make a sticky enough dough to be able to roll into walnut sized balls. (the swell up so dont over do the size) Plop them in the stew and put the lid on until they're done.  Sorry Glyn, can't be more specific than that as it's a when it looks right it is recipe.
Title: Re: Comfort food
Post by: Glyn on September 16, 2005, 23:28:19
Cheers Baggy.....
;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Comfort food
Post by: Looby Loo on September 17, 2005, 12:51:42
Another vote for bangers and mash here. Oh and shepherd's and cottage pie, mmm, and irish stew, mustn't forget about lamb shanks and rich tomatoey beef braises either, or pork chops with the kidneys on with loads of billowy mash, cor and minted shoulder of lamb...err. Just food really :P :-[
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