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Produce => Pests & Diseases => Topic started by: wardy on September 05, 2005, 09:25:22

Title: Wasp Nest
Post by: wardy on September 05, 2005, 09:25:22
I've had wasps in my manure pile for a while now but on the plot yesterday we noticed a lot more activity and there were lots of wasps about which was a bit of a pain as we couldn't get to our compost bins  :)

Does anyone know if they will disappear when cold weather arrives or will they stay in their nest over winter only to reappear in bigger numbers next year.  I'd like to know as I would like to use my now well rotted manure  :)

I don't want to intervene if they will just away of their own accord
Title: Re: Wasp Nest
Post by: TEL on September 05, 2005, 20:05:32
HI Wardy
As the wether gets colder the queen will fly & the rest will die
"almost a poet" so if you can leave for a while you will be able to get to your compost soon. :D
Title: Re: Wasp Nest
Post by: Robert_Brenchley on September 05, 2005, 21:02:26
Nests are collapsing at this time of year, and without the grubs to feed them on sweet syrup, the adults go looking for a substitute rather than chasing insects for grub food. That's why they become more noticeable, plus of course nests are at peak population at the end of summer. They'll soon fade away, don't worry.

Only the queens survive, to found new nests next spring.
Title: Re: Wasp Nest
Post by: Robert_Brenchley on September 06, 2005, 23:09:21
People get hysterical about stinging insects; when I first took over responsibility for the property at church, one person in particular came to me severaL times a year; 'There are wasps under the roof, get the pest comtrol people!' What harm were they doing to anyone 20 feet up under the roof? I just leave them alone. Long sticks and the like are stupid; if you're fit, you can outrun them, but if you get them real mad, it might be a while before you can safely go back!
Title: Re: Wasp Nest
Post by: moonbells on September 07, 2005, 14:22:58
I've got a nest underground in my plot - they've excavated under one of the plot paths and there's a massive hole about 3" across. I thought at first it might be rats so covered it with bricks and flints, but wasps were and still are coming out and no more holes have appeared so I guess it was a fox (bane of our existence) that enlarged the entrance.

When we get to late autumn and the wasps have gone, I shall be making mud soup and pouring it down the hole to fill it in.  Hopefully.

Title: Re: Wasp Nest
Post by: Robert_Brenchley on September 07, 2005, 15:33:41
Did something dig down to the nest? I'm not clear from your post, but if it did, it was more likely to be a badger; they eat wasp and bumblebee nests regularly.
Title: Re: Wasp Nest
Post by: Vez1 on September 07, 2005, 22:23:38
I was told by a nice man from pest control that they don't use the same nest twice. He came to clear out bees from our house and told me then. So if he is rightt hey won't be there next year.
Title: Re: Wasp Nest
Post by: moonbells on September 07, 2005, 22:50:01
I think something tried to.  I haven't heard about badgers on our lotties - would be fantastic but I can't help but blame the foxes. They dig at everything given half the chance. 
A lot of the longer-standing allotmenteers have bought the plastic mesh that you often see around roadworks and surrounded their entire plots with it. It's fluorescent but is generally foxproof.


Title: Re: Wasp Nest
Post by: Robert_Brenchley on September 08, 2005, 08:14:51
Badgers are inconspicuous and you may be blaming foxes because you see them. Wasps won't use the same nesttwice; each generation of queens starts new ones.
Title: Re: Wasp Nest
Post by: moonbells on September 08, 2005, 08:30:49
Badgers are inconspicuous and you may be blaming foxes because you see them. Wasps won't use the same nesttwice; each generation of queens starts new ones.

I am sure that someone will tell me if we have a sett, as we have some wildlife spotters among the plotholders. Would be nice.  I shall ask.

I'm more worried about the hole the wasps are coming out of because it's ratsized.  I will still attempt to fill it in because of the risk of something rodentlike moving in after the wasps are gone.. We shall see!

Title: Re: Wasp Nest
Post by: Doris_Pinks on September 08, 2005, 09:13:18
We have badgers and foxes on our plots, I thought the foxes were a pain till the badgers decided to visit! :o  :o They are wonderful creatures, but err, can they stay well away from my plot please, far too much digging in the wrong places for my liking! DP
Title: Re: Wasp Nest
Post by: Vez1 on September 08, 2005, 11:48:49
we have rats on our plot. SAw one yesterday in broad daylight.
Title: Re: Wasp Nest
Post by: Robert_Brenchley on September 08, 2005, 22:46:35
I always have rats around, there's no way to avoid it. They're no bother in the summer, but in the winter they go into sheds, chew their way through any food stored, and go through my beehives if they get a chance. So I keep poison down from about October onwards.
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