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General => The Shed => Topic started by: undercarriage plan on August 28, 2005, 10:55:09

Title: Very cheap camping gear
Post by: undercarriage plan on August 28, 2005, 10:55:09
Hubbie and I went shopping for Maggie's birthday pressie, and found ourselves in a camping shop  ???, as you do....! Anyway, we impulse bought a 9 man tent  :o! But it was reduced from £300 to £89.99!! Lovely tent all bits and bobs included.
 Company called The Outdoor Group Ltd, 01604 441111. Shop was in Ipswich, but company seems to be nationwide and is based in Westgate, Northampton. Had great deals on all sizes and other camping gear.  Happy shopping! Don't get too excited G... ;) Lottie  ;D
Title: Re: Very cheap camping gear
Post by: jaggythistle on August 28, 2005, 14:38:20

 Can't wait to see all lotties pics after first camp......all dib dib dibbing round
  the campfire...........ging gang golli ging gang goo.........n all that  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Very cheap camping gear
Post by: Icyberjunkie on August 28, 2005, 17:01:45
Unless she spies an earwig in the fire   ;D ;)
Title: Re: Very cheap camping gear
Post by: undercarriage plan on August 28, 2005, 17:46:40
OK going to make you feel bed now...!! Had to cancel camping for tonight. Youngest one been sick since this morning, all day....5 years old....little blonde angel....and you being meanies...... Tugged your heart strings yet???? Lottie ;D
Title: Re: Very cheap camping gear
Post by: redimp on August 28, 2005, 17:57:03
Poor dear! (

Do they have an online presence Lottie?  My other interests involve putting my boots on and getting muddy - must be why I like lottying so much!  I am in the market for family tent and a hiking tent.


Title: Re: Very cheap camping gear
Post by: undercarriage plan on August 28, 2005, 18:23:34
LOL!! Not sure Redclanger, try a google, or ging gan goolly.... Thank you Jaggy......Don't mention fell out of shed door on my back this afternoon, didn't know I could still run that fast.....Lottie ;D
Title: Re: Very cheap camping gear
Post by: Tulipa on August 28, 2005, 18:42:27
I looked for an link but couldn't find one, only to Blacks, looks as if they are all one company as they have the same address.  Shame as I can't find a shop near us, would have loved a new tent for that price, well done Lottie, hope you have lots of hot sunny weather for camping.
Title: Re: Very cheap camping gear
Post by: Derekthefox on August 28, 2005, 19:01:21
Heart strings ? I don't have any! ! !  ;D ;D ;D

Gosh camping takes me back, not such a large group though! I was seriously into cycle camping when I was younger, with my fiancee as was then . . . wow heady days! And then there were the folk festivals, just me and me guitar . . .

Seriously though, I hope your family spring back into good health soon and you have a lovely few days or however long you are planning!

Best wishes from an envious ex camper

Derekthefox  :D
Title: Re: Very cheap camping gear
Post by: BAGGY on August 28, 2005, 21:03:53
I'm going camping at the Scout headquarters next weeknd.  Woo hoo. I can't wait.  No cub scouts, just responsible (stick with me here) and sensible adults.  It is a weekend for the leaders to get together and have a jolly good p*** up.  I mean knees up.  They have a big band and this year's theme is Hollywood.  Have to think of ideas for 2 guys and 2 gals to go as.  Wanted the guys to go in drag but they are not convinced.  Any ideas ?  Dont want to hire costume as were are camping and it might get muddied.
By the way we don't ging gang gooley any more - more's the pity.
Title: Re: Very cheap camping gear
Post by: undercarriage plan on August 28, 2005, 21:10:02
'Ave a wicked time!! Go on, live dangerously, do a bit of ging gang goollying.....!! Lottie  ;D
Title: Re: Very cheap camping gear
Post by: redimp on August 28, 2005, 23:16:36
I'm going camping at the Scout headquarters next weeknd.  Woo hoo. I can't wait.  No cub scouts, just responsible (stick with me here) and sensible adults.  It is a weekend for the leaders to get together and have a jolly good p*** up.  I mean knees up.  They have a big band and this year's theme is Hollywood.  Have to think of ideas for 2 guys and 2 gals to go as.  Wanted the guys to go in drag but they are not convinced.  Any ideas ?  Dont want to hire costume as were are camping and it might get muddied.
By the way we don't ging gang gooley any more - more's the pity.
Me and a mate have just taken on a scout troup.  He is Leader and I am his assistant.  We were in the same troup as kids and have the same idea about scouts - outdoors is the be all and end all, and are looking forward to taking it on properly (i.e. just him and me) next week.
Title: Re: Very cheap camping gear
Post by: BAGGY on August 29, 2005, 09:19:36
Red - It's character building stuff, I'm sure you'll have a blast.
Title: Re: Very cheap camping gear
Post by: madmum on August 30, 2005, 16:11:47
Good for you Redclanger, it's good to know that there are people out there who are willing to get involved with kids these days.
If you are still looking for a tent it may be worthwhile googling "freecycle" and logging a search for camping gear that people don't want anymore.
If I hear of anything our way I will let you know.
Good luck with the camping, we took our 3 to North Cornwall for a holiday a few weeks back and they absolutely loved it! Being in a tent was all the better.
May be worth checking Millets as they have a sale on at the moment.
Title: Re: Very cheap camping gear
Post by: undercarriage plan on August 30, 2005, 18:12:19
Had a wonderful time!! Shame only the one night. Went on long walk by river, meal at pub, wandered round village at night, scared the kids half to death  ;)! Then lay on blanket and watched th most wonderful meteor show!! Loads of shooting stars, don't think I've ever seen a sky like it! Only downer was hubbie not too impressed with pumping up kids inflatable matresses, got nowhere fast, cos I hadn't put bungs in....... :-[  Lottie  ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Very cheap camping gear
Post by: madmum on August 30, 2005, 18:52:43
Yep kids certainly seem to love it, even managed to get mine to wash up! (made the being away from a dishwasher easier to bear!)
They were fascinated by the lack of light pollution at night and were able to see a whole sky full of stars. It's a shame we take these things for granted. Even managed to drag them around the Eden project, hence the keen 4 year old who wants everything to grow NOW!
Her lettuce seedlings have come through, and the cress is growing at a rate of knots.
A mini member of A4A in the making.
Title: Re: Very cheap camping gear
Post by: undercarriage plan on August 31, 2005, 09:43:17
My youngest keeps trying to plant petals.... :-\  bless! Was magic and can't wait to do it again! Lottie ;D
Title: Re: Very cheap camping gear
Post by: Derekthefox on August 31, 2005, 13:44:54
Glad your young uns enjoyed it Lottie, never sure when they are so young . . .

The meteorite showers sound wonderful, don't get to see them in Coventry, too much pollution  :'(

Back off me hollies now, hope to catch up soon!

Derekthefox  :D
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