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The Show => Pumpkin 'tastic => Topic started by: Mrs Ava on August 21, 2005, 22:14:43

Title: Squish of squash
Post by: Mrs Ava on August 21, 2005, 22:14:43
Took a few snaps of what is growing on at the plot, then ran out of memory on the camera!  Gives you an idea of what I have getting bigger!

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And some pickings!
Title: Re: Squish of squash
Post by: TEL on August 22, 2005, 06:48:44
They make mine look a bit sad well done.
Title: Re: Squish of squash
Post by: Jill on August 22, 2005, 13:34:12
Ab fab EJ.  How are your Trombolinos doing?
Title: Re: Squish of squash
Post by: Mrs Ava on August 22, 2005, 13:54:40
Well Jill, you see that snap of the loooooooooooong green one...the label on that says trombollino, but not what I expected thats for sure!  Is that how yours looked?  I have a couple not climbing and the fruit is the same, long, wide and greeeeeeeeeeen!
Title: Re: Squish of squash
Post by: Jill on August 22, 2005, 15:23:03
Seem to remember they were sort of that shape and colour to start but then one end bulbed up more (as looks to be happening on yours) and they gradually went a creamy colour.  Some were straight but some were very curvy.  Guess it's pot luck!
Title: Re: Squish of squash
Post by: wardy on August 22, 2005, 16:31:28
I've got a long pink banana  ;D
Title: Re: Squish of squash
Post by: Mrs Ava on August 22, 2005, 18:08:16
heheh Wardy, I have one of those also!  Thanks for posting that pic Jill, that is exactly how mine look but are still deep green.  Still, a good month or so before I will pick them.
Title: Re: Squish of squash
Post by: wardy on August 23, 2005, 10:23:13
EJ  Will soon be time for recipes for our lovely squashes.  My lotty mate tells me he went to a posh restaurant in North Yorks somewhere and he had stuffed squash where they taken out the flesh, cubed it and mixed it with feta and herbs etc.  Sounds like the kind of thing I'd like.  any ideas?  See you in recipes  ;D
Title: Re: Squish of squash
Post by: loz on August 23, 2005, 13:13:03
I like the warty one :o :o

Title: Re: Squish of squash
Post by: wardy on August 26, 2005, 19:14:38
Righto squash lovers.  Just chopped up the reputedly No.1 in taste tests (according to Fothergills) Blue Hubbard squash and am making soup as its right cold up here in Derbyshire.

I'll report back when I've eaten it.  I'm doing it a bit spicy with ground coriander and ground cumin and will add some cream and lots of black pepper. Doubt we'll taste the squash in amongst all that lot  ;D

I've saved the seeds and am drying them off as I type so I can share them out with peeps for next year.  Apparently they're not F1 so we should be ok

Title: Re: Squish of squash
Post by: Diana on August 26, 2005, 20:38:07
Oooh Wardy I'm soooo jealous! What's it look like (colour inside + out) + what's it taste like?

EJ - what's the knobbly one?
Title: Re: Squish of squash
Post by: Jill on August 26, 2005, 20:54:38
Blue hubbard seeds,  yes please Wardy ;D  How was the soup?
Title: Re: Squish of squash
Post by: ruud on August 26, 2005, 22:48:42
Hi,e.j the second row the left one,i have the same one growing.That is the one i think it is from bosnia.They eate them like courgette suffed with spicy minced meat
Title: Re: Squish of squash
Post by: wardy on August 26, 2005, 22:53:12
The soup, I have to say - despite the help of ground coriander and ground cumin - was blander than bland  :(

The squash may not have been ripe.  I broke it off when trying to turn it to make sure it got evenly sun tanned and I was trying to get a plate under it.  It was quite green under the skin for quite a way in.  Nice peachy colour inside.  All is not lost as I think I will roast the next one.  Maybe roasting it prior to making it into soup may have helped as well

Pumpkin soup is gorgeous but maybe squash is not best suited to soup.  The trial continues as I have loads of different ones to go at  :)  The seeds are drying and I'll dish them out if they look ok after drying  :)
Title: Re: Squish of squash
Post by: wardy on August 27, 2005, 14:41:53
Another squash for tea tonight  :)  Not sure what variety this is but it looks lovely.  Hope it's more tasty than last night's offering.  It looks like it's going to be squash with everything now as well as courgettes  ;D   I'm roasting these with garlic, onion, home grown thyme, olive oil and lots of freshly ground pepper and salt.  I think we're having it with some of the sausages I'm trialling and some of my freshly pulled Desiree spuds.  I fancied some lamb leg steaks but I have a fridge full of sossies which have to get eaten  :)
Title: Re: Squish of squash
Post by: Mrs Ava on August 29, 2005, 12:21:24
I think the warty squash is a marinna di chiogga.  I will check when I next get up there.......there are dozens now! :-\
Title: Re: Squish of squash
Post by: BAGGY on August 29, 2005, 13:51:36
Thicko question alert ..........
Will I know the differene between pink banana and butternut in their infant stage?  I have a pale yellow/cream  elongated fruit on the lotty and it needs id-ing.  Also there are quite a few grapefruit sized squash that are pale with indented green ribs(is this making any sense ? )  I think the yellow long one is from a bush so could it be an escaped courgette heading for larger things in life ?  There are no others on the plant though.   I know i planted butternut and acorn squash seeds from supermarket remains and someone said it would be a surprise what i got but i have no idea what is what.   Will try to post piccy so we can have a game this afternoon.
Title: Re: Squish of squash
Post by: wardy on September 01, 2005, 10:24:28
The pink banana is elongated but not particularly pink  :)

Ate another squas t'other night.  I marinated it with olive oil, garlic, onion, fresh thyme, salt and pepper and roasted it with other veggies.  It looked beautiful but taste wise nothing to write home about so the next one is going to be curry  ;D
Title: Re: Squish of squash
Post by: Doris_Pinks on September 01, 2005, 10:36:02
Wardy, try this one it is fab and how I curry all my squash!

Tim pointed me to this most excellent site!
Title: Re: Squish of squash
Post by: wardy on September 01, 2005, 10:47:42
Thanks DP.  Will definitely look at that.  Do you curry all your squash or do you stuff them etc

I made soup and used curry spices but it was still fairly bland.  I used pumpkin last year and that was marvellous. Do you think it the case that squash is blander than pumpkin?  I need help here as I have an allotment full of squash  ;D
Title: Re: Squish of squash
Post by: Doris_Pinks on September 01, 2005, 11:01:36
Never really found mine bland, but I do let them ripen on the vine and use them up over the winter! I actually think Pumpkin is the blander one! Have masses of squash recipes, from soups to curry to just good old roasted in the pan with various spices, yum, love em!  Will try and get some posted on recipes when the darlings go back to school!!
Title: Re: Squish of squash
Post by: wardy on September 01, 2005, 11:54:52
My lotty mate had stuffed squash in a posh hotel in North Yorks but he can't remember what was in it other than cheese.  Aint that just typical  ;D 
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