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Produce => Edible Plants => Topic started by: undercarriage plan on August 01, 2005, 15:40:04

Title: Wonderful day, sigh...!
Post by: undercarriage plan on August 01, 2005, 15:40:04
I pootled off to the lottie this pm and I harvested celery, toms, poatoes (pink fir! Weird..!), runner beans, dwarf purple beans and beetroot! Begins to sound like drinking rhyme!! Msuic please, Derek!!  What a wonderful feeling!! Happy Bunny  ;D ;D ;D Lottie
Title: Re: Wonderful day, sigh...!
Post by: Derekthefox on August 01, 2005, 15:55:39
Pink fir Apple already? I dont normally harvest mine until October !

As for the music lottie, you have a whole cd's worth already !  :D

This time of year makes up for all the hard work anyway, glad your harvest is plentiful !
Title: Re: Wonderful day, sigh...!
Post by: tim on August 01, 2005, 15:58:55
Wagging its tail!  I can hear the music from here.

Amazingly early for Celery - how did you do it?

And Pink Fir? Normally harvest from September?? (Sorry - Derek beat me to that)
Title: Re: Wonderful day, sigh...!
Post by: dibberxxx on August 01, 2005, 16:00:00
No 2 step today then lottie around the carrots just haversting weldone , hard work does pay off  ;) ;)
Title: Re: Wonderful day, sigh...!
Post by: undercarriage plan on August 01, 2005, 16:03:45
I don't know how I did it, to be honest!!!! Celery I started off early in the conservatory, pink fir, just planted and prayed!! Never had then before, they bizarre!!! And frisky ;) Lottie  ;D
Title: Re: Wonderful day, sigh...!
Post by: Jill on August 01, 2005, 16:47:36
My pink firs are only just flowering and like Tim won't be touching them before September.  Have you dug up the whole lot 'cos reckon you'd get more weird and wonderful  ;) shapes if you wait a bit longer.  Well done tho', Lottie.
Title: Re: Wonderful day, sigh...!
Post by: Derekthefox on August 01, 2005, 17:21:26
This is my second year with pink fir, they make a gorgeous salad potato late into the autumn, so waxy. They also are gorgeous split lengthways and fried as chips. Our kids have even eaten them cold! The only down side is when they go rotten - the smell is just disgusting ! Hope you have enough to enjoy many meals lottie !  :D
Title: Re: Wonderful day, sigh...!
Post by: undercarriage plan on August 01, 2005, 18:56:23
Have about 30 plants? One tuber seemed to produce loads, really impressed!! Can't wait to taste them now!! Chips eh, Derek, well, if I must.......!  ;D Lottie
Title: Re: Wonderful day, sigh...!
Post by: Derekthefox on August 01, 2005, 18:59:50
30 sounds quite respectable. I have 50 or so, but will get far too many for our consumption, the remaining tubers will end up on the compost in the late spring.

Dont peel them, just scrub . . .
Title: Re: Wonderful day, sigh...!
Post by: Marianne on August 01, 2005, 19:00:45
You have done well Lottie ! And those tomatoes look delicious !  Thanks for sharing.   ;D :D
Title: Re: Wonderful day, sigh...!
Post by: redimp on August 01, 2005, 19:14:07
I wnet to an U19 ineternational cricket match with free beer ;D so I have nto been up to mine today.  :(
Title: Re: Wonderful day, sigh...!
Post by: tim on August 01, 2005, 19:15:42
I reckon they are salady right into February?

Peeling - yes - but if you do want to, do it when cooked.

I hope that yours are this size? (Repeat) Bit like manatees?
Title: Re: Wonderful day, sigh...!
Post by: Derekthefox on August 01, 2005, 19:28:38
Wow Tim, mine are only the length of my fingers generally! Those are literal monsters !
Title: Re: Wonderful day, sigh...!
Post by: undercarriage plan on August 01, 2005, 19:50:14
Mine are about 6"? Is that OK? I ain't going to peel anything that shape!!! Lottie  ;D
Title: Re: Wonderful day, sigh...!
Post by: Derekthefox on August 01, 2005, 20:13:00
Title: Re: Wonderful day, sigh...!
Post by: undercarriage plan on August 01, 2005, 21:42:44
Thought I'd just glare at them, and they drop off skins in fright..... ;D Lottie
Title: Re: Wonderful day, sigh...!
Post by: Mothy on August 01, 2005, 22:57:02
Lovely haul there Lottie, well done!!

I have 5 x 30' rows of pink fir did you know they were ready?
I must have a closer look next weekend  :)

The foliage has started to die back on the Maris Piper - a bit early I thought!
Title: Re: Wonderful day, sigh...!
Post by: moonbells on August 01, 2005, 23:26:46
Lovely haul there Lottie, well done!!

I have 5 x 30' rows of pink fir did you know they were ready?
I must have a closer look next weekend  :)

The foliage has started to die back on the Maris Piper - a bit early I thought!

My Rattes are dying back too, but then again they are early maincrops (planted late March, should crop in 18-20 weeks, so digging on schedule is mid-end August).  I have cheated and dug one plant just to see, and got a large punnet of tubers.

Title: Re: Wonderful day, sigh...!
Post by: Jill on August 01, 2005, 23:40:53
Lottie, Mothy, Moonbells, etc, that's the thing about pink fir apple pots: they're leggy main crop (and some).  Although they taste deelish as salad pots they grow as old, old 'uns.  Also, as I'm sure Tim will confirm, you're best cookin' 'em with skins on, and peel after (but mind the digits).
Title: Re: Wonderful day, sigh...!
Post by: undercarriage plan on August 01, 2005, 23:51:07
Mothy, didn't know they were ready, flowered and they'd died back, so just decided to try, and there they were! Can't convince kids they're pots!!  ::) Lottie
Title: Re: Wonderful day, sigh...!
Post by: Jill on August 02, 2005, 00:01:08
Eek! Pink fir  flowering and dying... ?blight?  in which case, the only thing you could do is dig now.
Title: Re: Wonderful day, sigh...!
Post by: Derekthefox on August 02, 2005, 06:50:43
As long as the kids eat them lottie, too many children turn their noses up at anything just a little bit unusual . . . I think they are a first class potato  :D

Anyway this may be my last post this morning, since I have been given the day off  ;)
Title: Re: Wonderful day, sigh...!
Post by: wardy on August 02, 2005, 09:48:57
Bet it'll throw it down then Derek  ;D
Title: Re: Wonderful day, sigh...!
Post by: undercarriage plan on August 02, 2005, 16:54:04
The plants hadn't died, just the flowers!!!!!! No sign of blight yet.....fingers corssed!! I hope your day off recharged those musical batteries, Derek!!!! Lottie ;D
Title: Re: Wonderful day, sigh...!
Post by: Derekthefox on August 02, 2005, 18:02:39
Thanks for that vote of confidence wardy !
To be honest, I have had a truly exquisite day, pure bliss in fact, and have lots of motivation for more music, although it can't be rushed ...

However as payback for a lovely day, I have done a classical version of what is claimed to be one of the most romantic ballads ever written - Greensleeves. I am taxing the limits both of my technique, and the sound quality, but nothing ventured, nothing gained.

Existing arrangements stand.  :D
Title: Re: Wonderful day, sigh...!
Post by: wardy on August 02, 2005, 19:44:33
Glad you had a good day Derek  ;D
Title: Re: Wonderful day, sigh...!
Post by: undercarriage plan on August 02, 2005, 19:47:20
Glad you recharged, Dibber and I have list - potato two step, gooseberry gander, strawberry salsa, ragged runners........ ;DLottie
Title: Re: Wonderful day, sigh...!
Post by: Derekthefox on August 03, 2005, 13:27:49
Ok still on holiday today, and feel I should at least do what I can while I have the time . . .

A new piece called Divigando, in a style known as a choro from Brazil. Lottie, hope this helps you to destress, with so much in your life at the moment, enjoy it as you prance around your allotment, picking your beans etc. Don't forget to take this with you on holiday Dibber, perhaps the dogs might like to join in! ! !

Oh yes, cefer has now been added to the standard mailing list. Anyone else just pm me your addy.  :D

ps dibber, can you empty your email intray, keeps bouncing me
Title: Re: Wonderful day, sigh...!
Post by: undercarriage plan on August 03, 2005, 14:48:27
I now need hours of Turkish massage I think!!! Had to do 4 hours of lawn scarifying today...4hours!!!! So stiff can barely move!! Music wonderful, Derek, destressing beautifully, think I'll break rake next week, accidentally..... ;) Lottie  ;D
Title: Re: Wonderful day, sigh...!
Post by: Derekthefox on August 03, 2005, 15:44:23
Ok, just as proof of how inspired I am feeling, here is a gorgeous piece written as an Habanera (like a tango) - Cubanita. Just listen to this when soaking in a perfumed bath with lots of candles around - or one of those private romantic moments with someone special, oops showing my true nature again Doh!

Jill has been added to the distribution list now.
Title: Re: Wonderful day, sigh...!
Post by: undercarriage plan on August 03, 2005, 15:52:40
I would, Derek, but if you remember, my OH is "remodelling" :-\ the bathroom.......not the world's most relaxing place at min, my bathroom.......probably be better off in shed!!!!! Water off again tomorrow :'( :'( :'( Lottie  ;)
Title: Re: Wonderful day, sigh...!
Post by: Derekthefox on August 03, 2005, 15:56:30
Ah well, just close your eyes when on the allotment, with your mp3 player, and use your imagination . . .  :D
Title: Re: Wonderful day, sigh...!
Post by: Derekthefox on August 03, 2005, 18:42:40
I am going from strength to strength here! Yet another one, this is pure fun, a Waltz in E, great for tripping and skipping around the carrots and beetroot !  :D
Title: Re: Wonderful day, sigh...!
Post by: undercarriage plan on August 03, 2005, 18:48:24
Well, I have to say, I was skipping champion at school......I kid you not!! Was musicless today as well, my little ol' man spent 4 hours telling me how to rake..... ::) Bless him, he's a sweetie really, think he's just checking I can work as well as these male gardeners....dread to think what next week will bring.....I do know it involves a ladder, plastic sheeting and a yew tree......... :-\
Lottie ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Wonderful day, sigh...!
Post by: Derekthefox on August 04, 2005, 16:48:33
Another day, seize the high points and translate them into an exquisite bolero . . . This gives me enough material for a cd now !  :D
Title: Re: Wonderful day, sigh...!
Post by: Derekthefox on August 04, 2005, 19:50:52
Wow, just realised that I have achieved a long sought after ambition - a whole cd of my own playing. The actual recording quality is necessarily quite poor, and the musicianship is also very amateur, but I have now produced my own master cd!

So this year's Christmas presents are already sorted . . .  ;D

I must remember the credits of course, all those in A4A who have provided encouragement, and then there is the source for the inspiration . . .
Title: Re: Wonderful day, sigh...!
Post by: undercarriage plan on August 04, 2005, 20:59:47
Ah yes, boiler man and electrician...... ;) Lottie  ;D
Title: Re: Wonderful day, sigh...!
Post by: Derekthefox on August 05, 2005, 10:36:35
As I am sat here, listening to this disc, I am puzzling over the role of the boilerman and the sparky . . . not that I want to deny them any legitimate claim to the actual production  :D
Title: Re: Wonderful day, sigh...!
Post by: undercarriage plan on August 05, 2005, 21:28:16
How can you possibly not include the boiler man and the electrician!!!!! I'm surprise at you, Derek!! We all know their true worth ??? Lottie  ;D
Title: Re: Wonderful day, sigh...!
Post by: Derekthefox on August 06, 2005, 06:25:32
OK I can see the link now, apart from which I was brought up never to argue with a lady !  :D
Title: Re: Wonderful day, sigh...!
Post by: undercarriage plan on August 06, 2005, 11:33:28
And I should think so too......honstly..... ;) Lottie
Title: Re: Wonderful day, sigh...!
Post by: Derekthefox on August 06, 2005, 11:43:15
Am I forgiven then?  :D
Title: Re: Wonderful day, sigh...!
Post by: undercarriage plan on August 06, 2005, 16:40:16
Of course you are, Derek! In seclusion at my parents at min!!! Bathroom apparently in such a state of destruction, I'm not allowed back imagination has gone into overdrive, just hope house standing! May end up bunking with electrician and boiler man in shed! :o Lottie ;D
Title: Re: Wonderful day, sigh...!
Post by: Derekthefox on August 06, 2005, 19:15:13
Thank you so much! Your description of your bathroom reminds me of when I refitted our kitchen. New electrics, italian tiles on floor and walls, new gas piping, all new units and sink. All fitted and looking delightful. The last item to address was the ceiling, this was warped plasterboard from when the bath had sprung a leak. So I decided the only solution was to rip the lot down, literally! Only took 15 minutes, but the kitchen looked like a bomb site afterwards! Fortunately, my wife saw the funny side. Half an hour later all the mess was cleared away, and I started fitting the nordic cladding.  :D
Title: Re: Wonderful day, sigh...!
Post by: undercarriage plan on August 06, 2005, 20:06:19
You did that in a day!!!!!! Blimey, well impressed! OK home now, destruction magicked away fpr now......and dare I say it, beginning to look really nice, but will keep that to self for while....... ;) Lottie
Title: Re: Wonderful day, sigh...!
Post by: Derekthefox on August 06, 2005, 20:59:17
did the ceiling in a day, the whole kitchen took a few weeks. It looks shabby again now though  :(
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