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Produce => Recipes => Topic started by: Shallot on July 28, 2005, 20:51:06

Title: what to do with Beetroot
Post by: Shallot on July 28, 2005, 20:51:06
Hi, I am a newbie to this site and to allotmenteering. I had some free beetroot seeds and they are growing nicely, but not exactly sure what to do with them when ready- only ever had them pickled in a jar from the supermarket. All suggestions welcome.

Title: Re: what to do with Beetroot
Post by: wardy on July 28, 2005, 21:40:30
Me too but since growing them have got more adventurous.  Have roasted them a la Wozza with olive oil, whole garlic, whole red onion, thyme for an hour or so, then skinned them.  They are very sweet and lovely served still warm with mayo or parsley sauce.  Cooked and dipped or steeped in rasp vinegar with honey (a la Tesco - sorry Tesco haters)  :)    They are lovely simply simmered in water til just cooked and then scoffed  :)
Title: Re: what to do with Beetroot
Post by: Jesse on July 28, 2005, 21:49:38
Cut the tops off and wash them, leave the skins on. Cook them in a pan of boiling water until soft through, or pressure cook for approx 12 minutes. Drain off the hot water and fill the pan with cold water. When they're cool enough to handle peel the skins off them. Slice into approx 1cm thick slices. Layer in a dish and sprinkle each layer with salt. Put in the fridge until cold. Eat as a side dish with cold meats etc. Very yummy. :)
Title: Re: what to do with Beetroot
Post by: Mrs Ava on July 28, 2005, 22:42:25
Grate them raw and make a delish coleslaw, also lovely raw, sliced paper thin, between 2 slabs of soft, white, well buttered bread!  Actually, also mega devine boiled, skinned, sliced thickly, still warm, between 2 slabs of soft, white, well buttered bread!!

Beetroot soup - Delias recipe -

Apparently you can substitute the carrot for beetroot when making carrot cake.

Slice raw beetroot as thinly as you can, dry it on a paper towel, then deep fry it.  Makes wonderfully sweet crisps, well sprinkled with good Maldon sea salt.

This site has a few interested Beetroot recipes to have a try with.
Title: Re: what to do with Beetroot
Post by: wardy on July 29, 2005, 09:43:51
My niece who hates beetroot LOVES beetroot juice so at the moment she mostly has a deep red lips  :)
Title: Re: what to do with Beetroot
Post by: Vez1 on July 30, 2005, 19:40:03
what kind of vinegar should I use when just pickling beetroot?
Title: Re: what to do with Beetroot
Post by: flowerlady on July 31, 2005, 13:39:56
Hi there,

have a look at "Beetroot / Vinegars con't " on page tWo that I started.  There is some useful info there for you to read.

Still waiting for my little beetroot to get big enough to put in a bottle. ;D
Title: Re: what to do with Beetroot
Post by: Shallot on August 01, 2005, 15:09:43
Thanks to everyone- i like the sound of roasting with olive oil and garlic- yum  :P Will look up the other sites when i have a chance. Thanks again
Title: Re: what to do with Beetroot
Post by: barrowbob on August 01, 2005, 16:04:03
You can also make great chutney with it - lovely with cheese as it has a delicate sweetness.  This recipe says to grate it but I've found it's much better if its diced small - gives it more texture, and you really must tuck it away for a few months to let it develop.  8)
Title: Re: what to do with Beetroot
Post by: aquilegia on August 01, 2005, 16:54:23
I roast them with loads of other veggies (whatever I have). Peel and chop into 1in cubes and roast in olive oil and balsamic for about 2-3 hrs on GM5 until browning nicely.

Or use slightly smaller chunks in rattatouille style veg sauces (does make them go rather pink, though!)

The tops are also edible - I use them as a substitute for spinach or chard.
Title: Re: what to do with Beetroot
Post by: jennym on August 01, 2005, 21:20:38
You can freeze them successfully if you boil for 1/4 hour, remove skin, root etc and chop into 4. I've used these and good results.
Title: Re: what to do with Beetroot
Post by: bunnycat on August 03, 2005, 23:29:08
I absolutely adore thickly sliced beetroot (pickled or fresh and boiled) in a sandwich with lots of butter and thick slices of mature cheddar :P

No good at all for dieting, but it's one of my favourite comfort foods ;D
Title: Re: what to do with Beetroot
Post by: flowerlady on August 04, 2005, 13:18:29
try this one!

Beetroot Pickle

6 medium sized beetroots, preferably uncooked
cold water
12fl oz wine/cider vinegar
1 1/2 tbsp dry mustard
1/2 tsp salt
9 oz sugar
2 onions - sliced
2 tsp dill seeds

boil beets until tender
drain & set aside, reserving 300ml of the liquid
when beets are cool, slice off tops and bottoms
slip off skins, slice beets and set aside

in medium pan bring vinegar and reserved liquid to he boil
stir in mustard seed salt and pepper
bring back to the boil then set aside

arrange sliced beets and onions in layersin screw-top jars
add dill seeds
cover with hot vinegar mixture
seal with tops while hot

serve very cold
great for baby beets whole

Title: Re: what to do with Beetroot
Post by: wardy on August 04, 2005, 15:09:53
That sounds gorgeous Ta  :)
Title: Re: what to do with Beetroot
Post by: Bluejane on August 09, 2005, 14:54:12
Also lovely roasted with Indian-type spices - I use coriander seeds, cardamom, garlic and chillies...
Title: Re: what to do with Beetroot
Post by: wardy on August 09, 2005, 23:09:17
Good thinkin  :)  Will give it a whirl  :)
Title: Re: what to do with Beetroot
Post by: beejay on August 10, 2005, 09:05:09
Just tried roast beetroot,added some cumin seeds. I enjoyed but the others weren't impressed.

Anyway, just came across this when going through my recipe bits. I haven't tried it so can't tell you what it's like.
Mashed beetroot with poppy seeds - this was in an article by Nigel Slater about different mashes. Cook 1kg beetroot in oven covered with foil for35 min 200C until tender. Blitz in food processor, add 1tsp red wine vinegar & serve sprinkled with 2tsp toasted poppy seeds. He likes this with gammon.
Title: Re: what to do with Beetroot
Post by: Daisylover on August 16, 2005, 17:28:34
try this one!

Beetroot Pickle

6 medium sized beetroots, preferably uncooked
cold water
12fl oz wine/cider vinegar
1 1/2 tbsp dry mustard
1/2 tsp salt
9 oz sugar
2 onions - sliced
2 tsp dill seeds

boil beets until tender
drain & set aside, reserving 300ml of the liquid
when beets are cool, slice off tops and bottoms
slip off skins, slice beets and set aside

in medium pan bring vinegar and reserved liquid to he boil
stir in mustard seed salt and pepper
bring back to the boil then set aside

arrange sliced beets and onions in layersin screw-top jars
add dill seeds
cover with hot vinegar mixture
seal with tops while hot

serve very cold
great for baby beets whole


Really fancy trying this recipe but not too sure when you are supposed to add the sugar.
Title: Re: what to do with Beetroot
Post by: Travman on August 16, 2005, 20:20:03
and of course     " Beetroot Wine"  ;D
Title: Re: what to do with Beetroot
Post by: Hot_Potato on August 16, 2005, 21:02:02
Beejay - I did 2 jars of this recipe last week - it looks great in the jars - the onion gradually 'takes up' the beautiful colour of the vinegar....

I added the sugar to the pan with the vinegar & reserved liquid....

I didn't add the dill seed because Waitrose hadn't got any (which surprised me!) and I hadn't time to go chasing further afield for them....

I'm 'forcing' myself not to touch the pickle for as long as possible (well at least a few weeks) as I think it will improve 'with age' - like a lot of things  ;)
Title: Re: what to do with Beetroot
Post by: Hot_Potato on August 16, 2005, 23:02:49

ooops - should have said 'Flowerlady'..... :-[
Title: Re: what to do with Beetroot
Post by: kcarlisle on August 17, 2005, 12:11:08
Try - they have a great collection of recipes and you can search by ingredient.  Beetroot soup with feta sounds great!  Does anyone know how long you can keep raw beetroot in the fridge?  Is that the best place to store it?
Title: Re: what to do with Beetroot
Post by: Lazybones on August 17, 2005, 12:23:04
I managed to convert OH with roasted beetroot and potatoes with thyme and olive oil last night.  All chucked in together.  Convert him into what you might ask  ;)  Can't believe it was that easy.  Wonder if it put's him off when he makes a trip to the little boys room - forgot to mention about that  ;D 

For lunch today I have cold leftovers and will mix fromage frais in with it.  Yum.
Title: Re: what to do with Beetroot
Post by: wardy on August 17, 2005, 12:34:29
I should think you did!  Sounds like a gourmet feast   :)

If you eat too much it does have an unfortunate side effect  ;D

Don't tell him, see if he mentions it  :)
Title: Re: what to do with Beetroot
Post by: Lazybones on August 17, 2005, 12:43:52
Believe me Wardy, I will soon know about it.  He will think something major has happened and will go on about it for days.  Bless him  ;)
Title: Re: what to do with Beetroot
Post by: beejay on August 17, 2005, 14:20:13
Is it not one of those that some do & some don't, like asparagus?
Title: Re: what to do with Beetroot
Post by: Lazybones on August 17, 2005, 14:50:34
I'll let you know by tommorrow as I will definitely be made aware of it.  ;D
Title: Re: what to do with Beetroot
Post by: Obelixx on August 17, 2005, 15:23:44
Madhur Jaffrey did a great recipe for beetroot with onions in her first BBC series on Indian cooking.  It's spiced with cumin so earthy rather than hot but you can add chili to taste.   They are very good cooked, then peeled and diced, mixed with cream and horseradish and served with meaty fish such as cod, salmon, mackerel.....   You can do the same thing but add butter beans, top with grated cheese and bake till golden for a vegetarian supper and I have a recipe for beetroot and orange cake which I have yet to try.
Title: Re: what to do with Beetroot
Post by: Daisylover on August 18, 2005, 10:54:52

Spent a few hours over the stove last night making the Beetroot chutney as suggested by Barrowbob. I'm really pleased with it as it is the first chutney I've ever made.

Will have to wait a few months to see what it is like but i am already imagining Christmas day with some chutney, cheese and biscuits! yummy!
Feeling like I might be up for some jam making now, although I don't think that one strawberry and three blueberries will make very much (first year lottie owner).

Title: Re: what to do with Beetroot
Post by: daisymay on August 18, 2005, 11:00:23
I managed to convert OH with roasted beetroot and potatoes with thyme and olive oil last night. 

We had roast beetroot with our sunday dinner, was delicious. I had never had beetroot cooked before till this year, was the OH who converted me! I put it on a separate tray as I thought maybe the juices would run and stain the other veg, but needn't have bothered.
Title: Re: what to do with Beetroot
Post by: Lazybones on August 18, 2005, 11:16:55
Fantastic Daisymay - glad it worked for you too.  If you add fromage frais or yogurt to it when cold with potatoes then it goes a fantastic pink colour too (if you like that kind of thing).  Makes a great summer salad or lunch just as it is.  ;D
Title: Re: what to do with Beetroot
Post by: RosieM on August 18, 2005, 14:18:35
Hi recipe people,

Beetroot gratin is a favourite of my lot, with cheesy breadcrumbs on top.

Really impressive colour as well!!

Title: Re: what to do with Beetroot
Post by: wardy on August 18, 2005, 17:02:50
I cooked a panful of beetroot up brown sugar and water the other day and am having it dipped in cider vinegar every time I open the fridge  ;D  I love it roasted too. 
Title: Re: what to do with Beetroot
Post by: titchhagger on August 18, 2005, 19:22:01
Hi,  My wife and I bought a juicer, and one of the best drinks is raw beetroot with half a stick of celery and 4 sweet fruit, i.e apple or pear.  Last night my daughter and I made beetroot chutney, if you are interested I will post the recipe
Title: Re: what to do with Beetroot
Post by: wardy on August 18, 2005, 21:23:30
I got a juicer the other day but it;s so puny it's back in the box  :(  I got about a thimble full of juice from a flaming great bag of oranges  :(  Must make note to self to get better one  ;D
Title: Re: what to do with Beetroot
Post by: beejay on August 22, 2005, 14:52:59
Just came across (
Title: Re: what to do with Beetroot
Post by: daisymay on August 22, 2005, 15:02:59
If you eat too much it does have an unfortunate side effect  ;D

Know what you mean - freaked me out first time I went to the loo the next day! thought there was something wrong with me.... if we are talking about the same side effect that is....... :o :-[
Title: Re: what to do with Beetroot
Post by: daisymay on August 22, 2005, 15:04:47
Just came across (

great website! Converted my parents and two of their friends to roast beetroot and steamed beetroot leaves last night. They were all very impressed!
Title: Re: what to do with Beetroot
Post by: flowerlady on August 22, 2005, 18:07:57
Have been reading the website, love the idea of being 'in the pink' - through and through!!! ;D

Of course you can always try drinking them, found this:-

4* fo energy, detox, immunity boostskin, and 3* for digestion:-

Blend:-   2 beetroot
              2 carrots
              1 apple
              1 orange
              1 stick celery
              1/2 inch ginger root.

Cheers ............. ;)

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