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Produce => Non Edible Plants => Topic started by: undercarriage plan on July 28, 2005, 19:29:11

Title: What do I do now?
Post by: undercarriage plan on July 28, 2005, 19:29:11
I have had an avocado stone with its bottom in a little water for months!! Was on the verge of throwing it out, when I noticed it had produced a root!!! Very excited, but what do I do now? Haven't a clue, never had any luck before.  Help!!
Lottie  ;D
Title: Re: What do I do now?
Post by: Shallot on July 28, 2005, 20:33:26

It has been a long time since i did this, (about 20 years ago!) but i think it should then grow a sprout out of the top and maybe then you should plant it. I am just guessing really, but i'd definately wait till it gets a few more roots before you plant it. By the way, how did you suspend it in the water? I can't remember what i did (was about 12!). I grew a beautiful little tree with glossy leaves but then it just started to wither and die- never knew why. Good luck!

Shallot  ::)
Title: Re: What do I do now?
Post by: undercarriage plan on July 28, 2005, 20:48:32
Hi! Thanks Shallot! I bought these tiny kiddie glasses from Ikea, and they're perfect for resting avocados on!! Their bottoms just touch the water!! I will wait for shoot and post pic if works.  Thanks again.  Lottie  ;D
Title: Re: What do I do now?
Post by: Mrs Ava on July 28, 2005, 22:31:56
A few of us have talked advocados before Lottie.  I had one that was a nice tree, but it was scorched in the conservatory and never recovered!  Mine went into regular multi purpose compost beefed up with some of my home made compost, and that was it!  Watered when I did the rest of the plants, and fed..........once in a blue moon.  :-[
Title: Re: What do I do now?
Post by: undercarriage plan on July 28, 2005, 23:14:26
And is it still ok!! Was so surprised to find root, did no forward planning at all!! Don't know where they come from , what conditions they need, to talk or not to talk to them, lost here!!!! Lottie  ???
Title: Re: What do I do now?
Post by: Mrs Ava on July 28, 2005, 23:52:20
I think they are tropical rainforrest type trees, than get huge in their native home, before fruiting!  Mine used to get terribly infested with spider mite, so humidity is important.  They do have lovely deep green glossy leaves and do make very nice pot grown specimens, but they are not hardy, and as I said, they don't like being baked either! :'(
Title: Re: What do I do now?
Post by: undercarriage plan on July 29, 2005, 14:31:19
Cheers EJ!! Will keep it calm, peaceful, humid and unbaked!! Thanks Lottie  ;D
Title: Re: What do I do now?
Post by: Maddy on August 01, 2005, 13:14:56
I have a 63 page book called "The Avocado Pip Growers Handbook" written by Hazel Perper and published in 1980 by Penguin.  Sadly I've never had to read past page 36 as just as the plant is looking nice and healthy all the leaves fall off and the plant shrivels to nothing.

However,  I can tell you what the book suggests at this stage.

The pip should be left in water until a very healthy root system has developed.  During this time a shoot should also appear, once the shoot has reached approximately six inches it should be cut back to three inches, new growth should appear within two weeks at which point it can be planted in a rich loamy soil, John Innes No. 1 is recommended. 

Hope this helps, if you want I could perhaps scan a few pages of the book and email them to you, let me know.

Title: Re: What do I do now?
Post by: daisymay on August 01, 2005, 19:59:24
Is there anything in there, or can someone tell me, which way up do you put the stone in the water, or does it not matter?

We have been trying this too for about 6 weeks, could not decide what was the top and what was the bottom so have done it both ways (one end has a small ring and pointed bit). Neither have started to do anything but will not give up hope yet.

Title: Re: What do I do now?
Post by: Maddy on August 01, 2005, 20:22:03
The pointed bit is the top.  There are apparently two major varieties.  West Indian avocados are egg shaped whereas Guatemalan avocados  are more rounded, sort of walnut shaped, these are the slower growing of the two.

Title: Re: What do I do now?
Post by: undercarriage plan on August 02, 2005, 17:33:45
Daisymay, had this sweetie in water for months, not weeks!!!! Just about to throw it when saw root, now growing nicely!! Thanks Maddy, was about to put in compost, but has no shoot yet, will wait for shoot to appear! Do I completely cover the stone on planting? Or half way or what?  ??? Thanks for help.  Lottie ;D
Title: Re: What do I do now?
Post by: Maddy on August 02, 2005, 17:40:04
Ms Perper says not to fully cover the seed and in the diagrams it looks about two thirds covered, with the pointy bit sticking out of the soil.

There is unfortunately lots of references to having patience and sitting back and waiting and the semi success that I've had does seem to come just when you've forgotten the poor little pip exists.  Maybe they're shy  :)

Title: Re: What do I do now?
Post by: daisymay on August 02, 2005, 20:18:15
Far too impatient I know. It is the OH project, he is a little more forgiving. I expect something to be growing an hour after I plant it! Maybe me picking it up to see if there is any sign of life every day is not helping matters, will leave it to it!  :)
Title: Re: What do I do now?
Post by: undercarriage plan on August 03, 2005, 18:17:20
I can't pretend I nurtured the litle fellow, kept him on kitchen window sill so I couldn't forget him!! Amazed it's still going, roots growing strongly, but no sign of top growth.  The thought of cutting the top growth is filling me with trepidation , I have to say!!! But I'll be strong when I have to perform the surjery..... :-\ Lottie  ;D
Title: Re: What do I do now?
Post by: Marley Farley on August 05, 2005, 10:01:54
:) Hi Lottie
I have one growing it is about 1 & 1/2 " tall at moment, was doing very well but left it on top shelf in green house by mistake & it got a bit scorched.... :-[ a bit worried about it at mo :(  I planted it into multi comp + J Innes 3  mix, sealed up in bag with pot over it & left in green house during hot weatherjust leaving the tip exposed. After 2 weeks or so you could see the stone was going to split & out popped shoot, was doing well as I said, 3rd set of leaves but has suffered a bit because I forgot it.......will it forgive me I wonder........ I talk to it & ask forgiveness each day......... ??? ???
Title: Re: What do I do now?
Post by: undercarriage plan on August 05, 2005, 13:32:27
I'm sure it'll forgive, Marley!! Did you put in compost before the shoot appeared? Mine has now got really good root system, but no sign of shoot at top ??? ??? ???.Should I still leave it? Or does it need more than I can give!!!! Ie compost! By the way, your honesty drying nicely!!! I hadn't forgotten......! Lottie  ;D
Title: Re: What do I do now?
Post by: Marley Farley on August 06, 2005, 13:32:33
 ::) I hope it will forgive me  ??? No I started mine in compost buried so that just the tip showing, sealed in plastic cups. Roots appeared first, when looked like well rooted re-potted to flower pot it then showed signs of splitting & up popped shoot  :) :) Check this link out this is the one I used.  :)
Title: Re: What do I do now?
Post by: undercarriage plan on August 06, 2005, 14:29:05
Thanks Marley! Well, little fellow in pot now, fingers crossed, the root system was getting too big for the little glass, put it on gravel in saucer to mimic humidity of rainforest, and practising bird sounds to give more authentic feel, and Maggie's toy monkey round neck...should do the trick...... ;D Lottie
Title: Re: What do I do now?
Post by: Marley Farley on August 06, 2005, 21:24:11
 ;D Sounds like a very small room visited on holiday,   ;) when you opened the door the light came on dimly & it was just like being in the rainforest with airplents dotted around walls which were painted by owner to look like the jungle, with jungle bird sounds.  ??? ::) ;D Catches you unawares the first time.  ;D ;D ;D
Hope plant does well in new environment.
The Powellii lily is just getting ready to flower for first time so baby will be sorted when it has flowered. Will post a pic when in flower but looks like it might be pink!!!!  ;D ;D
Title: Re: What do I do now?
Post by: undercarriage plan on August 06, 2005, 22:09:44
Sounds gorgeous!!! My little ol' man has some in his garden adn they are beautiful, his are an orangy pink colour. Thanks Marley!! Will post pic of avocado when something to see!!! Lottie ;D
Title: Re: What do I do now?
Post by: daisymay on August 22, 2005, 18:51:58
sorry to hijack your thread again lottie... but we have some progress. one of our avocado stones has a huge split in it - about a week ago - no sign of any roots at all - is this normal?
Title: Re: What do I do now?
Post by: undercarriage plan on August 22, 2005, 19:40:23
Exaclty what mine did, Daisymay! Then the root pushed out into the water.  It's now in compost, and I think the shoot is about to break through the top!! Here's hoping...! Lottie
Title: Re: What do I do now?
Post by: daisymay on August 23, 2005, 10:16:11
oh good - fingers crossed! not one for impatient is it this avocado growing lark. The OH will be v proud!  ;D
Title: Re: What do I do now?
Post by: aquilegia on August 23, 2005, 10:26:10
Last year I planted one that had a root and after a few months, I gave up as no shoot appeared. I bunged it in the garden and a few months later, noticed a little shoot.

This year I found a stone that had rooted in my compost heap (I think it was one of the fruits that I forgot about and went gross, so I just slung it in there). Anyway... I planted it and it took a few more months to shoot.

Title: Re: What do I do now?
Post by: undercarriage plan on August 24, 2005, 17:46:08
But it's taking forever, Aqui!!!!! ::) Will they ever actually porduce any fruit? Lottie  ;D
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