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General => The Shed => Topic started by: Margaret on December 19, 2003, 12:07:30

Post by: Margaret on December 19, 2003, 12:07:30
Hi all! It would seem there are quite a few of you interested in your family's past.I have been ever since I was a teenager.As the years have gone by it has been a slow process,but the advent of the net has truly brought a wealth of info.  So I would first like to tell you about the other sites to the one mentioned last night(  for those who don't know).This was set up by the Mormons and i have got the most fantastic amount of use out of it.

However,I started first of all with   :  which is mainly the 1901 census.You can search for free,but only get mimimal info.To get more you do have to subscribe,but it isn't much.I have not done so yet,but i may in the future.It gave me enough info to go to the 1881 census the mormons provided.

Another one i have just found is  :
This you also can search for free,but again you have to pay for individual dates and names.Again,I will be using that for any gaps i still have.

2 more which may also be of use,depending on where you need to look,are  :  which gives more help in where to look rather than actual detailed info,and  which is an american site but I have also found useful.

On one of the sites,and I cannot remember which one,I found someone looking for members of her family,tracing that name.Turns out that 6 generations back,we have the same grandfather!! He is the one whose grave we went to see.She has been very active in going to find parish records,public office records,etc,and she was able to give me loads of info I did not have.Very exciting that was.I was also able to help her.

When I first found the mormon site i literally lived on the computer,gathering info for about 3 weeks.So be warned!! It is VERY addictive. ;D ::)

How did you all get into it? I started by being fascinated with a tapestry hanging on my grandma's( mum's mother) wall,dated 1861.She told me it was done by my great great grandmother,named Jane Linney.She left it for me when she died in the 1980s,along with some old photos and a few names.That go t me curious to find out more about the person,and it grew and grew from there.I would now need a 4' wide piece of paper to completely draw out my spreading tree.I have not only traced the direct lines,but brothers and sisters as well.

Do let me know how you all get on.Maybe if we ask Dan nicely we could have a separate board for all info that we could share,to help each other.

Dan,are you listening?PLEASE!! :D :D
Post by: SueT on December 19, 2003, 12:42:21
Hi Margaret, I started my search by asking my mother in law if she could give me any names, she came up with a list from her side of the family from the 1800`s which an elderly uncle had given her.  It is a highly addictive hobby and I spend most evenings at the computer either checking through my census discs or trawling the internet looking for more sites.  I don`t know how I`m going to last out until Christmas Day when I`ll get my new census disc, I`m desperate to get my hands on it!  :-[  ;D  God, I really should get out more........ ;)
Post by: Margaret on December 19, 2003, 12:55:09
Hi Sue.That site you mentioned that links to the Gloucs census;does it cover any other county? I am interested in at least 4 other counties as obviously families,as you go further back,split up and moved.

Also,what is freebmd that you mentioned?  As for getting out more.That is just the point,you don't need to.We have wasted more than one day on fruitless searches in county offices trawling through the tiny print on the wretched micro fiche.The net is just wonderful after that!!
Post by: mysticmog on December 19, 2003, 15:17:27
Good idea Margaret to create new thread....

My uncle started researching our family, but got stuck due to the grandiose storytelling habits of my elders.  I'm hoping that all these new resources will help and can't wait to get stuck in over xmas

Post by: SueT on December 19, 2003, 15:44:51
Hi Margaret, the Glos 1851 site doesn`t have any other county census details on it, but you can buy other census discs from there.  Freebmd provides a search facility for birth, marriage and death records and I`ve found it very useful.  I wanted to give you the link but for some reason when I clicked to check it works it wouldn`t find the site.  Just type in Freebmd and you`ll get is free by the way!  ;D
Post by: SueT on December 19, 2003, 15:49:41
Here are two other sites which are useful for geealogical research..........
Post by: SueT on December 19, 2003, 15:51:19
:-[ Sorry I`m making up my own words now!  Should have read genealogical  ???
Post by: Margaret on December 19, 2003, 19:03:08
hi realise you've really set me off again? I have been trying each and every site out.Plus by a coincidence,I read on teletext today of another one

Now that's one I can really get into. :D Apparently it has all the records for great britain from 1837 onwards.You have to subscribe a minimum amount and then you type in the name,year etc and they charge 10p for each look.That's ok if you know the year but in some cases,that's my problem,I don't.Could waste a lot,having to look through every quarter.But i will get into that come the new year,definitely.

Tried freebmd but they did not come up with anything,nor did ukbdm.But I will keep trying when I have more time.Thanks a million for all your help.
Post by: SueT on December 19, 2003, 21:07:27
,You`re welcome Margaret, glad you found the sites of help.  Here is another one which is especially useful if you`re trying to track ancestors who may have emigrated.  It`s
It contains passenger lists from a huge amount of ships starting from the 1600`s.  I`ve never found anything relevant to my research  but someone else out there might  ;D  It`s an ongoing project though so one day I might get lucky!  Just had a thought, you mentioned census records from other counties earlier, try the Genuki site for the area you want.  If you`re lucky someone may have transcribed a census for it.  :)  By the way, I`ve tried the 1837 site and it is very good - I found my mother in laws registry of birth, but like you said you really need to know where to look!
Post by: SueT on December 20, 2003, 00:08:28
Here is a site for anyone interested in Cumberland & Westmoreland, the 1851 census for those areas is available here......
Post by: Margaret on December 20, 2003, 00:27:07
Sue,what I need is Bucks,Herts,Wiltshire and Suffolk.Out of interest,what is the furthest date you have managed to trace back? Mine is 1681,the date of marriage of my great x 7 grandparents!!
Post by: SueT on December 20, 2003, 00:35:21
Hi Margaret, I`m still quite new to this so I`m still stuck in the 1800`s, but I`ll get there in the end! I`ll have a poke around and see if I can find anything for you  ;D
Post by: SueT on December 20, 2003, 00:54:51
Margaret I think your best bet at the moment is to go to the Genuki site and check the different counties on there. ;D
Post by: Carol on December 20, 2003, 01:15:34
Hi all,  I have finished my Family History and really quite sad about it.  It is very addictive and it certainly kept me sane for 10 years.  I was unable to get a job when I moved from Fife and I spent my free time in the Local Library trawling through Old Parish Records and Census.  I also paid a weekly visit to the Records Office in Edinburgh to look for the B/M/D  certificates of my ancestors.  My research has gone on and on and even yet when one of my family names crops up it sets me off.  I have made lots of friends through the hobby both in this country and abroad and it is certainly a worthwhile hobby.  For 11 years I was Secretary of the Local Family History Society and I also carried out research for other people.  For a time, but not for a few years I recorded the headstones and in  turn with the help of others they were turned into books for sale.  I really should be in the middle of typing out recorded headstones for the Historic Melrose Abbey.  So in all I have enjoyed it all and will do so until I am completely dolally.  The furthest back I got was on my Baxters 1690  They were yeoman from Cumbria.  My lot moved into Scotland and bred  quite nicely.  I have found lots of information on them with lots of sad stories.  I have dabbled on the computer, but there is nothing like looking at the original census and OPR's on film.  I think if you get your information from the 'net' try and check out with the film at your local library or wherever.  The Mormons made lots of mistakes.  Always remember too at the different ways of spelling names  il.e. Weddell, Waddell, Wadell etc. can be the same family.  My Grandmother was Jessie, but she was also Janet and Janett.  just some of the pitfalls.  
You will also be lucky if you find a headstone of your ancestors.  They were very costly even then to erect and if the family were poor then no headstone.  I had better stop going on but amused that you Margaret, interested in birds like me is also into genealogy.  
Again, if anyone in Scotland is looking for advice I can help.  
Post by: SueT on December 20, 2003, 01:25:33
Hi Carol, I am so new to this and  I have  learnt so much over the last few months but I`m still learning! Thanks  for your advice  ;D
Post by: Carol on December 20, 2003, 01:43:11
I don't know if this is the same for England and Wales, but in Scotland in the past children born were as follows:  sorry if you already know this.
First son named after the grandfather paternal
first daur.  named after the grandmother paternal
2nd son named after the maternal grandfather
2nd Daur. named after the maternal grandmother
3rd son named after the father
3rd daur. named after the mother
4th son named after an uncle
4th daur. named after an aunt.

In my family the common name was James.  
Look what you have started, you have got me going again.  I bet I get my books out tomorrow night.  I tell you, Family History is addictive.

Post by: SueT on December 20, 2003, 01:50:10
Thanks Carol I didn`t know that!  ;D
Post by: Margaret on December 22, 2003, 23:59:36
Hi again,Carol and Sue.thanks for the further information.Yes,I have discovered quite a few mistakes on the Mormon site,but have been able to correct some of  them as other members of the family have come up with snippets of information that they have found from various sources(the genuine ones).I also soon realised that there were frustrating gaps in the amount of info I could get.But it was still very exciting when i did get back such a long way after years of getting  so few answers.

I have now started again in earnest and intend doing a lot more in the New year.It is my new year's resolution to fill in all the missing names and dates.

I only wish I had started a lot earlier.I have no chance of doing my dads side,as most of the family are now dead.Their surname was Smith,and they came from the London area.Not a good easy start!!
Post by: SueT on December 23, 2003, 00:10:05
Hi Margaret, so pleased to hear you`re getting on well with your research.  I`ve been having a break but intend to pick up the threads again in the New Year, I find it gets confusing after a while and my brain needs a rest  ???   ;D
Post by: Carol on December 23, 2003, 00:37:13
Hello Margaret and Sue
I had the same problem with my Dads family too.  My maiden name was Anderson - quite common in Scotland, but when I got started I found that the christian name of Peter sometimes Patrick with Anderson wasn't so common so with that and the naming patterns got back quite a way into the early 1700's.  You never know what can happen next.  Don't give up on your Smith.  What about your Paternal grandmother?  I went through all my names and if you have an uncommon name then presto off you go again.  lovely.................
Post by: Doris_Pinks on November 04, 2004, 19:30:11
Am pulling this to the fore again as I am yet again (being winter!!) searching for rellies!! Anyone have any other sites to offer?
Post by: Margaret on November 04, 2004, 21:51:25
Hi Doris,and all other mad people only interested in dead people!!I have had a fantastically successful few months at my research and reall do seem to have come to a full stop now.I have filled in all the gaps that were frustrating me so much.I have evn done really well on my dads side when I thought i had no chance.My 80 year old uncle came to my rescue there,so off i went again!!Through sheer determination i found the names i needed to keep going back and my best record so far is 13 generations,back to 1580.
Have you tried this one

I have found a lot out with this method.

Post by: Doris_Pinks on November 04, 2004, 22:34:34
Thanks for that Margaret! I will have a delve next week when we have a wet day  ;D Wow amazing that you got back so far, was that mainly legwork? I am in sussex and I know my Grandad was from Birmingham, so i envision a trip in the near future! I am lucky in that I have a fair few photos, and a Mum that remembers most of what her Dad told her. (Bless him he only died a few years ago at 92)
My biggest challenge is going to be my Dads side as he was Swiss! I have no idea where to start, and when you look there is German speaking and french that will be an interesting search to say the least!
Thanks again Margaret  :) DP
Post by: Roy Bham UK on November 05, 2004, 08:36:51
Hi gang, :D I've only just noticed this thread and wondered if anyone has tried this avenue offered by the BBC "Who Do You Think You Are" (BBC2) I have to admit I don't have the patience to wade through the complexities of this in-depth site but it does look intriguing. :)
I have watched a couple of the TV shows that follow the lives of chosen TV personalities and found them interesting. :)
Here’s the link…
Post by: Mrs Ava on November 05, 2004, 17:51:48
Mum and I have been trying to do our family tree for years, but to be honest, it is a matter of time and money which hold us back....I have very little of either!  We are back in the 1700's with parts of the family, but down in Devon it is a touch complicated with one rellie being frisky with the lord of the manor she worked for and having an illigitimate child...then the London side all seemed to marry the people in the same building as them in the Eastend, often with the same surnames!  :o  I already knew about the various family secrets, but still, they make things even harder!  I have never managed to find much info on the net, and the remainder of my family are useless!  They don't like to talk about it, but mum and I potter on.

Did look at the beeb info, but had trauled through a lot of those sites before.  I will have to try again, and harder!
Post by: Carol on November 05, 2004, 20:12:36
Gosh was it almost a year ago since this thread was started, my how time flies.

I have not done much Family History this year, cos I have none to do, pity.  But, if anyone in A4A wants some advice for research in Scotland just ask.

 ::) ::)
Post by: Spurdie on November 05, 2004, 20:46:11
It's funny how some days you make huge progress and on others you just can't get a start. It's nice to know where you come from, but it's very sad to see how many of your ancestors never lived till their 2nd birthday.
Post by: ken (69) on November 06, 2004, 08:57:22
Blimey Margaret..that's some way back...thought I did OK with 1697....had a stroke of luck in Huntingdon Record office once...found the village I was looking for and got 100 years worth of old stuff in one go, complete with photostats of original parish records.What was happening in 1580?
Post by: Margaret on November 07, 2004, 20:19:16
What happened in 1580 Ken,is that my great x12  grandfather ,William Fennell, was born to  Henry and Elizabeth(their birth dates i do not have.) I guess they too stayed up half the night chatting on some allotment messageboard or other, with their like minded friends,so not too different from us,eh?  ;D ;D
Post by: Plottie on November 08, 2004, 10:42:47
Interesting thread, and intriguing to discover that so many gardening nuts are also interested in family history!
I've been researching my family history for about 10 years, on and off (more off than on I must admit!) I have been interested in it all my life, as my grandmother always refused to divulge all but snippets which of course REALLY triggered my interest. It was only when so many records became available online that my research really took off and about 2 years ago I made significant progress.
 As well as using the internet, I spoke to my dad and aunty to get their stories and follow up leads they gave me to other people in the family and have managed to identify why my grandmother was so reluctant to talk. Her history involved illegitimacy, death in childbirth (her mother), a wicked stepmother, being 'farmed out' to relatives throughout childhood, exclusion from her own father's funeral (by said stepmother) and much more.  Such a sad early life but one which I am so glad to have found out so much about.
Some of the things she was willing to divulge concerned her uncle and grandfather who were both well known locally as they held high profile positions in the local town. One of my greatest successes was to trace and visit a relative who was able to corroborate much of what I'd gathered and also add to my records.  She has photos and documents relating to these men and it was a very emotional moment to be able to finally 'see' the names I'd been researching. There was also a strong family resemblance between them and my grandmother who died many years ago and who hated to be photographed so you can imagine how that felt - it was as though I was reaching back and connecting with her and her family....a strange but immensely satisfying experience.
But of course there's always more that can be done and although I've achieved my initial objectives and have produced a tree so that my children  know the history of their family, there's a project waiting for me and many gaps to be filled.....
Plottie  :)
Post by: Doris_Pinks on November 08, 2004, 10:58:41
Wow Plottie!! We are hoping for intrigue and such! Tis said in our family that we were very wealthy at one point, but the daughter ran off with the coachman and so was dis-inherited! (these people just don't think of their ancestors do they!! :D)
 I am curious to know if there is any truth in it! I found my Grandparents 1916 marriage cert online last night and was very pleased! (THANK YOU Margaret for the address!)I know its not far back, but with none of their children now alive, we had no idea when or where they were married, (or even if they were!) so looking forward to receiving that! The biggest decision is which side of the family to head for, and which person do you track!
All good fun for rainy non gardening days though!
Post by: Margaret on November 08, 2004, 14:10:45
Hi Doris,glad to hear it has come in useful.I have sent for three marriage certificates this way and they have proved extremely useful in tracing further back.Eventually you will be able to do all the lines,but yes it can take a tremendous amount of time.It has taken me about 18 months of work on the internet to complete all my records.Even now i still have gaps,but there are new sites and new details all the time being entered so who knows?

I am out of work in 2 weeks time and have even thought about setting up a small business tracing people's family history for them .But not sure where to start.i just enjoy it so much that it would be more like a hobby than a way of earning money!
Post by: Doris_Pinks on November 08, 2004, 15:47:12
Good idea Margaret if you enjoy it so much! The hardest part would be to charge them for the hours you put into it! Hope it works out for you :) DP
Post by: aquilegia on November 08, 2004, 16:15:06
My Uncle on my dad's side traced ours, but then threw all the stuff away.  ::) I've managed to go back to the 19th, possibly 18th Century on the internet. I think I found my great, great grandfather. But I'm not sure. John is a pretty common name, but the surname is rather unusual! We started in Norfolk, then went to Malta in 1870-something, so it's also a bit complicated.
Post by: Mrs Ava on November 08, 2004, 17:46:26
Just out of interest DP, how much did it cost to buy the certificate??  Wondering if I can encourage the family to help out.  :-\
Post by: Doris_Pinks on November 08, 2004, 20:48:52
£7.00 EJ, though have heard it said if you go to the dept that the records are held it is cheaper.
Post by: Margaret on November 09, 2004, 13:21:37
Hi Emma.If you have all the information you need from that site i mentioned,it is indeed £7 but if they have to look up further details in order to send you the right one it would be £11.Still a lot cheaper in time and cost than running around the country looking it up in the various record offices.I spent a long time getting as much info as i could for free so that  i only ended up paying for what i had to in order to proceed further.
Post by: Suey on November 08, 2006, 22:37:40
I can`t believe it`s almost three years since this particular thread was started, it`s one of the few where I could make a useful contribution  ;D
Is anyone researching their family and if so how are you getting on?  I was doing pretty well but got side-tracked and now seem to spend most of my time doing census look-ups for other people  :-\ ;D
Post by: Carol on November 08, 2006, 23:18:06
Hello Sue, nice to see you back again.  I remember this thread, way back in 2003, good grief have I been in A4A all that time......

I am again involved in Family History but my enthusiasm has waned a bit.  I tried to do a family on the 'net' but didnt get much information despite asking Margaret what sites to use.  I got absolutely no where, well not far.  However, a woman in the village  has asked me to do her tree and I started last week.  Her family are Scottish so I am able to get better access to the Census and records etc.  I shall also go and look up the origianl Old Parish REcords.  My Family History Society have now brought out a lot of the Census in book form which makes things a lot easier as well.

Nice seeing you again Sue.  Enjoy your research.

 ;) ;) ;) ;)
Post by: Suey on November 08, 2006, 23:30:13
It`s nice to be back Carol  ;D  My sister is doing our Mums side of the family and I found out recently that my great grandmother was born in the Orkneys, her name was Janet Muir before marriage.  It`s fascinating stuff this family history and I find other peoples history just as interesting as my own, I`m never happier than when I`m trawling through the UK census data  ;D
Post by: saddad on November 08, 2006, 23:37:10
I haven't been on A4A that long so I'm pleased to see this. I have tried to track ours back but had little luck so far... can't get out of the mid 19thC on paternal side!
Post by: Carol on November 08, 2006, 23:42:58
Oh Sue,  Orkney have a wonderful Family History society and so well informed, so your sister should get on fine there.  I am sure they have all the B D M and census and they will help her out, no bother.

 :D :D

Keep on looking Saddad, am sure you can get back to the early 1800s with registration starting in 1837 in England ( it was 1855 in Scotland).

Post by: Suey on November 08, 2006, 23:43:15
If you`d like to let me know who you`re looking for I`ll search the census for you, I have access to the data from 1841 - 1901  :)  A name, place of birth (if known) and approximate year of birth will do.
Post by: Suey on November 08, 2006, 23:45:36
Carol I have reams of info that she has sent me, it`s amazing!  I wish the English side of things was as helpful  ::)
Post by: Carol on November 08, 2006, 23:55:03
I suppose it is because Orkney is small that they can gather all the information together.  Its the same with the Shetland FHS they have everything to hand and anyone going up there to find their ancestors can be taken to a descendent.  Mind you they did make a whopper of a mistake with my cousin.  They told her her  father had a wife previous to her mother??   wrong.....   Cousin was in a state until I helped her out and found out this was not the case.  Mistakes can be made.   She thought she had a half brother.    :) :) :) :) :)
Post by: Tulipa on November 09, 2006, 08:15:03
Oooh, what a wonderful thread.  Gardening and genealogy are my two favourite topics, so having them both on the same forum is brilliant.  I had no idea this was here.  I have to rush off now but want to sit and read it later, it is so fascinating reading about how people search out their families and the finds they make.  I have found two cousins of my parents who I am now in touch with which is wonderful. 

Saddad, keep trying, they will be there somewhere, probably misspelt along the way... I have had so many that have been hiding, I love the challenge.

And Tim has wonderfully found me some information on my wartime pilots which has been brilliiant... :)

Have a good day.

Post by: tin can on November 09, 2006, 09:09:27
I too am doing my family tree and have been at it almost daily since April ( well- when not on the lottie!)
So far one line has gone back to 1604 in Barkway, Herts ( I live in Cheshire)
All very English so far until......on my mother's side.... a Mary born in Scotland!!!!!! ;D ;D Yey...I have a tartan!!!!! ( problem is....that's all I've got on her other than she was married to Hugh Sephton around 1840 aged 23 and lived in the St Helens region nr Liverpool.
Any advise  Carol would be fantastic????
Am dying to find out which Tartan I have- bound to be orange, pink and yellow :o ( oops- sorry if I have just offended someone!!!)
Yes- this is addictive..almost as much as A4A !!!
Post by: froglets on November 09, 2006, 10:34:44
Hi All,

My search was triggered by having to find a common topic of conversation with a friend & colleague's wife.  I was looked after a lot as a kid by my mum's family & they were always gossiping about the rellies so I picked up loads of snippets just by hanging about.

I found it a good winter hobby to fill in the gaps left by gardening & climbing & with the family being 100% Scots so far, used to do a concentrated day in Edinburgh everytime I visited home.

Mum's side have been pretty easy to trace if sometimes colourful. Dad's on the other hand have been much harder.  No first hand gossip or info available at all, a very funny lot.  And I go spare trying to figure out which Donald Mackay married to Margaret in Caithness are mine.

I have lots of very old photos and my uncle has a specific interest in his Grandfather's life which is a nice reason to stay in touch.  I have found the most interesting aspect to be understanding the social history that shaped the lives of my family through the 1800's.  Because of the photos, I can connect with them, going further back has less interest, and with the way mum's family reproduce and produce strong stock that live long lives, there's still plenty to go at.
Post by: greyhound on November 09, 2006, 11:25:43
I joined

and almost immediately found an unknown third cousin who had done a great deal of research on my paternal grandfather's line.  Since then I've come across a lot of distant relatives who have helped fill gaps in other parts of my tree.  For a sub of £9.50 pa it's well worth joining. 
Post by: keef on November 09, 2006, 12:20:55 is good too.

I've done lots to, found out my G.G.Grandmother (Fanny Honeybone) was one of this lot,

Its slightly worring that i've got back to the 1700's and both my parent lines - but still hav'nt found anyone who lived more than 30miles from where i live now...i'm probably related to myself.
Post by: Tulipa on November 09, 2006, 13:13:37
I use Ancestry a lot and also when I am stuck.

I have both Scottish and English families and a lot of soldiers which I find fascinating.  I have used for my Scottish ancestors and find it really useful because you can view the certificates straight away, rather than having to wait for them to come from the GRO.

I am trying very hard not to look at the moment because I have so much on. :(  Can't wait until that quiet time after Christmas to have time to pick it all up again...

Good luck with all your searching!

Post by: moonbells on November 09, 2006, 13:54:11
I'm hunting my tree too.

I guess it makes sense - us lot, growing trees... ;D ::)

I've got back to at least GGgrands on both sides, and have nearly sorted the GGGgrands too. Only yesterday I discovered some folk in my hometown who share a GGGgrandfather with me!

Useful for when it rains!

I too have splashed on the ancestry and genesreunited subscriptions - figure it's fun and still cheaper than half a dozen visits to restaurants or pubs! Lot of it's logic and lateral thinking, then proving one way or another which set of folk are actually related to you, if there's multiple names or a missing census entry (usually cos the enumerators were awful at spelling!).

FreeBMD is the basic source outside of the census records, and very good too. You can get at an older database through Ancestry but the up to date one's on their own site. Better search engine too. And they are begging for volunteers to transcribe records!


Post by: Mrs Ava on November 09, 2006, 17:44:26
I have managed to get back into the 1700's on mums side.  However, several skeletons hiding in cupboards cropped up and has made things a little difficult, both with family politics and working out the real info.  After Christmas mum is coming to stay for a long weekend and we are going to invest in Ancestory and genes reunited and see what else we can find.  It isn't a cheap job is it!
Post by: tim on November 09, 2006, 17:54:59
So wish that we had asked our parents all the questions we now seek to answer. Too late.

But, beware -  as we get older, our reminiscences are not always to be relied upon.
Post by: Carol on November 09, 2006, 20:04:40
Seems to be a popular pastime at the moment.  I was walking along the street this morning and a man hailed me over.   He was wondering if I could do his Family Tree.  That is now 2 on the go.  It makes the winter afternoons more interesting I suppose. 

 :D :D
Post by: saddad on November 09, 2006, 20:38:24
I'm with Tim on asking before it is too late....
Mum and Dad both been dead so long, a decade and two decades respectively even their siblings are sadly depleted.. got a phone call from a cousin in Canada who had emigrated when I was 5 (1966) that got us all going again...
Got me going again Greyhound just been on that link for an hour!
Post by: Marymary on November 09, 2006, 21:24:01
really pleased to find this thread; my two obsessions growing food [& eating it!] & family history.  I seem to have reached a bit of an impass but will keep trying.  One of the first things I did was Google an ancestor with an unusual name & the first thing which came up was a very elaborate Gedbrowser file going back to the 17th century & including lots of my ancestors.  Also found a descendant of my GG grandfather's brother on Genesreunited. 

Anyone found a good way of recording it all?  I'm not happy with it all just recorded on & would like some sort of hard copy but it's got a bit big!
Post by: Suey on November 09, 2006, 21:57:03
I had an email today from letting me know that they are offering free access to their Immigration Records until November 30th  ;D  Handy for anyone trying to trace ancestors who may have gone to the USA  ;)
Post by: Tulipa on November 09, 2006, 22:19:17
Marymary, if you know anyone who bought the Sunday Times last weekend it had a free copy of Family Tree Maker 2005 with it.  On another forum people have been chatting about it and seem very impressed, a friend is pleased with it too, I have loaded it but have got no further.  It seemed to have some good means of recording family trees.  It might be worth a try?

Post by: Mrs Ava on November 09, 2006, 22:42:36
My problem is we have very common names for the areas  from whence we hail so it makes tracking down quite hard. 
Post by: Suey on November 09, 2006, 22:52:00
If I can help at all EJ just let me know  ;D
Post by: lorna on November 09, 2006, 23:21:33
I just can't believe I  have not seen this thread before. I so agree with Tim, I wish I had asked my Dad about his family. I know quite a lot about Mum's side. Over the past few months my nephews wife has been tracing my Dad's history (turned out he was illegitimate) in fact his Grandfather adopted him so one could say his Mother became his sister  :). Barbara is so dedicated  and she has traced cousins who we never knew existed. We now have photographs of Great grandfather, grandfather and uncles.
Bless her, she is now helping my sister-in-law trace husband's family. At the moment she is tracing three families on my behalf and two more on her side.
Post by: Mrs Ava on November 09, 2006, 23:49:47
Thanks Sue.  It will be in the new year now.  I hav emade a list of all the sites that you have all reccommended and mum and will make a start.  The problem is how in depth do you go.  You start with someone, then their children, their childrens children and so on, and before you know it, your tree is getting huge widthways as well as lengthways.  I have a book packed with notes, letters from family members, a folder full of birth, death and marriage certificates, and lists of names and dates.  Once we make a start properly I will be picking your brains!!
Post by: Suey on November 10, 2006, 00:03:44
Feel free EJ  ;D
Post by: Tulipa on November 10, 2006, 08:24:47
EJ, you sound like me, it is knowing how far widthways to go.  Then I start looking at what life was like for each family etc and it gets huge.  But it is so interesting and I think the little snippets bring the facts to life.  It is making me think back to all those boring history lessons now and making them seem more real.

I have lots of soldiers in one tree and have learnt a lot more about Waterloo, the Crimea etc.  Their records have descriptions of them in them so I can find out what colour eyes etc.  I found one yesterday that has "age 53, nearly bald" added in pencil, makes it so interesting.  All my uncles on that side are bald...  This was written in 1840!

I have one family member who joined the navy and after a couple of weeks was discharged, sent "ashore, unfit for situation"  he had lied about his age and was 13.  No wonder he couldn't cope.

And reading about the poverty my husband's grandmother lived in in Birmingham.  I have a wonderful photo of her at school in a white pinafore, she's so pretty.

I am sorry, I am rabbiting, but it gets so exciting.... :-[

I am very happy to help too EJ, it's such fun.  And having success at finding someone else's rellies is just as good as finding my own...


Post by: fbgrifter on November 10, 2006, 10:09:04
EJ>>  it sounds like you need some software to organise your notes.  i recommend the free download from the familysearch site.  i find it very useful.  a note of caution about using the net for family research - there are loads of sites out there with an abundance of info, but they don't have ALL the info.  that means that when you come up with a 'match' it doesn't necessarily mean you have the right person and checking can end up expensive.  if anyone needs any help with family research i will do what ever i can to help.  i also own all the census' for the cheshire area if anyone wants me to look anything up i am happy to oblige.
Post by: moonbells on November 10, 2006, 10:57:02
I found that when I got cracking on both sides, I'd come up with something amazing and phone home, only to be told 'Yes, we knew that'. There were a lot of muttered comments from me of 'It would have been good if you'd told me BEFORE I spent hours digging!' followed with the reply 'But dear, we don't remember until you remind us!'

Least I know that some facts are now verified :)

It's exciting when you make contact with a distant cousin. I found two 4th cousins the other day!

Post by: flowerlady on November 10, 2006, 11:13:14
Wow I've only just found this  :D... will be back ... ;D ...

... my brother IS a Mormon ... and I have been charged to do some rooting for him ... as he lives in Australia now  guess who gets to do the legwork ... have just registered at the British Libray for East India docs ;)

Post by: Tulipa on November 10, 2006, 12:54:07
FL have you seen this site...

Family History in India.

Looks like there are a lot of us on here! :)

Post by: greyhound on November 10, 2006, 13:39:36
The problem is how in depth do you go.  You start with someone, then their children, their childrens children and so on, and before you know it, your tree is getting huge widthways as well as lengthways. 

They all had so many children!  (No telly, see.)

There must be at least 20 people on genesreunited who have my 3xG grandparents in their trees, but I haven't been in touch with most of them.  As you say, where do you stop?!   :o
Post by: manicscousers on November 10, 2006, 14:00:53
my brother's dedicated a wall in his office to ours, he just seems to keep on going !
Post by: saddad on November 11, 2006, 09:27:13
Greyhound... ;D... we have no TV from choice but only two children! The large families from the ea 20th Century have more to do with survival of Infants for the first time! ( Oh and very little contraception)
Post by: tin can on November 11, 2006, 09:49:17
Greyhound- I have got in touch with those people in my tree as they sometimes have found out info which I have not.

Here is a nice example of contacting distant relatives...
My grandmother's grandparents moved here from Norwich, leaving their eldest on behind.
 After getting in touch with one of his descendants , I now have a photo of that son as a young and elderly man and my grandmother's cousins,and she has a photo of 2 of his siblings and our relatives from me. The facial similarities are quite stunning!!
Am so pleased we made contact. :D
Post by: Robert_Brenchley on November 11, 2006, 10:47:23
I've got my father's family tree back about 500 years thanks to a distant cousin, but I hardly know anything about my mother's family. This is her grandfather, who I vaguely remember; the boy is my great-uncle Cyril, who I also remember. My grandfather isn't there. They were military men and colonial masters; I never heard what happened to the two young men in uniform but since the pic was taken in 1912 I can guess.
Post by: greyhound on November 11, 2006, 13:29:04
Greyhound... ;D... we have no TV from choice but only two children! The large families from the ea 20th Century have more to do with survival of Infants for the first time! ( Oh and very little contraception)

It was a joke, tongue-in-cheek because it's a very old joke .... ::)

Greyhound- I have got in touch with those people in my tree as they sometimes have found out info which I have not.

I should perhaps have said I haven't been in touch with them yet.  I have got further back than that generation, and I just don't have room to fill in entire trees of descendants on collateral branches.   It's good to have the names of brothers and sisters outside the direct line, but following them all down to the present day, well, we are talking hundreds of names.  :o

It's odd how you find lots of people with connections to one little branch, and none at all for others.   :-\
Post by: Marymary on November 11, 2006, 14:57:57
Bother I missed the free Family Tree Maker - I would have bought the paper for that if I'd known.  Never mind maybe it can go on the Christmas list.  I have sent for some certificates - it's really exciting when they come & reveal lots of details you can't get on line like mothers maiden name.
Post by: saddad on November 11, 2006, 23:55:20
Greyhound... the old ones are the best!!!!!
Post by: moonbeam on December 23, 2006, 07:32:23
Hi just got into the family tree thing very interesting what you discover.
my sister has been doing most of the work and has traced our family Andersons back to 1819 seemed to start up by Aberdeen some moved to Fife IE Kirirkaldy Kennoway others Arbroath my family Dundee will start looking again in the new year. :o
Post by: Tulipa on December 23, 2006, 07:40:48
Monbeam, I have got back to Aberdeen in 1821 too, but no Andersons in my tree, I just checked!  It is fascinating isn't it.  I have had to put it aside at the moment but can't wait for the new year and more time to research. 

Our local college is putting on a Family Research evening course in January so I am really looking forward to that.  I have found three new second cousins on Genes Reunited already. :) :)
Post by: tim on December 23, 2006, 08:09:19
Love sepia.

Was I ever that young!!
Post by: rover75 on December 23, 2006, 08:22:34
EJ>>  it sounds like you need some software to organise your notes.  i recommend the free download from the familysearch site.  i find it very useful.  a note of caution about using the net for family research - there are loads of sites out there with an abundance of info, but they don't have ALL the info.  that means that when you come up with a 'match' it doesn't necessarily mean you have the right person and checking can end up expensive.  if anyone needs any help with family research i will do what ever i can to help.  i also own all the census' for the cheshire area if anyone wants me to look anything up i am happy to oblige.
Hi you wouldnt have any info on joseph and mary miller would you 1801c mary was a warburton have most of there details looking for other family members going back preferably on the miller side many thanks
Post by: Tulipa on December 23, 2006, 08:28:29
Tim, what a wonderful photo, thanks for posting it. :)

Hope you have a lovely day!
Post by: manicscousers on December 23, 2006, 19:36:33
my maiden name was miller, rover75, my brother's doing the family history, I'll e mail him, he's in canada, and ask about the details you've given us  :)
Post by: Carol on December 23, 2006, 19:51:36
Anderson is my Maiden name.   ;D ;D ;D  My family came from East Lothian.  I have gone back as far as the late 1700s.  Pity its such a common surname in Scotland but I was lucky in that the christian names were Patrick or Peter, not so common in Scotland.  The surname does originate up in the NE Scotland though.   ;D ;D ;D
Post by: rover75 on December 24, 2006, 09:25:46
my maiden name was miller, rover75, my brother's doing the family history, I'll e mail him, he's in canada, and ask about the details you've given us  :)
that would be great many thanks mark.
Post by: manicscousers on December 26, 2006, 16:12:06
sorry, Rover75, Miller runs out about 1860, my great whatever came over from Italy, because he was a miller, he changed his name from Rosario, apparently  :)
Post by: rover75 on December 26, 2006, 21:40:46
ok thanks
Post by: louise stella on December 27, 2006, 13:54:16
My sister and I did a bit of hunting for family graves in Ireland last Feb and found quite a few with our family name on.  One of the places was a little graveyard in Glen Ravel in Co Antrim which was breathtakingly beautiful!  But it disguised a lot of heartache as we knew that a lot of them died during the famine and have no maked graves - but we know they are there somewhere!  During the famine some relatives left for work in Scotland - so if any of you out there are O'Rawes (sometimes without the "O") - we are related somehow!  There aren't many about and they all came from the Glens of Antrim originally.

Louise XX

Post by: froglets on December 28, 2006, 11:48:40
Hi Carol,

I have Andersons in Stow and Innerleithen in the 1820's, PM me if these are of any interest.

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