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Produce => Under Glass => Topic started by: tim on July 12, 2005, 10:03:26

Title: Here's a funny one?
Post by: tim on July 12, 2005, 10:03:26
If I store ginger in the fridge, it goes mouldy after a few weeks.

Neighbour gave this to me today - stored in jar & forgotten since last year.

So - must plant it!

PS - Great to have photo-posting back again, Dan!!
Title: Re: Here's a funny one?
Post by: aquilegia on July 12, 2005, 10:19:31
I bought a bit in the shop last year that had sprouted. I planted it and it did nothing. But I'm sure you'll have more luck!

BTW - best way I've found to store ginger is to freeze it, peeled and chopped into useable sizes. Or Peeled and then grate bits off as you need (as long as you don't freeze your hand in the process!)
Title: Re: Here's a funny one?
Post by: tim on July 12, 2005, 11:02:28
Yes, indeed! But I still like to have some fresh.
Title: Re: Here's a funny one?
Post by: Debs on July 12, 2005, 20:32:37

Or chop finely and freeze in ice cube tray with small amount of water.

Title: Re: Here's a funny one?
Post by: Twospot Ladybird on July 12, 2005, 21:11:50
Hey Tim, your Ginger looks like it's clawing at the sides of the jar, trying to get out  ;D
Title: Re: Here's a funny one?
Post by: Charlotte Sometimes on July 13, 2005, 12:59:12
Aqui, that's a really good idea.  Also the ice cubes, debs.  I get the same problem with it gong mouldy in the fridge.  It always seems such a waste.
Title: Re: Here's a funny one?
Post by: Merry Tiller on July 13, 2005, 23:59:45
Ginger doesn't last long enough in my house to go mouldy  :o
Title: Re: Here's a funny one?
Post by: tim on July 14, 2005, 06:52:16
No need for ice - I reckon - just grated or sliced is fine.
Title: Re: Here's a funny one?
Post by: carloso on July 14, 2005, 08:24:29
how do you grow it ?

i tried it once in a pot and it just went off im afraid !!

Title: Re: Here's a funny one?
Post by: tim on July 14, 2005, 08:38:12
Which way up??
Presumably the shoots are topgrowth - not roots??

carloso - try  etc?
Title: Re: Here's a funny one?
Post by: carloso on July 14, 2005, 09:11:42
cheers Tim

That easy eh lol
Title: Re: Here's a funny one?
Post by: Bluejane on July 15, 2005, 15:57:56
If I store ginger in the fridge, it goes mouldy after a few weeks.

As I learned last Christmas Eve. Got a really musty smell off the fridge - didn't cop on it was the tiny bit of ginger left in the shelf - emptied the whole blooming fridge, cleaned it with bicarb - refilled fridge - opened door two hours later - musty smell again. Emptied and cleaned it again, in between doing more normal Christmas Eve-y things and hoping visitors would be late rather than early. Finally realised the  :-X ginger was to blame. Never again!
Title: Re: Here's a funny one?
Post by: weedin project on July 27, 2005, 23:01:43
it looks like you got those tubers off the set for Alien or something :o 
I thought it was giant slugs in a jar when I first spotted it!
Title: Re: Here's a funny one?
Post by: the_snail on August 19, 2005, 07:50:31
Yes you can plant it in a pot Tim and it will grow into a nice tender! plant that can go out in mid summer and back inside in autumn. I think it has like a light pink/purple flower (If you can get it to flower.)

I will find you a link.

Title: Re: Here's a funny one?
Post by: Truffle on September 12, 2005, 15:27:48
I planted a store bought piece of ginger a few years back now. It took AGES to spout, but when it did it grew very fast. The leaves have a soapy texture and a delicious smell.

Even though we grow it indoors they die back every year and don't seem to sprout again until late spring.

They make a really interesting house plant and the tubers grown so much that its now distorting the pot!
Title: Re: Here's a funny one?
Post by: the_snail on September 23, 2005, 17:17:57
I tried to grow a shop bought one but it did not really get going. I think it went in the pot a little late and I tried to grow it in the greenhouse. So next year I will plant it in mid Febuary and treat it as a house plant and see what we get by doing it that way.

If at first you do not suceed, never give up, try again.

Title: Re: Here's a funny one?
Post by: tim on September 23, 2005, 18:06:37
But that's what we're all trying to get, Truffle!

Hack a chunk off & use it??
Title: Re: Here's a funny one?
Post by: the_snail on September 23, 2005, 21:29:37
Tim if you look at the top pic you posted it looks like there is a snail on the right hand side crawling up the jar trying to get out  :D

Title: Re: Here's a funny one?
Post by: tim on September 24, 2005, 06:32:08
That's why it didn't eat our potatoes!
Title: Re: Here's a funny one?
Post by: Marianne on September 24, 2005, 09:39:02
Looks very interesting !  very nice  ;D
Title: Re: Here's a funny one?
Post by: Truffle on October 10, 2005, 13:29:20
Hi Tim,

The shoots are top-growth. Did u plant it? Any luck?
Title: Re: Here's a funny one?
Post by: tim on October 10, 2005, 18:34:01
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