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Produce => Edible Plants => Topic started by: undercarriage plan on July 06, 2005, 20:43:47

Title: Red toms in 3 days?? How????
Post by: undercarriage plan on July 06, 2005, 20:43:47
Been a bit premature!! Entered toms in our local Horticultural Comp on Saturday.......They still green!!!!  AHHHHHH!!Any ideas?? Anyone?? Paint, nail varnish, dance at midnight?? All suggestions welcome. .. (within reason  :o)  Lottie  ;D
Title: Re: Red toms in 3 days?? How????
Post by: Icyberjunkie on July 06, 2005, 20:46:02
banana's give off lots of ethylene and should help to ripen the tomatoes quicker - same reason they make other fruit go off if placed in the bowl.   3 days may be a tall order though.
Title: Re: Red toms in 3 days?? How????
Post by: keef on July 06, 2005, 20:47:39
Pick a few an put them in a drawer - thats the way my gran used to ripen any green ones left overs in late summer.
Title: Re: Red toms in 3 days?? How????
Post by: undercarriage plan on July 06, 2005, 21:01:33
Right then.  5 in draw, 5 wrapped in banana skin!!! Aha! 5 wrapped in banana skin put in drawer!! Excellent. Thank you will let you know!!  Lottie  ;D
Title: Re: Red toms in 3 days?? How????
Post by: keef on July 06, 2005, 21:10:23
I'd just strategically place banana skins around the plants. I suppose you could try both...
Title: Re: Red toms in 3 days?? How????
Post by: Icyberjunkie on July 06, 2005, 21:13:48
I agree Keef.  Wrapping in banana skins would probably make the toms mouldy and then I would be in BIG trouble!  :-[      Also I think you might need to have the whole banana and not just the skins. 

 Sorry lottie - you'll have to wait until the show before eating the banana.....
Title: Re: Red toms in 3 days?? How????
Post by: undercarriage plan on July 06, 2005, 21:18:20
Ha ha!! Decided to paint toms red and pout them at back of stall.  All judges have poor sight......!! Beginning to think I can't enter them now! And rain ruined all roses I entering!! Mmmm tissue paper and sellotape should do it! Lottie  ;D
Title: Re: Red toms in 3 days?? How????
Post by: Piglottie on July 06, 2005, 21:20:52
Lottie - I'm sure if they're red and pouting they're bound to win!  Scarlet tomatoes   ;)
Title: Re: Red toms in 3 days?? How????
Post by: undercarriage plan on July 06, 2005, 21:28:02
Especially if beefsteak!!! Think they just too green this year, will rely on potatoes to bring it home!!  Lottie  ;D
Title: Re: Red toms in 3 days?? How????
Post by: Ed^Chigliak on July 06, 2005, 21:31:35
Free issue rose tinted spectacles  ;)
Title: Re: Red toms in 3 days?? How????
Post by: undercarriage plan on July 06, 2005, 21:36:21
Ha ha ha!! Thinking of distraction in some way!! Had a few seconds, which was wonderful, just longing to bring home a big, shiney cup, and stand beside it smugly whilst pretending not to be!!!!!! Sad, I know, ooo and polish it!! Lottie  ;D
Title: Re: Red toms in 3 days?? How????
Post by: Icyberjunkie on July 06, 2005, 21:40:16
As another thought forget making them red.   Make up a sign stating how you have developed this new variety especially bred for green tomato chutney..........

oh,  and how you have considered people who get to many tomatoes and therefore tehy will go red eventually for those that just want to eat them....... ;D ::)
Title: Re: Red toms in 3 days?? How????
Post by: undercarriage plan on July 06, 2005, 21:45:06
You should be my mouth at the show!! I'm convinced! Green toms etc, do you think they'll go for non-petal roses?  Lottie  ;D
Title: Re: Red toms in 3 days?? How????
Post by: shaolin101 on July 06, 2005, 21:49:21
i have 3 tomatoes growing out of 3 plants! The biggest is the size of a pea! Got a long way to go for me yet! I am hungry now though!
Title: Re: Red toms in 3 days?? How????
Post by: Jesse on July 06, 2005, 21:53:18
You can borrow some of mine, picked the first outdoor red one today and another two should be ready in the next couple of days if we get some sunshine.  :D
Title: Re: Red toms in 3 days?? How????
Post by: Icyberjunkie on July 06, 2005, 21:54:17
Crikey Shaolin, cos if you also have a show to go to its not advice you need but prayer!!!!    :D

<<<<<<<<silly mood tonight
Title: Re: Red toms in 3 days?? How????
Post by: undercarriage plan on July 06, 2005, 21:56:47
Me too!! Shaolin what you doing here??? Should be celebrating!! Not going to acknowledge red ones!! As for pea size ones, wrap in banana skin and enter as cherries! Lottie  ;D
Title: Re: Red toms in 3 days?? How????
Post by: Ed^Chigliak on July 06, 2005, 22:00:02
I was hungry but now I reek of garlic and onions because that's all I have. A balanced diet is out of the question I'm eating from one glut to the next.

Why not pick you smallest green tomato and go for the booby prize usually a wood spoon. Use a wax polish and it will buff up great and look just as good in you trophy cabinet. A wooden spoon is more useful anyway.

I caught the smallest fish in a fishing comp once and came away with a better prize than the winner. I've never been fishing since.
Title: Re: Red toms in 3 days?? How????
Post by: Icyberjunkie on July 06, 2005, 22:03:00
no you got it allwrong ed and lottie.  Remember all the hassle of making them red..!!!!    Leave 'em green Shaolin, polish them up and enter them as large peas.........
Title: Re: Red toms in 3 days?? How????
Post by: undercarriage plan on July 06, 2005, 22:05:35
Big cup, big cup, big cup!!! Shiney!!  ;D Lottie
Title: Re: Red toms in 3 days?? How????
Post by: Doris_Pinks on July 07, 2005, 08:35:28
Lottie there is another option, ermmmmmmmmm......... cough cough, visit your local greengrocers and buy some lovely ripe Toms! ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D  DP
Title: Re: Red toms in 3 days?? How????
Post by: undercarriage plan on July 07, 2005, 12:45:47
DP!! SHocked!!! Could do, but I have an utterly and completely useless conscience!! Would love to be naughtier, but I always have the overwhelming urge to confess!! Like a compulsion!  If I did that, I'd be blubbering my confession on the podium!!! Not a pretty sight......  Lottie  ;D
Title: Re: Red toms in 3 days?? How????
Post by: Doris_Pinks on July 07, 2005, 12:54:33
  ;D  ;D  must admit I couldn't do it either, it was worth a thought though!  ;D
Title: Re: Red toms in 3 days?? How????
Post by: undercarriage plan on July 07, 2005, 13:40:36
Could be very cunning and get someone really wicked to impersonate me with shop bought entry???? Mmmm, more planning required I think! Lottie  ;D
Title: Re: Red toms in 3 days?? How????
Post by: Icyberjunkie on July 08, 2005, 18:41:46
So how did the tomato's turn out????   Did you give up and withdraw,  paint them, make a sign, buy some (eeeeeeeeeeek!!!), or succeed in getting them red?

Don't keep is in suspense and bestest luck for tomorrow.

Icyberjunkie,  Icy or plain old Iain!!!!
Title: Re: Red toms in 3 days?? How????
Post by: undercarriage plan on July 08, 2005, 19:28:57
Disaster!! No red toms, have to leave them out!! Lovely onions though... fingers crossed.  Big cup, big cup......... I'll know tomorrow, will post when finished polishing cup!!! Thanks Icyberjunkie!! Lottie  ;D
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