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Produce => Edible Plants => Topic started by: City Gardener... on June 29, 2005, 12:08:40

Title: Who's growing Chilli's?
Post by: City Gardener... on June 29, 2005, 12:08:40
Hi all,

Just wondered who's growing chilli's?

I am growing Jalapeno, Hungarian Hot Wax and Cayenne. I have 9 strong plants, 3 indoors and 6 out. Most of the plants have chilli's on them now with the outdoors plants strangly doing better at the moment. The biggest chilli is the size of my little finger...

Typical me, I thought I'd not need to put lables on the pots to identify the plants thinking I'd remember which ones went where, big mistake and now I'll have to play the old "guess the chilli" game.... :oops:  now there's an idea.... :idea:
Title: Re: Who's growing Chilli's?
Post by: Charlotte Sometimes on June 29, 2005, 12:13:42
Aye up

Yes, I am growing chillies.  Same packet of seed as last year - a mixture bought from Fothergills (supposedly birds eye, jalapeno and scotch bonnet - though have never grown a scotch bonnet yet, the seeds all look the same, so its a lucky dip).  8 plants this year.  :o  I did tell myself I would give a few chilli plants away.... but then I never did.  Love them too much!  ;D
Title: Re: Who's growing Chilli's?
Post by: Jill on June 29, 2005, 12:32:06
Me too!  Love 'em ;D.  Three sorts: Ring of Fire and Habanero for eating and Aurora because it's so colourful.  Seeds all from Simpsons Seeds.  All 12 plants are inside and since we don't get many buzzy creatures in they're pollinated by hand/brush.  Habaneros are slowest but just coming into flower.  Other 2 have chillies growing.
Title: Re: Who's growing Chilli's?
Post by: Mrs Ava on June 29, 2005, 14:28:56
Loads and have been picking for a good few weeks now.  Have Jalapeno, scotch bonnet, iranian something or the other, chocolate, aji's - several different ones, long thai, apache, hot and name but a few!  Must write down all of them so I know what's what!
Title: Re: Who's growing Chilli's?
Post by: City Gardener... on June 29, 2005, 14:38:38
I hope I'm not giving myself the kiss of death here, but I was under the impression that chilli's were going to be very difficult to grow but they have been pretty pain-free so far...

Title: Re: Who's growing Chilli's?
Post by: sandersj89 on June 29, 2005, 15:16:38
I hope I'm not giving myself the kiss of death here, but I was under the impression that chilli's were going to be very difficult to grow but they have been pretty pain-free so far...


I grow each year, enough to see us through the year and we cook with them at least once a week.

This year I have about 30 plants, a mix of Hot Stuff, Pinocchio's Nose and Ring of Fire. The last one sounds hot!

They are all grown in the greenhouse, you can see them here.




Since this was taken they are in flower and have hit the roof too.


Title: Re: Who's growing Chilli's?
Post by: Macca on June 29, 2005, 15:41:43
looking good sanders!

i've got some aji and birdseye going, only flowering at the moment though. I tried some purple venezuelan aswell but not had any luck with germination
Title: Re: Who's growing Chilli's?
Post by: tamsin on June 29, 2005, 16:18:58
I'm growing Carribean hot chillis. I got the seeds with some courgette seeds and a propagater for 98p in Woolworths, which is why I'm growing them ;D I'm glad you think they're pain free because I've never grown them before, and I'd quite like to get some chillis!
Title: Re: Who's growing Chilli's?
Post by: Doris_Pinks on June 29, 2005, 16:26:41
I am growing Sweet Aji and Chocolate Chilli, (thanks EJ!)  my leaves are riddled with holes which I am presuming are the dreaded slugs, must do a nighttime hunt! ;D
Title: Re: Who's growing Chilli's?
Post by: weedgrower on June 29, 2005, 17:08:10
i have 9 chillie plants, heatwave from thompson & morgan but as yet have no flowers on them yet the plants i gave away to a plotter accrosss the road have flowers on them. i think it is because they are in a greenhouse that has a grapevine in it and so the chillies are not getting enough sunlight. only time will tell :-\ :-\ :-\
Title: Re: Who's growing Chilli's?
Post by: swainclubber on June 29, 2005, 19:40:48
i have one habanero chilli is doing really well, with lots of side shoots and about 60 flower buds :)
Title: Re: Who's growing Chilli's?
Post by: Robert_Brenchley on June 29, 2005, 19:49:35
I've just bought half a dozen plants today; I tried them once before and got a grand total of three chilis. I'm going to try then outside, and if they do reasonably well I'll try more next year. A meal without lots of chili would be unthinkable in our family!
Title: Re: Who's growing Chilli's?
Post by: swainclubber on June 29, 2005, 19:51:15
3 chillies?did it drop lots of its flowers?mine has dropped its first 2.but there are lots of buds remaining
Title: Re: Who's growing Chilli's?
Post by: ellkebe on June 29, 2005, 21:50:56
6x Hot and Spicy indoors.  They all seem to be happily fruiting away.  Longest are about 3 inches, but still green.

Should I be picking to encourage more - and how do I know when?  Will they go red/ get hotter if I leave them longer?

I've also found them pretty easy to grow - but should probably shut up right now before it all goes horribly wrong  ;D
Title: Re: Who's growing Chilli's?
Post by: Robert_Brenchley on June 29, 2005, 22:24:36
The ones I had before dropped loads of flowers but it wasn't a good summer. That was the year I couldn't get a single queen bee mated properly.
Title: Re: Who's growing Chilli's?
Post by: Charlotte Sometimes on June 29, 2005, 23:33:41
I hope I'm not giving myself the kiss of death here, but I was under the impression that chilli's were going to be very difficult to grow but they have been pretty pain-free so far...

Tis only the second year I've grown them, but I have found them trouble free and beautiful plants to look at to boot.  Here are some of last years.  The big one was about 20 cm long!

( (
Title: Re: Who's growing Chilli's?
Post by: redimp on June 30, 2005, 00:36:57
First time I grew chilis they were perfect - the perfect houseplant and the perfect fruit.  Ever since then they hasve been a nightmare.  Indoors nothing but the mite despite misting.  Will try outdoors next year - my seedligs did not come off this year - too busy with new lottie etc and neglected them whilst looking after everything else.  They are still in modules and only about 5" high and a bit thin.
Title: Re: Who's growing Chilli's?
Post by: Val on June 30, 2005, 09:59:08
Do you all grow them indoors?...I've got some in a pot outside, such pathetic little plants, I can't see them doing much now, not a flower nothing. I started them off indoors but as I haven't got a greenhouse thought they'd be better outside. I always manage to get spindly plants from indoors anyway.oh well maybe next year. 
Title: Re: Who's growing Chilli's?
Post by: aquilegia on June 30, 2005, 11:17:02
Yes - well trying to at least!

I'm growing some from EJ - Aji and Chocolate., Plus some from Cleo (Apache) and some I actually bought - poblana.

I lost quite a few to snails. But have lots left (actually I think they mostly ate my sweet peppers as I seem to only have one left). I had a couple of tiny chillis forming, but then went weird so I nipped them off. No new flowers since. Do they like it dry or humid?
Title: Re: Who's growing Chilli's?
Post by: Jill on June 30, 2005, 11:31:40
Humid, Aqui.
Title: Re: Who's growing Chilli's?
Post by: Charlotte Sometimes on June 30, 2005, 12:33:38
Do you all grow them indoors?...

Its been like the hokey-cokey this year.  At one point everything indoors (aubs, chillies) was so infested with aphids that I chucked everything outdoors and let mother nature's critters pick them clean.  Which they did in record time!  If we don't get much more sun soon, I shall bring 'em back in.  I started out with 50/50 indoors/outdoors as an experiment.  The indoors ones flowered much more quickly, but they are still fruiting after being moved outdoors.  I think you do at least need to start them indoors for best results.  I believe my sowing date for these was about mid-March.
Title: Re: Who's growing Chilli's?
Post by: Mrs Ava on June 30, 2005, 12:52:08
50/50 this year.  I am growing lots more chillis and aubergenes this year, so things have gotten tight in the greenhouse.  Our deck is south facing and a real oven, the wood really absorbs the heat, so I have a selection in pots on there to see how they go, and I must say, they are going great at the moment!  I grew a couple of plants in the open on the allotment last year, and although they were covered in chillis, they never turned red, but they were still very useable and very nice indeedy!  ;D
Title: Re: Who's growing Chilli's?
Post by: Rox on June 30, 2005, 14:54:53
guys, I know we've had this somewhere before on the site, but can I ask how many of you pinch out the tops of your chilis/sweet peppers? and if so, whether this really does not only bush out the plants but speed up the cropping time a little? Mine are VERY slow and I'm starting to get a bit impatient  :( I'm growing the Thai hot chilis - they're apparently supposed to be dwarfs, but mine are about 12-14 inches right now, so I'm wondering what the deal is.  ??? cheers!
Title: Re: Who's growing Chilli's?
Post by: Jill on June 30, 2005, 15:20:05
Never pinched mine out.  In fact this year I was going to try on a couple to compare and then discovered they'd started branching all by themselves ;D 
Title: Re: Who's growing Chilli's?
Post by: Moggle on June 30, 2005, 15:52:48
I am growing 1 long thai plant this year, thanks to EJ  :) Is still in a small pot, waiting for me to clear the bottom of the grow-house and get a growbag in there.
Title: Re: Who's growing Chilli's?
Post by: Val on June 30, 2005, 16:39:04
I didn't sew mine until late April, maybe thats the problem. Its certainly not the weather, its been so hot out there. I'll keep them going to see what they do in the end.You never know they might suddenly do something even if its keel over and die.
Title: Re: Who's growing Chilli's?
Post by: Ken on June 30, 2005, 17:19:09
First time I've grown anything this year. I have chilli's growing in my green house, the plants are about 2 foot high with small flowers on.
The leaves at the top of the plants are dark green but are crinkly is this a problem.

Title: Re: Who's growing Chilli's?
Post by: Mrs Ava on June 30, 2005, 18:17:26
Never pinched.  Some branch, some don't, all grow like the clappers and produce more than I can eat fresh!  Thank goodness for dried and frozen chillis!  ;D
Title: Re: Who's growing Chilli's?
Post by: Charlotte Sometimes on June 30, 2005, 19:01:29
The leaves at the top of the plants are dark green but are crinkly is this a problem.

I think I know what you mean (hard to tell with no photo).  The tops of mine look like that sometimes.  As far as I know its normal and will not affect fruiting.  Tomatoes also do this (i.e. the top growth kind of curls under).  Not to worry, IMO.  I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong!  ;)
Title: Re: Who's growing Chilli's?
Post by: Ken on June 30, 2005, 20:54:25
Thanks for the info, I've been looking at books, they all seem to miss enough out to keep you guessing.

Title: Re: Who's growing Chilli's?
Post by: Jill on June 30, 2005, 22:21:19
Interesting one that crinkly leaf thing.  It's only my habaneros that occasionally seem to get it and then only the bigger ones.  They're not fruiting yet but have loads of flower buds so I'm not anticipating a problem.
Title: Re: Who's growing Chilli's?
Post by: grubbyhobbit on July 01, 2005, 16:33:50
I'm growing Firecracker, Heatwave, Cayenne and Poblano - they're just starting to come into flower following an aphid attack - do I need to get my paintbrush out and hand pollinate as they are in a small greenhouse?

Also, some of them seem to have gone a bit "rusty" around the edges of the leaves, what is this?
Title: Re: Who's growing Chilli's?
Post by: Ken on July 03, 2005, 11:13:53

Don't know about rusty but now I've found out how to get photos of my crinkly leaves on my post thanks to Jerry. A book I have says mist plants regularly to keep down spider mite and encourage fruit set, don't do it in direct sun light.

PS this is not why my leaves are like this, I had crinkly leaves before I started.

Title: Re: Who's growing Chilli's?
Post by: sandersj89 on July 04, 2005, 09:44:43
I have never needed to hand pollinate my chillies, they seem to be fine on thier own so far.

As to crinkly leaves, mine get that from time to time. It is perfectly normal and does not seem to effect the yield. However it also can be a sign of aphid attack. Gently trun the leaves over and look down into the growing tip and you may see some aphids lurking.


Title: Re: Who's growing Chilli's?
Post by: swainclubber on July 12, 2005, 22:33:20
mine just wont produce any pollen..its had dropped about 20 flowers thus far..but i did leave it in the conservatory for 3 days whilst i was away, and the plant turned into a crispy dried up mess...but now it is ok again hehe!!

and today a flower finally had pollen in it, then the plant dried up again whilst i was at work..perhaps the near death experience has made it decide that he REALLY does not to reproduce.

well i hope that is the case anyway!!
Title: Re: Who's growing Chilli's?
Post by: silverback on July 15, 2005, 22:49:08
grew apache f1 last year could not stop it got a crop of about 50 chilis about 30mm, could not stop them from growing and i normally manage to kill most things green
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