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Allotment Stuff => Locations and Sites => Topic started by: nitiram on June 28, 2005, 16:38:35

Title: rent
Post by: nitiram on June 28, 2005, 16:38:35
Am just in the process of taking on an allotment at last and wondered what do others pay in annual rent? Ours is a staggereing £47 per annum plus share of water meter ...  and due to go up again in January..and the lady in charge is wondering why not many folk are interested.  This is North east Lincolnshire and apparently very,very few people are interested in growing their own.
Title: Re: rent
Post by: Anne Robertson on June 28, 2005, 17:18:00
I'm in Cheshire and the site is on land owned by Shell Refinery, but the site is run by Allotment Ass. The rent is £9 a year including water and half that if you want a seconed one, so i think we have a very good deal.
Title: Re: rent
Post by: Piglottie on June 28, 2005, 18:52:55
Hi Nitiram

I'm just over the river from you in Hull.  I rent my allotment off Hull City Council, the plot is 250 m2 and costs only £24.50 - with water costs included!  Why not refer the council to our costs, so they can see the difference in an area not too far away?  Also, we had a similar discussion on here not too long back and I don't think I remember anyone paying as much as that  :-\

Title: Re: rent
Post by: Doris_Pinks on June 28, 2005, 21:55:51
I am in East Sussex and rent from the council, I pay £18.00 per annum, going up next year to £18.45!!   I have water right next to my plot  ( hurrah!)and thats it, we have to tend our own paths, (thank you Drew  :-* ) and get no help at all from the council, which many see as a blessing!
I would pay double that for the joy and produce my plot gives me, but I do think that keeping the cost low encourages us that do not have loads of money!  DP
Title: Re: rent
Post by: nitiram on June 28, 2005, 22:02:41
Wonder why there is such a wide range of rents? Is it because the councils can set their own tarriffs?  Are some allotments privately owned and rented out?
Title: Re: rent
Post by: Svea on June 28, 2005, 23:15:38
i looked into getting an allotment a little while back in the london borough of wandsworth. i believe the charge quoted was £120 plus per year.
no idea if that included water or not - even at that price the waiting list was 3 1/2 years so i never got to find out. we moved instead :)
Title: Re: rent
Post by: Mrs Ava on June 28, 2005, 23:43:40
Mine in sunny Essex are 3 quid each, but no piped water.  So, every September, I have to scrape together a whopping 6 pounds, and I have to say, I would pay 10 times that to keep my fabulous allotments!  ;D  (Although I might insist something were done about the lack of water!)
Title: Re: rent
Post by: busy_lizzie on June 29, 2005, 00:21:05
I pay £30 a year in Tyne & Wear, which includes water and membership of the NSALG.  It is worth every penny I think as we love it so much.  :) busy_lizzie
Title: Re: rent
Post by: Bodolph on June 29, 2005, 08:45:49
I'm in Reading where we pay ~£45 annually for a 250m2 plot near water. No extra charges but on our particular allotment water is supplied by hand pumps not pressurised. Good news though is we escape the hosepipe bans since our water is lifted directly from the Thames water table. Getting arms like Popeye though!
Title: Re: rent
Post by: clairenpaul on June 29, 2005, 09:10:23
Hi Nitiram- we're in North Lincs so we're nearly neighbours  ;D. We only pay £18 a year per plot on our site and have access to water at the end of our plot so it seems your council are being a little bit greedy, especially as you have to pay for the water too. why don't you get together with others on your site and tell your council you think you're paying over the odds.
Title: Re: rent
Post by: SpeedyMango on June 29, 2005, 09:19:02
I'm on a private site in Hampton Wick - £20 p.a. for a full plot, £10 for a half. Hand-pumped water and a pool of power and other tools for plotholders to use.

It may be that your owner (council?) is trying to price everyone out of the allotments so they can turn them into something else, Nitiram. As suggested, perhaps a meeting with the person in charge with evidence of rates in other areas?

Title: Re: rent
Post by: Lazybones on June 29, 2005, 09:24:49
I'm in Cambridge and our rent is £18 a year - Council owned but Assoc run.  We have natural water source so don't even have to pay for that - and there was me thinking that Cambridge was really really expensive for everything but it seems not for lotties from other posts!!!  :o
Title: Re: rent
Post by: Diesel on June 29, 2005, 10:46:24
Mines works out at around £16 including water and membership of the NSALG (which means we have free use of a petrol strimmer amongs other benefits).I have a tap on my plot but the pressure is poor unless you are there on your own.
Title: Re: rent
Post by: westsussexlottie on June 29, 2005, 10:58:01
£21 west sussex per plot including private water supply.
Title: Re: rent
Post by: Fingle.... on June 29, 2005, 11:50:14
Im in Surbiton, and get charged £26 per plot (we have 2) = 250m2
We have a tap at the endof out plot too for free (so far)
Title: Re: rent
Post by: philandjan on June 29, 2005, 15:55:09
We're in Sheffield and pay £12 p.a. but no water on site, other than a muddy stream.

Site belongs to Wentworth Estate but is run by our own Association.
Title: Re: rent
Post by: tamsin on June 29, 2005, 16:28:15
Mine's in Redbridge, East London. It's council run and includes water but costs £60ish p.a. I thought that was quite reasonable till I found out what other people are paying!
Title: Re: rent
Post by: weedgrower on June 29, 2005, 17:19:03
my plots in blackburn and for a full plot i pay £58 a year which includes water rates as we have running water. oap's pay £48 per year >:( >:( >:(
Title: Re: rent
Post by: katynewbie on June 29, 2005, 19:46:06
Mine is £50 a year, but there is water laid on. The tap is at the end of my plot :D, I thought it was a small price to pay til I read these posts...eeeeeek!! ::)
Title: Re: rent
Post by: fbgrifter on June 29, 2005, 19:54:15
20 pound a plot here in hayfield, no water but there is a stream and a communal giant water butt.  it was private land that was bequeathed to the parish.
Title: Re: rent
Post by: thomasb on June 29, 2005, 22:31:44
I pay £1 a year for mine in Oxfordshire.  There is no great security on site, but there are a number of water taps situated around the plot.

Title: Re: rent
Post by: BAGGY on July 02, 2005, 00:00:16
Kent.  375 square metres (or is that metered square ?),anyway one and a half plots.  Less than 40 quid,half price as I am reg disabled, with tanked water.  Council land, assoc run.  Cheep at that price but not sure if I had to pay full price - dunno
Title: Re: rent
Post by: PeteA on July 02, 2005, 09:32:06
I have 3/4 of a plot, rent £18 pounds last year, with water included. That's in Northampton. A full plot is about £24. I don't know how security could be made any better yet expensive and power tools go missing and sheds are damaged. Usually when travellers are camped nearby, but I would never dare suggest the two are connected.

Title: Re: rent
Post by: nitiram on July 02, 2005, 19:03:49
This is probably a daft question but all those of you with no water on do you water your plants?  A water butt is OK but unless it rains a  lot they can soon run dry.

Got my lottie key yesterday, £5 for key and £3.99 for ID photos. Am only allowed one key , no copies to be made so haven't worked out yet how my daughter is goingt o be on site when I'm not if she can't have a key.
Title: Re: rent
Post by: lanky lass on July 03, 2005, 12:55:19
£42.50 per year for mine. I too thought this was cheap until i found out what others are paying. We have no water neither.
 Lottie neighbour says he's never gone short of water just using water butts, in over 30 years.  I think he has quite a lot of them though.  I've only got an old dust bin to use so far......
Title: Re: rent
Post by: Zippy Seale on July 04, 2005, 15:30:45
We just got ours and we have great security on the site, running water,  taps are every 3 plots, and a 50% discount for being a leisure card holder.
we pay £2.90 a rod, about 25m squared we have 10 rods so we pay £14.50 a year. Southampton City Council are really positive about there allotment progam.
Title: Re: rent
Post by: Mrs Ava on July 04, 2005, 23:22:57
Nitiram, you will see us non tappers doing raindances regularly, early on Sunday mornings, when our mange tout plants are wilting and our spuds aren't swelling!

Seriously though, I encorporate masses and masses of chunky organic 'stuff' into our clay ground.  Then only water when I am sowing seeds or transplanting seedlings.  I have 4 water butts.  However, I have been a touch lucky of late as our allotment neighbour, who is also the site secretary, lives next door to my plot, and she has kindly allowed me to use her hose to help things along!
Title: Re: rent
Post by: nitiram on July 05, 2005, 12:08:22
EJ it must be hard work, but in a way very environmentally aware as we are being encouraged to conserve water. What do you mulch with? Is anything better at keeping in moisture than others?
Title: Re: rent
Post by: Bagpuss74 on July 05, 2005, 12:26:27
Just signed up in Chesterfield last week - £6.50 per year including water! Must be a bargain.  ;)
Title: Re: rent
Post by: moonbells on July 05, 2005, 13:27:56
£18.50 for a 10 pole plot per year.

It's going up in the autumn to £20 but last year there was no rise.

Water standpipe every few plots, but I still have a butt connected to the shed roof guttering.  If we start getting water rationing then I shall be playing silly beggars with hoses in order to link several butts to the roof.

Title: Re: rent
Post by: only small on July 05, 2005, 13:37:13
Mine in Chelmsford costs £25.00 per year, with water included.
Title: Re: rent
Post by: Mrs Ava on July 06, 2005, 23:18:25
Nitiram, I mulch with anything and everything!  Grasscuttings have been going down inbetween my rows of spuds.  Old compost from seedtrays or old pot plants, baskets etc has been put down around my runnerbeans and rotted horsey poop has been going down around my corns and squashes.  I make as much compost as I possibly can, and dig that in over winter and early spring, even the chunky stuff - altho that tends to go where the spuds are destined.

Only small...where about's in Chelmsford is your plot?  We are in Danbury.
Title: Re: rent
Post by: jennym on July 09, 2005, 22:14:44
On our site the rent is £10 and £15 for a slightly longer one. The water is in cisterns, only 2 on site so not so good. The council cuts the grass on the main path twice a year but apart from that, zilch.
Title: Re: rent
Post by: daveandtara on July 10, 2005, 14:38:30
we're in south east london. no security, lots of vandalism but tapped water on site and all for £2.45 per year. not bad eh?
Title: Re: rent
Post by: nitiram on July 10, 2005, 17:09:31
So why are our rents £48 per annum, due to go up to £52 in January 2006?   And then the lady in charge complains that no one seems to be interested!!!  Roll on when i am 60 and I get it half price, only another 4 years to go. 
Title: Re: rent
Post by: BAGGY on July 10, 2005, 20:38:33
Daveandtara.  Where abouts in south London are you?  That is really cheap in comparison to mine.  I'm in Bexley (just).
Title: Re: rent
Post by: Deleted on July 11, 2005, 08:53:11
Just what i was thinking baggy. Before i had to give up my plot I had one next door to you, in Thamesmead. It was about £47 with no concessions. Comes iunder Greenwich council - there's are all the same price (£4,70 per rod i think)
Title: Re: rent
Post by: TEL on July 11, 2005, 16:40:43
Was £5.00 a plot in Wing bucks but just gone up to £10
a year. But i got my first year free. But sadly no water.
Title: Re: rent
Post by: BACONBUTTY on July 14, 2005, 01:09:04
We pay £12.00 per annum but it is going to £15.00 next year 2006 plot size 80ft x 90ft do not pay for water.
Title: Re: rent
Post by: gayle on July 14, 2005, 19:29:51
4.50 per year for a 9 pole plot, with water tap.
Bargin :P :P
Title: Re: rent
Post by: Old Central on July 14, 2005, 23:20:56
London Borough of Merton charges us £7 (£4.90/£3.50 for various concessions) a rod this year, so that's £70 for our 10 rods. We do get water, although we must be near a ban, and a padlock that occasionally works.
Title: Re: rent
Post by: fluffygrue on August 15, 2005, 11:58:51
Anyone know what Manchester council typically charges? Getting very tempted here... :D

Title: Re: rent
Post by: daisymay on August 15, 2005, 13:42:01
such a variety of costs! ours is £32.50 per year including water. It is very secure - big iron padlocked gates etc... went up from £30 this year apparently (which was the published price on their website) and when I went to sign the paperwork the woman could not apologise enough for the increase in price and said she would understand if I wasn't interested anymore! LOL

still a bargain when you think about how much you spend on fruit and veg in Tescos etc.. !
Title: Re: rent
Post by: bupster on August 15, 2005, 13:55:49
Also in Cambridge, £20.80 per annum, water free, toilets on site, eight-foot fence with keycode for gates, store open on fridays and sundays by lottie association (who have also cleared two-thirds of my plot for me). I too thought Cambridge was insanely expensive for everything!
Title: Re: rent
Post by: bupster on August 15, 2005, 15:54:08
Bizarrely my site apparently has problems with too many vacant plots (there's about 20 free of 202) because it's too far out to the north of the city (10 mins on bicycle from centre of town, no hills). And this is while there's a three year waiting list for the central council sites. I can understand putting your name down for a site across the road, but if you're going to have to travel more than five minutes, why not choose the best facilities? Not that I did, you understand, I just phoned round until someone was nice to me ;)
Title: Re: rent
Post by: ellkebe on August 15, 2005, 19:27:57
£33 (about) a year, including water from taps every other 2nd or 3rd plot. Toilets and cafe on site, plus shop weekends and Weds.  Security seems good - padlocked gate and fences erected all round site.  Pay a little extra for the social club - licensed!  All seems like good value to me - especially if I ever actually get reasonable harvests as the veg. we buy is organic, and sooo expensive!
Title: Re: rent
Post by: ellkebe on August 15, 2005, 19:29:14
Should have mentioned all the expertise thrown in for free  ;D  I swear I should be paying some of my neighbours a retainer!!
Title: Re: rent
Post by: suzylou on August 15, 2005, 21:18:19
I feel ripped off  :D I've just signed up to pay £43 a year in Hounslow, no shop, no loos but there IS a water butt right at the end of my plot (which as far as I can figure out somehow fills from the mains) and the neighbours are lovely.

Feeling quite chuffed too, as I got my plot 2 weeks ago when there were 6 available on the site, and now all of a sudden there are no vacancies!  :P
Title: Re: rent
Post by: bupster on August 16, 2005, 11:54:06
I love the idea of a licensed social club. I'd never leave the site!
Title: Re: rent
Post by: suzylou on August 16, 2005, 13:18:52
Wardy, I tend to be one of those people who goes at it like a mad thing :)  However, I'm already starting to realise that I won't get anywhere without a little patience.  As long as by next summer I have something to harvest, I will be happy :>
Title: Re: rent
Post by: amphibian on August 17, 2005, 00:17:10
My council charge £2.50/perch , I have 17 but they only charge me for 15-- so I pay £37.50/annum including water, which is supplied though a mains-fed cistern. There is no security and deer are a menace, the council have just started installing deer fencing, but are insisting the job is done despite a 4' gap at the end of my plot.

I don't have to pay rent till April.
Title: Re: rent
Post by: okell on August 31, 2005, 21:45:44
I live in Cumbria and my rent costs me £100 a year as it's not from the council but private and theres no water so I've got 8 water butts going, there are about 10 allotments down the road, but they are so small you can hardly fit anything on them and could have either a shed or a greenhouse not both and its about £25 a year. I prefer the private one as its huge and its a long term contract, lot of work I've only had it three years and no-ones used it for 5 years so very overgrown.
Title: Re: rent
Post by: Truffle on September 05, 2005, 09:44:04
Ours is in south manchester and costs £14 for a half plot (50x36'). We inherited a shed a about 6 water butts. The site also has piped water, a shop, car access and huge fences all the way round with padlocked gates. The people are great and my allotment neighbours keep forcing produce on us :D
All in all we're very happy!
Title: Re: rent
Post by: Mike J on October 09, 2005, 22:50:37
In Lancing, West Sussex, ours are £20 per annum  per 5 rod plot (I think this is generally considered to be a half plot), with water at various standpipes/troughs (one on my plot, yippee!), plus padlocked gate. We're not allowed to have sheds (how can I collect rainwater without a sloping roof?) or greenhouses. Has a secure store for tools for £2.50 pa run by the lottie association.
Title: Re: rent
Post by: reedos on October 10, 2005, 21:35:35
£28-00 including water for us here in Gateshead. Bargain I think ;D
Title: Re: rent
Post by: joji on October 11, 2005, 08:43:33
Our plot ( if you can call it that football field more like ) is
£42.20 per year. no water, no toilets 1 large rather rotten ex chicken shed and another smaller rather rotten chicken box thing.  It also contains what can only be described as a small wood that over takes about 1/4 of the space. There fore that area can't be used for growing any thing, and we are not aloud to cut any of them down only prune them. :(

Still never mind great shade for the summer if it gets to hot. :)
Title: Re: rent
Post by: flower on October 11, 2005, 10:57:44
We pay 20 quid per plot and have got 3 (stanley in co Durham) water is free and its run by the allotment association  :)
Title: Re: rent
Post by: Mrs Ava on October 12, 2005, 16:35:14
Love your avatar Flower!  Is that you and Peter??  ;D ;) ;D
Title: Re: rent
Post by: flower on October 13, 2005, 09:22:49
 ;D ;D certainly is E.J
Title: Re: rent
Post by: paul-ukp on October 13, 2005, 12:06:03
I pay £14 for a plot in Holmer Green, South Bucks. This includes water.

Out of interest I looked up on the internet the cost of allotments at Thurrock where my Mother lives - £75 a plot there !!!  Is there anywhere more expensive? I certainly won't be retiring down there in my dotage.

Title: Re: rent
Post by: hawhaw on October 19, 2005, 11:12:23
Our lottie is in East Northants and it's the whopping fee of £5 a year, we have security gates at the front but no security from the adjoining public footpath at the rear, water is from giant butts onsite.
Title: Re: rent
Post by: kentishchloe on October 19, 2005, 15:48:37
£14.40 per year inc water. secure, padlocked site with parking.
Title: Re: rent
Post by: EmmaLou on October 19, 2005, 17:50:01
In Tring its £15 for full plot, £7.50 for half. (I have a half) They are putting up the prices next year and changing the way its paid: Those that are over 60 years of age or have a Dacorum Card (local discount card for people on benefits), the charge will be £1.50 per pole and for all others it will be £2 per pole.

When I signed up I had to pay £5 for administration charges as I had taken it on 3 months before the full rent was due. Not sure how they worked that one out? Was a bit annoyed about the extra cost until I read how much some of you are paying! :o

As far as I know the water is included in the price. Not much else included!
Title: Re: rent
Post by: OldWolf on October 20, 2005, 11:30:07
£0 quid a year but well worth it :) in Bedford
Title: Re: rent
Post by: Suru on October 25, 2005, 14:47:40
We're in Leeds and pay £25-45  for a full plot.Its a secure site with parking and water included.We also have free use of petrol mowers,strimmers and ladders.You can hire a rotavator for £1-50.
Works out at around 50p a week and I'm sharing with a friend ,so its 25p each per week-cheap at half the price!
Title: Re: rent
Post by: OldWolf on October 26, 2005, 12:51:07
£0 quid a year but well worth it :) in Bedford

opps i should have said £30 year but well worthit
Title: Re: rent
Post by: Looby Loo on October 28, 2005, 09:03:35
Down here in Eastbourne we pay £26 per year, £3ish for water and a fiver for the key.

Very good security and no vandalism, a brilliant shop which opens fri,sat and sun mornings from February til November. There's a small shed supplied with each plot and water is available every 3 plots or so. My only gripe is that I wish we could hire strimmers and the like. I'd happily pay £2-£3 a morning for the hire of a strimmer, but talking to the established allotmenteers it's never going to happen under the current regime.

All in all I'm chuffed to bits with the allotment, we seemed to have been adopted by our neighbours too. In all honestly if they jacked the rent up fivefold it would still be a bargain. :)
Title: Re: rent
Post by: OldWolf on October 29, 2005, 06:46:59
i agree whole heartedly , the only thing that would make me move is if i decided to get chickens and bees
Title: Re: rent
Post by: Icyberjunkie on October 30, 2005, 07:03:41
West Sussex on a Parish Council run plot.  Free water and good parking but nothing else and have to apply for permission if want a greenhouse or shed (a few have with no problem).

No membership or admin charge,  the rent is £15 for a full plot (about 30' square) and £7.50 a half plot.  I now have 2 plots.
Title: Re: rent
Post by: Mrs Ava on November 01, 2005, 18:35:44
Paid my 6 quid today for my 2 plots.  Bargain.  Still no security, still no running water, still tend to me up there all alone with just the neighbours greyhound for company!  Still bloody marvelous!  ;D
Title: Re: rent
Post by: Lady Cosmos on November 02, 2005, 12:32:18
Am I lucky, I have not enough ground close to the house to use as a veggie area ( I should say I am not allowed to have more ground ;D) so I rent an allotment at work. Being in the Netherlands, my plot is just behind the dunes, former bulbfields. Cost E25, that is about Eng Pounds 18. That includes free watertaps with hoose every 30 meter, that is no drinking water, but recycled water. Security gards walking and cycling around, fences against hares, Free sea shells for the paths, Free manure, Big shed (everybody has a key) with lots of wheelbarrows, forks, rakes, hoes,spades, rotivator, fridge, paper for cleaning tools , room enough for leaving dirty wellies , etc. Watertap for drinking, toilets and showers with free liquid soap.
Cann't complaine, can I???
Makes it very easy to work in the garden at lunch time, special in wintertime, work, swim, shower and start working again, ideal.
Title: Re: rent
Post by: shifty581 on November 03, 2005, 13:30:54
Hi Nitiram
I am in Rugby Warwickshire. Rent per plot £12 including water. if you are a o.a.p.its only £7 a year. (Thats me) :)
Title: Re: rent
Post by: sid on November 15, 2005, 20:01:09
mine is in doncaster it is just shy of 400 m2 i pay 18 pound a year but we have no warter on site yet but i am ok as my allot is at bottom of garden
Title: Re: rent
Post by: krisali on January 13, 2006, 23:33:59
Ho Folks, I'm in Walthamstow, East London.  I've just taken on a full plot which cost £50 and £5 for the keys.  I've also been charged a one off payment of £20 to 'hire' the shed!  We have mains water, toilets (allegedly) and 7' fencing.  Vandalism is a real problem with the kids regularly burning down the sheds, it would appear that the said fencing does nothing to deter them.

There is no topsoil on my plot and it's costing me a fortune in material for raised beds.  However, I've raided the local factories and am now the proud owner of 2 fantastic compost bins made of pallets.

Ours is a private association and I'm mad keen to attend the AGM to see the books.  By my calculation they are making at least £10,000 a year and I'm busting to see how the 'profits' are used.

To my mind I don't see why they couldn't give me, at least, a couple of bags of compost to make up for the lack of topsoil.  Mine is a new plot as the council did a compulsory purchase on part of the site and some of the plots were moved.  Mine is one of the 'moved' plots, top soil was delivered but not distributed and it got nicked by the other plot holders, good for them but crap for me.
Title: Re: rent
Post by: Orfy on July 27, 2006, 21:40:11
£50 for plot and £40 deposit.

 :'( :'( :'(
Title: Re: rent
Post by: Squashfan on July 28, 2006, 15:59:05
Here in Greenwich we pay £49 for 11 rods. Have taps, no toilet, a padlocked fence (which does not stop the local urchins much, but they and the foxes probably do an equal amount of damage) and helpful allotment neighbours. The supervisor is very good at nagging the council to mow, hire a skip, etc.
There are worse things to spend my money on and there's room for the squashes.  ;D
Title: Re: rent
Post by: shirlton on July 29, 2006, 19:21:38
we have only half a plot and because we took it over just 4 weeks ago we get it free until october then we have to pay just £5 per year. We have water laid on and toilets. We  have a communial shed which is going to be repaired by the council.We  have an allotment association shed where we can buy our stuff cheaper than the norm. That cost us £4 per year. We also have a lecture every month in the local community centre and an open show every year. Not too bad at all here in Birmingham
Title: Re: rent
Post by: OliveOil on July 30, 2006, 10:23:32
50m x 10 m = £0/pa  ;D
Title: Re: rent
Post by: legendaryone on August 27, 2006, 15:46:59
Just got my allotment today :)
The cost is 8 pence a metre which works out at £20 for 250m2 Half price for OAP's Water is provided through stand pipes and that costs £8
I paid 5 pound deposit for the key, i  have got the rest of the year free as there is a bit of work that needs doing :)
You can put sheds, greenhouses and poly tunnels on the only rule they cannot be ugly. You park your car on your plot as there isn't any parking and we have good fencing and padlocked gates.
There is a shop and proper toilets.
Title: Re: rent
Post by: TheGrowingFamily on August 29, 2006, 12:11:46
Same for me orfy.

Just noticed your not too far from me,  I'm at the Kingsway North site.

Title: Re: rent
Post by: barngardener on September 02, 2006, 15:34:48
 :)Hi All, just registered so new to all this, this is also my first year on the allotment  mine is in a village outside of Barnsley, this year the rent  was 29.00 but they have put a water tap at my gate recently so I expect this to rise
Title: Re: rent
Post by: Shas on September 04, 2006, 07:56:12
Just under 50 quid a year in Blackpool for full plot, payable quarterly.  But, we have loads of water taps (one right outside our plot), nothing extra to pay except a fiver a year for our own site association,   We have free water, well rotted manure delivered regularly, excellent security, cheap hire of petrol shredders, strimmers, rotovators etc., regular collections of scrap, and social events.  Our secretary told us the other week we are planning on having a 'clubhouse' built in the near future too.
Got our first quarter free, 'coz of the state it was in.
Less than a quid a week for fresh veg?  We think it's a bargain! (Or will next year when we grow some!).
Title: Re: rent
Post by: louise stella on November 27, 2006, 14:39:47

MInes is in Kent - council owned and cost is £35 per year with free water - at the end of next doors plot!  Includes concrete paths, small concrete shed (not on plot though  :( ) and preety secure fencing and gates etc.

Title: Re: rent
Post by: kt. on November 27, 2006, 19:26:51
Ours are all owned by Lord Guisborough. Tennacy secured for only ten years on the site. We pay £20 - rising to £25 in 2007. There are taps but you are not allowed to use hosepipes. The taps are for the welbeing of livestock. (People are always testing to see the taps still work......with jerrycan in hand ;) We also pay £1 per annum membership to use the allotment shop - this is £1 well spent.
Title: Re: rent
Post by: kitten on November 27, 2006, 20:26:13
We're going to be paying £40 per year, and there is water on tap, but no allotment shop, loo or security! However, both of our neighbours have been there around 30 years so I'm guessing their experience will be priceless!
Title: Re: rent
Post by: plot73 on November 28, 2006, 22:21:43
Mines in Crawley and rented from the local council at a rate of 26p (13p for OAPS) per m2, so mine will set me back £41 pounds. We also pay a crisp fiver to the Allot Soc. for the shop and other bits and bobs. Water is included (no hosepipes tho) with the tap right on the corner of my plot ;D
Title: Re: rent
Post by: saddad on November 30, 2006, 16:51:12
We are a private site in Derby, we actually own the land so no Landlord to pay... have a security fence, taps and a flushing toilet block. We have just had a rent rise of 50% to £15 per 300sq yards pa... courtesy of the nasty treasurer (ME!)
Title: Re: rent
Post by: arphamoe on November 30, 2006, 20:16:28
Here in Daventry, the Allotments are run by the Town Council and the local Allotment Association, and a 10pole is £15 per year including water and an annual skip for rubbish, and £2 a year to join the Allotment Association - cheap seeds and products from a shop on one of our 4 sites
Title: Re: rent
Post by: saddad on November 30, 2006, 22:42:33
The terror of a classical education, I keep reading 1/2 a mo as Amphorae...
you got a good deal there!
Title: Re: rent
Post by: norfolklass on December 04, 2006, 16:05:09
ours are priced at 12pence per m2 per year, so a 250m2 plot costs £30. and there's a 50% discount to over 60s.
Title: Re: rent
Post by: firstofficerspong on May 25, 2007, 23:20:53
£33 for 65m2.  Reckon that's the most expensive yet isn't it?? :-[
Title: Re: rent
Post by: Jeannine on May 25, 2007, 23:39:32
Our two lots came to £83 this year for two plots,(minus a wrinklies discount)water included we have self fill water tanks down one side of the  road that runs  the full length of the allotmants , they are about every eighth plot or so,and the councilwill install  a tap for a hose if anyone is unable to carry  water far.

Each plot is about 150 feet long and 22feet wide.

We have a decent facility with toilets etc and a community room with kitchen, fridge,microwave etc plus we have  a shop. We have lock up secure containers too.

Locked gates and 6 foot metal fencing helps somewhat.

Regular deliveries on truck loads of cow poo for £10.

Association with a very small amount of dues.

I think for what we get the money is very little and I think we are extremely fortunate.

I often read about no water, etc even no road access and I know we could not do it in those circumstances

I think it is money well spent.

XX Jeannine
Title: Re: rent
Post by: forestry.guy on June 16, 2007, 11:18:38
Hi all

I am in the first year of having a plot took it over on a  new site in april and the rent is £14 a year with mains water.

forestry guy
Title: Re: rent
Post by: notlaps on June 16, 2007, 19:40:45
I'm in north notts and i paying £50 which includes your plot 300 squared, shed rental which is a brick built one like a coal shed, and water rates. And every plot is taken, i'm beginning to think this is expensive reading this forum! And we can't build a greenhouse. Which is a real shame!
Title: Re: rent
Post by: Trevor_D on June 16, 2007, 20:16:21
We are self-governing - a Poors' Field site under the Enclosure Act. We pay £10 (plus inflation - currently something approaching £10.40) per 5 pole.

We have no central hut or toilets. But there are two vehicle gates and a small car park; water butts on or near every plot (no hoses allowed); a supply of stable manure from our on-site stables; lockers for rent (not as many as there are plot-holders, unfortunately); a machinery shed with mowers, strimmers & rotovators.

And newcomers get the first six months free. (But no discount for wrinklies, I'm sorry to say - perhaps I'll bring that up at the next committee meeting!)

It's quite difficult to compare, though: some of us are quoting poles, others square yards, or square metres, or full plots, or half plots.... And salaries & house prices are different where I live from other areas.... But it's all cheaper than buying the stuff at Waitrose or the farmers' market.

In financial terms, I don't think any one of us is hard done by. But perhaps we ought to press for things like water, fences & car parks.
Title: Re: rent
Post by: Arumlily on June 16, 2007, 20:40:37
I am in east Anglia Chelmsford I only have half a plot not sure how many  rods that is. When I started the rent was only £3, over the years it has risen due to water bill. I am currently renting it for a fiver. Every year as october approaches I get a bit nervous for wondering if they are going to increase the rent again. We have many designated water butts with taps. We have toilet facilities, but I have never once used it all these years I've been there. Apparently women are not encourage to use it, for someone commented that just in case we cause some blockage due to our monthlies. I was gobsmacked when I heard this.
Title: Re: rent
Post by: asbean on June 16, 2007, 21:24:22
We have just over 280 sq metres, £24.70 for the year (price has gone up again!!!), with free water.
Title: Re: rent
Post by: Emagggie on June 16, 2007, 22:27:52
Essex here too, I pay £10 p.a. for 1/2 plot (5rod). Water conveniently beside my plot. Brilliant ;D  Plot neighbour moaning tonight as the other half of his beautifully tended plot has been left to the weeds and not much can be done as the year has been paid for.  ::) He thinks we should pay more to discourage this problem. I think a certain allotment sec should get off his a**e and sort it. ;D
Title: Re: rent
Post by: Orfy on March 17, 2008, 20:29:14
I gave up at the Victoria park plot. £56 for a half plot.
I've moved to Woolston for £10 a year.

I just need to get my £40 deposit back now.
Title: Re: rent
Post by: Pita on March 21, 2008, 22:31:31
I have only just got my plot from Greenwich Borough and its £6.50 a rod for residence and £8.50 for non residence, worth every penny
Title: Re: rent
Post by: Gazfoz on March 22, 2008, 08:36:27
£10 for half a plot, good soil, south facing gentle slope and free water.
Heaven i'm in heaven................................. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D 8)
Title: Re: rent
Post by: Teena on March 22, 2008, 17:18:44
 ;D ;D  we have just paid our rent £9.75 for 2 plots roughly 90ft by 25 ft each only drawback no running water but you'd never guess from whats being grown.
we have 3 big water butts  100gallons all full from this past winter and summer so plenty for this year already
Title: Re: rent
Post by: Patrick King on March 31, 2008, 23:42:52
my rent for a ten hole plot is £16.75 with water included in the rent. and i have one of the taps at the off my plot.  ;D
Title: Re: rent
Post by: devil4975 on April 02, 2008, 17:14:16
hi i have a plot in nelson lancs and i pay £58.00 includes water had another on that was £48.00 i think we are being ripped off
Title: Re: rent
Post by: ACE on April 02, 2008, 17:43:48
hi i have a plot in nelson lancs and i pay £58.00 includes water had another on that was £48.00 i think we are being ripped off

Just over a pound a week, not the best price but a very cheap hobby.
Title: Re: rent
Post by: Tin Shed on April 02, 2008, 18:18:26
I will be paying just over £50 for three 5 rod plots, water on site, plus canteen, shop and toilets nd good company - as Ace pointed  out, it will be about a pound a week. Not bad considering that you can't buy a lot for a pound these days.
Title: Re: rent
Post by: littlebabybird on April 02, 2008, 23:34:19
Tin shed, i dont mind paying my pound a week but it seem unfair that for my £56.55  i only get 6.5 rods
so i'm paying a little under 3 times as much as you

sorry for posting feeling a little sad about this
Title: Re: rent
Post by: Tin Shed on April 05, 2008, 22:21:59
There certainly seems to be a very wide variation of rents around the country and it must seem a bit rough when you are on the 'wrong' end of the rent scale. I have been amazed when I have read how much/how little some of us pay.
Title: Re: rent
Post by: littlebabybird on April 06, 2008, 00:20:22
Hi Tin Shed
sorry i was having a bad day
I would pay twice as much  for my patch even if i dont manage to grow anything
i love it there
Title: Re: rent
Post by: Emagggie on April 06, 2008, 19:43:14
Went to pay my dues last week, £11 for 5 rods with water, nowt else, but nowt else needed ;D and allotments sec for local parish was bemoaning the fact that he couldn't get some chap to give up although he does nothing. Apparently he stores stuff in his shed. Cheap rent or what!
I did suggest he gives him 3 months to sort the plot or go, (there is a waiting list) but none are as deaf as those who wont hear (especially a suggestion from a mere woman ::) ;D). Sadly I have no voice at the parish commitee meeting as I live 3 houses outside the parish, even though I pay rent.
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