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Produce => Edible Plants => Topic started by: undercarriage plan on June 24, 2005, 21:49:49

Title: What do they do to them....?????
Post by: undercarriage plan on June 24, 2005, 21:49:49
Very concerned now!! Just had first harvest of celery, I know, I know, bit early! All had a nibble of a stick( it was delicious!) and put the rest in the fridge for a salad tonight. 
Well, on retrieving the celery this pm, it was really limp. Now my quandry is - what on earth do supermarkets do to their celery that makes it stay in the fridge for a week, and still be rock hard and non-limpy!!!!!! puzzled, perturbed, confused and slightly narked that my organic variety doesn't stay firm for onger than 5 minutes!!  ;D  ;D  ;D Lottie
Title: Re: What do they do to them....?????
Post by: Mothy on June 24, 2005, 23:44:15
It does make you wonder, doesn't it?

Our lettuce are delicious when picked, but only last a few days in the fridge!

The shop bought stuff must be treated in some unhealthy way!
Title: Re: What do they do to them....?????
Post by: Doris_Pinks on June 24, 2005, 23:45:38
It might be worth trimming it's bottom and putting it in a jug of water in the fridge, I do this to asparagus and it lasts for ages!
Title: What do they do to them....?????
Post by: DolphinGarden on June 24, 2005, 23:51:41
No no no. Well, I'm sure it helps alright. But this was discussed before. Veg and fruit is irradiated to keep it longer. All supermarket produce is the same. That's the advantage of growing your own organic stuff. I have never used the search facility on here. Don't know where it is, but if you search irradiation, or vegetable preservative or something, you may find it. I will go and have a look myself cos it was one of my contributions but someone else submitted the actual scientific link..


yeah found it, back in November  {Top Tips/top tips required}. Scary I know and I don't know why I don't grow my own veg. here is the link. I think it was Richardf that submitted it.
Title: Re: What do they do to them....?????
Post by: moonbells on June 25, 2005, 08:47:16
It does make you wonder, doesn't it?

Our lettuce are delicious when picked, but only last a few days in the fridge!

The shop bought stuff must be treated in some unhealthy way!

My problem is wilting carrots - but I figure that is simply due to the water to dry matter ratio within each of them. With home-grown carrots, the taste is so much more intense because there is proportionately less water, but it also means there's less to evaporate so they go rubbery faster.

Good incentive to eat them quickly or prepare for freezing! I do stick the carrots in a mug of water so they stay plumper for longer.  I keep meaning to order some of Lakeland's stayfresh bags - anyone any experience?

Even shop-bought organic veg are full of water (after all, the price received is dependent on the weight) so last longer.  But of course they all taste blander because of it.

Title: Re: What do they do to them....?????
Post by: ina on June 25, 2005, 22:17:47
Doing things to make veggies, or any other food for that matter, stay fit for consumption longer might not be such a bad idea as long as it's proven not to be unhealthy. Too much food gets wasted as it is while elsewhere people are hungry. I don't believe that doing things to food always means unhealthy. The problem is that we can't always predict the impact things have in the future, things like genetic manipulation. It scares me but what if it can help solve the hunger in the world without causing problems? The same for chemical fertilizers, if it's used so that food can be grown in areas that otherwise are not suited for agriculture and feed people without causing problems?

I feel fortunate to be able to grow my own veggies organically. I don't understand what pesticides, herbicides and chemical fertilizers do so I don't use them. I just wish there was a way to know for sure what the impact of our interference with nature has. It would be so good if crops didn't have to fail and people everywhere had enough to eat.

Pfffffffffff, heavy stuff this but food for thought?
Title: Re: What do they do to them....?????
Post by: Rosa_Mundi on June 25, 2005, 22:29:32
Good incentive to eat them quickly or prepare for freezing! I do stick the carrots in a mug of water so they stay plumper for longer.  I keep meaning to order some of Lakeland's stayfresh bags - anyone any experience?


Yes - they do. But it's a lot cheaper (and simpler) to wrap undamaged veg. tightly in silver foil and then fridge. Works for carrots and similar veg., but make sure they're sound - otherwise you'll unwrap some wonderful mush!  ;D
Title: Re: What do they do to them....?????
Post by: Icyberjunkie on June 26, 2005, 14:11:39
Irradiated,  irradiated did I here mention!!!   Nothing like that.  I work with lettuce and veg growers as my job and they are deffo not irradiated.   Biggest differences are crops selecting for ability to last on the shefl (hence claims of high quality, low flavour),  they are watered to the very minimum to encourage high fibre content so no wilting,  and chilled to around 2oC in <2 hours.   

We don't do lots of that so great flavour.  Have you tried standing the celery in chilled water.  Works wonders?
Title: Re: What do they do to them....?????
Post by: redimp on June 26, 2005, 14:18:40
I have my caterpillar ravaged cabbages standing root and all in some water to keep them as fresh as possible - seems to be working so far.  The dandelions I pulled for the guinea pigs did not seem too bad either.
Title: Re: What do they do to them....?????
Post by: undercarriage plan on June 26, 2005, 16:58:18
About to try Lakeland plastics bags, will let you know... Will also try standing in jug of water....Will let you know!! Will also try giving the celery crop a really good drink, it's been so dry here.... Will let you know!!! Won't try irradicating it, cos know idea how!!!! Thanks for help.  May just try eating it at lottie!! Lottie  ;D  ;D
Title: Re: What do they do to them....?????
Post by: busy_lizzie on June 26, 2005, 17:07:25
Yes we have found that, delicious though our produce is, it goes limp very quickly too, so we have to either eat it or prepare and freeze  it straight away.  I too wondered what on earth the manufacturers were doing to the supermarket veg which last for ages.

 Last year I gave my brother some of our lovely new potatoes and some lettuces and radishes which were so fresh and crisp.   I didn't warn him to eat them immediately and when I saw him next and asked if he had enjoyed them he told me  they could'nt eat them as a couple of days later the pots had gone green and the salad stuff was  too limp.  Have warned him since but will try some of your suggestions. too. busy_lizzie    
Title: Re: What do they do to them....?????
Post by: Justy on June 26, 2005, 22:40:10
wish any of my stuff actually made it back from the lottie to go limp!!

Keep waiting for gluts but so far just about enough peas, courgettes and strawberries to eat on the way back.  :)
Title: Re: What do they do to them....?????
Post by: Marley Farley on June 27, 2005, 09:10:27
::) You need to bag or box up your veg in the refrigerator as it will take all the moisture out  ::) It keeps it all cool, but drys it out at same time. We keep our stuff that's in the refrigerator in bags & plastic boxes & it stays nice & crisp.  ;D
Title: Re: What do they do to them....?????
Post by: westsussexlottie on June 27, 2005, 10:45:12
I read that "whats in the food on your plate" book.
I will never eat supermarket bagged salads again.
What some packers/sellers do to food is enough to put you off your dinner...
Title: Re: What do they do to them....?????
Post by: tim on June 27, 2005, 11:47:32
Put things in Lakeland stayfresh bags - & forget it till it's gorn off!!

Most things like to stand - after trimming the root - in 1/2" water. Asparagus, especially, will grow inches after picking!! But change the water daily.

We're fortunate in having a larder.
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