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General => The Shed => Topic started by: aquilegia on January 16, 2004, 12:25:44

Title: we've done music, so....
Post by: aquilegia on January 16, 2004, 12:25:44
what about films? What are your favourites?

I'm a bit of a film buff so have very ecclectic taste in film... from classic Hollywood musicals (such as Singin' in the Rain), screwball comedies, Frank Capra films, to Italian and Japanese horror.

My favourite films include: Harvey, Bringing up Baby, Audition, the Stendhal Syndrone, Raising Arizona, My Life as a Dog, and many more that I'll remember later!
Title: Re: we've done music, so....
Post by: RSJK on January 16, 2004, 12:31:26
l do not know why but l still think you cannot beat the old Laural & Hardy films.
and off course E T
Title: Re: we've done music, so....
Post by: ciaozzy on January 16, 2004, 12:57:53
French films



Missippi Burning

more will folow but time dead shorty


Title: Re: we've done music, so....
Post by: allotment_chick on January 16, 2004, 13:09:10
I love movies too, and it's hard to pin down those that really grab ya!  Here's my list:
- I thought the Star Wars films were unbeatable until the Lord of the Rings trilogy came along!
- Back to the Future I, II and III
- old British to the core RAF-type war movies full of people called Ginger and Mary and black labradors (not forgetting the fab Spitfires!).
- most old Musicals ('specially Seven Brides for Seven Brothers and West Side Story) and anything with Fred Astaire or Judy Garland
- Pirates of the Caribbean is FAB (and daft which suits me down to the ground.... and avast!  Nothing wrong with a good drooling over Johnny Depp, I say!)
- All of the Terminator movies

Well, you have to have something to do when it's too dark to get in the garden!

Title: Re: we've done music, so....
Post by: ciaozzy on January 16, 2004, 13:19:49
Yo Peeps

Forgot this and this is the bst film I have ever seen and if you haven't seen it.. go and ret it its brilliant.. you ready,..

SIXTH SENSE (bruce willis)

other flms are

one flew over the cuckoos nest
The shining
cheech and chongs next movie

any film wich co stars WC Fields and Mae West

more will folow but SIXTH SENSE best ever.. go out and buy/rent it now.. you will love it.. and peeps please no spoilers for those who have not sen it.. not that you would


Title: Re: we've done music, so....
Post by: allotment_chick on January 16, 2004, 13:22:32
Gotta agree Oz - 6th Sense was brill - as was Memento!  
Title: Re: we've done music, so....
Post by: aquilegia on January 16, 2004, 13:28:10
Memento - great film. Also Insomnia by the same director.

And I loved Pirates of the Caribbean. So very funny. Johnny Depp (drool!) looked like he was having such fun in that!
Title: Re: we've done music, so....
Post by: Mrs Ava on January 16, 2004, 14:54:49
this is a tough one, really not a movie buff, just watch anything really.  Ones that stick in my mind as what I guess would be my faves....Ghost train with Arthur Askey, most of those old black and white jobs like Passport to Pimlico and Whiskey Galore, Officer and  a Gentleman, all musicals, espesh 7 brides for 7 bruvvas, Leon, last of the mohicans, Escape from Zobibor, Great Escape, Escape to Victory (like war films see), yes to 6th sense - loved it, didnt see it coming at all!  Could watch is a zillion times! Blues Brothers, Breakfast Club, Breakfast at Tiffanys....the list goes on and on and on.  Love horrors, but I have a problem with scary movies, I find it hard with them to not think about the film crew, makeup lady and tea boys all loitering behind the scenes, so I don't tend to find them scary.
Title: Re: we've done music, so....
Post by: RSJK on January 16, 2004, 15:10:36
got to agree with allotment-chick about those war films,
  Reach For The Sky

 633 Sqaudron.

 And l am with you on The Sixth Sense Ozzy

 also the Die Hard films.

 and what about The Sound of Music for a great British musical

   ;D ::) :-*


Title: Re: we've done music, so....
Post by: rdak on January 16, 2004, 15:23:29
to name but a few:
The Lord of the Rings; Matrix Trilogy; The Shawshank Redemption (fantastic film); Shrek; Sixth Sense; Signs; Unbreakable (last 3 all by the director M Night Shymalan); Gladiator; Austin Powers; Willow; Aliens; American Beauty; Star Wars; Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade; The Others; The Untouchables; Pirates of the Carribean.
sure there's plenty I've forgotten.
Title: Re: we've done music, so....
Post by: mysticmog on January 16, 2004, 15:43:42
OOooh, my favorite films SOOO much.  Could spend my life gardening and watching films...


City of Lost children (same director as above)
Memento (agree with you other peeps is top film, but still can't get over lead being Guy Pearce cos he's from Neighbours)
Wonderful Life
One flew over the cuckoos nest
Citizen Kane
Pulp Fiction
1st Lord of the Rings
The Pillow Book
Jamon Jamon - sexy!!!
Like Water for Chocolate - romantic n mystical
Run Lola Run
Audition (orrible and fab at the same time)
The Ring (both Japanese and US versions)
The Fifth Element (hmm, lush film)
Twelve Monkeys
From Hell
Heavenly Creatures (Peter Jackson's pre Lord of the Rings masterpiece)
Legend of Sleepy Hollow - Johnny Depp in lovely bum flattering trews!

Must stop now...also agree that Hellraiser films are great - 1st one was groundbreaking - check out Clive Barkers books of blood for more of the same, only scarier.

Anyone been to see Lost in Translation?  
Recommendation - American Splendour - excellent film, v existential, v v clever.

Title: Re: we've done music, so....
Post by: mysticmog on January 16, 2004, 15:47:34
Oh no!!  A crime!! I forgot the Matrix!!! It's close to the truth according to a growing number of physicists...

And Passport to Pimlico - genius!

Stopping now, promise

Title: Re: we've done music, so....
Post by: aquilegia on January 16, 2004, 15:55:59
Mystic mog - Audition is fabulous isn't it. I love Takashi Miike's films - seen all of those that are available here and some more (although the uncut Ichi the Killer is certainly not for the faint hearted!)

I saw Lost in Translation last weekend. It was very good - really well directed and the acting was fabulous, but it hasn't quite stayed as much in my mind as I'd have thought. Would still recommend it, though.

We're probably going to see American Splendour this weekend.
Title: Re: we've done music, so....
Post by: mysticmog on January 16, 2004, 16:17:18
Which ones Takashi Miike films have you seen Aquilegia?  Where did you see them (Video, Cinema?)  I can't get hold of any!  And Ichi the Killer was only on for a couple of days at the cinema here, missed it  :'(
Title: Re: we've done music, so....
Post by: aquilegia on January 16, 2004, 16:33:06
Most of them I've seen on video or off Sky. THe only one I saw at the cinema was Gozu, which hasn't been released on video yet.

These I think are excellent and except where indicated are available on video/dvd here:
Happiness of the Katakuris
Rainy Dog
Ichi the Killer (cut version here - uncut from US)
Dead or Alive
Dead or Alive 2
Dead or Alive Final (not available yet)
Visitor Q (from US only)

City of Lost Souls
Ley Lines
Shinjuku Triad Society

Full Metal Yakuza is out soon too.

(as you can tell - I'm a huge fan of Japanese cinema!)

You can get them from Amazon, as they don't turn up in the shops much. And if you have a US-compatible video or DVD player, you can get even more from there.
Title: Re: we've done music, so....
Post by: Shirley on January 16, 2004, 17:18:54
Must also agree about Sixth Sense, great film.  I found "About Schmidt" a very disappointing film; prehaps I expected more from Jack Nicholson - what think others?
Title: Re: we've done music, so....
Post by: budgiebreeder on January 16, 2004, 17:49:48
I went to see Lord if the Rings 3 last week brilliant.
This week Peter pan brilliant .They were advertising Shrek 2 so it wont be long now and if it's as good as Shrek 1 it will be super.Old ones what about On Golden Pond if you like a good weep. but i think my very best fav is DR. Zivago the music and acting both delightful.
Title: Re: we've done music, so....
Post by: rdak on January 16, 2004, 19:09:35
was it 'The Americanization of Emily' ?
Title: Re: we've done music, so....
Post by: ciaozzy on January 16, 2004, 19:24:07
Yo Rdak

10 carrots and a bonus lek winging your way.. nice one
just google and yes it is..

some philistine only gave the film 2 out of 5... wot an idiot

can remember this line fro film

ask any mother what she would prefer, her son.. a hero and dead.. or he son a coward but alive....

works for me....

good film gonna get it now i got the title.. and james garner.. great actor... but born too late


Title: Re: we've done music, so....
Post by: Ragged Robin on January 16, 2004, 23:53:56
My favs would include;
Indiana Jones Trilogy
The Colour Purple
Moulin Rouge
Any Humphrey Bogart (have collection of 40 odd)
MGM Musicals my minds gone blank will probably think of many others at 3am.
Agree with others about Pirates of the Carribean, good fun movie ....... and Johnny Depp   :-*

Oh musn't forget Dr zhivago and Gone with the Wind
.... loved the effects in Crouching Tiger,Hidden Dragon, or is it Crouching Dragon ,Hidden Tiger but you know the one I mean!
          ........I is a Tiger, and proud
Title: Re: we've done music, so....
Post by: Gardengirl on January 17, 2004, 00:10:27
No-one has mentioned Michael Caine - one of my all time favourites :D  especially The Italian Job.  Agree with you BB about Dr. Zivago.  Also love all the old musicals, Oklahoma, Carousel, Sound of Music, 7 B's for 7 B's, (I could go on) and anyone see How the West was Won years ago (some of you older ones may remember it ;))  Debbie Reynolds as I remember. It was shown in cinerama in town - a technique that never really caught on, but was an amazing experience to be in the cinema with the sound all around and the cattle stampede looked as if they were coming right out of the screen at you :o   Also loved all the Hitchcock films, especially Vertigo and Rear Window, The Birds - anything with Cary Grant.  
Title: Re: we've done music, so....
Post by: Doris_Pinks on January 17, 2004, 02:35:44
Gosh so many! Moulin rouge have to agree was fab, and dambusters, and lord of the rings. Terminator, Star wars, miracle on whatever street! Shrek, Toy story, finding Nemo,aladin, Ghost, Sixth Sense, dirty dancing (sorry!!) , matrix, speed, one flew over the cucoos nest, kramer versus kramer, (good weepy that) the odd couple, kpax, tron, pink floyd the wall, Film with Clint Eastwood up the mountain, cable car, war etc, dirty Harry,American beauty,Steel magnolias,ET, Et movie with Richard Dreyfus, name escapes me,The Birds, any hammer house of horror, The green mile, and so many I can't think of!! Dottie P
Title: Re: we've done music, so....
Post by: mysticmog on January 17, 2004, 03:43:59
Cheers aquilegia, will try amazon then...also love Japanese films, and Spanish, and czech!  One of the weirdest films I ever saw was a czech version of Alice in Wonderland, thinks it's called Alice, it's fantastic.

Would be interesting to know which film we rate best from each decade, but would be far too complicated to find I'll just imagine  ;D

There's a fab film I can't remember the name of, anyone recognise it...

Brad Pitt, the guy from the x-files, road trip in America, the girl from Natural Born Killers (what a movie!) and a woman who reminded me of Magenta De Vine - they share a car, ends in a bloodbath - it was great, so any help gratefully recieved...

Who'se your favourite film star then, male and female

Mine - Oliver Reed/Johnny Depp and Greta Garbo/Isabella Rosilini
Title: Re: we've done music, so....
Post by: Ceri on January 17, 2004, 11:37:56
Fried Green Tomatoes in the Whistle Stop Cafe
The Usual Suspects
Oceans 11
Just about anything with Samuel L J in it
ditto Kevin Spacey
The Color Purple (how I cried)
A Few Good Men
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang

Title: Re: we've done music, so....
Post by: Mrs Ava on January 18, 2004, 00:54:00
Mystic, that movie was called Kalifornia.

Doris, ET one with Richard Dreyfus, Close Encounters of the Third Kind.

Title: Re: we've done music, so....
Post by: mysticmog on January 18, 2004, 01:18:13
Ah, yeah!  Cheers EJ, remember now...must purchase it from amazon, bl*dy gud film...

Ta muchly
Title: Re: we've done music, so....
Post by: ciaozzy on January 18, 2004, 03:27:30
have just watched samuel l jckson in The Negotiator.. apart from the ott gunfire and explossions... great film and the plot kept u there throughout/

oh I know musics bee done but forgot

Mr Stevie Wonder
Title: Re: we've done music, so....
Post by: Muddy_Boots on January 18, 2004, 04:07:25
Have a terrible handicap for this thread!  Love films but can never remember titles!  Except Green fried tomatoes at whistle stop cafe and Passion Fish.  Consign me to the oldies dustbin!


Btw  like lots of other types of films too, just can't remember names!
Title: Re: we've done music, so....
Post by: campanula on January 18, 2004, 18:56:20
donnie darko
city of god
la vie en rose
belle du jour - god, catherine deneuve!!!
grapes of wrath
from here to eternity
love is a many splendoured thing
godfather 2
etre et avoir
ghost world

loads which have slipped my mind. Just mentioning, 1994, Alyembda Airlines maiden flight to bombay flight movie, outward journey - memphis belle
return journey - Alive

and no alcohol allowed - obscure (and cheap) arabic airline, never since heard of again....and they left all our liuggage in Yemen!
Title: Re: we've done music, so....
Post by: mysticmog on January 18, 2004, 22:19:57
Lordy Campanula, fancy showing Alive as an in-flight movie!!!

An Donnie Darko - now THERE'S a strange film...

Mothman Prophecies was also pretty strange, but v v is top too.
Title: Re: we've done music, so....
Post by: SueT on January 19, 2004, 00:18:59
Highlander, Gladiator, Sixth Sense, Pirates of the Caribbean, Lord of The Rings-Return of The King, Seven, Sleepy Hollow, Die Hard movies, The Magnificent Seven, The Great Escape, Tom Horn, Bullitt, Robin Hood (Prince of Thieves), The Full Monty, The Crow  ??? I`m sure to think of some more!  ;D
Title: Re: we've done music, so....
Post by: aquilegia on January 19, 2004, 11:15:50
How could I have forgotten Donnie Darko - beautiful film. And Ghost World and City of God. Plus there's Harold and Maude, The Thin Blue Line (that actually saved a man's life)...

My Favourite actors include Jimmy Stewart, Johnny Depp (not just because he's so  :-*, he's a fantastic actor too!) Sam Rockwell... and I'll think of more later!
Title: Re: we've done music, so....
Post by: allotment_chick on January 19, 2004, 19:52:16
....stilling drooling over Johnny Depp....
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