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General => The Shed => Topic started by: ciaozzy on January 21, 2004, 01:36:25

Title: Mind over Matter?
Post by: ciaozzy on January 21, 2004, 01:36:25
Yo peeps

havent a clue why this or where this has come from... just popped into me head it has, and havent a clue where I have heard this or read it....

Always speak your mind
those who mind.. dont matter
and those who matter.. dont mind

farcan love it I does...

me yang is definately up there wiv me yin.... doc took me pulse
last riday in three places on each arm... then declared that me yang was dead low... funny how you dont notice these things
wish I had acu on Thursday.. but
I did not, and acted on low yang
... but me yangs okay now and balance is restored...

plus me 48 tablets a day are kicking in and me Qi (cheee) is well flowing... I iz like a waterfall I iz :)


Title: Re: Mind over Matter?
Post by: SueT on January 21, 2004, 01:42:04
Don`t know how to do the quote thing, but always speak your mind etc. I like that Oz, it`s true!  ;D
Title: Re: Mind over Matter?
Post by: ava_banana on January 21, 2004, 01:51:58
Nice one Ozzy......and Sue T, there is a quote button on each right I think.........or you could just type <quote>THE TEXT YOU WANT TO QUOTE</quote>.......but change the <> brackets to [] brackets

One of my faves is:
"God, grant me serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference."
  -- Reinhold Niebuhr

Holds no religious connotations for me, however, it allows me to go home at night with a clear head!
Title: Re: Mind over Matter?
Post by: SueT on January 21, 2004, 02:02:52
Always speak your mind
those who mind.. dont matter
and those who matter.. dont mind
You are a philisophical soul Oz
Title: Re: Mind over Matter?
Post by: SueT on January 21, 2004, 02:04:05
Oh dear, how do I get the quote in the box thingy?
Title: Re: Mind over Matter?
Post by: ciaozzy on January 21, 2004, 02:12:41
Ava thats the prayer that AA say at end of meetings... andthey have ths 12 steps and higher power thang.... if it works for them... best of luck,,, higher power thang aint my bag... believe that we are all responsible for each other.. so lend us a tenner m8 :) after all
its you responsiblity I iz skint


Title: Re: Mind over Matter?
Post by: Muddy_Boots on January 21, 2004, 02:46:56
Always speak your mind
those who mind.. dont matter
and those who matter.. dont mind

Only too true!


Title: Re: Mind over Matter?
Post by: mysticmog on January 21, 2004, 13:56:10
Lyrics from a THE Shamen song innit?

Accept the things you cannot change
And change the things you can...

Has been me mantra ever since I realised life can be, well, a bit sh*t at times...

It works too, if you can only remember it when in times of sh*tness...
Title: Re: Mind over Matter?
Post by: ciaozzy on January 21, 2004, 15:27:37
Yo peeps

Mystics point is spot on... and when your yang aint doing its thang,, you are the last one o know, funny how ploppy times just creep up and then before you know it.... downward spiral..  bin there tooo may times... and now have lovely chinese doc to stick pins in me and give me a darn good tui na-ing (twee nah).. also gonna get into the whole Tai Chi thang..  tell yawl this chinese stuff is so ancient and coooool I just am loving it.... ooooh found me old tarot cards 2day when cleaning out the attic.. in a box with me old Bowie albums... wish I had a turny table.. just itching to get "diamond dogs" on,,,



okay okay, so iz dong sum editing... geting kite good at it toooo.
Title: Re: Mind over Matter?
Post by: mysticmog on January 21, 2004, 18:35:21
Did me tarot last night and was a good one!  gonna be happy bunny with nice bloke and go travelling and be content...

Bludy marvellous  ;D
Title: Re: Mind over Matter?
Post by: budgiebreeder on January 21, 2004, 18:41:12
Can you do me one just like that please ,mever so please Mystic.
Title: Re: Mind over Matter?
Post by: ciaozzy on January 21, 2004, 18:56:16
Just dun me card sand overriding message is to beware of the fish in wolves clothing cuz the heavy sardines are in the trees..

spoo ooo ooooo key or wot?

so iz gonna take the advice and stick to me path.. or paths cuz when I come home from the pubby
I take several routes as me feets have built in stumbly devices....

Yo BB the wood looks awesum... those trees have seen some action... such character... nice  
one BB


Title: Re: Mind over Matter?
Post by: Muddy_Boots on January 21, 2004, 22:11:52
There's interesting!  Always thought couldn't do readings  for yourself, only others!

Title: Re: Mind over Matter?
Post by: mysticmog on January 21, 2004, 23:31:12
That's what they say MB, but in absence of other to do reading, yourself is all you have...

Guess it's so reading is impartial, you tend to inflict upon a reading what you wanted to read in the first place, but what the h*ll, it's a larf..

Predicted my friends pregnancy and proper scared myself... :o  Do palms too, which is how I got me name...

Doin your own reading focuses your thoughts....
Title: Re: Mind over Matter?
Post by: ciaozzy on January 22, 2004, 11:11:02
Well I aint taking no chances...
cuz heavy sardines are not to be
messed with... and must watch out for them in the trees... cards could not be more clearer.... :)

can remember predicting pregnancies may moons ago, nowt pychic just guess.. and then peeps wuld go..... ooooh ciaran sed I would get preggars..

also did I ching.. but thats more complicated... when in plymouth Derek Acora read my palm,,,, he was PANTS.. love to get him to take lie detector test live on tv... think he is one big charleton and tarot is just a counseling guide.. cant predict future... wife does this for real... an is always dead wise after the fact..

oh happy new year peeps


tiger grrrr purrrrrrr
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