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General => News => Topic started by: Roy Bham UK on June 12, 2005, 15:01:15

Title: More Vandalism
Post by: Roy Bham UK on June 12, 2005, 15:01:15
They came yesterday and did minor damage, pulled a few canes on another plot and stripped one of my Banana plants of its leaves, smashed my scarecrow to the ground ::)

Today (Sunday) they stripped the fleece from my runner beans and broke a few canes. >:(

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Ripped the netting off my broad beans and damaged a few :(
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Broke timber posts and canes around my carrots and stripped off the fleece ::)
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Mashed a few spuds >:(
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Smashed the trunks of my banana plants and tore down a few 4x2 slabs >:(
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Second Banana plant wrecked >:(
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Third and fourth smashed to the ground, mindless thugs >:(
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Then they moved on to the newly installed taps the morta not set yet on the slabbed roof >:(
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The mark of yobs is clear to see ::)
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The blue netting was a "keep net" converted to cover my a young cabbage plants, the beds were roped off but no more :(
( (

I have left everything as it is for now can't be arsed today, I will phone the secretary tomorrow and request that we paint security paint over the top of the new fence and gates.

If anyone else has any useful ideas on how to combat these morons please feel free :)

Title: Re: More Vandalism
Post by: Deleted on June 12, 2005, 17:00:09
Land mines?
Title: Re: More Vandalism
Post by: Deleted on June 12, 2005, 17:00:44
On a more serious note, I'm real sorry this has happened. makes my blood boil.
Title: Re: More Vandalism
Post by: Piglottie on June 12, 2005, 17:26:41
No advice Roy, but just wanted to say so sorry after you've obviously put in so much work, and even with the damage your lottie is an inspiration to a newbie like me.

Title: Re: More Vandalism
Post by: TULIP-23 on June 12, 2005, 17:48:37
Roy ;)

Its Mindless and a've worked so Hard there mate.

As anyone the Answer to this sort of Problem!!! I dont think so....emotive and distructive subject. No Advice.....just sorry its happened to you Roy

Its so soul destroying when this happens to anyone property
at any time
Title: Re: More Vandalism
Post by: bunnycat on June 12, 2005, 18:34:27
For goodness sake >:( You can't have anything these days, can you?
Nasty little swines >:(

Sorry to see all that damage, Roy :( Makes me really sad and angry :'(
Title: Re: More Vandalism
Post by: RSJK on June 12, 2005, 18:50:31
Set some snares for them Roy, the little s***s, just do not know what they get out of doing it.
Title: Re: More Vandalism
Post by: Robert_Brenchley on June 12, 2005, 19:50:45
If it can be made hard for them to get onto the site, they'll soon go away. We get occasional outbreaks of trouble, but they only go for plots which are easy to get into.
Title: Re: More Vandalism
Post by: Roy Bham UK on June 12, 2005, 21:06:01
;) Thanks for the advice and kind thoughts, I omitted to add that they left the tap full on when they left, I assume it happened late last night possibly just B4 dark? And was discovered around noon today, so my new plot has had enough water for the whole of summer. ::)

Robert is there anything special or out of the ordinary that you Lottie folk do to keep the filth out? As I thought our Lottie was pretty secure after they filled the wholes in at the bottom of the new fence, half of the new fence is 8ft high the rest is 6ft high. We think they scaled the gates (6ft) and used the ground bolts as foot holds, so we have since painted the top with black security paint. ::)
Title: Re: More Vandalism
Post by: return of the mac on June 12, 2005, 21:54:53
Maybe paint the ground bolts too for good measure?
Title: Re: More Vandalism
Post by: spacehopper on June 12, 2005, 22:01:28
Thats awful Roy.  :( You must be gutted after putting in a lot of hard work. Little sods.
Title: Re: More Vandalism
Post by: Mrs Ava on June 12, 2005, 22:30:25
Oh Roy!  How horrible for you!!  I am speechless, which for me is rare, just dunno what to say, other than...well......don't let the shites get you down and spoil things for you all! :-\
Title: Re: More Vandalism
Post by: Merry Tiller on June 12, 2005, 23:39:12
Plot holders on my site have been living in fear for the last few weeks, gyppos have set up camp just accross the road. Lone women and old boys even lock the gate when they're inside because they feel so vulnerable. Sterilize the scum, it's the only answer
Title: Re: More Vandalism
Post by: Robert_Brenchley on June 12, 2005, 23:44:22
The secret on my site is thorn hedges and strong gates, but it's an unusual site. They can always get in via the Botanical Gardens' territory, and people don't always lock the gate, so occasionally we get people coming in with lorries. But they only tackle plots which are easy to get into, and mine isn't.
Title: Re: More Vandalism
Post by: Granny_Smith on June 13, 2005, 07:50:49
Oh Roy, I'm so sorry.
Mindless little s**ts - unfortunately it seems to be the way the world is going and we are powerless to stop it. It's probably their 'human right' to go around doing this sort of thing.
Don't forget  - school holidays are approaching fast, so I'm sure we can expect even more of this.
Title: Re: More Vandalism
Post by: Marley Farley on June 13, 2005, 08:21:10
 :o Oh Roy that's terrible  >:( I don't know what makes people to do such things  >:( We are having allot of vandalism around here this year, it seeems to go in waves  >:( I can offer no sugestions except shoot the  B*******s  ??? ???
Title: Re: More Vandalism
Post by: kenkew on June 13, 2005, 09:16:56
....and while all this is going on, no-one sees or hears a thing!
Title: Re: More Vandalism
Post by: Marley Farley on June 13, 2005, 09:27:29
 ;D Of course !!! >:( >:(
Title: Re: More Vandalism
Post by: Lily on June 13, 2005, 09:37:09
I'm very sorry to hear about your site Roy,  but can someone tell me what is special about Black Security Paint.
Title: Re: More Vandalism
Post by: RSJK on June 13, 2005, 09:52:43
It is so true about nobody seeing or hearing a thing why this vandalism goes on,  I can see vigilante groups in a few years time operating in this country because the goverment despite all its huffing and puffing are getting nowhere, and you mark my words in 4 or 5 years time when they are up for election again it will once again be a political issue.

Bring the birch back and strap the bu**ers within a inch of there lifes, they have got to be taught that right is right and wrong is wrong.

Better get of my soap box before I blow a fuse.
                                                                              >:( :-X :o
Title: Re: More Vandalism
Post by: Marley Farley on June 13, 2005, 09:58:02
 ;D Know what you mean Richard  ;D ;D
Title: Re: More Vandalism
Post by: dibberxxx on June 13, 2005, 11:46:55
roy some kids just make u sick so mindless what joy can they get from doing something like that , i really do feel for u or your hard work ,hope u have the heart to put thing back right, Lets hope the kids stay away .
Title: Re: More Vandalism
Post by: Roy Bham UK on June 13, 2005, 12:01:44
I'm very sorry to hear about your site Roy,  but can someone tell me what is special about Black Security Paint.

I've not used it (Yet!) apparently it is indelible stains clothes/skin especially children’s designer clothes ;D, the paint never dries and hopefully smells like a rats arse.

Can you tell I'm feeling better already ;D
Title: Re: More Vandalism
Post by: TULIP-23 on June 13, 2005, 12:30:59
You Go...............Roy ;D

If it helps 8)......No problem ;)
Title: Re: More Vandalism
Post by: busy_lizzie on June 13, 2005, 12:35:43
Roy I am so sorry to hear about the vandals and to see your pics of the devastation they left.  You have worked so hard, it is so maddening and heartbreaking to see such mindless destruction.  What sort of people do this,  - mindless creeps!   >:( >:(  that is putting it mildly.  I makes me so angry to see this.  I dread seeing a post like this as it gets me so worked up and makes me think that the summer holidays are coming up and that is usually when our site is under threat.  What can I say, but I am so very sorry and to say try not to lose heart.   :( busy_lizzie  
Title: Re: More Vandalism
Post by: rosebud on June 13, 2005, 17:43:54
Dear Roy,  how sorry :(  i am at the site of your lovely allotment, rotten BAS***DS they want a good thrashing. Try not to be to down i know that sounds easy talk but believe me its not i really do feel for you and would not like to see you feeling down because of scum like them.  All the best to you. Regards Rosebud. :)
Title: Re: More Vandalism
Post by: Alan_Y on June 13, 2005, 17:53:01
I am in charge of a community growing project in Chester and some little ******* trashed the place on satarday night.

They Shreded the communial 15 X 10 polly tunnel
Trashed the communial 12 X 8 shed / Tea room
Kicked the raised beds to peices.

Disheartening to say the least espesially as we all enjoyed our first harvest earlier in the day.
The project is enjoyed by 11 adults and 6 children the youngest being 1 3/4 .

I just hope they have the currage and guts to bounce back.

I am sure they will.

Bring Back corparal  punishment.
or drown at birth.
Title: Re: More Vandalism
Post by: Roy Bham UK on June 13, 2005, 22:16:24
:( I'm sorry to hear that Alan and know how you must be feeling, words fail me. Why can't they just play games? Footy in the park or grassland, shuttlecock, tennis, rounders, hopscotch? Loads of games and things of interest they could occupy themselves with. ::)

I bought 10 ltrs of this paint today, £80.00  :o with warning signs so that they don't get their grubby little hands dirty, three of our Lottie folk have volunteered their time to apply it with me, the council have agreed to pay the bill. :)
Title: Re: More Vandalism
Post by: Robert_Brenchley on June 13, 2005, 23:37:58
As long as the fencing goes all the way round the site and you do the lot you should hopefully be OK. Trouble with my site is that we have one side where the Botanical Gardens have only put up cleft chestnut to reinforce the gaps in a hedge.
Title: Re: More Vandalism
Post by: Roy Bham UK on June 14, 2005, 07:43:52
Yes we will be doing the lot above head height and including the anti vandal bolts that they have been able to undo with their grubby little fingers :o (Cowboy Fencers ::))
Title: Re: More Vandalism
Post by: Bionic Wellies on June 14, 2005, 07:55:48
I have a friend, her son is a right little sod - disappears at night (2am ish !!)and get up to all sorts of things that get him involved with the police.  The mom (who is on her own) has tried everything (apart from plugging him into the mains) - the police have been great - but nothing seems to work.

There are a couple of things that he loves - his skateboard and his computer (for games).  I reckon that if he was caught vandalising something the punishment could be to utterly destroy one or other of these items whilst he witnesses it.  Beating him probably wouldn't work (might make the victim of the vandals a little happier);  fining him would have no effect - they have no money now!;  sticking him in prison would get him out of the way for a while but he would probably come back better equipped to perform more outrageous crimes.  But, if they visitied a retribution of destruction on his property he might think twice - there again he might just get worse.

I don't know what the answer is (there probably isn't a single answer) but it makes me sad that these kids (of whatever age) find it necessary to destroy things - it is so much more saddening when I see the fantastically artistic things that some kids create and how pleasant they can be (even when their parents arn't about).
Title: Re: More Vandalism
Post by: Marley Farley on June 14, 2005, 08:43:08
 :) I don't know what it is with allot of kids today, but it is so sad that they cannot have any respect for anything other than their own possesssions. >:( Other peoples feelings don't enter into their thoughts it seems either. >:( so sad & so selfish  :o
Title: Re: More Vandalism
Post by: westsussexlottie on June 14, 2005, 11:50:06
So sad to hear of these nasty incidents.
Title: Re: More Vandalism
Post by: Lily on June 14, 2005, 12:04:25
After watching all these programmes about Nannies etc.  I get the impression that it is the parents that are at fault - no doubt others will correct me on this.  So perhaps the parents should be the ones sent to boot camp, and taught how to be responsible parents.  No child is born bad, they grow up, mix with the wrong sort of crowd and parents are then too scared to be firm say 'No' to them. 

Could be the parents were also brought up the same way that they are bringing up their own kids and therefore don't know any better themselves.

Sorry, will get off my high horse now.  ::) But wanten distruction annoys me.

ps what happened to the 'spell checking'
Title: Re: More Vandalism
Post by: clairenpaul on June 15, 2005, 12:24:26
Think its hard to blame parents - even when you bring a child up well once they are teenagers you can't police their every move. Our teenager is ok most of the time (although he has his moments) but some of my friends who are good people and have tried so hard with their children have kids who seem to bring nothing but trouble - taking drugs, stealing, violence etc. One friend has begged social services for help with her 16 year old as she is at her wits end with him but they aren't interested or don't have the time to help at all even though he has terrified her and her younger children...
Some parents may be at fault but not all - I think most kids are more influenced by their mates not their parents and if they get in with a bad crowd there's very little you can do  :(

Its heart breaking when kids create such mindless destruction - my heart goes out to Roy and others who've suffered this type of crime. Unfortunately I don't think there's an easy answer to the problem...
Title: Re: More Vandalism
Post by: TULIP-23 on June 15, 2005, 13:24:20
Clairenpaul :D

What do they call that these days......Peer Pressure!! or so ??? Shame buts its a sign of the Times
Title: Re: More Vandalism
Post by: Marley Farley on June 15, 2005, 13:34:06
;D  I quite agree, peer pressure is tough  ??? I would hate to be growing up these days  :'( :'( Stick at it Roy  :) :)
Title: Re: More Vandalism
Post by: portway farm on June 15, 2005, 22:41:19
Police are just as much to blame. They cannot be bothered and the kids know it.

Example 1. We had three horses slashed and stabbed while in field. Police turned up 3 days later and said they would come accross the fields on their scramblers at random times to move kids on .... still waiting for that one.

Example2. Kids have own scramblers ... not worth going into.

Example3. All my battery electric fencing including battery (which was hidden) were stolen police said as example 1.

Example 4. Changed to mains electric fencing - got chopped into pieces I guess using garden shears and wearing thick rubber gloves. Police said as example 1.

Example 5. I was 8 months pregnant and walking alone on fields and threatened with iron bar by gang of drug using 20yr olds. Police said cannot take finger prints off bar and nothing they can do as kids were on public footpath. I should file a report, they will log it ....

Example 6. Fireworks let off in my horses face at night time. I take new born baby up to field with me (husband away) to find out what all the noise is about. Kids then point fireworks at me and let them off. I phoned police in front of them, told them my life was in danger, was promised some one would be straight there and not to go anywhere. I did as told, i told kids police were coming, they informed me that they knew better and as it turns out the kids were right. They got bored and walked off I and my son got cold and after 2 hrs waiting went back home. I was phone up 2 weeks later by police stating that they had to go to a pub fight and did I still require them!!!!!

Example 7. My old chicken coup was stolen and used to set the feilds on fire one hot summer. I phone it was logged I do not bother now.

My new step is I have found the private e mail of the cheif constable!!! It and e mailing Tony Blair and Michael Howard seems to have done something. Kids hang around less and there are def more police cars.

Thankfully only times the kids were on our prop was example 7. A private land owner lets us use the fields out the back rent free as long as we fence it (60 acres) this we only ever used for grazing as it was the old land fill. Our 4 acres is for vege and chicks.
Title: Re: More Vandalism
Post by: Marley Farley on June 16, 2005, 08:15:08
:o Good gracious PF where on earth do you live,  ???  that has to be the worst vandal situation I have heard of. Why do they pick on animals who are there for pleasure? I just don't understand how they can be so cruel  :'( drugs or no drugs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There is some thing very wrong with the world today, trouble is it's not one thing, there are so many different things. I do feel it is a world that has become very selfish & everyone (politicians etc) thinks they are right, they are all power crazy  ??? but not prepared to address the real issues, but our world has changed forever it seems & not for the better either  :'( I think you are very brave to face those kids on your own like that, you could have been in such danger, but I couldn't stand by if I new that was going on either. It would seem that the police are over worked, underpaid, not enough of them & maybe they should change their attitude a bit as well  ::) I live in the country & we have our share of vandalism here, but it doesn't involve animals, we do have a local arsonist that it took the police nearly a year to get hold of & stop & he was below 14yrs old  ??? ??? & has very nice parents, but the child?, don't know what happened there ::) I don't know what the answer is but I wish we could stop all this horror in the world over :( :'(  Well I will shut up now I could go on & on as I'm sure many of you could. Oh I by the way I have 4 grand kids of various ages so I do have an idea what kids are like!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: More Vandalism
Post by: clairenpaul on June 16, 2005, 10:08:58
Its so shocking to hear about the terrible things that these kids will do, terrible when it involves destroying things people have worked hard to create and absolutely heartbreaking when they turn their attentions to animals  :'(. So sorry to hear about the attacks on your animals Portoway.
Got to agree with you about the police - our 15 year old answered the front door one evening and was assaulted by a lad he'd never seen before, the lad didn't even have the guts to tell our son why he was attacking him but hid round the corner and caught him unawares and then ran off before we could catch him. fortunately our son's injuries were minor. I reported the incident to the police and waited and waited - about 5 weeks later a police officer phoned and spoke to my son, telling him there was nothing they could do - its good to know the police will protect you in your own home...

I was talking about Roys problems with a friend last night and she thinks that these kids are doing these kind of things to look cool infront of the gang  ???. Thinking about this we decided that if this is the case then maybe their punishment should make them look very uncool - perhaps wearing a pink furry bunny suit while they repair the damage they'd caused...
Title: Re: More Vandalism
Post by: Fingle.... on June 16, 2005, 10:26:14
I agree, criminality is made to be cool by the media. Every kid wants to be a gangsta.
They should be made to look the pillocks they are and put in a cage on saturdays naked, where people can say how they feel about them.

If i had that stuff going on in my town, me and a few lads would DEFINATELY don the balaclavas ...

Police are a total waste of time, just goes on record you have a grievance so you cant do anything about it in future.
Title: Re: More Vandalism
Post by: portway farm on June 16, 2005, 10:46:34
I agree with all of the comments even the ones about children not being born bad. We all come into this world a blank canvas ..... I would like to point out that I do not live in a dodgy place. These things happened all the same year and touch wood have not had anything since that was almost 3 yrs ago. Personally I think they were all done by the same gang who were related to a livery that I kicked off for non payment, they threatened to put me six ft under. After that I interviewed every livery that we took on.

We still get what I call typical dareing going on ... touching the mains electric fence. Have not got an issue with that that is kids being kids!

But we have a thread creep and its my fault. So sorry to hear about the vandalism on the allotment. Security paint does work so I have been told, but you cannot use barb wire incase they hurt themselves. We can due to livestock, but if no livestock to keep in then not meant to put it up......yeh right.
Title: Re: More Vandalism
Post by: Marley Farley on June 16, 2005, 10:55:04
:( I have noticed that the vandals come in waves  :(  we seem to go a few years with nothing then we will have a few bad years again  >:(  It is getting worse though each time I'm sure seems more malicious these days  :( :( :(
Title: Re: More Vandalism
Post by: moonbells on June 16, 2005, 11:40:18
I agree, criminality is made to be cool by the media. Every kid wants to be a gangsta.
They should be made to look the pillocks they are and put in a cage on saturdays naked, where people can say how they feel about them.

I guess this is why our ancestors had village stocks... ;D ;D

We've had some nasty vandalism on site too, up to the point where the oiks broke nearly every shed window on the site including one which was a stained glass rose belonging to a newbie :(. Heartbreaking. Luckily he wasn't put off...

Title: Re: More Vandalism
Post by: marestail murderer on June 17, 2005, 08:31:34
we have problems all the time with fact.....the first three weeks of us getting the plot saw us `raided` three times!
im one of the `younger` plotholders.......but this is not old guy who lives for his gardening had his shed and beehives set alight!
my fervent hope is that one day ill be lucky enough to be in the right place at the right time..........the little cherubs would then have a choice...........face me........or swim across the river that forms one of the boundarys to our plot!
Title: Re: More Vandalism
Post by: Robert_Brenchley on June 17, 2005, 09:08:56
I'm sure you can use barbed wire, but you probably have to put up a warning notice. Lots of businesses round here use razor wire and they wouldn't if they were likely to get sued as it would make them uninsurable. I hope the guy's bees were OK.
Title: Re: More Vandalism
Post by: portway farm on June 17, 2005, 10:14:39
just saying what the police said. Also told that if you say you keep a guard dog then you open your self to sueing as you are admitting the dog is dangerous, however you are allowed to keep a dog tied up, if he breaks free and bites then not your fault as clearly chain to blame. So then the police said if I was you I would have a dog roaming at night with a coller and broken chain attatched cos then if he bites you can say ... just broke free. You have to put signs up same as my electric fencing and they have to be every so many ft, also have to inform insurance company, and it is to be used as last result (razor wire), also you can be sued if some one hurts themselves on it as the person should not have been able to get to the razor wire in the first place - this happened to British Rail and the person won!! Razor wire is a visual deterrent only!!!!
Title: Re: More Vandalism
Post by: Alan_Y on June 20, 2005, 17:10:10
After spending 6 1/2 hours and spending £50 on waterproof repair tape the other week the Little B******s came back and hit us again this weekend slaahing the poly tunnel again.

I and a few others are staying the night this saturday . Please come back , Please ,I want to introduce you to a friend of mine called Big Stick.

Do unto others as the good book said.


Title: Re: More Vandalism
Post by: Marley Farley on June 20, 2005, 17:20:23
 ;) I know they are little b******s but please be careful not to leave yourself open for prosecution by them  ??? >:( >:( >:( >:( as we know if they can they will.
Title: Re: More Vandalism
Post by: BAGGY on June 20, 2005, 18:31:50
One of the old boys on our plot caught a 'yoof' taking stealing from his shed.  He oiked him out and chucked him in the brambles.  Later on he was visited by police who were investigating him assaulting the little $h*t.  The week after his shed was burnt down.  Where is the justice?  We have had our shed broken into so many times now and anything of any worth has been nicked.  We have a shelf that is head level which we used to keep a biscuit tin with 'stuf' in it (plant labels etc).  It was nicked.  We have replaced it and filled it with loaded mouse traps .......... watch this space ......
Title: Re: More Vandalism
Post by: Marley Farley on June 20, 2005, 18:45:36
 ;) I think that somehow we have to make it boring to go to the lotties  ;) giving them little shocks might be a way  ;) Hiding valuables first of course, but they won't like it if they get a bit of a shock & then nothing to have They seem to move around during the year targeting one place after another. At a local club they got so fed up with stuff being stolen, they made a secret underground hide for the tools etc then left the sheds unlocked for a while with more or less nothing in. The kids soon cleared off & there is peace at the moment. Have to see how long it lasts.  ;D ???

Title: Re: More Vandalism
Post by: Roy Bham UK on June 20, 2005, 21:47:03
:( I think you may have a point Marley as my plot was worsted hit and other plot holders said it may have been the attraction of the scarecrow, banana plants, roped off beds and lots of fleece that attracted them, because all these were trashed. ::) >:(
Title: Re: More Vandalism
Post by: Alan_Y on June 20, 2005, 22:53:05
In my last job as a head gardener , people kept on breaking in to my shed pinching my weedkiller and plant food. It stoped when I started putting the plant food in the weedkiller tubs and visa versa. I still think of all thoes lawns that have been sprayed with sodiun clorite never to return for 12 months pluss. Happy days.

If they start pinching my veg I'll inject it with senocote.

he who laughs last laughs longest.



Oh no . no spell check. Dooo!
Title: Re: More Vandalism
Post by: Roy Bham UK on June 20, 2005, 23:06:16
 ;D Wow I wish I could apply that kind of mischievous naughtyness to "Yobbo's" but then I would be accused of lowering myself to their level. ::)

I must be allowed one shot? please just one shot? A bucket of slurry over the shed door? ;D
Title: Re: More Vandalism
Post by: Alan_Y on June 20, 2005, 23:14:55
Go for it.
Also put a garden rake on the floor of your shed for that comedy moment.

Good luck

What goes around comes around.


Title: Re: More Vandalism
Post by: annieb on June 21, 2005, 00:13:01
I must chime in and add my heartfelt sympathy to all who are encountering the nasty side of vandals... It's absolutely disgusting, honestly!

I'm not that old (38 tomorrow in fact)... but I distinctly remember when I was 11 years old, after being asked by my grandparents' neighbour not to climb his apple trees to take fruit (we were welcome to take all the windfall we wanted)... I am ashamed to admit my sister goaded me into one last apple raid and I got a load of rocksalt in my backside... then got the humiliation of being spanked by my grand-dad on top of the ruination of my rocksalt peppered bum.

I'm really not suggesting corporal punishment.. and I wouldn't be happy if it were my kids it happened to, but I can tell you with absolute crystal certainty I was never ever tempted to climb up apple trees or take anything that didn't belong to me from that day til this.

There's clearly not a good solution I'm afraid, but I wish rocksalt up the backside were possible... >< Certainly worked for me :P

Annie in Norway
Title: Re: More Vandalism
Post by: Marley Farley on June 21, 2005, 08:02:48
 :) Love the honesty annieb  ;D ;D  & go for it Roy with the comedy moment too  ;D ;D  Loved the swapped contents too, maybe not do that one but it is this sort of thing I mean  ;D ;D  also devising them after you have had a visit takes a little of your anger away too  ::) ??? ;D ;D
Title: Re: More Vandalism
Post by: Derek on June 21, 2005, 08:15:43
Yep, we had visitors again last weekend...hanging baskets went missing plus a fair bit of produce this time.

It seems to be a general thing that affects the Allotment society throughout the Country. Sad when people put in a lot of effort plus the retired folk on small incomes have their pleasures destroyed by these social misfits.

Perhaps we should bombard our Home Secretary with e-mails telling him to get his act together?

Title: Re: More Vandalism
Post by: clairenpaul on June 21, 2005, 09:37:22
Love reading your ideas for revenge  :) - at least with things like the rake, slurry, swapping containers etc you can't get into trouble. Just a shame you can't rig up a camera so we can all have a laugh...
Title: Re: More Vandalism
Post by: lorna on June 21, 2005, 09:56:49
Roy I was on holiday when you posted "More Vandalism" so sorry to hear what these morons have been doing..We were returning to Portsmouth on the ferry last Sat. The ferry gets quite close to the beach when entering Portsmouth and believe it or not there were people on the beach throwing rocks at the ferry!!! A lot of the rocks actually hit the side of the ferry, when I looked there were at least two people in the group aged between thirty and forty.. The Harbour patrol had just gone past how I wished that they would turn round and catch them.. Hope you can repair some of the damage the idiots have done. Regards Lorna.
Title: Re: More Vandalism
Post by: Doris_Pinks on June 21, 2005, 11:53:10
What you all need is a shed door that when it opens, the sound of a low menacing growl is emitted, bet they would run then! (hmm  a good idea, my fortune awaits! ;D!)

I have not even bothered to put up a shed, 2 got burnt down last year, and various people have had stuff pinched over the years. My poor car is my shed, has a certain odour of chicken pooh when you get in, and the kids hate it when I need to give them a lift anywhere! ;D

It is the devastation of the veges themselves that is so heartbreaking, so much planning etc. goes into it, it is soul destroying when someone vandalises your plot.  DP
Title: Re: More Vandalism
Post by: moonbells on June 22, 2005, 10:37:09
I had a vandal wander across my plot the other day. Must have been late at night as I didn't leave till way gone 10pm and left everything very well soaked.
Next night I find a trail of baked-hard footprints through my onions and a snapped bed border. Small feet. 

We think they'd just taken a wander across the lotties - didn't care where they walked - and fell into the bed while trying to avoid the wheelbarrow which was blocking the path. 

Next day one of the others lost her rhubarb - the one she couldn't cut this year as it was new. But it did get cut, and the thief even carefully cut off the leaves and left them behind!!  She was *so* p'd off...

Title: Re: More Vandalism
Post by: beejay on June 22, 2005, 12:58:28
Got to our plot yesterday to do some picking. We've had a bit of a spate of vandalism recently, mostly sheds being broken into & we had escaped so far. Found a few canes had been pulled out & the plastic bottles sunk next to plants for watering. The main problem was lots of onions had been pulled up & chucked all over the place. Not as bad as some of the stories I've read but was a bit hacked  off all the same! What I don't like is the feeling of not knowing what you're going to find when you get down there.
Title: Re: More Vandalism
Post by: Granny_Smith on June 23, 2005, 08:03:05
If you can ever find out who was responsible for these acts of vandalism, revenge feels great. Don't worry about lowering yourself to their level - just think about it as 'talking their language'.
I had several acts of vandalism done to my car (which was parked outside the house) and was fortunate enough to discover that it was all done by the same person - a 'friend' of one of my daughters!
Revenge was mine in the form of a tube of super glue squirted into the locks of his car late one night. The fuss he made about the inconvenience and cost! I really don't know what he was complaining about. Still, it stopped him from continuing with his activities.
Title: Re: More Vandalism
Post by: Roy Bham UK on June 23, 2005, 09:16:02
My Daughter bought a bargain from Wilko last week, door/window alarms, I think there were six in a pack £9.99 reduced to £2.50 :o needless to say all sold out by the time I got there.

Would have been worth 40p a go to scare the pants off of the little blighter's ;D Sound bombs are very ear piercing devices (Have one in my garage) I may buy one and attach to a car battery :o

Title: Re: More Vandalism
Post by: jaggythistle on June 23, 2005, 17:11:58

  We have had the horse slashers too up here had 3 done in 1 night..... the
   people who do this are sick....I spent 21 nights thereafter waiting them
  making a return..........12 bore both barrels not at them but syrup of figs
  would not have been required in there household....but heres 1 that happened
  to a friend in the borders................................

  went to field in morning to find padlock undone......swore blind he locked it
  locked it that night with his OH in tow went next morning to find gate had
  been lifted from its hinges........someone bein silly he thought but padlocked
  both hinges and other end of gate with what I can only describe as the thickest
  chain I have ever seen...... end of story or so he thought....... a week later
  he got a phone call from the police to say was it his horses that were running
  about the local golf course  15 of them had went full gallop over 2 greens and
  1 hell of a lot of fairway you can imagine the damage  upshot was he got a bill
  from the golf course for £9,500 which he was going to try and contest in court
  but he does not have a leg to stand on :'( which is sad...... but to go back
  someone had actually taken oxy torch to the chains..its that bad that at 55
  he is seriously thinking of quitting.   I just wonder what is happening to our
  world these days...!!!!
Title: Re: More Vandalism
Post by: Roy Bham UK on June 23, 2005, 23:05:45
That's not vandalism, that's pre-planned, that's either someone wanting a bigger golf course, or looking to top up the petty cash box.

Very sorry to hear about your horses, how brave they were to slash up some defenseless dumb animals, I bet they went home feeling they had achieved their ultimate goal, Sickos.
I think back over the years when I was a teenager, back in the Teddy Boy days, some of the worst things I can ever remember doing was scrumping apples and nicking chicken eggs from a local farm and dropping stink bombs through letterbox’s.

We would never dream of harming anyone, other than our mates, cause we were hard we were Teds (Edwardian Gentlemen) Quite snazzy too! ;D
Title: Re: More Vandalism
Post by: Robert_Brenchley on June 25, 2005, 00:27:18
Someone on my site was vandalised the other week; i finally ran into him tonight. They smashed his gate in, cut down a 20-foot silver birch (so they either raided someone else's shed or came equipped), climbed onto his shed roof, and at least one of them fell through the roof. They then smashed a hole in the wall, and escaped. Hopefully, someone was damaged. I came out of my plot last night to find someone had driven into the car park with a prostitute. It's not the first time; I just lock them in.

I'm surprised the autocensor hasn't picked that one up!
Title: Re: More Vandalism
Post by: Merlins Mum on June 25, 2005, 08:49:13
It is a sad world when so many have so little regard for other peoples possessions, be it your lottie shed and veg or the horses you keep in the field.
My dad used to say if something isn't done about these thugs, people will take control and serve punishment themselves, as they get little or no support from the police and the law.  It would seem that things are going from bad to worse, so I now believe he was right, and we are getting closer to the time when honest, law abiding citizens will become vigilantes.  Trouble is I believe the police would work far harder to find them, than they had to find the thugs in the first place.
We've had a spate of sensless shootings of sheep and lambs here in Oxfordshire.  Like you said Roy, sick and I would personally dish out much tougher sentences, regardless of age, if any of these people were caught.  I thing anyone who is successful in shooting the thugs in the knee-cap should get a pat on the back.  I would call that justice.

Title: Re: More Vandalism
Post by: Andy H on June 25, 2005, 11:02:54
I was phone up 2 weeks later by police stating that they had to go to a pub fight and did I still require them!!!!!

Last year after all this stuff,we get offered victim support >:(
I suggested they offer it to the vandals as they will need it...soon.

SOOO many stories,SOOO many similar results and it makes you SOOOO angry and wanting to kill.

And most of us just want to grow some veggies to eat and chill out over the plot but end up planning mines and bombs and electricution devices. The bung them in a cage is a good idea,on saturday in shopping precinct.

The police should be able to MAKE the parents keep them indoors from end of school and ALL weekend without exception till they stop being stupid dumb pratts.

Failing that, a good smack in the gob often works...

just getting down onto lower horse now :-X
Title: Re: More Vandalism
Post by: jaggythistle on June 25, 2005, 16:48:30

   Well you can cure n heal the scars but its the mind of the horse.. takes a hell
   of a lot longer to heal. Thing is get them in court for things like this and they
   get what at most a slap on the wrist i.e probation or something :(  .

  Roy.......whats a "teddyboy" must be way before my time ?? ;D
Title: Re: More Vandalism
Post by: Roy Bham UK on June 25, 2005, 21:19:13
  Roy.......whats a "teddyboy" must be way before my time ?? ;D

 ::) Only 20 years :o ;D We were known then as "Peace born babies" as National Service ceased, (worst thing they ever did) teenagers were all chilled out got money in their pockets, bought snazzy clothes that bore the image of thugs, we spat a lot (because it looked cool) had fags hanging out of our mouths as we couldn’t speak too well then, pulled our velvet rolled collars up to hide our identity (bit like today “Hooding”) carried flick knives (Well some did) I carried a comb (have no use for it now tho).

Then it got progressively worse using drugs and guns, by eke we didn’t know we was born, till now. :o ;D

Looking back things haven't change much? or have they?

Don't forget to turn the sound up ;) ;D
Title: Re: More Vandalism
Post by: Merlins Mum on June 25, 2005, 21:52:28
that made me smile Roy.  I can remember my brother buying rock around the clock and us jiving to it. them were the days.  you were pussycats compared with what some youths are today.

Title: Re: More Vandalism
Post by: Roy Bham UK on June 25, 2005, 22:03:27
 ;D Sorry MM can't work out what a thingy cat is ;D tee hee please tell :o ;D ;D
Title: Re: More Vandalism
Post by: Andy H on June 25, 2005, 22:33:21
Wasn`t one but remember it all.......

Sure you didn`t have a "flick" comb Roy??? ;D
Title: Re: More Vandalism
Post by: Roy Bham UK on June 26, 2005, 00:41:43
Andy you are a brave man showing your age on your profile  ;D

Flick Combs, No

Comb and paper, Yes to the tune of "Rock around the Clock" ;D
Title: Re: More Vandalism
Post by: Robert_Brenchley on June 26, 2005, 09:42:55
Pussycats. I don't get this censor; it bowdlerises that, and yet allows 'prostitute'. Maybe I should have used another word for them just to upset it.
Title: Re: More Vandalism
Post by: Roy Bham UK on June 26, 2005, 14:18:43
Pussycats. I don't get this censor; it bowdlerises that, and yet allows 'prostitute'. Maybe I should have used another word for them just to upset it.

Ah! 'Pussy' is the word you can't use with cats got it now, thanks ::) ;)

Robert I bet you hear far worse on the playground than you do on here :o ;D
Title: Re: More Vandalism
Post by: Derek on June 26, 2005, 15:20:09

You must also remember the fluoroescent socks, usually lime green or pink, beatlecrushers of course plus the obligatory boot lace tie

My pride and joy (still have it somewhere) was a bottle green waistcoat with embroidered white one point I also owned a powder blue suit...Gosh I felt good...probably looked as daft as a brush  ;)

Title: Re: More Vandalism
Post by: Roy Bham UK on June 26, 2005, 23:20:53
;D I remember the socks, but didn't go there, I was a very conservative Ted with a black suit rolled velvet collar, drain pipe trousers, beetle crushers, (shoes) a very narrow black tie, with a fake silk shirt with frilly bits down the front (sound like a right tart) But it was fun and I don't remember giving anyone any real grief. 8)

Soz for slipping off topic ::) ;D
Title: Re: More Vandalism
Post by: reedos on July 05, 2005, 22:22:10
Hello all - it's the mindlessness of it all. I've had my portable greenhouse (them plastic tent types) stolen lock, stock and barrel by a load of kids who "play" and by play I mean drink and smoke in the woods next to our site. They also nicked a load of carpet which was being used to suppress weeds and some stuff my neighbour uses to wrap leeks up in (expensive apparently).
Twice this year I went over the fence to chase them - once just after an empty Lambrini bottle missed my head by inches and once when a bottle went through my proper greenhouse. On all occasions the incidents have been reported to the Police and they've promised to send the Community Police around - never seen any yet.
Yesterday I went looking for my greenhouse and found it in pieces, the little buggers had quite enterprisingly build a den out of all the stuff the pinched. The greenhouse was damaged beyond repair. I actually caught two of them - wasn't sure who was most surprised, me or them. Having tried chasing, threatening and reporting them, this time I tried talking to them. Told them nobody minds them playing, but when they break and nick stuff it p*****s everybody off. Told them if they wanted to make a den why didn't they just ask for stuff cos like most allotments there's all sorts of plastic/wood etc lying around. Anyway 20 minutes later a bunch came round and apologized, brought with them the roll for the leeks, and asked if I'd meant what I said about having stuff to make a den, they obviously denied nicking the greenhouse, it was some other kids apparently. Anyway after I'd given them a piece of my mind, they apologized again andpromised not to do it again. I got them some plastic sheet which is now the roof of their den. Only time will tell if appeasement will work. In the meantime I'm getting a load of barbed wire.
Sorry about this rambling on just wanted to get it off my chest !!
Title: Re: More Vandalism
Post by: Andy H on July 05, 2005, 23:02:32
Well sounds like you did well,getting them to ask for stuff to make a den is furthr than we have got. Seems they have some morals.
Well Done. But the only way to get the police to come out is MANT reports... this is a logical and statistical method and no fault of the police but red tape and beauorocricy(spelt that wrong). but many have to report to make things happen. Take photo`s seems to work for us, done nothing with them so far but no need to date. have them in case though.
Paedophile crap! Sod it, it is photographic evidence and to hell what anyone else thinks. It seems the kids are not scared of us or the police(I was young once) but of mum & dad. photo evidence would stop that. Even if you dont have a digi camera then hold your mobile "brick" sideways and move your finger and Hey Presto! they think you have a camera in a modern phone and run like like buggery!
As for being a paedophile... I have been police checked to pick up up kids for school runs etc but all this proves is that, if you are a paedophile then you haven`t been caught yet(just the same as all the teachers that had to be checked).
Take pictures )or pretend to) and call the police...and get all others to call them so they take an interest.

This covers yourself against taking photo`s if been reported.

Don`t bother having a go at them,it is fruitless,just take photo evidense and keep quiet.

Let them do some thinking by you being quiet...........

good luck and enjoy your plots whatever happens.........
Title: Re: More Vandalism
Post by: reedos on July 06, 2005, 22:34:10
Well would you believe it - went down to the allotment tonight t find a Panda car and a couple of policemen having words with the kids. Will have to wait and see whether this will calm things down or just wind them up :-\
Title: Re: More Vandalism
Post by: Roy Bham UK on July 06, 2005, 23:12:03
It's got to be good, but so unusual to see a cop in an allotment environment as they are powerless unless they see someone breaking into a shed or something similar. ::)
Title: Re: More Vandalism
Post by: Andy H on July 06, 2005, 23:14:22
Are allotments private land if one hasn`t subscribed to the annual fee???
Title: Re: More Vandalism
Post by: Roy Bham UK on July 06, 2005, 23:21:18
Well I suppose it would be no different if they saw a vandal ie: a person standing in someones back garden and behaving themselves like in a normal manner, there's nothing to suspect?
Title: Re: More Vandalism
Post by: Andy H on July 06, 2005, 23:27:43
bet they don`t know you have to be a certain age to have an allotment then >:(
Title: Re: More Vandalism
Post by: Roy Bham UK on July 06, 2005, 23:45:53
Bet they do as according to our local copper the police have no jurisdiction over an allotment unless there is wilful damage.
Title: Re: More Vandalism
Post by: Andy H on July 07, 2005, 00:12:21
But surely trespassing is trespassing if under age to hold allotment plot?
Title: Re: More Vandalism
Post by: busy_lizzie on July 07, 2005, 01:03:21
I have to stick up for the police, at least in our area.  They are always supportive and every time there has been an incident at our Site they are straight round giving advice and making their presence felt.  Our Community Officer is first class and as I have mentioned on the board, he was at my house only yesterday in response to my having a bench and two chairs removed from my plot.  In our area it has been made an offence to drink alcohol outdoors in the playing fields near us, to try to deter young people from congragating and making trouble.  Northumbria Police  even supplied free shed bars last year from their Crime Prevention Officer to those allotment members who wanted one.  I got one and they are very secure.

 I often see our Community Officer at our Site.  They also work with the schools and do quite a lot of positive things as well as policing the area. I know our Officer has many a time taken action with kids found wandering around our Site.  The other day he was telling me that they now have the power and means to transport young people home who have been drinking.  It seems to be working very well.  It is both a shock to the kids and also to the parents when they arrive home in a police van.  They can't be everywhere and we still get vandals but I feel they do the best they can to be helpful to us.  busy_lizzie
Title: Re: More Vandalism
Post by: Derek on July 07, 2005, 07:29:14
The Police are stretched with their duties and I am sure that allotments come well down their list of priorities.

The sites in our Borough have the same key/lock system so we supplied the Police with keys so they can access ay any time.
They have been seen wandering around the site in the evenings on odd occasions.

As an addition I have recently written to our MP over the gates to the site. We need new ones and the gate entrance widening as people entering/leaving often have to reverse onto a main road.
The Council have allocated funds but in Catagory 2....this effectively means that we may never get the funds to do the job as they rarely get Catargory 1 projects funded completely.

The point of letter to the MP has not yet received a response BUT word has rippled through the Council workers and the Council members and they are really hopping about a bit.

If we, as a group, were to lobby our MP's over the vandalism issues would this achieve a similar result?

The number of people who use this Forum continually bombarding MP's would make them take a bit more notice of us....wouldn't they

We could have our own action group?

Title: Re: More Vandalism
Post by: Robert_Brenchley on July 07, 2005, 07:54:46
It's finally been agreed between us and all the other interested parties that there's going to be a gate at the top of the lane, which will be unlocked by the Tennis Club groundsman when he comes on duty at 7.30, and locked by the barman at 10.30. that should discourage at least some of the problems we get.
Title: Re: More Vandalism
Post by: reedos on July 07, 2005, 19:41:13
Hi Busy Lizzie,

My allotment is in Northumbria Police's area as well, obvioulsy I'm delighted they turned out last night, I'm sure it is well down their priorities in Gateshead, but the fact they came is heartening. ;D
Title: Re: More Vandalism
Post by: Pegmumm on July 26, 2005, 21:32:45
Perhaps its time to take up beekeeping on your lottie?
Title: Re: More Vandalism
Post by: wardy on July 26, 2005, 23:45:32
Sorry to hear about all this Roy  :(  No-one deserves this they really don't.  I wonder sometimes if these kids realise the hurt they cause.  I hope they don't or it would be even worse.  I hope you can restore your lotty without too much work and expense but I can appreciate your duck is really knocked off  >:(

Our lotties apparently don't get trashed as the gaffer is ex Chief Inspector of Police and he is s**t scarey :o    He is a man mountain (although he is very ill but the vandals don't know that)  He is the kindest, most honest lovely man but would beat their brains out if he caught them vandalising lotties  ;D  Shall we send him to you?

My dad built a tar pit and used to put razor blades round his cabbages to keep off sabateurs  ;D
Title: Re: More Vandalism
Post by: jennym on July 27, 2005, 00:39:55
Its rotten when vandalism happens, but I am trying a long-term strategy. Every time I see kids at the gate, I invite them in (usually they are 6 - 10 yr olds). I invite them to help me dig spuds, find the odd raspberry, but chat to them all the time about things like:  1) There are ever such a lot of poisonous plants about, and some fruits look good but can actually kill you, so never eat anything without asking...  and 2) There's lots of wildlife around, we've even got deadly poisonous snakes in the bushes, and the chap at the end thinks he saw a scorpion or something like it the other day... 3) I'm really poor and if my plants don't grow very well, I don't get anything to eat...        I'll try anything.
Title: Re: More Vandalism
Post by: ina on August 05, 2005, 20:25:43
What a bummer for you Roy. It is so sad when these things happen. I know what it feels like.
Title: Re: More Vandalism
Post by: TEL on August 05, 2005, 21:05:27
sorry to hear about Vandals .
please report to the police & get a crime number it mite not help you  but if you put in enough report's they have to  take notice & its on file.
to many turds getting away with this this sort of sh.t .
Title: Re: More Vandalism
Post by: Robert_Brenchley on August 05, 2005, 22:22:19
We hada bit of vandalism while I was confined to the house, but it was that cow who was doing all the stealing a couple of year back. Serve her right! Funny thing is, that plot has such a solid gate (she's totally paranoid, not surprising given the amount of stolen stuff that must have passed through her hands) that it would be one of the hardest on the site to break. I suspect someone with a grudge did it, but that could apply to at least half the people there.
Title: Re: More Vandalism
Post by: Gadfium on August 14, 2005, 00:38:16
Have just got back from a fortnight's holiday  :) ...

Only to be told the bad news.

Two allotments have been 'done over' at the site, and one of them is the half-plot that a friend and I have been tackling, our first foray into vegetable gardening, and the scene of many couch grass battles.

It seems - although I have yet to view the damage - that all the potatoes have been dug up and carted off (all three varieties), and the pumpkins have gone!

Title: Re: More Vandalism
Post by: Roy Bham UK on August 14, 2005, 08:53:22
Those aren't vandals they are thieves, >:( vandals wouldn't know what to do with a potato :( it is soul destroying to say the least but at the end of the day the spuds have done the land some good and the thieves have dug it over for you :D

Hope your friend phoned the police and got it logged with a crime number, don't let it spoil the memories of your holiday or deter you from your lottie, think of it as just a couple of quids worth of seed pots and start preparing for next year, in fact plant some more for Christmas. ;)
Title: Re: More Vandalism
Post by: Gadfium on August 15, 2005, 17:26:22
You're right.  :)

My friend has reported it. And she turned up last night with some home-grown produce as a 'welcome home' spirit-lifter...

Then told me that the buggers now appear to have been jumping in the broad beans for the fun of it! Grrr!! If it had been the peas (weedy) I wouldn't have minded, but the broad beans were looking as if they might deliver some lovely results.

Nevermind, made some of Tim's delicious sounding courgette bread, and some courgette soup too... and they both tasted great.  :)
Title: Re: More Vandalism
Post by: wardy on August 15, 2005, 22:19:21
Why would kids want to jump up and down on broad beans.  They really must be dead stupid.  I wonder how they'd feel if you jumped up and down on their bike/ stereo/mobile phone/iPod  >:(    I don't think kids think that anyone will challenge them - ever so they do as they will til they come up against someone who will stand up to them.  The local rotters near us think my old man is a policeman (not sure why) but he allows them to keep thinking so.  We went to a local pub one night and a drunk came up and accused him of being a copper  - CID to be precise.  Don't have a clue why  ;D   We've not had any vandals on the lotty anyway thank goodness

Sorry for all those who have but don't give up.  It is soul destroying though and I know I'd go crackers if mine got trashed  >:(
Title: Re: More Vandalism
Post by: Andy H on August 16, 2005, 00:01:04
As posted before, take photos and make sure they see you do it. even if you don`t have a camera,just hold your mobile sideways and press finger down!!! ;)
 It stopped it this year!!!
later found them on school gate and stopped in car,clicked and drove off :o
Told police we had photos but they didnt come to collect ???
Title: Re: More Vandalism
Post by: TULIP-23 on August 16, 2005, 09:05:32
Hi Roy
not Vandal or Thieves....JUST MOROONS
Title: Re: More Vandalism
Post by: TULIP-23 on August 16, 2005, 09:07:03

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