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General => The Shed => Topic started by: Granny_Smith on January 26, 2004, 15:10:51

Title: Where's the snow?
Post by: Granny_Smith on January 26, 2004, 15:10:51
Has anyone had any of the forcasted snow yet - we are still waiting for it down here in the fens. It's very cold but bright today so not going too far from home.
Title: Re: Where's the snow?
Post by: Ragged Robin on January 26, 2004, 15:21:31
None down here in London, very grey and overcast and too cold to work out side. Did alot of work on Saturday though so don't feel too bad; sun was warm and was working in just a t-shirt, not today ! I'd be a BlueT*t not a Robin redbreast!!!!
Title: Re: Where's the snow?
Post by: budgiebreeder on January 26, 2004, 15:31:02
None on the Pennines as yet but it's not due here until tonight according to the forecast.
Title: Re: Where's the snow?
Post by: legless on January 26, 2004, 16:06:22
was snowing at work earlier (couple of miles away) but nothing here yet
Title: Re: Where's the snow?
Post by: cleo on January 26, 2004, 16:44:32
Quite mild here-just right to barrow 31 loads of cow poo-and there is still a huge pile in the field.
Title: Re: Where's the snow?
Post by: Garden Manager on January 26, 2004, 17:56:47
Dont worry folks its on its way  :D. Those of you in the north and east should have had some by tomorrow morning. :-/

Keep us posted on weather progress will you? ???
Title: Re: Where's the snow?
Post by: Mrs Ava on January 26, 2004, 20:31:00
Nope, none in Essex yet, altho they did say on the news last nite we had a 70% chance of getting it tomorrow!  Been warned by the boys school not to make the journey if we have the snow as it is nearly a 50mile round trip!

If the weather outside is frightful, and the fire is so delightful, then since theres no place to goooooo....let it snow let it snow let it snow!
Title: Re: Where's the snow?
Post by: Ceri on January 26, 2004, 20:40:07
no snow in whitley bay yet - lots of freezing rain though!  I'm really need to go to Amble tomorrow - 25 miles way up into the colds of Northumberland - not looking forward to that drive.  At least its on a coastal route, and the snow is never as bad on the coast as it is inland - what an optimist!!  Never been before and have no sense of direction so should be fun!
Title: Re: Where's the snow?
Post by: Muddy_Boots on January 26, 2004, 20:44:46
None in East Kent yet either, just very menacing clouds.  Hope it holds off til Wednesday, got a fair bit of driving to do tomorrow and the M2/A2 which cannot be avoided when getting out of this village is notorious for accidents during any kind of bad weather!

Please keep fingers crossed for me.

Sorry, EJ, share your love of snow but a bit difficult when have to do things ;D

Title: Re: Where's the snow?
Post by: tina on January 26, 2004, 23:30:48
:-/Don't mind snow, but would prefer it to wait until Weds. I have loads of college work to do tomorrow, and need to use their Mac. From Weds could do 'arty' stuff at home whilst kids at school.

There wasn't even a frost here in Bucks this morning!

Title: Re: Where's the snow?
Post by: Garden Manager on January 27, 2004, 00:17:23
Cold but not drasticaly so, and no sign of freezing yet here in South Dorset.  Temperatures are perhaps what one would expect at this time of year. In contrast to recent temperatures which have been exceedingly mild for the time of year.

Wouldnt mind seeing a bit of snow (not TOO MUCH though), better than grey and wet! ;)
Title: Re: Where's the snow?
Post by: SueT on January 27, 2004, 00:27:13
It`s quite cold here in Glos............I want snow!!  ;D  Want a real winter for a change, kill off the bugs and generally liven things up.
Title: Re: Where's the snow?
Post by: MagpieDi on January 27, 2004, 00:40:39
It's here!!
Just driven through blizzard......but just a fierce shower!!

Anyone with a snowboard ....come and join us!! Sounds as though the conditions will be perfect by Wednesday!!   8)  ;D

P.S.....gotta admit........I just watch the bones are too precious!!!  ;)  ;D
Title: Re: Where's the snow?
Post by: aquilegia on January 27, 2004, 11:09:42
I thought it was going to snow last night. Whilst gazing out the window before going to bed, as I often do, I noticed the clouds look really heavy, low, solid and white - definitely looked like they were loaded with the white stuff.

But I really hope it doesn't. I don't mind flakes, but don't let it settle here (London/Essex) - I love snow, but not commuting when we've got a thick covering of the stuff. And it's far too beautiful and way too much fun for it to be wasted while I'm at work!
Title: Re: Where's the snow?
Post by: eileen on January 27, 2004, 18:40:00
Shetland has got snow according to my husband. They're on the ball up there though as all the roads are clear. Had a spattering of hail about an hour ago here but no snow yet either.
Title: Re: Where's the snow?
Post by: legless on January 27, 2004, 18:47:25
dusting of snow on the ground all morning at work (silverlink for whitley types) but none has fallen in daylight and nothing at all at home. which is good cos i really hate snow  ;D
Title: Re: Where's the snow?
Post by: ciaozzy on January 27, 2004, 18:57:08
Tis metal here in Cardiff.. snow far can everywhere cant see through all the snow absolutely covered everthing is.. which is dead wierd cuz only 20 mins ago I walked dow the shops for a snickers yummy ad all was okay then, and now suddenly its gone
snowy mental it has...  oooh hang on a mo .. sorry peeps but it aint snowing at all here.. just  realised that I have spent the last 10 minutes staring at me paper in me  printer... so eaily done.... so easily done :)


Title: Re: Where's the snow?
Post by: Garden Manager on January 27, 2004, 19:51:58
I have to say we've got off very lightly down my way so far. Cold yes but last nights forecast frost did not materialise. Too much cloud i think.

Today has been largely bright and sunny, a few treatening clouds at times but nothing came out of them. Getting cold now, might have a frost tonight, unles the snow arrives first!  Did think the clouds were building as it got dark, so perhaps it will be snow not frost. Have to wait and see. :-/
Title: Re: Where's the snow?
Post by: Muddy_Boots on January 27, 2004, 19:53:54
Too many snickers, Oz

Getting addicted.  More acu needed!

Title: Re: Where's the snow?
Post by: Garden Manager on January 27, 2004, 19:57:15
Are you chasing my tail Muddy?

Wherever i post you come in soon after and post too.  Not complaining, just observing. ;)
Title: Re: Where's the snow?
Post by: Muddy_Boots on January 27, 2004, 20:54:52
Tee hee!  Sorry Richard, no, just coincidence.  Being house bound for most of the time leave puter on most of the day, drop in and out as fancy takes.  See something I feel like contributing to, just do!

No panic required, just troll my various sites during the day!   ;D

Title: Re: Where's the snow?
Post by: Mrs Ava on January 28, 2004, 00:52:19
hmmmm.....snowed for all of 20 seconds this afternoon.  My kids are livid!  The weathermen promised them my daughter told me.  I have assured her tomorrow.  Michael Fish, don't you let me down!
Title: Re: Where's the snow?
Post by: gavin on January 28, 2004, 01:19:44
Oh dear, EJ - the weatherman I heard last night promised to eat his hat, and those of any listeners, if it snowed hard today.

Me too -  >:( >:( >:( >:( >:(

All best - Gavin
Title: Re: Where's the snow?
Post by: SueT on January 28, 2004, 01:30:02
It`s trying to snow here in Glos, just a little bit at the moment but I`m hopeful!  ;D  ;D
Title: Re: Where's the snow?
Post by: Granny_Smith on January 28, 2004, 09:53:14
Wow !! it's here at last.

Woke up this morning at 2.30am and there it was - at least 3 inches of the white stuff covering the Fens.
Have managed to travel into work - country roads were a bit dodgy but the main and city roads were OK. Hopefully they will get better during the day.
Waiting to here if the local schools are closed, so that the grandchildren can stay at home.

Take care out there !
Title: Re: Where's the snow?
Post by: Doris_Pinks on January 28, 2004, 11:14:33
We woke up to a dusting this morning here in Sussex, My daughter woke us all at 6.30 to tell us!  :'(  Tis only a few cm's but they are saying we may have more on the way ;D  Hope it's killing all those nasties on me lottie.  DP
Title: Re: Where's the snow?
Post by: Gardengirl on January 28, 2004, 11:34:57
Snow arrived here in Herts this morning.  Giving daughter a lift early it was a bit hairy getting out of the village but OK on the main roads.  More forecast later though.   :o
Title: Re: Where's the snow?
Post by: Muddy_Boots on January 28, 2004, 11:38:18
It's finally arrived here in East Kent too, like Doris in Sussex only a thin layer but, in bright sunshine, very pretty.  I can say that cos I don't have to go anywhere today.  For all the rest of you who have be out and about, take care and keep safe!

Title: Re: Where's the snow?
Post by: Mrs Ava on January 28, 2004, 12:24:12
In Essex also.  Light covering, but the gritters have actually made matters worse on the roads!  They gritted like mad yesterday, snow came, it all melted, bitter wind came, melted snow froze solid!  The roads are like skid pans!  Oh well, the sun is shining wonderfully, a real crisp day, so I am sure it will all vanish soon  :-/  At least the kids were happy walking to school in it.

Yo Marky, what about your part of Essex, and do you owe your colleague a fiver?
Title: Re: Where's the snow?
Post by: Mimi on January 28, 2004, 12:55:05
:'( :'(No snow here in wild and wooly North Wales.  Can see it on the mountains but not a flake down here.
Title: Re: Where's the snow?
Post by: Ceri on January 28, 2004, 13:54:30
Whitley Bay is white out - parents who have to drive to pick their kids up are picking them up now as roads are so bad - an hour ago it was clear!
Title: Re: Where's the snow?
Post by: Garden Manager on January 28, 2004, 14:26:34
Reading your weather reports it sound like a different country.  We have not had a single flake of snow down here. they keep on forecasting a light covering for the south coast but nothing as yet. Perhaps tonight (they say :-/ ) Beleive it when i see it.

Not surprised really. Weather front is coming from the wrong direction to affect us here.  Usualy only hits the north and east (as it is). It s when it comes up from the southwest and meets cold air from the east that we get hit by the snow (and I mean hit!)

Did also think that we werent getting the frosts either, and perhaps we arent, but it is certainly getting cold enough to freeze the moisture in the top inch or so of soil, as i found when i walked up the garden this morning.

Not quite a permafrost, and it is only a thin crust so far, but it is still freezing to a certain extent. Thankfully no air frost (too much wind and cloud I think), and the plants dont seem affected yet. Not likely too either, only a couple more nights like last two and then its all over. Back to warm and wet on Saturday!
Title: Re: Where's the snow?
Post by: eileen on January 28, 2004, 15:19:21
Latest weather reports from Scotland.
West lothian :

9am - clear, frosty, no wind. :D

11am - Blizzard, high winds. :-X

1pm - snow lying 1" deep, sun splitting the sky, no wind. ;D


12 noon - bad driving conditions but ferry from smaller islands still running. Looks like more snow to come.   :-/

Let you all know more later.

Title: Re: Where's the snow?
Post by: Mimi on January 28, 2004, 17:03:50
YIPEEE ;D ;DWe have got snow.  Watched it coming over Snowdonia.  Fantastic and I am off for the next 2 days.  Can just sit and look at view.
Title: Re: Where's the snow?
Post by: legless on January 28, 2004, 17:52:40
can confirm ceri's report. at the time of said whit out i was in an office full of 100 people who instantly regressed and either tried to convince supervisor that the buses would definitely stop running so they had to go now, or went for a f*g break to play snowballs.
Title: Re: Where's the snow?
Post by: tim on January 28, 2004, 18:46:10
- why, oh why do people keep complaining about lack of snow. Everything was peaceful here until 15 min ago - just got the muck spead  -  b....y great clap of thunder - flash of blue lightning (never seen it with snow) - the lights went out, and we're now snowed in.
Why can't you keep it up north where it belongs?? = Tim
Title: Re: Where's the snow?
Post by: Mrs Ava on January 28, 2004, 19:29:37
Well, by the time I did the school walk all the snow had melted  :'(  Kids all depressed.  The wind was FRRRRREEZING though.  Then at tea time, 5pm-ish, down it came in great big blankets!  ;D  Kids are happy again and all is well in the world.  Now all I need is Ava to get home safely, at least he isn't on the motorbike today.
Title: Re: Where's the snow?
Post by: rdak on January 28, 2004, 19:36:25
first snow has now arrived here in Reading- came along with a thunderstorm
Title: Re: Where's the snow?
Post by: Doris_Pinks on January 28, 2004, 19:39:42
We are due that here in the next 1/2 hour or so! Fire is stoked, stews on,but haven't got any Chardonnay  :(  Will be interesting to see how much we get!
Title: Re: Where's the snow?
Post by: busy_lizzie on January 28, 2004, 19:43:13
Yes can confirm that Whitley Bay is in the grip of a winter wonderland of snow, wind also getting up.  Husband has just lit the fire, Veggie sausages and onion gravy, with mashed potatoes and peas on the menu tonight, nice comfort food, getting ready for a snug evening in the house.  Keep warm everybody.   :D busy_lizzie
Title: Re: Where's the snow?
Post by: Gardengirl on January 28, 2004, 20:01:57
WOW after thinking we were getting away with it have we been hit hard :o :o

Went into Sainsburys this afternoon - only in there a short while and when we came out there was an absolute blizzard.  Driving home through the country lanes in the dark a nightmare.  Boy was I glad to get home ;D
Title: Re: Where's the snow?
Post by: tim on January 28, 2004, 20:10:38
- another thunderstorm, rdak? - most unusual?

We had 1 1/2" snow in 45 mins!

Oh, and Richard - below - just on the phone to someone in Southampton and they had to hang up because of thunder & lightning!!! = Tim
Title: Re: Where's the snow?
Post by: Garden Manager on January 28, 2004, 20:14:49
O-er thats worrying Tims got the snow. That means there is a chance (albeit an outside one) of us getting some.  Was thinking it was mainly snow on the east side of england. Now i hear it is over west as well. Very worrying.

Anyone else in the west got some?  Sue T? anyone?
Title: Re: Where's the snow?
Post by: flowerbaby_uk on January 28, 2004, 20:41:10
Is freezing and bad snow here in yorkshire richard you may be lucky and be one of the few with warm hands and feet .

regards flower :)
Title: Re: Where's the snow?
Post by: SueT on January 28, 2004, 21:34:38
Winter arrived shortly before 5pm with howling winds and heavy snow, the roads were covered in a matter of a couple of minutes.  It`s stopped now but is freezing hard and very, very cold!!  ;D
Title: Re: Where's the snow?
Post by: Ragged Robin on January 28, 2004, 22:45:39
Arrived here in London about 5.30 ish, also accompanied by thunder and lightening, 1-2" in 30 mins; Littl'un was out in the dark making snowman and doing snow-angels; then came in soaked to the skin straight in a hot bath. She was as happy as Larry.
Should freeze nicely for the morning.
Title: Re: Where's the snow?
Post by: aquilegia on January 29, 2004, 12:03:56
tuesday night there was about an inch, but it all melted by yesterday lunchtime, so no time to get my camera out! I got home yesterday at about 4.30, after spending the whole afternoon outside, under 25 pieces of clothing and six layers on my top half (I was the michelin woman!) I think the horse was scared I'd put on several stone since i last rode - he didn't seem to want me to get on board!

Anyway - when I got in it was drizzling outside, half an hour later I looked out the window and there was a couple of inches blanketing everything, coming down almost horizontal in the wind and the bizarre thunder (for a minute I thought something had exploded as like so many of you, I've never experienced snow and thunder before!) This morning it's turned to ice. I hate ice.

Yesterday it was fun and beautiful because I didn't have to do anything, but today when I have to go to work, I hate snow!
Title: Re: Where's the snow?
Post by: Garden Manager on January 29, 2004, 21:01:05
Bit late to report this i know, but the snow arrived here around 7pm last night. With a vengeance.

Blizzard conditions to the point of whiteout at one point. Thunder and lightning to boot. Laid VERY  fast too.  But over within half an hour, leaving behind  about an inch or so and the area transformed into a winter wonderland (ish) ;D.

Soon as it had stopped is froze up quickly, creating tricky conditions this morning.  Chaos abound on the roads around the county I heard.  

All for an inch or so of snow. thats the trouble with the south, we get snow so infrequently we are just not used to it, and chaos results. Those in the north and scotland are more used to it and can cope better i think.

PS. Mostly gone now. Nice sunny day today. Sun melted most of the snow by lunchtime. Only stuff left is that in shady spots where the sun couldnt get at it.  Due to freeze tonight. might make things interesting again in the morning. ;)
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