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Produce => Wildlife forum => Topic started by: honeybee on June 03, 2005, 12:17:14

Title: Chaffinch
Post by: honeybee on June 03, 2005, 12:17:14
I am in shock, ive just spotted a male chaffinch in my garden and ive never ever seen one here fact, ive never seen one in my life.

So i am so excited to see him and so honoured that he is here. :)
Title: Re: Chaffinch
Post by: Val on June 03, 2005, 12:27:32
Lovely  HB, its so exciting seeing different wildlife, am I more aware these days or are we having more visit our gardens? I can't seem to remember so many different species years ago.
Title: Re: Chaffinch
Post by: honeybee on June 03, 2005, 12:33:06
Yes i think you may be right Val, its very encouraging isnt it?  :)
Title: Re: Chaffinch
Post by: honeybee on June 03, 2005, 18:53:27
Well i managed to spot Mr chaffinch again this afternoon and i also managed to see his wife too  ;D

I spotted him flitting about as i was in the kitchen, so i dashed into the conservatory and watched the pair from there.
Mr chaffinch came and sat on the fence not two feet away from where i was standing by the window so i got a great look at him.

It really has made my day  :)
Title: Re: Chaffinch
Post by: dibberxxx on June 03, 2005, 19:04:03
am really pleased for u honneybee its nice to get different birds in the garden, i have lots of robins and blue tits black birds and trushes but no chaffinch, so u are very lucky
Title: Re: Chaffinch
Post by: honeybee on June 03, 2005, 19:19:57
They are mainly what i get dibber, robins, blue tits, blackbirds, sparrows, wrens, pied wagtail, starlings and a few others, but nothing as exotic looking as the chaffinch.

I think everyone is bored with me at home because i keep making them stand for ages watching to see if they can see him too, and my teenage sons are giving me this sort of look ---> ::)
Title: Re: Chaffinch
Post by: Jane the Novice on June 03, 2005, 23:30:49
Nice one honeybee I get that look all the time from my 2 every time I ask them to look at one of my new flowers!
Title: Re: Chaffinch
Post by: gavin on June 04, 2005, 00:00:51
Oh dear, honeybee and val, you make me feel my age :( - when I was a kid, the chaffinch was the commonest british bird; more chaffinches than any other? :( :( :(

There's an awful lot more disappearing - my 9 year-old heard and saw her very FIRST skylark on Tuesday.

All best - Gavin
Title: Re: Chaffinch
Post by: honeybee on June 04, 2005, 08:14:44
Hey Gavin,  dont be feeling like

I checked your age and your only seven years older than me, not a great difference. ;)

Now dry your tears  ;D

I never saw a chaffinch even when i was little.  Maybe this is a sign that they are on their way back?
Title: Re: Chaffinch
Post by: redimp on June 04, 2005, 09:21:26
In my opinion - very learned that it it is  :D, chaffinches and goldfinches are on the rise and sparrows and starlings are in decline.  Good info about rise and fall of birds on  I also use this site for the great piccies and notifications of rare sightings - not a twitcher, just a keen birdie.

Gaivn - hope this page puts your mind at rest
Chaffinches are on the 'green' list.
Title: Re: Chaffinch
Post by: Robert_Brenchley on June 04, 2005, 14:32:09
There are plenty of chaffinches around here, a mile from the centre of Birmingham. I see very few house sparrows though, and while we get plenty of starlings, there are nothing like the winter flocks I used to see before they netted all the buildings in the city centre to keep them off.
Title: Re: Chaffinch
Post by: Marianne on June 04, 2005, 19:18:51
 :DNice to see you have chaffinches in your garden Honeybee.  We have masses of them round here but we do have a nature reserve just at the back of the bungalow. 

Do you still feed your birds right now ???  We put out the wild bird mix and they come every day.  Hope you enjoy them for much longer !  ;D
Title: Re: Chaffinch
Post by: honeybee on June 04, 2005, 20:55:15
No i dont feed the birds Marianne because it encourages the mice and i cant garden happily when i know the little critters are scarpering about  :o

But ive got a very full garden with lots of plants, so the birds seem happy enough to feed on the natural stuff, ive always got quite a few different birds forraging around every time i look out of the window. :)
Title: Re: Chaffinch
Post by: Emm P on June 05, 2005, 12:49:44
I think we are seeing different birds in town gardens these days, because they are losing their natural habitat.
I have seen a Jenny Wren in our garden this year, for the first time ever.
Title: Re: Chaffinch
Post by: Val on June 10, 2005, 16:30:39
Gavin..what do you mean feel your age? I'm older than you!...maybe they were all around back in the dark ages but I can't remember seeing them...Thats when you need to worry...lad! ;D
Title: Re: Chaffinch
Post by: Carol on June 10, 2005, 20:03:51

Thought I would show you the Chaffinch again.  This one sat beside me at a coffee shop and ate the remains of my scone.  The Chaffinch is the most common bird in Scotland.  Hope you see loads more.
Title: Re: Chaffinch
Post by: honeybee on June 10, 2005, 20:45:11
Oh thats a fantastic pic Val, thankyou so much for posting it.  Ive just shown my other half so he can use it for reference as he has no idea why i am so excited about this little bird and has no clue what it looks like so with your excellent pic for reference i can now send him out bird spotting.

Thanks Val  :)
Title: Re: Chaffinch
Post by: Carol on June 10, 2005, 22:28:09
Err excuse me Honeybee but it was not Val you took the picture!!!   will let you off tho.

Title: Re: Chaffinch
Post by: honeybee on June 10, 2005, 23:48:41
I am so sorry Carol, just goes to show the effect that a couple of glasses of wine have on me on a friday night  :-[

Note to self *Dont drink and post * :-X

Carol am i forgiven?
I really did love the pic  :-*
Title: Re: Chaffinch
Post by: redimp on June 11, 2005, 00:05:29
A good looking chaffinch - bet he did not have much trouble finding a mate.
Title: Re: Chaffinch
Post by: Carol on June 11, 2005, 00:17:20
We were sitting eating a scone and cup of coffee at the Visitor Centre at Glencoe when the Robin landed and ate crumbs, then the chaffinch, then a Great Tit.  I couldnt believe my luch but was not quick enough to get all 3 together.

I will forgive you Honeybee, but dont do it again  LOL

 :P :P :P :P
Title: Re: Chaffinch
Post by: Val on June 11, 2005, 07:44:24
I don't mind taking the credit for the pic...its lovely...I wish mine would come out like that Carol...they've all got the Honeybee after her wine. ;D ;D
Title: Re: Chaffinch
Post by: Jill on June 11, 2005, 10:54:24
Oh heck.  Well our cats will be 1 on 4th July and Tig caught his first bird last week.  Brought it in to show me and it was a chaffinch.  He opened his mouth to meouw and say "look what I've brought for you" and it flew into the kitchen.  I've a complete phobia when it comes to birds.  You should have heard the scream (but perhaps you did)!  Ran into kitchen, opened window, ran back into conservatory and cowered in the corner for half an hour.  It must have flown out as there was no sign when I finally plucked up the courage to look around the door.  I was shaking like a leaf for the rest of the day.  "Bloody cats" has become a frequent saying in this house.
Title: Re: Chaffinch
Post by: Val on June 11, 2005, 17:19:52
Yep I heard the scream ; want to be careful, the cat will think thats her name..can you imagin having to shout that out every time you want her in? ;)
Title: Re: Chaffinch
Post by: Bambi.1 on June 13, 2005, 16:12:54
 :'( l found some peachy coloured feathers under the sweet chestnut tree this week  :'( also saw a couple of Magpies  >:(
don't think l need to say anymore  :'(
We also get some greenfinches on the bird table,they are pretty too.
Title: Re: Chaffinch
Post by: redimp on June 13, 2005, 17:39:38
You should be able to get that fear treated on the NHS after you have waited on various waiting lists for a couple of years.  Think you should get it treated, you are missing out on an awful lot.

PS - when did you first know you had the fear and what was the trigger?  Was it other people a la bumble bees and wasps?

PPS - should I get my couch out?  ;D
Title: Re: Chaffinch
Post by: portway farm on June 13, 2005, 18:19:51
We have a baby chaffinch!!!!! My terror of a son thought it fun to chase but I soon stepped in to stop that. We were delighted and then today we have spotted 3 baby thrushes. So my husband is elighted. :)
Title: Re: Chaffinch
Post by: redimp on June 13, 2005, 21:38:22
I now they are flying rats but it really pees me off when parents allow children to chase the pigeons around in town.  My children would never dream of doing that and did not require me being strict - just the instillation of a sense of deep respect for all things alive and natural.  It's easy when you try - just not enough people do.  Can't see you having much of a problem portway.
Title: Re: Chaffinch
Post by: GREENWIZARD on June 16, 2005, 11:28:39
i have alot of chaffies in my garden :) :) :) :)
they always feed at the end of the garden so i watch them through a pair of binoculars~it's a wonder the local bobby hasn't paid me a visit-no doubt the neighbors think i'm spying on them :D :D
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