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Edible Plants / Runner Beans
« Last post by widgetwilk on May 30, 2024, 10:17:38 »
Hi not been here for some time, but now need advice and help, I have a raised bed, 2 foot of the ground, and all the runner bean plants I put in are being eaten, the last ones I put in on Tuesday and covered with netting, thinking it might be pigeons, but they have been eaten, cannot see anything under the leaves of the two that are left, cannot see anything on the soil, so am really puzzled as to what is happening to my beans, anyone got any ideas, ?
Edible Plants / Re: Seed Saving Circle 2024
« Last post by markfield rover on May 30, 2024, 09:12:04 »
Every year is the year I am going to get organised have a system , I am getting better but so much room for improvement . I have a small ten drawer filing cabinet mainly in order of sowing dates , but lettuce, tomatoes and beans are separate, fail number one! I also like to keep seed swap seeds separate, fail number two!  I am more organised with the seed swap , I grow on the allotment which means isolation is difficult , last year I added runner beans but these were grown at home. I have a separate bed for the seed circle and rarely use the produce ,seed saving being the priority. I keep a separate notebook for these seeds.
I think my problem is that I see each seed as a bit of a wonder and not just another seed .
The end result is plenty to eat and share. Sorry not to have been able to give any helpful ideas.
Edible Plants / Re: Seed Saving Circle 2024
« Last post by JanG on May 30, 2024, 05:32:02 »
An interesting question, juliev. Maps etc sound very organised!

On rotation, I’ve begun to be influenced by Charles Dowding who has conducted comparisons and concluded that it makes little difference. With beans, for example, it’s easier for me to keep some structures in place from year to year. I grow a lot of brassicas - not often for seed-saving - and haven’t noticed a problem with overlapping some plantings on successive years. I try to rotate alliums where possible for fear of leaf miner recurring and white rot getting established. So far, so fairly good.

I use Airtable very heavily for knowing what I’ve sown and making lists etc., but If I have a set of something to plant out, I often don’t know which empty space I’m going to plant them in until I wander around and look to see where might be best. Sometimes I’ll earmark a space for something, like now where I’m keeping a good sunny spot free for a second batch of sweetcorn.

For seed-saving, I’m lucky to have two growing areas about 100 metres apart. I can do a certain amount of isolating that way. I tend to mix in the eating and the seed-saving unless there’s something I’m very keen to get seed from in which case I wouldn’t eat from it at all.

This is certainly a time of year which taxes the grey matter and keeps us thinking of lots of factors all  at once. Lots of tricky decisions to be made!

I don’t expect my wandering description conveys much clarity at all, probably because there isn’t any kind of grand master plan. I’m aware some people plan their layout through the winter and have an overall map. I couldn’t get anywhere near that as there are just so many variables and so many decision made on the hoof.

I would also be very interested to hear experiences from others. I’m also aware that isolating and crop protection must be more difficult for allotment holders as you’re surrounded by the crops and predators of other growers. I’m surrounded by farm land but do sometimes have to reckon with nearby fields of maize and field beans which will affect seed saving. And occasionally predators from around are a problem, like some years I’ve thought that flea beetles have descended in force when the rape crop has been gathered in. So I now protect my most valued brassicas plants with fine mesh rather than just netting.

An endless and fascinating subject, so I’d better stop now! .
Edible Plants / Re: Seed Saving Circle 2024
« Last post by juliev on May 29, 2024, 16:17:03 »
I'd love to know how you get organised too...
I've got maps and 100s of little bags everywhere!  :tongue3:
Do you rotate what you grow and save seeds from? Or grow some mixed for eating and some separate for seed saving?
Edible Plants / Re: peas not germinating Jan G
« Last post by Tiny Clanger on May 29, 2024, 15:59:22 »
Hi Jan G,   :wave:

Its only the tall climbing peas I seem to have problems with. NEVER managed to get more than a couple germinated and growing. (4 this year -t hey have been grubbed up and collard greens put in) All the other peas are doing very well.  Broad beans: I sow Claudia direct in Early October and never had a failure yet. Double rows just over a meter tall and the beans are set.  Lord knows what goes wrong every time I try to grow the tall peas   :blob7:
Edible Plants / Re: peas not germinating
« Last post by Simon05 on May 26, 2024, 17:50:15 »
I’ve always had little or no germination from sowing pea seeds directly into the ground. I’d be fairly certain it’s small rodents.
It’s far more reliable to sow them either in modules or in lengths of guttering. Even then I would suspend them somehow from the roof of the greenhouse or sow them indoors to prevent mice reaching them.

thanks for the reply going to try guttering or modules next season
Edible Plants / Re: peas not germinating
« Last post by JanG on May 25, 2024, 06:50:44 »
That’s very odd, Timy Clanger. Your mice are very selective!
Were they sown at the same time? I’ve found with broad beans that I have success with direct sowing when the sowings are later. Presumably more available elsewhere by then.
Edible Plants / Re: peas not germinating
« Last post by Tiny Clanger on May 24, 2024, 10:02:17 »
I've successfully sown direct for years sowing Onward, Hurst, Blau Schoke and Sugar snap. However, I've Never had more than 4 germinate from full packets of Alderman or Telephone. It was Alderman this year. 4 growing. I think I'll have them up and get some cabbage in 😖
The Shed / Re: Sad News
« Last post by woodypecks on May 23, 2024, 10:43:20 »
So sorry for your loss Louise . Thinking of you  .🕊️🌿
Edible Plants / Re: peas not germinating
« Last post by JanG on May 22, 2024, 06:56:36 »
I’ve always had little or no germination from sowing pea seeds directly into the ground. I’d be fairly certain it’s small rodents.
It’s far more reliable to sow them either in modules or in lengths of guttering. Even then I would suspend them somehow from the roof of the greenhouse or sow them indoors to prevent mice reaching them.
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