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General => News => Topic started by: Admin aka Dan on September 15, 2005, 10:22:12

Title: Personal Messages
Post by: Admin aka Dan on September 15, 2005, 10:22:12

In response to emails I have received from several users, I would like to point out some features of the site.

Personal Messages

It is possible to block all personal messages from one or more users, in your profile options, on the left hand side is the option Personal Message Options.  From here you can block personal messages from one or more users.  When a blocked user tries to send you a message they receive a message to the effect of, 'you can not send this member a message, they have blocked you'.

It is also possible to report a personal message to the administrators of the site, there is a link Report this message to an administrator, clicking on this enables you to send the message and comments, which can then be acted on if required.

Also please remember to respect other users of this site, I find it incredible that people abuse others via the anonymous nature of personal messages, remember that it is a privilege which can be removed, I hope that does not become necessary.

I hope this is of use to the people having problems.

Title: Re: Personal Messages
Post by: Derekthefox on September 15, 2005, 10:39:09
I, for one, am willing to go into print to say how sad I find this state of affairs. I find this such a happy site, the thought of abusive or offensive personal messages whizzing around definitely makes me feel uncomfortable. I presume the senders of these messages have no intentions of trying to resolve their grievances in a mature way. Blocking to me is such an ugly restriction to have to impose, but of course, I accept that sometimes it is necessary.

Perhaps I am just too naive ...

Derekthefox :D
Title: Re: Personal Messages
Post by: Gardengirl on September 15, 2005, 10:57:26
Many thanks for this facility Dan :)  I hope I never have cause to use it,  but it is nice to  know it is there.

So glad to see you are still with us Derek, I too am a member of naive society :) - cannot believe that people could be so vicious as to send these types of messages.  Don't let them win :)
Title: Re: Personal Messages
Post by: Tulipa on September 15, 2005, 11:01:36
Thanks Dan, I hope no-one ever needs to use it.  This is such a friendly caring site, a real pleasure to chat with lovely people, long may it continue...
Title: Re: Personal Messages
Post by: Colin_Bellamy-Wood on September 15, 2005, 12:14:18
Well, well, well, reading between the lines, it would seem that we have been invaded by someone who is obviously sick and perverted.   How sad for that person.   They should be pitied rather than vilified.   And if they hide behind anonymity, they are a coward to boot.   At least the misguided suicide bomber faces his victims.   Thank goodness Dan has the presence of mind to provide and to point out the blocking facility.   I don't intend to use it.   If the sick person wants to have a go at me, they are welcome.   In doing so they will come out into the open, and Dan will very quickly know about it, so that they can be blocked to everyone forever.
Thanks for the message Da.
Regards Colin.
Title: Re: Personal Messages
Post by: teresa on September 15, 2005, 13:50:46
Thank Dan,
It is sad that some abuse this lovely site
Title: Re: Personal Messages
Post by: ina on September 15, 2005, 16:40:13
And on the up-side, I have only received very pleasant pm's so far.
I think it is not as common as it now may seem that nasty pm's are sent.
No matter what happens, do not forget or forsake all the supportive people here when one person is being nasty please, just block the creep.
Title: Re: Personal Messages
Post by: busy_lizzie on September 15, 2005, 17:17:24
It is a bit sad to think that we have anyone on this lovely friendly site, who would send abusive pm's.  I do hope when it happens they are fully exposed and I welcome this new facility if it protects the lovely people on a4a.  Thank you Dan for all your trouble and care in giving us such a wonderful message board.  I, like Ina have only ever received lovely friendly pm's which I am sure will have been the vast majority.  :) busy_lizzie
Title: Re: Personal Messages
Post by: Derekthefox on September 15, 2005, 17:37:22
I can say with all honesty that I have never received any abusive pm's either.
Nor would I send any.

Derekthefox :D
Title: Re: Personal Messages
Post by: jock_edin on September 15, 2005, 18:27:34
I am totally amazed somebody comes along and spoils something hundreds of people get genuine pleasure from. I have been a member about 3 years now  and still getting the hang of how to get around a4a. I thought something was wrong earlier when I couldn't get on but never crossed my mind it was something like this, so to whoever it is go to an adult site there must be plenty for you.  Keep up the good work Dan its appreciated.
Title: Re: Personal Messages
Post by: Admin aka Dan on September 15, 2005, 19:55:23
Earier when we had the problem, it was my fault :-[

I was changing the software the board runs on slightly, and made a mistake!

Eeeek ...
Title: Re: Personal Messages
Post by: kitty on September 15, 2005, 20:11:52
dan! ;D :-*
ooo-nasty messages?
horrible people......well-i hope whoevers getting them arent put off coming to the site-theres always someone wanting to stick the boot in-ignoring them cuts off their oxygen
Title: Re: Personal Messages
Post by: hemajo on September 16, 2005, 09:43:56
dan! ;D :-*
ooo-nasty messages?
horrible people......well-i hope whoevers getting them arent put off coming to the site-theres always someone wanting to stick the boot in-ignoring them cuts off their oxygen
I agree, although having once received a very unpleasant phone call, it is difficult to put this into practice :-[   At the time I thought I handled it well - but when I put the phone down, I ran round the house locking all the doors!!!

 I used to frequent a gardening forum which was sadly invaded by (I can only presume) teenagers who completely ruined it, but it wasn't administrated.  So it is fantastic that this site is looked after by Dan so well. 
Title: Re: Personal Messages
Post by: dibberxxx on September 16, 2005, 15:27:10
Derek are you hot as your shirt is off again you trying to get us women going  :o :o :o

thanks Dan for the info but i can gladly say that i have never received nasty pm i just feel sorry for the peeps that are receiving them
Title: Re: Personal Messages
Post by: Derekthefox on September 16, 2005, 15:41:14
Dibber !

As if I would, after all I am a gentleman !

It has been suggested, that I do one in my trunks ...   ;)

Further disclosures will have to remain within pm's, Messenger or the Watershed  ;D ;D ;D

Derekthefox :D
Title: Re: Personal Messages
Post by: kitty on September 16, 2005, 16:21:24
enoughs enough man!
we will have a case of the vapours!
Title: Re: Personal Messages
Post by: Derekthefox on September 16, 2005, 17:04:42
Then for you Kitty, I will be suitably discrete if I can . . .  ;)

Derekthefox :D
Title: Re: Personal Messages
Post by: Marianne on September 18, 2005, 19:17:47
Thank you Dan !  ;D

It is a pity I did not know about the "block" facility when I got all those nasty PMs.  It is also a shame one would have to use it as this has always been a really nice site with very nice people.

However it seems the game is over now and I have been left in peace.  ;)
Title: Re: Personal Messages
Post by: kitty on September 18, 2005, 20:03:22
awwwww......marrianne.....hope you can feel better soon-that sort of thing always leaves you feeling a bit wary-not knowing anything about it i would assume(hope)that it wasnt a regular on here ..just someone being a jerk.
so-get back to enjoying a4a!
luv kitty ;D
Title: Re: Personal Messages
Post by: Derekthefox on September 18, 2005, 20:13:32
I echo Kitty's words Marianne ...

Derekthefox :D
Title: Re: Personal Messages
Post by: Marianne on September 18, 2005, 20:16:05
Kity and Derek - thank you !  ;D

I have definitely decided to stay and enjoy A4A.  After all, it's part of my daily life now ;D ;)

Title: Re: Personal Messages
Post by: Derekthefox on September 18, 2005, 21:10:04
Well I for one will make sure that you have made the right decision  ;)

Derekthefox :D
Title: Re: Personal Messages
Post by: lorna on September 18, 2005, 22:05:56
I for one think the PM facility is great. I have had reason to use it a few times. Mainly to give my address to members who have so kindly sent me seeds.
As Dan has said we all have the facility to block any unwanted PM's or rather the person who sends them . So if there has been any of the  "not nice PM's" Dan's post should put a stop to it and those of us who like to use it can get on with using the facility.      Lorna.
Title: Re: Personal Messages
Post by: Amazin on October 20, 2005, 00:43:26
It's a great idea Dan.
Those good folks on the receiving end of these messages have my absolute sympathy and support.
However I also think that the people who send these messages should be named and shamed on site for all to see, optionally with an example of their handiwork - and a suitable warning in the thread title for the faint hearted!
Title: Re: Personal Messages
Post by: Andy H on October 23, 2005, 23:16:48
great site and great people.

BUT if anyone gets ofy PM`s then perhaps details sent to Dan and for him to decide to NAME & SHAME the plonkers!???

block the plonkers!???

Title: Re: Personal Messages
Post by: TULIP-23 on November 26, 2005, 19:19:19
Im with Derek here its a shame that this happens
but its a fact of life there are those type of people everywhere today.That in its self is unfortunate, We have a great site here and should really preserve what we have.
There are things in place to prevent this thank heavens
But some of our friends have been hurt and offendend and that really is unacceptable
To bring a point over or comment...we can  certainly as Adults
do this without offence to your Friends on the Net...if you cant then you in the wrong place.
Sorry Folks  but thank you for lettin g me have my two pennies worth
Title: Er PM's
Post by: Palustris on January 14, 2006, 14:29:00
I know these are a touchy subject, but I had some people's addresses in Personal Messages,  and not written down anywhere else. any chance of getting them back?
Title: Re: Personal Messages
Post by: Admin aka Dan on January 14, 2006, 14:36:05
They will return, I'm just soring out a few issues with the new forum software.


Title: Re: Personal Messages
Post by: Robert_Brenchley on January 14, 2006, 17:55:25
That's a good idea; it should put a stop to the nonsense.
Title: Re: Personal Messages
Post by: Yellow Petals on January 14, 2006, 22:47:43

I have my personal messages back but I cannot access my outbox still.  Is it just an error with mine or is everybody still experiencing hiccups with the messages please?

Title: Re: Personal Messages
Post by: adam04 on January 14, 2006, 23:27:06
you cant send any yet.  just read ones in your inbox, sure dans working on it.
Title: Re: Personal Messages
Post by: Yellow Petals on January 15, 2006, 11:10:45
you cant send any yet.  just read ones in your inbox, sure dans working on it.

Ok, thanks matey  :)
Title: Re: Personal Messages
Post by: redimp on January 17, 2006, 22:51:17
I can't pm yet either.
Title: Re: Personal Messages
Post by: campanula on January 21, 2006, 19:54:29
blimey, having been offline for a while, i am amazed at the blight of abusive messages that seem to have been around - not that I have ever had any. My son goes on Squatjuice, a rave bulletin board and has just expressed a degree of jealousy at how nice this boards is in comparison - on squatjuice, life is one long flame and whine. hey ho, more power to allotment for all.
Title: Re: Personal Messages
Post by: Admin aka Dan on February 02, 2006, 10:44:00
Personal messages are now enabled for all users (and have been since last monday!)


Title: Re: Personal Messages
Post by: jason on June 21, 2006, 12:47:57
This site is great its like everyone is welcome I don't understand how someone could be such a ______ as to send nasty messages they should  maybe grow some herbs in there shed and chill out there is enough hatred in society we should be allowed a safe haven from it. I like reading all the stuff on here it helps me out with my plot as I'm a new allotment holder and I need all the info I can get.Allotments4all is No1.
Title: Re: Personal Messages
Post by: Admin aka Dan on June 21, 2006, 13:16:06
I have locked this thread.

I'm sure people are now using the PM facility responsibly, but remember if not you can report any PM to me via the link at every one sent.


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