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Produce => Wildlife forum => Topic started by: Plocket on June 24, 2004, 11:50:55

Title: Eeeek! A Mouse...!
Post by: Plocket on June 24, 2004, 11:50:55
Val, I have to say that I thought of you this morning. I walked past the downstairs loo this morning, which is near our back door. I noticed a movement and saw a tiny mouse disappear behind the toilet. I pulled myself together and looked again to see him climb into our jumbo bag of toilet rolls! I certainly didn't want it making a nest or getting comfortable, but didn't know what to do.

Eventually, after ensuring the cat was shut in the house, I opened the back door, and grabbed the nearby mop. Using the handle of the mop I lifted the bag of loo rolls, and keeping it at a distance from me, put the bag outside. Would the mouse come out? No chance! Cautiously I pulled out a loo roll, hoping the mouse wasn't hanging on to it! Then another, and then another, until eventually the bag was empty except for the mouse. By this time I was cringing and feeling very nervous, but I carefully tipped up the bag and the mouse scuttled off behind my pots.

An hour or so later my cat appeared and sniffed around the toilet and looked at me as if to say "where's my mouse?". I'm glad I rescued it, but the episode shook me up a bit!
Title: Re:Eeeek! A Mouse...!
Post by: aquilegia on June 24, 2004, 11:59:59
Plocket - good job you noticed the mouse going into the loo rolls. A few years back, I was sitting on the loo one morning, all bleary eyed, when suddenly a mouse ran literally between my feet!  :o
Title: Re:Eeeek! A Mouse...!
Post by: Plocket on June 24, 2004, 12:02:58
Oh I would have screamed! I think a bag of nice soft loo rolls would have made a nice house for a mouse!

I like mice to look at, but I don't want them running around my house! The cat must have caught it, but she is a bit old and doesn't really know how to kill things (thank goodness!).
Title: Re:Eeeek! A Mouse...!
Post by: Val on June 24, 2004, 13:22:03
 :'(Oh my Gawd, I feel faint just thinking about it.You are a lot braver than me Plocket , its toe curling  sweat forming, clammy hands, bl....y hell, can't even go there, yaaaaa.
Title: Re:Eeeek! A Mouse...!
Post by: Plocket on June 24, 2004, 13:35:08
It wasn't quite that bad - but I was VERY brave!!!
Title: Re:Eeeek! A Mouse...!
Post by: feet of clay on June 24, 2004, 20:27:59
Last week, a baby rat fell out of our extension roof, down the hole where the heating pipes run.  It landed next to the kettle just as my (27 year old) son was brewing up.  He screamed like a girl and I popped a collander over the beastie.  Then I sort of shoved it gently across the worktop into the mop bucket and chucked a towel over the bucket.  Ratling was taken for a long walk to a field.  Son wouldn't go near kettle all week!
Title: Re:Eeeek! A Mouse...!
Post by: Plocket on June 24, 2004, 21:00:22
Aaagh! But what about the rest of the rats? That would be my main concern!!! I am pretty confident that the mouse was brought in by my cat, because she knew exactly where it was (and is generally pretty lazy and never goes in the downstairs loo!).
Title: Re:Eeeek! A Mouse...!
Post by: Val on June 25, 2004, 13:07:24
Hi Feets, not laughed so much in ages, you have to watch these young lads any excuse not to make a cuppa!!! Do feel sorry for him really, only a week? I would've had to move.
Title: Re:Eeeek! A Mouse...!
Post by: gilgamesh on June 25, 2004, 14:05:54
Years ago, I was working for a brewery company, at a location where they stabled dray horses, so it was well infested. We had a coffee machine of the type where you take a cup with the dry ingredienrts, put it under a spout, and press a button for water. There was a "clicker" to provide sugar, too. One day, the sugar clicker was rather still, and one of our resident Aussies finally managed to force it across.

A spoonful of sugar descended into his coffee.

So did a live mouse.

Sudden decrease in coffee consumption, and particularly in sugar consumption, resulted.
Title: Re:Eeeek! A Mouse...!
Post by: Val on June 25, 2004, 16:01:49
No more please, what can I grow that will cure nightmares?
Title: Re:Eeeek! A Mouse...!
Post by: gilgamesh on June 25, 2004, 16:15:03
Smoke them over oak or apple chippings, smouldering rather than flaming? For those across the pond, I'd suggest hickory smoked nightmares?
Title: Re:Eeeek! A Mouse...!
Post by: feet of clay on June 25, 2004, 19:55:30
Sorry Val!  Just remembered that when a friend's toaster failed to work, she assumed it needed de-crumbing so turned it upside down and gave it a shake.  An electrocuted mouse dropped out!
Title: Re:Eeeek! A Mouse...!
Post by: eileen on June 25, 2004, 20:21:54
Can I join in here?

The worst mouse episode in our family (well kind of) was when my daughter and a friend went into a McDonalds and ordered a burger. The friend (who shall remain nameless) opened up the bun to put on ketchup and what did she find but HALF A MOUSE cooked into the burger!!! Needless to say she made a rare old scene and sued them. UGH!!!!! I'll NEVER eat in a McDonalds no matter how hungry I am.

Title: Re:Eeeek! A Mouse...!
Post by: TrailRat on June 25, 2004, 20:31:45
Well, i have two mice and and two rats for pets. Beautiful creatures can't understand why ppl don't like them.

Title: Re:Eeeek! A Mouse...!
Post by: Plocket on June 25, 2004, 21:19:09
Hi Guys!

Gilgamesh - luckily I only drink "fresh" filter coffee!

FOC- now I am worried about my sensitive toaster!

Eileen - I hope your friend sued Macs!

TrailRad - I am quite happy with mice (not quite so with rats though) - it is when the are running freely over my house, feet, possessions that I take against them. However I don't want them killed - I am quite happy to have them removed to the garden where they belong. By the way - do you have snakes? When I was much younger I had a school friend who was animal mad - she had snakes and rats, and then one day the snakes got out and ate the rats. Funny - I always liked the snakes... My cat "caught" a rat once but it was already stiff with rigor mortis!!!
Title: Re:Eeeek! A Mouse...!
Post by: TrailRat on June 25, 2004, 21:36:14
No snakes, trying to persuade other half to let me have a leopard gekko though. The mice I have are well trained and run amok quite freely over the house. Easily persuaded back to the tank with a cheerio or two. The rats on the other hand are fat, lazy creatures and don't like to wander to far from their food dish.

Glad to hear about your great feline hunter ;D plocket
Title: Re:Eeeek! A Mouse...!
Post by: Plocket on June 25, 2004, 21:46:54
Hi TrailRat! My cat is a disgrace to other felines - thank goodness. One kill a year max - and she's 13 now I think. Too lazy! Sounds like your rats!!!

Mice sound cute - grandpa's neighbours used to keep mice in a dolls house - they put mesh in front of the house for when they pulled the front of the house open. Really nice to see them running up and down the stairs!

Gekkos are fantastic! Love them! Don't know what they are like as pets though!!! Good luck with OH!
Title: Re:Eeeek! A Mouse...!
Post by: eileen on June 26, 2004, 00:10:18
I've kept fancy rats for over twenty years. Great little pets. Only the males were lazy though!!!  :P They are trained to come when their names are called. Highly intellegent and love to play games. You can also train them not to mess in the house only in their cages and I've never been bitten by one yet.  :-*

Trailrat - what type have you got - Hoodies, Berkshires, champagnes, albinos...............? I think the hoodies are the most intelligent and certianly enjoy human company.

Plocket - yeah she sued them. Never found out what settlement she got though but she bought herself a new car about six months after the event!!??!

Title: Re:Eeeek! A Mouse...!
Post by: TrailRat on June 26, 2004, 08:41:12
Not sure of the breed of rat i've got. The pet shop weren't to sure themselves. Both are male and one is black with a white underbelly, the other is brown all over. As for the mice, both are female. One is a albino and the other is a domesticated version of a fieldmouse. Only Snowball, the albino mouse, bites but she does it playfully and has yet to break the skin.

Title: Re:Eeeek! A Mouse...!
Post by: Val on June 26, 2004, 11:40:23
This thread is like one of those horror, scary films, you don't want to watch but can't switch off. I must be a masochist or whatever it is,  You see the rodents have addled my brain, better go to that funny farm then........
Title: Re:Eeeek! A Mouse...!
Post by: eileen on June 26, 2004, 13:32:46
One of your rats sounds like a Berkshire Trailrat(the one with the white belly) the other is possibly a Brindle. Never kept mice but I know they're supposed to make good little pets too.

Rats and mice are really the best pets for children and I'd rather have one of them than a bl..dy hamster any day. In my vet. nursing days I got more nasty, deep wounds from hamsters than anything else!!!!

Val, sorry to keep scaring you silly!! I'd better not tell you some of my other more 'horrendous' stories then eh? Unless you really want me too that is??!!.  ;) ;) :P  ;D ;D ;D


Title: Re:Eeeek! A Mouse...!
Post by: Steven on June 26, 2004, 14:05:35
Reading your message made me smile!

A few years ago,i used to work in a large warhouse which had a problem with rodents.Because i was the sort of maintenance bloke,i decided to start setting traps,but one of the women at work didnt like the idea of me actually killing the mice and rats-i was persuaded to use humane traps.

Next day,i checked the traps and there were 6 mice all scampering about inside.I went outide to the field beside warehouse to let them go(with accompanying woman to ensure i didnt kill them on route).I let them go and ALL of them legged it back in the direction of the warehouse!

After this,i set normal mouse/rat traps baited with chocolate and caught loads-including a Stoat! In the end,we ended up getting pest controller to put poison down as i couldnt keep up with their numbers.

As a child,i kept mice,rats,hamsters,gerbils as pets so have never had a fear of them.The rats were always my favourite!
Title: Re:Eeeek! A Mouse...!
Post by: Val on June 26, 2004, 16:54:32
NOOOO thank you Eileen. What is the fasination with ratty and co. Give me a nice cuddly dog any day, although our last dog wasn't too cuddly...but that is another tale...Mickey has fleas, so does ratty , they scuttle, have long tails, get in places they shouldn't and just sit and look at you, as if to say WHAT?    Hey Bubbles did the woman with you leg it to? I bet she did.!
Title: Re:Eeeek! A Mouse...!
Post by: Doris_Pinks on June 26, 2004, 18:19:52
We kept rats (called Gin and Tonic!)and loved them, cried my eyes out when they went to rat heaven! (one died of breast cancer, the other had a brain tumour) They used to cuddle up with my kids on the couch when they were all watching TV.
Have to say one of the most intelligent loving pets we have ever had.
Had mice before that, we were ASSURED they were both females, yeah right!!!! Ended up with loads of the darlings!!
Now moved onto guinea pigs, not as intelligent, but an endless source of joy and amusement to the children and I!
Title: Re:Eeeek! A Mouse...!
Post by: eileen on June 26, 2004, 18:59:42
Val - sorry to disappoint you but fancy mice and rats don't have fleas!!!! However, most puppies are born with worms and can be infested with our little jumping buddies without any probs!!

Don't know why I've never been scared of things like mice, rate, snakes etc but I have got a fear of...............wasps. So feel free to tell me some gruesome stories about them if you like - as payback!!! ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re:Eeeek! A Mouse...!
Post by: TrailRat on June 26, 2004, 19:56:06
Never had a flea problem here with my rats or mice. Beautiful and stunnigly intelligent creatures. As for wasps I have a morbid fear of them too. As a child when i was 2 I got stung on the roof of my mouth by one when I was eating ice cream. That's also the reason why I'm afraid to have dental injections. Sorry if this freaks you out Eileen and my apologies for the mice comments Val.
Title: Re:Eeeek! A Mouse...!
Post by: eileen on June 26, 2004, 21:19:43
Nah doesn't scare me reading  about them at all Trailrat - just scares me sh.tless coming face to face with one - especially in a confined space.  :o
Ever seen a grown woman leap over the back of a sofa from a standing position? Well that was me a few years back when I saw one glaring at me from the window ledge. I'm sure it was about three feet between the eyes and out to get me!!!!!!!! I stood outside the front door, quivering like a  massive lump of jelly until a neighbour came along and disposed of it for me. He then tried to let me see it but as he held out his hand with the evil, stripey little devil on it .......well just lets say I (cough, cough).........  ran away blubbering like a baby.  :-[  Poor man couldn't understand why 'cause it was dead after all. Thing is I was convinced it was going to jump straight out of his palm at me and take it's revenge! Needed a really strong cuppa after all that I can tell you.  ::)


Title: Re:Eeeek! A Mouse...!
Post by: TrailRat on June 26, 2004, 21:32:16
i'm with you on that one. I seem to have a strange radar for them. If one gets within 6ft of me I could give the ferrari F1 a race for their money. Ever seen a grown man try to climb through a letter box in an escape attempt. Legged it from the flat to find the door locked and wasp sitting 3 ft where my keys are kept. Don't like the little sods and now have every square inch of the flat covered in wasp repellent. They hate citrollena stuff thats out on the market.

Title: Re:Eeeek! A Mouse...!
Post by: Plocket on June 26, 2004, 21:33:32
Eileen I agree with you - Wasps are just awful - no point them being on the planet that I can see (anyone care to tell me why we need them?). I remember my sister and I running down a hill when we were little and suddenly she started crying and shouting but couldn't stop running (she was about 6 I guess). At the bottom we found a wasp had got under her shirt and just kept stinging her because it couldn't get out. She was literally covered in stings poor love. And I STILL hate them more than her. They are the one thing I will spray with chemicals if I just see them. Anything else I will give a chance - you know - show them the window or whatever. Yuck!
Title: Re:Eeeek! A Mouse...!
Post by: eileen on June 26, 2004, 22:53:23
Note to self: Buy the whole markets supply of Citronella!!!  :P

Is there a spray I can put on me to stop the 'yellow perils' buzzing around my face? Oh .. I hate it when they do that.  >:(
I'd gladly spend my life in a bucket of the stuff if it just kept them away from me.

Someone told me that they ate aphids......well I sure as h.ll ain't no blinking aphid so why do they keep pestering me!!!??!!! UGH!!!


Title: Re:Eeeek! A Mouse...!
Post by: Gardengirl on June 27, 2004, 09:41:15
I haven't got any funny, or gruesome stories about mice or rats but I must thank you guys for a most entertaining 10 minutes reading all about yours :D  I must admit that wasps are my pet hate, although I did spend a while watching one particular wasp some years ago.  My cat had left some of her food in her dish, the back door was open, and this wasp kept coming to the dish, taking some food and flying off again.  This carried on for quite some time, must have been taking the food back to a nest I guess, but I thought it strange, a wasp eating cat food :-\  Eileen, I think there is an insect repellant spray you can buy from the chemist.
Title: Re:Eeeek! A Mouse...!
Post by: feet of clay on June 27, 2004, 10:35:18
Apparently Marmite works!  Don't smear it on - eat it.  If you don't like it then I can't recommend anything else except those Autan? wipes from the chemist.  Just remembered that No. 1 son got bug deterrrent juice and 'sweat bands' to apply it to - sort of makes a 'force field' - this came from YHA shop (he was off to Jungleland).  I'm lucky - must be rotten through and through - cos the little critters generally leave me alone.
Title: Re:Eeeek! A Mouse...!
Post by: Val on June 27, 2004, 14:46:28
Poor little wasps, you nasty cruel horrible people, just tell them very sternly to go away and they do. You'll have them all buzzing down that line to the RSPCW man, they'll jam up the lines.  Now as for Mickey well he's not called dangermouse for nothing, they climb walls to get in the house, they drop out of ceilings, ask Muddy, well okay so it was ratty but still yuk.
Title: Re:Eeeek! A Mouse...!
Post by: Plocket on June 27, 2004, 21:23:53
Wasps eat aphids??? That's a new one on me! Little b*****s. Still early in the season though.....
Title: Re:Eeeek! A Mouse...!
Post by: Mrs Ava on June 27, 2004, 22:08:08
Wandering rather belatedly back onto the mousey subject, many many moons ago, my late great granny was tucking into a bowl of waitrose icecream when she started muching something rather crunchy, a little curious as it was vanilla icecream.  My nan and grandad asked her what it was, but her being a proud Devon woman just said 'nothin' my 'andsomes' and kept eating, until she could manage no more.....the tail!  She had consumed a complete frozen wee critter.  :o  Yum!  :P
Title: Re:Eeeek! A Mouse...!
Post by: Wicker on June 27, 2004, 22:49:56
Uggghhhh!! Was munching away at a scone and my new strawberry jam when I read that EJ  :o  Nice to see you back on the boards tho.
Title: Re:Eeeek! A Mouse...!
Post by: Val on June 28, 2004, 11:06:43
This is getting worse by the minute, it should be censored... do we still have things censored these days? Well if not it should have the worse rating...or ratting.  :o :o
Title: Re:Eeeek! A Mouse...!
Post by: Plocket on June 28, 2004, 19:37:50
Val sweetie! You don't HAVE to read this Mouse board!!!!! The ice cream story was just sick making though. Makes my story seem so tame!!!

Title: Re:Eeeek! A Mouse...!
Post by: TrailRat on June 28, 2004, 19:57:09
May I just say that the mouse may have been alive as when the get too cold they go into a sort of self induced coma. I've seen it happen, one of my mice had got into the freezer (not sure how) and I found him the next curled in a ball. Because I thought she was dead I placed her in cotton wall lined box to bury her and the next day when I went to bury her I found she had chewed her way through the box, I found her sitting on the tank wanting to be let in to be fed.

Title: Re:Eeeek! A Mouse...!
Post by: Plocket on June 28, 2004, 20:40:48
Ew ew ew! Poor little mouse. I feel quite sorry for it. Am very glad they have some defences. They seem to lead such a hard life in the wild!
Title: Re:Eeeek! A Mouse...!
Post by: Val on June 29, 2004, 11:46:12
Hi Plocket, I can't stop reading this, its like an itch you can't scratch, strange because I can't watch horror movies or read horror stories except this one....I'll just keep taking the tablets. ;)
Title: Re:Eeeek! A Mouse...!
Post by: eileen on June 29, 2004, 11:51:54
Poor Val is going to need intensive therapy if she reads that one Trailrat!!!

Isn't it funny how when you've got an itch you've just GOT to scratch it? Do you think that's how Val is with this topic? She doesn't want to know but just can't resist having a look anyway. :P

To save her sanity I think I'll forget about the mouse and the carpet layer and the mice and the electricity cable and the ..................  ;) ;)  ;D

Title: Re:Eeeek! A Mouse...!
Post by: Val on June 29, 2004, 12:00:55
I'm still here, reading about carpets and stuff, now where is the not suitable for general reading button............
Title: Re:Eeeek! A Mouse...!
Post by: eileen on June 29, 2004, 12:36:09
 ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re:Eeeek! A Mouse...!
Post by: Plocket on June 29, 2004, 16:17:25
No! Eileen you've got to tell us know - gory details and all! Surely Val can close her eyes!!!!!
Title: Re:Eeeek! A Mouse...!
Post by: Mrs Ava on June 29, 2004, 23:38:03
We had mice, and probably still do, living in our compost heap on the plot.  Before I planted my pumpkins in it I had it covered with carpet and one bright morning I pulled the carpet back to chuck on a load of kitchen waste, and there he was, sitting up looking at me as if to say, 'what you got in that bag missus?  Anything tasty for my breakfast?'  I often hear rustling in the hedges when I am all alone on the plot weeding and sometimes see something scamper out the corner of my eye....of course, it could be a rat, or water vole from the stream, but then it could be mousey keeping an eye on me.
Title: Re:Eeeek! A Mouse...!
Post by: eileen on June 29, 2004, 23:55:18
The carpet fitter and the mouse.

OK here goes.

This guy was called out to fit a carpet in an old womans house. She'd had the room cleared and all that was left for him to shift was a tank with some mice in it sitting on the floor. The carpet fitter was scared of mice. The old woman couldn't bend down to pick the tank up so a neighbour was called. He tilted the tank up at one end to get a grip of it and out spilled the mice. The carpet fitter decided to leg it across the room but in the process stood on one of the mice.

The old woman brought the mouse into the surgery (along with the neighbour) and gently unfolded it from a large handkerchief. The poor thing had a broken back and its insides were coming out of its back end. It was still alive. We had to explain to the woman that there was just no way we could cure her pet. She was heartbroken as her Grandson had given her the mice as an eightieth birthday present!!

We found out later that the carpet fitter was still  in the room with the other mice (hiding in a  fitted cupboard.)  The old woman had locked the door to the room (which was also her front door) to bring the injured mouse to us. The poor man was a gibbering wreck when she finally found him and let him out.


Title: Re:Eeeek! A Mouse...!
Post by: Mrs Ava on June 29, 2004, 23:59:25
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHHAAHAH  Oh Eileen.  Sad for the mouse, but the thought of the gibering wreck carpet fitter chap.  Not good to be alughing out loud with the kids asleep in the next room!
Title: Re:Eeeek! A Mouse...!
Post by: Plocket on June 30, 2004, 09:27:24
Oh wow! Good story - poor little mouse.

When I was a teenager and still living at home, I had a cat who could catch anything - fish, birds, mice, squirrels etc. She used to come into the bathroom with me, and when I lay in the bath she would sit on the edge with her front paws on my shoulder, and sometimes drink the water (yuck!).

One evening I was getting ready for my bath and the cat scratched at the bathroom door, so as usual I let her in. By this time I was naked and about to climb into my nice hot bath, but I noticed the cat wasn't waiting for me. I turned to see her drop a tiny field mouse onto the floor and it proceeded to leap and run about the room. I yelped, grabbed a towel, and jumped onto the toilet (lid down!), while the cat chased the mouse around the bathroom.

Eventually my dad heard my cries and rushed to my aid. Scenario: naked daughter standing on the loo, cat leaping after lively and very much alive mouse! He left me only to return with a tupperware box so he too leaped around the room trying to catch the mouse. Cat was banished and eventually dad won. He took the mouse down the road to freedom while I soaked in a now tepid bath!
Title: Re:Eeeek! A Mouse...!
Post by: Val on June 30, 2004, 11:00:42
I can't too much mascara, false eyelashes, they stay permanantely open.
Title: Re:Eeeek! A Mouse...!
Post by: Plocket on June 30, 2004, 12:48:37
You've totally lost me with that reply Val!
Title: Re:Eeeek! A Mouse...!
Post by: Val on June 30, 2004, 16:10:35
It didn't fit in where it should have done. something about closing my eyes, I don't know forgotten now, but it must have meant something at the time, I think! Eileen and Plocket you did make me laugh, see I'm not the only one.

Title: Re:Eeeek! A Mouse...!
Post by: Plocket on June 30, 2004, 16:45:48
There's always a good story around!!! At least you can laugh about mice!!!
Title: Re:Eeeek! A Mouse...!
Post by: TrailRat on June 30, 2004, 18:10:35
Talk about your cringe factor Plocket. Love the stories both of them. Sorry for the mouse though with the carpet fitter. :( Sorry for the carpet fitter, grown man hiding in a cupboard. I presume it was the man hiding in the cupboard not the mice.

Title: Re:Eeeek! A Mouse...!
Post by: Plocket on June 30, 2004, 19:12:56
It's a great image - grown man in a cupboard because of mice!!! I wonder whether his mates found out???
Title: Re:Eeeek! A Mouse...!
Post by: lilylover on July 01, 2004, 09:25:13
Loving this thread  ;D and howling laughing at the man in the cupboard and the grown son legging it.
Backing on to a field we have lots of mice about but things came to a head last winter when one family decided the house was warmer than the shed.
One evening I was busy upstairs (ok I was on the pc  ;) )  and 22 yr old son was lying on the couch watching a film.
Shouts of alarm and thuds erupted from downstairs and then pathetic calls of 'Muuuuuuum!'
Running down I found son in the dining room standing on a chair pointing in to the couch gasping 'mouse!' Apparently it had run along the back of the couch and then under the cushion his head was lying on  ;D
He didn't seem to appreciate me laughing either....
Title: Re:Eeeek! A Mouse...!
Post by: Plocket on July 01, 2004, 10:21:43
Oh I love all these mouse stories! Especially when the guys are the ones panicing!!! I've another mouse story but without the cringe factor! More cute factor I think:

I used to work in an old house, converted into an office, in London. Three of us girls worked on the ground floor and one day a mouse ran across the office floor. We didn't mind too much until the numbers increased, and the mice became more bold - running over our feet and desks! Eventually we had to tell the company and they put out traps, but we did insist they were humane ones. Eventually I think 8 mice were caught and one of the girls took them home on the tube in a cage in a paper bag! She released them in her large back garden and I never heard anything more about them.

Sorry it's not a more exciting story, but it's still a mouse story all the same!
Title: Re:Eeeek! A Mouse...!
Post by: Chaz Hunter on July 01, 2004, 13:54:42
A few years ago, when I was a carpet fitter, I went to this little old lady's house and all that was left in the room was a tank of ..... ;)
Title: Re:Eeeek! A Mouse...!
Post by: Plocket on July 01, 2004, 14:05:29
Nice one Chaz.....
Title: Re:Eeeek! A Mouse...!
Post by: Val on July 01, 2004, 18:33:56
Way to go Chaz, thats great, ...a few years ago I was a mouse, there was this large hunky carpet fitter........
Title: Re:Eeeek! A Mouse...!
Post by: Plocket on July 01, 2004, 19:18:24
Squeek squeek! And I guess that makes me the little old lady! Thanks a bunch!
Title: Re:Eeeek! A Mouse...!
Post by: Plocket on July 01, 2004, 19:26:45
Hey Val! Found this during my internet wanderings.....


Love Plocket x
Title: Re:Eeeek! A Mouse...!
Post by: eileen on July 01, 2004, 22:47:18
Right here goes with the one about the mice and the electric cables.

One of 'my' vets was called to a farm in West Lothian that had a large herd of dairy cows. A calf had been born during the early hours of the morning that was rather sickly so the farmer's wife had taken it into the kitchen to keep an eye on it until Mr. R (the vet) arrived.

When he entered the kitchen he was greeted by both the farmer and his wife and told all about the calf. He examined the little beast and told them what to do to get it back on it's feet. He was then offered breakfast and a cup of tea (as is the want with early morning call outs) so he sat down at the kitchen table.

The farmer meanwhile, having had his own breakfast, decided to get a large box down from the loft to put the calf into. Mr. R and his wife chatted about everyday matters while she cooked his bacon and eggs.

The next thing they knew was that there was a  series of crashes and bangs coming from the loft and then a scream.They both rushed to the foot of the ladder and shouted to the farmer to see what all the noise was about. What had happened was that mice had been in the loft chewing at the electric cables and the farmer had gone over to see the extent of the damage they'd done. A few mice scattered when he walked across the floor but that didn't bother him unduly. What did was the fact that when he bent over to have a closer look at the cables a mouse shot up his trouser leg. He tried to dislodge it by slapping his leg but the thing just kept crawling higher and higher. Now, like all men I suppose, the farmer was getting worried about just where it would end up so he stamped his foot and shook his leg but still no mouse appeared. He then decided to take off his trousers to deal with the little blighter but as he took stood on one leg getting them off the mouse shot out of the empty trouser leg, ran up his arm and then into his hair. He got such a shock that he staggered, got his foot twisted in the cables, fell over and broke his ankle hence the banging and the scream. He couldn't get down the ladder and Mr. R had to manhandle him down as carefully as he could while the farmer slapped at his head!!

The mouse was never found, however, the poor man wouldn't come face to face with the vet for a long time. You see when he took his trousers off he wasn't wearing any underwear underneath them and the vet got a good view of all his assets!!!  :-[

Cheers Eileen.

Title: Re:Eeeek! A Mouse...!
Post by: Plocket on July 02, 2004, 09:27:54
Oh Eileen! That's hysterical! What a story to start the day. Luckily the poor famer didn't get electrocuted as well!!!

I'm trying to think of any other mouse stories.....
Title: Re:Eeeek! A Mouse...!
Post by: Gardengirl on July 02, 2004, 11:13:46
Great story Eileen :D  There's obviously more to being a vet than 'meets the eye' ;) ;D
Title: Re:Eeeek! A Mouse...!
Post by: eileen on July 02, 2004, 11:14:40
I've got plenty more tales like that from my vet days!!!!!  ::)
Not all relating to mice though.
Hey maybe I should have writtern books like James Herriot did - I could have had loads 'o money by now!!!   ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re:Eeeek! A Mouse...!
Post by: Plocket on July 02, 2004, 12:13:11
You could start a new thread with a story about another animal.....
Title: Re:Eeeek! A Mouse...!
Post by: Val on July 02, 2004, 17:52:16
Do you know this makes me die, and you all wonder why I can't stand the things, they go in places even the light of day don't reach....unless you're lucky! ;) ;) ;)  
Title: Re:Eeeek! A Mouse...!
Post by: Jesse on July 02, 2004, 18:06:24
Oh Eileen, just read your vet story. Just about pee'd myself laughing! Very good  ;D  Will have to warn my husband, he's a plumber and is often crawling about in peoples lofts!
Title: Re:Eeeek! A Mouse...!
Post by: feet of clay on July 02, 2004, 20:29:46
Spluttered all over my screen!  So funny!
Title: Re:Eeeek! A Mouse...!
Post by: Multiveg on July 08, 2004, 11:54:49
More on mice - looking at that white-rot link posted on other board, and thought I would have a look around the site (

A mousetrap made out of chocolate developed by scientists at the University of Warwick is set to bring a new meaning to ‘Death by Chocolate’. The novel invention leads mice into temptation with the irresistible, alluring scent of chocolate essence without the use of bait.
Title: Re:Eeeek! A Mouse...!
Post by: Plocket on July 08, 2004, 12:07:03
Blow that! I'd want to eat the mousetrap!!!

Title: Re:Eeeek! A Mouse...!
Post by: eileen on July 08, 2004, 13:46:28
 ;D ;D ;D @ Plocket!!!!

Now a funny story about mice this time just an update.

I posted a message a few weeks back "Fieldmice get the boot" well all the babies have now left Ian's boot are are out into the great, big world that's my garden. So far 1 has gone to mouse heaven via someone's bl..dy cat and another was despatched by the magpie!!  :'( :'(  Here's hoping the rest of the little brood of fieldmice survive.

Title: Re:Eeeek! A Mouse...!
Post by: Plocket on July 08, 2004, 13:58:03
Oh I think field mice are so dinky!!! Cats and magpies have a lot to answer for don't they? (And I'm a cat lover!)

Hope your little brood don't come and visit too often Eileen! If they do, there's these new chocolate mousetraps.......!
Title: Re:Eeeek! A Mouse...!
Post by: eileen on July 08, 2004, 16:59:49
Can't get this picture out of my head Plocket of you fighting the mice to get at the trap!!!!!!   ::) I take it you like chocolate just a teensy, weensy, wee bit then??  ;D ;D ;D


P.S. At this rate there's not going to be any of the brood left. That $%^£"*&@ cat has just run off with another one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  :'( >:( :'( Anybody got a spare elephant gun? That'd  certainly sort the b.gger out. GGGGRRRRR.
Title: Re:Eeeek! A Mouse...!
Post by: Plocket on July 08, 2004, 17:05:55
(  To say I like chocolate is a bit of an understatement Eileen!

As for the mice - I assume the cat isn't yours? Have a look at the Thompson & Morgan website - they have a plant which apparently offends cats and keeps them away from your garden. I think it is under the bird feeding section.
Title: Re:Eeeek! A Mouse...!
Post by: Bionic Wellies on July 09, 2004, 15:11:00
A venus cat-trap maybe ?
Title: Re:Eeeek! A Mouse...!
Post by: eileen on July 09, 2004, 18:09:34
Thanks for that Plocket will check it out and probably buy a lorry load.  ::) NO it's NOT my cat - wouldn't have one!!

BW - wish they had such a thing I can tell you. Moggy digesting plants sound really good to me. (evil grin emoticon urgently required)

Title: Re:Eeeek! A Mouse...!
Post by: Toots on July 09, 2004, 18:35:29
At the moment I would like a cairn terrier digesting plant as a neighbours 2 are killing our hedgies and chasing away the roe deer,and badgers.

But then its only what they do naturally and are bred to do so I can't blame them for being ill-trained and out of control. >:( ::)
Title: Re:Eeeek! A Mouse...!
Post by: Plocket on July 09, 2004, 19:19:14
Oh well I'm afraid I'm a cat lover - and a cat owner. But I try to be responsible - I have provided a bit of nice earth behind some of my plants, and I clear it regularly. She was very good at using it until I made the mistake of sewing grass seed without covering it, and she decided to do the necessary there! The grass seed has been re-done, and covered. Cat is back to her usual bathroom!

Title: Re:Eeeek! A Mouse...!
Post by: eileen on July 10, 2004, 01:12:41
I've not offended you have I Plocket? I wouldn't actually harm the cat but I'd gladly give it a good soaking with a water pistol in the hope that it would move elsewhere and leave my birds and fieldmice alone.

Toots, as you say it's not the dogs fault that their owner hasn't trained them properly, I think it's about time that some owners were sent to training classes, as well as their pets, as  some of them really don't have a clue!!


Title: Re:Eeeek! A Mouse...!
Post by: Val on July 10, 2004, 13:06:34
 8)Think we all love our little creterrs,dog lover me, but not all dogs, some are just a pain in the whatsit, I do like cats but unfortunately they make me sneeze, bit of a nimby I guess all animals have that right to be, but please rodenty be somewhere else.
Title: Re:Eeeek! A Mouse...!
Post by: Plocket on July 10, 2004, 17:46:18
Oh Eileen - no you certainly haven't offended me! I was just trying to point out that I do try and be responsible for my cat, rather than letting it run wild! I have told my neighbours to use a water pistol if she does anything they don't like! We use one if she does things we don't like!!! My husband is an excellent shot but the cat has got wise to him now!
Title: Re:Eeeek! A Mouse...!
Post by: eileen on July 10, 2004, 18:55:08
 :D so glad  I didn't Plocket.


Title: Re:Eeeek! A Mouse...!
Post by: Toots on July 10, 2004, 19:08:54
We are very lucky now,as our next door neighbours are fond of our cats and feed them when we are away.They would have one themselves but  my friend is allergic to them.Ours are pets at a distance for them!

Our other neighbours also have cats so that is OK with them too.

It does make a difference when you are not feeling that they are a nuisance.

 ;D ;)Toots
Title: Re:Eeeek! A Mouse...!
Post by: Val on July 12, 2004, 10:44:03
We had a huge great cat in the garden yesterday, even the dog was nervous, A lovely colour mind , a light grey, almost silver, but by crikey was it big, round as well as tall.
Title: Re:Eeeek! A Mouse...!
Post by: Plocket on July 12, 2004, 15:59:52
When I was little, I went with dad to one of his clients, who asked his daughter to go and get their cat Daisy. Off she went and returned with what looked like a large furry cushion over her arms. It turned out to be a very VERY fat black cat which certainly didn't suit it's name. It could hardly walk, let alone run, because it lived off steak and cream apparently!!!

Title: Re:Eeeek! A Mouse...!
Post by: Val on July 12, 2004, 16:41:05
Poor thing, that seems to much, this one was quite fit, it managed to fly...well not literally...over the fence.
Title: Re:Eeeek! A Mouse...!
Post by: Plocket on July 12, 2004, 17:09:12
Are you sure yours wasn't the Creature from Kent? Sounds fit and huge!
Title: Re:Eeeek! A Mouse...!
Post by: Val on July 12, 2004, 17:11:38
Well we are supposed to have wild cats roaming around but it wasn't that big, I wouldn't have gone out the door ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re:Eeeek! A Mouse...!
Post by: Plocket on July 12, 2004, 17:14:20
It should keep the mice at bay though Val!!!!!
Title: Re:Eeeek! A Mouse...!
Post by: Val on July 12, 2004, 17:20:05
Yes its a bit late, it was probably that , that dropped it off in the first place.going to do some cross-stitch now, take care . :)
Title: Re:Eeeek! A Mouse...!
Post by: Plocket on July 13, 2004, 07:49:13
I have assumed that you are going to do the cross-stitch Val, not the cat!  ;)
Title: Re:Eeeek! A Mouse...!
Post by: Val on July 13, 2004, 12:12:37
 ;D ;DYes, should be called happy stitch really, did a bit yesterday, I'm doing beautiful Britain at the moment...Its traditional scenes, I've done a parish postbox, now on steam train, probably do a country inn next.Wish I could get the garden like the pictures, not a weed in sight.
Title: Re:Eeeek! A Mouse...!
Post by: Plocket on July 13, 2004, 18:58:51
Oh they sound really pretty. My mum taught me cross stitch but I don't really do it now. I've so much going on that I haven't got time. Good luck with yours though.
Title: Re:Eeeek! A Mouse...!
Post by: eileen on July 13, 2004, 19:50:44
Just dropping in to say bye for now. I'm off to Holland early tomorrow morning for my hols.  ;D See you all in two weeks.

Take care!!

Love to you all. Eileen.
Title: Re:Eeeek! A Mouse...!
Post by: Plocket on July 14, 2004, 08:34:04
Eileen have a fantastic holiday - I will miss your smilie faces!!! Send us a postcard..... ;)
Title: Re:Eeeek! A Mouse...!
Post by: Val on July 14, 2004, 10:55:14
 8)Have a great time Eileen, you might bump into Wills leaving , he's going on holiday soon. See you in a couple of weeks, have fun. :-*
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