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Recipes / Re: sourdough
« Last post by Tiny Clanger on September 11, 2024, 09:55:50 »
Sorry, never tried to make sourdough bread. I do however have a recipe for "Herman the German" cake, which employs a similar principle.
Recipes / Re: sourdough
« Last post by tricia on September 10, 2024, 14:19:03 »
I've pm'd you my recipe  ACE.

Tricia  :wave:
Recipes / sourdough
« Last post by ACE on September 10, 2024, 10:38:47 »
Who makes it and how do you make it, Millions of chancers giving advice on the web, but most must be taken with a pinch of salt.  Our first effort needed a hacksaw to slice it and I expect it is negative calories judging on the effort needed to chew it
Edible Plants / Re: Seed Saving Circle 2024
« Last post by JanG on September 07, 2024, 07:49:56 »
I couldn't grow them all, still catching up with last year's and the year before.  The Ambrosia Blue have just been outstanding, not so much blue as chocolate brown, after a 'blue' stage and such depth of flavour.  Ditto Ambrosia Rose UBX.  Yes Blaby always does well and tastes good too. 

Yes, I couldn’t grow them all either! Such a rich choice, and I wanted to grow a few from earlier years too, either to renew seed or because of fond memories.
Edible Plants / Re: Can anyone solve this mystery pls
« Last post by galina on September 06, 2024, 10:07:54 »
Did the garlic wrappers have purple stripes?  Did it flower and have bulbils in the top?  They say that Caulk White can have quite large cloves, but the other features should show a clear difference.

Caulk is a hardneck, so should have flowered and produced bulbils.  Elephant garlic also flowers but does not produce bulbils in its flower head.  And elephant garlic wrappers do not have purple stripes, they are white.  Elephant garlic when dug up, usually has small bulblets in a hard brown wrapper hanging off the bulb,  hardneck garlic does not have this at all.  Did you see bulblets when you dug the cloves?  You could not have missed them, they are so obvious. 

If you go by clove size alone, then it is quite possible that you have relatively few cloves in a bulb of a hardneck variety, but that these are bigger than the average softneck garlic.  Softneck garlics do not flower, but make more, smaller cloves.  What are the other characteristics of the garlic?

I do not think that they have changed species, but that with good fertile soil, you got maximum size bulbs possible for this variety, whereas what they sent for seed bulbs was probably smaller.
Edible Plants / Re: Seed Saving Circle 2024
« Last post by galina on September 06, 2024, 09:54:25 »
I couldn't grow them all, still catching up with last year's and the year before.  The Ambrosia Blue have just been outstanding, not so much blue as chocolate brown, after a 'blue' stage and such depth of flavour.  Ditto Ambrosia Rose UBX which tastes fab.  Yes Blaby always does well and tastes good too. 
Edible Plants / Re: Seed Saving Circle 2024
« Last post by galina on September 06, 2024, 09:52:57 »
I couldn't grow them all, still catching up with last year's and the year before.  The Ambrosia Blue have just been outstanding, not so much blue as chocolate brown, after a 'blue' stage and such depth of flavour.  Ditto Ambrosia Rose UBX.  Yes Blaby always does well and tastes good too. 
Edible Plants / Re: Seed Saving Circle 2024
« Last post by JanG on September 06, 2024, 06:29:53 »
I’m wondering whether anyone else is as excited as I am by so ,any of the Seed Circle tomato varieties as I am.

Garrett’s Girl Girl’s Weird Thing keeps producing large beautiful striped fruit. It’s very productive for a beefsteak type

Ruud’s Grandma Viney’s is interestingly coloured (I’ve seen it listed as Grandma Viney’s Pink and Yellow) and absolutely enormous. I had one fruit which was 2lbs 1oz!

Markfield Rover’s Seattle Best of All and Blaby Special are both highly productive classically mid-sized red tomatoes.

And Galina’s Tim’s Taste of Paradise just goes on and on producing small delicious yellow fruit

Ruud’s Blue Beauty is very beautiful but for me not very productive. I wonder whether anyone else has found the same

And I love the dusky colouring on Garrett’s Piglet Willie’s French Black

I could mention others too. Such a rich variety of tomato fruits. I love them all!
Edible Plants / Re: Can anyone solve this mystery pls
« Last post by JanG on September 06, 2024, 05:55:28 »
Could you spell out for us how you know they’re a different species? I take it that they have a milder flavour and are very large. Are there any other diagnostic features?
Edible Plants / Apologie for posting three time
« Last post by lottie lou on September 05, 2024, 14:35:04 »
Please accept my apologies for multiple posts. Mods can you please delete excess. Thanks. May
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