General > The Shed

I'm Back.......

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Garden Manager:
......and it is a bout flipping time!!

Has anyone missed me?  ???

No i havent been away although i'd like a holiday after the week i've just had.

Main problem has been my internet connection. My ISP froze me out after 22 suspicious emails were sent from my account.  It appears that dispite best efforts the 'worm' that has been spreading havoc on the 'net, got into my email and sent all those mails.  My Isp smelling a rat promply shut down my account, which I have only just this evening got back running again.

It seems though as if i did not miss much at the weekend as the site was apparently having problems.

I hope you are all well.

Hi Richard. I`ve just bought a new computer.  The beauty of this one is Bigfix, whenever there are any security problems I get the opportunity to download patches or whatever is needed to deter the virus etc.  It`s great!!  ;D  I`ve already downloaded five!

Richard, we had similar problems about 10 days ago, when we started getting bizarre e-mails by the dozen.  :(  >:( Have got a fire-wall installed so managed to get them cleared, but what an irritating nuisance they were.

Glad you are back with us again.   :D busy_lizzie  

Ragged Robin:
Richard ,
.my heart soars like an eagle at the news of your return.

Hope you can catch up with the posts before Dan swaps us about.

Now youve done it richard  first EJ now YOU... stop mentioning HOLIDAYS I iz getting so tempted and me credit cards are just luring me.... glad you iz back richard  nowt much happened ...bit quiet and all that jazz :)



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