General > The Shed

new lights


wish i had a digi camera so i could be boastful about my new dutch lights - lugged 16 large concrete slabs and 40 breezeblocks to lottie to construct huge, 3bay coldframes, lined with polystyrene with inside glazing of horticultural glass, laid flat and outer glazing of twin wall polycarbonate, laid with a pitch and overhang. Cost 120 squids as i had a few blocks and slabs anyway but, oh, the money it will save. I will never buy another plant again - from seed or nothing!
fantastic, 3.6metres long, 1.4 metres wide and 60cm tall at back, bedded on sand. love it - but,oh, my back and arms ache.

Wish I could lend you my camera campanula. :( I'd love to see your coldframes. Hope you've enough money left for all those lovely seeds.   :D

I picked up 6 Dutch lights free - put them on edge in a 'square', with 2 as a lid (with polycarb glazing) - grew 8 Aubies to fruition. = Tim

The bit expressing my admiration for your great achievement seems to have got wiped at the touch of a button - sorry!

Later - so you'll be growing melons etc??


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