Produce > Edible Plants

Seeds - seduced by a name...

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;D  Ordered most of my seeds yesterday, and how could I resist the allure of Good King Henry, or not want to try Marvel of Four Seasons lettuce in the summer?  Ahhhh, sheer poetry!!

btw. the celeriac I'm giving a go for the 1st time is BALDER - anyone tried it?...and

Florence Fennel - SELMA? Says that it's slow to bolt. Stephan/anyone,  is it as good as Rudy?

My dwarf french beans, along with yellow and rainbow chard, are going to be a riot of green, purple and sungold..

and again, thanks to Stephan's recommendation, even the beet (Chioggia) is going to be stripey.

Purple sprouting..they've a new one RED ARROW, which promises to mature to picking in about 3 months?

OH! and has anyone grown Harbinger toms, please?

All these will be new varieties to me.

I'm so looking forward to next season!! - Lishka

Don't forget the Golden Beet (non staining) - a must!! But sow 3 times as many as normal - temperamental.

Red Arrow didn't do us too well - but we mess up lot's of things.

Harbinger - yes - like it. HDRA say if you have only one type, have that. = Tim

ooooh tim, i am smacking my lips. great veggie pics! I am so looking forward to growing mine. my garden is so tiny that i only ever grew tomatoes and herbs. I have had a demented time looking through catalogues and am frequently seduced by the names and pics. There are a lot of us who are new to vegetable growing so advice or suggestions from people who actually grow the veggies rather than sell them, is priceless. I read Gavin's tattie reviews and promptly ordered Red Duke of York, Pink Fir Apple and Kestrel potatos. Can we have more suggestions and picsif possible.
Thanks, suzy

Aha Tim, you have answered a query for me! I was going to give up on the golden beetroot cos of it's poor show for the past 2 years, now thanks to you I shall put in 3 seeds per plant! Thank you  ;D
Campanula, I have an awful habit of not jotting down what I have grown, where and when, which is a very bad habit!! Must be my New Years resolution to get a book and keep notes ;D
I am pouring over potatoes at the mo, and so far have only come up with Kestrel, and I definately want to give Anya a go. I do not bother to grow main croppers as they take up far too much space and time for my liking,(plus the slugs seem to get to em before me) so I stick to the first and second earlies.
I would highly recommend bright lights chard, and you have to have a squash or 6! I have always had luck with butternut. Growing loads more of them next year.
Courgettes are a must, I find 8 plants are way too many for this family of 4, and am constantly giving them away to anyone that will take them! I grow defender, yellow, and green round ones. (see if I had written the name in a book.......!)  Rambled enough! Dottie P.

Mrs Ava:
I am horrendous!  I buy at least 50% of my seeds purely because I like the name!  :o The other 25% are made up of odd lookers and weird colours (doing purple sprouts next year!)  :D and then the last 25% are sensible seeds purchased because they are good croppers or disease resistant.  8)  I lurve beetroot (is there a veg I don't like  ???) and the golden ones look yum, gotta try 'em!  ;D


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