General > The Shed

another day blown


Took this afternoon off to spend in the lottie with 3 yr old.  After a very happy hour digging trenches and weeding onions the heavens opened - and 3 yr old didn't want to play digging to Australia in the rain.  So cross as the last couple of days have been gorgeous and dry - perfect digging weather up here, and I've been working. whinge, whine, moan...

Oh Ceri - bad luck!  Don't read EJs OUCH thread - you'll be reaching for the St Johns Wort!

if only I'd nicked off work this morning, not this afternoon (mind you on a site visit I happened to go via Wilkinsons following advice on the board - cheapie cheapie seeds - even bought two raspberry canes after I read on here they had some so that made up for it a bit)  

Go girl!  Seems you are on a bargain hunting roll this week!


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