The Show > Pumpkin 'tastic

Which pumpkins for edible seeds?


I like pumpkin seeds, both to nibble, and to chuck a handful into the bread dough.

I know you need particular varieties of pumpkin to be able to gather the edible seeds (they've gotta be 'naked' ones  ;) apparantly), but apart from the eminently suitably named 'Lady Godiva' in the Organic Catalogue, I can't find any others. Is it a case of Hobson's Choice? Or does anyone have any other possibilities?

Oooh good question!

I was kinda hoping it was all kinds (roasted with a little olive oil + sea salt).

Didn't know you could get naked!

you can eat all kinds, yes - with the crust. roast, lightly salt while still warm - yummy.

the posher types dont like the hard crunchy shell though - and for bread making a 'naked' pip is much preferrred. i am growing 'baby bear' which i think has very thin shells - they certainly looked quite different when i sowed them :)


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