General > The Shed

One thing after another ........

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Garden Manager:
Do anyof you get spells when you just cant 'win'?

End of last week I did an injury to a knee and was in some discomfort over the weekend.

I get over this (turned out to be a bad sprain It seems), then get hit yesterday by a bad cold. I am currently siting at home feeling lousy. BUT not so lousy that I cant visit A4all!  So it cant be THAT  bad then.

It is rather annoying, the sun is shining - glorious day out, yet here I am stuck. I also have lots planned in the next few days on top of what needs doing in the garden. I am facing a race against time it seems to get 'fit' again.

Sorry to moan, but I felt the need to share this with you


Oh dear Richard! Sorry you are not well - get better soon.

P.S. read your message with a face mask on - just in case it's contagious.

Garden Manager:
LOL Granny  ;D

Cheered me up no end that. Humor, best form of medicine, they say

Sorry to hear your under par, Richard.  Rest  up and wrap up warmly, lots of drinks with honey and lemon, and you will soon be feeling better. There will be other lovely days in the garden, so keep your chin up!   :) busy_lizzie

I often find that spells of 'good luck' or 'bad luck' seem to come all at once. But I think it's more to do with our attitude towards them, rather than the actual events. When we are happy, we find it easier to brush off the slightly negative things and the postive seems even batter. When we are a little low, we notice the negative things even more and dwell on them, and we ignore any good things that happen or brush them off, so it seems like we have nothing but bad luck.

So what you need to do now is change your attitude towards these events. Don't let your cold get you down (although sympathy as I'm recovering from one at the mo) and enjoy the beauty of the spring bulbs popping up and all the buds on the trees.


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