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What would you like info on in the Article section

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I would like green manure explained to me  :-[and which one would be best for my lottie? explained in lay mans language.  :( Teresa

companion planting - recommended combinations please.

I'm fascinated by companion planting, so another vote for that one please - I'm finding hard to find more than just general info about it - specifics please.  More about crop rotation - not just 4 beds blah blah blah, but recommendations on which group best follows which and why.  

I would like articles on 'diy projects' like:

1 Making a scarecrow
2 Building a bird table (kinda contradicts no 1)
3 Buiding a simple pond
4 Building a compost container
5 Building a simple arch

and I'm sure there's loads more! Just a few things to keep me busy over winter!

Admin aka Dan:
Well I know we have a pond expert !

Someone I believe has two, good opportunity for pictures as well.

And if hugh (I think) would like to put together something about coffee and slugs I;m sure it would be much appreciated (not least be me).


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