Produce > Under Glass

No growbags

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With this been our first year with a greenhouse [no floor yet] we're going to manure the soil then put our toms and peppers straight in. Should it be ok ? i'm worried about them all been in the same ground if one gets diseased would they all be ruined.

The sort of disease you might get in the first season is unlikelyto spread through the soil. But it is recommended to sterilise the borders each year - or change the soil.

I'm sure many don't!

It will be fine-don`t worry. But it is true that over time the same soil may get diseases or a deficiency of some sort.

I change mine in the big greenhouse and polytunnel over three years,using muck and stuff from the compost bins-but it is hard work.

I also use a kind of `ring culture`-10inch plastic flower buckets with the bottom cut out-the buckets are filled with JINo3 and plunged into the soil.


Anne Robertson:
those flower buckets are really usefull, I got 30 free from Asda  ;D i asked for a few and she said help yourself to as many as you want. i don't know if the other stores are as generous.

You leave the flowers in the store??


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