Advice on Planting Raspberries in a raised bed

Started by George the Pigman, September 15, 2024, 19:25:04

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George the Pigman

I have decided to plant raspberries in one of my raised beds this coming year. I've planted them before in an area at the back of the allotment that I now realise was too shaded and very poorly drained (we have clay soil) and needless to say they did badly.
I'm going to get some raspberry canes from a local garden centre, start them off in pots this year then plant them out next year in one of my 8ft by 4ft raised beds.
Any ideas about planting distances specifically for raised beds and what trellis support I would need?

George the Pigman

Deb P

I'd plant autumn fruiting raspberries in that space. No supports required, cut them to the ground in Feb, and keep an eye out for suckers trying to escape the bed. Try and make sure you have a really weedfree bed before planting as they are shallow rooted plants and difficult to weed around so you could either plant through membrane, or heavily mulch to keep weeds down. I had couch get itself established in my old raspberry bed and despite my efforts it eventually weakened the plants so much I dug them out...
If it's not pouring with rain, I'm either in the garden or at the lottie! Probably still there in the rain as well TBH....🥴


I've got raspberry canes in raised flower beds at home - they've done well but have produced new shoots(runners?)
It's a temporary spot as I'm waiting for an allotment.
( near the top of the list🤞)
After cutting them back, should I plant them into supermarket flower pots over winter, while they are dormant.
Will they ok?)


Unless you want to plant the bed with other stuff now I would pot them up in early Spring...

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