Allotment Stuff > The Basics

Winter Composter Project

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The other thing to do is to turn the heap over regularly, say at least every week. That refreshed the oxygen levels and keeps the process going.


--- Quote from: Palustris on January 30, 2024, 12:04:56 ---The other thing to do is to turn the heap over regularly, say at least every week. That refreshed the oxygen levels and keeps the process going.

--- End quote ---
Sorry. I'm far too lazy. :tongue3: :tongue3: :tongue3:

But seriously, I loosen up the big open heap with a fork every week when I top it up. The dustbin heaps might get loosened up once a month tops, because frankly it's awkward. A downside of using the bins.

If you can find some old lengths of plastic down pipe, then drill holes in it, about every 6 inches and push it down into the heap or the bins. That gets oxygen into the material and does improve the speed of decomposition.


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