Produce > Edible Plants

Storing potatoes

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i'd like advice on storing potatoes, please.  I keep them in the coolest room in the house, a bathroom on the north side, which isn't particularly cool at the moment, but during the winter it is.  I put the potatoes in closed cardboard boxes.  The room has a closed shutter so is almost dark.
We do have a garage, but that has a window and faces south so is very warm now.
My 'winter' potatoes always start sprouting by late September, and onwards, so I go over them regularly, removing sprouts.

This year we have had our best crop ever, both of early, middle and late varieties.  I'm wondering whether I'd be better keeping them in open trays, in a little light, although still as cool as possible?  Or are closed boxes the best?  I don't have any net bags. 
Thank you for any advice

That's pretty much what I do - store in cardboard boxes in the garage which can get warm now but doesn't freeze later. We usually eat the Charlotte by now and start on the Kestrel which will sprout before Christmas, with the Pink Fir Apple being fine till then (if any left). But this year the crop is about twice as large, so I don't know how it will go!

Tee Gee:
This is how I used to do it

I keep mine in an outhouse once I’ve gathered them all in and sorted through them. As they would undoubtedly be nibbled by rodents out there, I have a dedicated galvanised metal dustbin. I’ve drilled holes in the top half or so of it and put screwed up newspaper in the bottom few inches to absorb any moisture. It’s been working well for years. They do sprout gradually but are still usable, just about, until the first few from the polytunnel are ready.

What a wonderful  comprehensive lesson on the ideal way to grow potatoes, Teegee, and so clear too!  When I first started to grow them, nearly 50 years ago, I remember watching our good neighbour preparing his ground,  making trenches, and supporting them with wooden planks, it  took him all day.  He then removed the planks when it was time to earth up. I'm afraid that even at a young age, my reaction was that looked like too much hard work (being a female!), and i've only ever planted  potatoes, one by one, with a  trowel, pushing it as deep as I can, and then doing an immediate earth up with the trowel, and raking the whole line up at the end, finish! I've always been happy with the crop, so I don't think I'll do it 'properly' just yet!
It's only here  where it is warmer, that i've had problems with the potatoes shooting by early autumn.  I guess that would happen in paper sacks as well - but I wouldn't be able to see them, or see any going bad.  So I've kept them in shallow cardboard boxes, so I can check their state easily, and see any  suspect ones as well. 
I just wondered whether wise people might say, that 'd be better to store them in a lighter cool area rather than dark, and in open boxes,  as that might discourage the shoots  forming.


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