Produce > Edible Plants


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It's getting to that time when people avoid you as you come back from the allotments... but has anyone seen any "Zucchetta, Rugosa Friulana" we used to see them in garden centres from "Franchi" but since Brexit I haven't seen any. It's our favourite, being firmer than most. The courgette is yellow and warty but great for cooking... my limited IT skills mean I haven't been able to source some. I even have an Italian allotment neighbour who looked when he was on holiday, but I was calling them Fruliana...

A search throws up that a business called London Grow has them and other Franchi seeds.

I grew some last year after being given seeds by a gardening colleague.  Unfortunately surgery for a prosthetic knee meant I had to leave the gardening to OH in July and most of August and he didn't pick them small enough or often enough so the skins were like dried leather and the centres spongy.

This year I've stuck to normal yellow courgettes and some yellow courgette de Nice (round) but I've also had the other knee done so one or two zeppelins are creeping into the pantry and a small football form the Nice ones.   I've had words.

Thanks Paulh,
just ordered two packets... the website isn't really set up to sell seeds but the internal search engine is very efficient.

You are right Obelixx, then do go over very quickly... but picked small they are the best courgette... I'm no botanist but I suspect they aren't true courgettes but an estranged gourd...


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