Produce > Edible Plants

Gooseberries quality amazing - quantity awful

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Yet again despite being netted my yields were bad this year - this had one berry

20230710_181508 by davholla2002, on Flickr

This one I have pruned very badly and there are some berries but they are painful to harvest any ideas?

20230710_181525 by davholla2002, on Flickr

This was the best so far some are still ripening
20230710_181514 by davholla2002, on Flickr

Tee Gee:
How and when do you prune them?

I find that growing the plant/s in a 'goblet' shape "U" allows air around the plant/s.

(It also makes harvesting easier too)

With due respect, looking at the base of your plants, there seems to be an issue with a proliferation of grass.

That along with the relatively dry season we have this year may be a reason for your poor crop.

For example, this year my crop is terrific, but sadly the berries are only about half the size they would be in a wetter year. :BangHead:

This is how I cultivate my one and only plant/bush;


--- Quote from: Tee Gee on July 13, 2023, 14:32:29 ---How and when do you prune them?

I find that growing the plant/s in a 'goblet' shape "U" allows air around the plant/s.

(It also makes harvesting easier too)

With due respect, looking at the base of your plants, there seems to be an issue with a proliferation of grass.

That along with the relatively dry season we have this year may be a reason for your poor crop.

For example, this year my crop is terrific, but sadly the berries are only about half the size they would be in a wetter year. :BangHead:

This is how I cultivate my one and only plant/bush;

--- End quote ---
I pruned them in the winter and tried to get a goblet shape, the grass was partly because when netted I was hard to weed them but I will remember that for the winter and water them more.

We had a decent crop 8 lb off 3 bushes , I only net them when the tiny fruit is just forming, ( picture ...If that is the net you use , seems too heavy , you only need to keep birds from stealing them )

I had three gooseberry bushes initially. Like a couple of yours, one never produced any fruit so I got rid of it. Another sickened and died earlier this year so that has gone too. The remaining one is very productive and thornless which is such a pleasure after being lacerated trying to pick berries! It’s called Pax and I love it, so I’m hoping to start two more from it. I’m not sure what my conclusion is, except perhaps that the variety seems to make quite a difference, as well as quite ruthless pruning to keep fruit off the ground and the bushes open and airy.


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