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The weather today part 3

Started by ACE, February 25, 2022, 15:56:05

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Nice and sunny but the brass monkey is badly in need of a welder. Somebody said it was snowing yesterday, must have been up the other end of the road, I never saw any.



Beautiful here too, bright blue sky... lots of spring flowers out.

Deb P

Beautiful blue skies with warm sun, I've been in the garden for three hours pruning and tidying, only came in because my foot was hurting again and despite thermals, gloves, hat and gilet still rather chilly! 🥶
If it's not pouring with rain, I'm either in the garden or at the lottie! Probably still there in the rain as well TBH....🥴


It stopped raining yesterday for enough time for me to mow and strim my overgrown paths. A bit later than usual because of the weather. I always say the grass starts growing when the temp reaches 10 degrees. Now back to the norm again, raining.



Brightened up later and we were able to get some stuff done, mainly re organising the greenhouses ready for the season... very wet in the avenues though!


Gritty orange rain today, all the way from the Sahara.


Its been raining all afternoon here in Yorkshire so spent the time sowing seeds but the forecast is good for the next few days so feeling hopeful
Barnsley S Yorks


Sounds lovely ACE! We had a wet afternoon but the skies cleared overnight so we now have frost but a beautiful sunny start..


We started with murky yellow skies on Tuesday had a layer of sand on cars, roofs, everything.   Same again yesterday.

Today skies are almost a normal pale grey and its dry but we could do with a good downpour or 3 to clear the sand in the atmosphere and rinse all the foliage.   Certainly not worth going to the carwash just yet.
Obxx - Vendée France


might be lovely for some, but a bit weird at sunset


Going to be a hot one down this way. The washing on the line is steaming at 9.30


Beautiful day here, just had two ours clearing overgrown plots with a work party.


A drop of poor mans fertilizer started coming down, went to get the camera and it was all over with and gone.


We had some too but it only lasted half an hour. Beautifully sunny morning now but brrrr! Only 1 degree C.


We had several snow showers yesterday, interspersed with bright sunshine. Oh to be in England in the spring!


It's been mostly sunny here bit with a biting wind giving a lot of wind chill factor and, finally, some snowflakes this evening.  Expecting snow overnight and a "feels kike -8C".   

Having been busy with decorating and sewing since early Feb I've not sown much since the broad beans in late December so I bought some veggie plug plants today, all now fed, watered and tucked up in the polytunnel for safety.  Plant fair on Sunday - not held for the last 2 years - and I'm hoping to pick up some tomato treasures from Heritage Man to get a head start on my late sowings.

Obxx - Vendée France


Wet start, but no frost... hopefully will dry up during the morning...


Well, the wind has dropped, the rain has stopped and it may last all weekend.... allotment here I come!


We have storm Diégo here, blowing a hoolie but not as badly as the 120kph forecast.  However there's lots of rain too and that may be enough to soften the earth and bring down a few more old trees.

We lost an old walnut in the big blows in Feb and I'm expecting its neighbour to keel over any time so haven't yet called in teh tree surgeon to deal with the first.

On the up side, the potatoes, shallots, white Paris onions and beetroot plugs I planted on Wednesday have certainly had a good soaking to settle them and the 2 remaining chooks are tucked up safe in the polytunnel with food and water and plenty to peck at as the earth has just been weeded, forked and composted ready for tomatoes.   

Despite all the meds, extra hygiene and special feeds we lost another hen to the dreaded parasitic worms on Wednesday night so the whole hen house, pen and polytunnel have been dusted with diatomaceous earth and I'm working my round the rest of the veggie beds and paths - when it's not raining and blowing a gale!   They have to be confined at the mo cos of avian flu.
Obxx - Vendée France

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