Allotment Stuff > The Basics

One line questions / One line answers

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I've thrown more in (plus tried Obelixx's idea) - it was a Franchi packet, so I could have planted millions!

One feature of browsing the int'web is that your interests and purchasing habits are tracked and in turn you get to see advertisements related to your interests.  Lately I've been getting a few adverts for seed storage tins. The prices are outrageous and hard to see any advantage over my old biscuit tins.

Is it possible someone has ever actually bought one?

I use old ice cream containers but now I also have smaller pots that held Thai red curry paste or Korean miso paste and they're a really good shape and size for things like Chiltern seed packets.

Tee Gee:
Christmas present 2010 from my granddaughter. It was full of biscuits when I received it

I also have a few larger biscuit boxes that I use for my seeds.

But to answer your question;

I would never buy a box such as this!

Tiny Clanger:
People have tins (plastic) of Quality St, Heros etc. I scrounge tgem and use for seed. Keeps them out of landfill. I try to keep similar types of seed in each tin.


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